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Europe submits voluntarily

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Stop overcompensating then. Otherwise "Alternative for Sweden" will win next elections.

The political discourse works in dichotomies. One side is for. The other is against. That's how politics always have worked. To create change both sides need to change at the same time. Of course, a little bit at a time over time.

This comment reveals, yet again, that you don't understand how politics... or the world works. You remind me of people who say "why don't they just get a job" about homeless people.

Some people are homeless through no fault of their own. But surprise surprise, some won't get off their arses and try to better themselves.
Muslim Ex Police Officer working in Sweden. He works with refugees'

He discusses crime statistics etc.


Good find. But I worry if you looked at it and actually listened to what he had to say. Do you understand that what the cop said goes right against the claims that you, Derec, TSwizzle and Angelo have been making about the refugees? This guy isn't backing up what you've said earlier.

The basic problem with these refugees to Sweden, hasn't been their religion, or culture, it's just how they have been plopped right into Swedish society and then basically just left to figure it out by themselves. Forbidden to get jobs, and given money, housing and food. What the guy is saying is that refugees need some guidance in learning how things are done here. Well... duh. Obviously. They also need to be allowed to get jobs. Otherwise people develop unhealthy habits. Any people. Working for a living is important to anybody. We all need to feel useful. But even with the Swedish government fucking it up, it's still just a tiny minority who go astray.

True just a tiny minority. The first point is European countries cannot sustain large influxes of people as this hits housing schools and medical care.
The other point is I mentioned was crime. If .05% commit crimes then 300,000 vs 10,000 means more crime. There was an over representation of migrant rape charges.If I remember the figure was 238 but this was out of 38,000.
Modern Europe;

A man carrying a butcher's knife and shouting 'Allahu Akbar' killed two female passengers before being shot dead by soldiers at Marseille's train station in southern France. The attack at Marseille's busiest train station took place early this afternoon, as scores of armed police officers and soldiers swarmed the area. Both victims were women, with one left with a 'sliced neck'. The other was stabbed in the stomach.

Modern Europe;

A man carrying a butcher's knife and shouting 'Allahu Akbar' killed two female passengers before being shot dead by soldiers at Marseille's train station in southern France. The attack at Marseille's busiest train station took place early this afternoon, as scores of armed police officers and soldiers swarmed the area. Both victims were women, with one left with a 'sliced neck'. The other was stabbed in the stomach.


Well, that is from the Daily Mail, so it could be that the two women actually died from the flu, and that guy was really a violent Christian nutter.
The political discourse works in dichotomies. One side is for. The other is against. That's how politics always have worked. To create change both sides need to change at the same time. Of course, a little bit at a time over time.

This comment reveals, yet again, that you don't understand how politics... or the world works. You remind me of people who say "why don't they just get a job" about homeless people.

Some people are homeless through no fault of their own. But surprise surprise, some won't get off their arses and try to better themselves.

So fuck the ones who are not at fault; helping them would also risk giving help to lazy people, and it's better that they all suffer than that someone undeserving might get a few crumbs.

Good find. But I worry if you looked at it and actually listened to what he had to say. Do you understand that what the cop said goes right against the claims that you, Derec, TSwizzle and Angelo have been making about the refugees? This guy isn't backing up what you've said earlier.

The basic problem with these refugees to Sweden, hasn't been their religion, or culture, it's just how they have been plopped right into Swedish society and then basically just left to figure it out by themselves. Forbidden to get jobs, and given money, housing and food. What the guy is saying is that refugees need some guidance in learning how things are done here. Well... duh. Obviously. They also need to be allowed to get jobs. Otherwise people develop unhealthy habits. Any people. Working for a living is important to anybody. We all need to feel useful. But even with the Swedish government fucking it up, it's still just a tiny minority who go astray.

True just a tiny minority. The first point is European countries cannot sustain large influxes of people as this hits housing schools and medical care.
The other point is I mentioned was crime. If .05% commit crimes then 300,000 vs 10,000 means more crime. There was an over representation of migrant rape charges.If I remember the figure was 238 but this was out of 38,000.

As I thought, you didn't listen at all. You just filtered out whatever he said that didn't support your prior opinion. Of course European countries can sustain large influxes of people. Developed countries are wealthy. I think you mean something else?
Some people are homeless through no fault of their own. But surprise surprise, some won't get off their arses and try to better themselves.

So fuck the ones who are not at fault; helping them would also risk giving help to lazy people, and it's better that they all suffer than that someone undeserving might get a few crumbs.


Did i say that! By all means the deserving homeless have to be housed! It's very simple too pick the wheat from the chaff.
True just a tiny minority. The first point is European countries cannot sustain large influxes of people as this hits housing schools and medical care.
The other point is I mentioned was crime. If .05% commit crimes then 300,000 vs 10,000 means more crime. There was an over representation of migrant rape charges.If I remember the figure was 238 but this was out of 38,000.

As I thought, you didn't listen at all. You just filtered out whatever he said that didn't support your prior opinion. Of course European countries can sustain large influxes of people. Developed countries are wealthy. I think you mean something else?

Why not abolish all borders and transfer everyone from any third world country into the "Developed countries!" Better still, all citizens of the Developed world seek refuge in North Africa, Asia and Middle East! After all it was those people who are responsible for all the third world's problems, right!
As I thought, you didn't listen at all. You just filtered out whatever he said that didn't support your prior opinion. Of course European countries can sustain large influxes of people. Developed countries are wealthy. I think you mean something else?

Why not abolish all borders and transfer everyone from any third world country into the "Developed countries!" Better still, all citizens of the Developed world seek refuge in North Africa, Asia and Middle East! After all it was those people who are responsible for all the third world's problems, right!

Again... here's another one who seems uncapable of reading/listening and just hears what they want to hear. Did I say that?

Syria took in a lot of European refugees during WW2. They didn't care who started it. They just took people in. Who gives a fuck who started the war in Syria? It sure as hell wasn't the people fleeing from the country?

Sometimes no single group or people are at fault. The reality of the world is more complex than that. Australia sure as hell isn't affluent because of your contribution. Australia is a rich country today thanks to long dead people.

I don't attribute collective blame, guilt or pride. We're all born into a family, country and culture we didn't earn or deserve. No matter what station in life we find ourselves in. That's just a fact of life. Trying to assign blame and figure out who started it, is what children do. How about growing the fuck up?
You appear to be from the politically correct, self loathing, hand wringing, blame the West, especially the US and Israel for all the problems in the moslem and third world countries. One thing you're correct about is that our forefathers made the developed world we have inherited.
You appear to be from the politically correct, self loathing, hand wringing, blame the West, especially the US and Israel for all the problems in the moslem and third world countries.

Well.. reading comprehension never was your strong point. I've said it a million times. You and me are on the same side. You're just way off into the loony fringe IMHO.

One thing you're correct about is that our forefathers made the developed world we have inherited.

Exactly. They did it. Not you or me. Which gives neither me nor you any right to it. How about just being a wee bit humble and grateful about it?
I'm proud of the things I've done. And only the things I've done, personally. If you're so fucking damn pathetic that you need to cling to actions of other people to find something to be proud about... I wonder who of us is self-loathing. Where's your self respect?

I'm happy for other people when they succeed at stuff. But what I don't do is take over their success as my own, and try to bask in glory I don't deserve. I'm grateful for what my ancestors did for me. There's a difference between being grateful and self entitled. You come across as self entitled? Could you please just man the fuck up?
So fuck the ones who are not at fault; helping them would also risk giving help to lazy people, and it's better that they all suffer than that someone undeserving might get a few crumbs.


Did i say that! By all means the deserving homeless have to be housed! It's very simple too pick the wheat from the chaff.

It is?

That's fantastic news. I do hope you will share the solution to this problem, as it has eluded the people whose jobs it is to try to do it for well over a century.

By the way: *to
Depending on value of "deserving", that statement could either mean housing some of the homeless, not housing the homeless because none of them deserve it, or even taking houses away from those who are undeserving and creating more homeless people.
Why not abolish all borders and transfer everyone from any third world country into the "Developed countries!" Better still, all citizens of the Developed world seek refuge in North Africa, Asia and Middle East! After all it was those people who are responsible for all the third world's problems, right!

Again... here's another one who seems uncapable of reading/listening and just hears what they want to hear. Did I say that?

Syria took in a lot of European refugees during WW2.

The vast majority of the people heading into Europe are not refugees, they are economic migrants. Angelo may be as dumb as a rock, you are deliberately disingenuous.
Again... here's another one who seems uncapable of reading/listening and just hears what they want to hear. Did I say that?

Syria took in a lot of European refugees during WW2.

The vast majority of the people heading into Europe are not refugees, they are economic migrants. Angelo may be as dumb as a rock, you are deliberately disingenuous.

Who gives a fuck about the non-refugees... they're not getting to stay anyway? To continually shift focus away from refugees to non-refugees is being deliberately disingenuous.

And then we have the problem of that the Afghani refugees are genuine refugees, but aren't given refugee status by UNHCR. That's a huge problem... for them. Because they're all just going to get shipped back. So why are you hung up about it?

Here's the thing about refugees. They're like a force of nature. When people are unable to stay in their home communities they start migrating outward. Destabalizing everything in the vicinity. If they weren't already by the wars. It's like dominoes. And once a society falls apart it's a god awful mess putting the bits together again. It's not like we can keep these people out. USA can, because they're far away.

There's many examples of refugee unmanaged crises leading to total pandemonium. Among the most famous is the Goths. Started out as refugees and ending up sacking Rome. Or earlier, the so called "sea peoples" of 1200 BC. Thanks to something we don't know, masses of refugees started flooding out of the Asian steppes and into the more civilized Mediterranean world wiping out every civilisation along the way, including Egypt. ISIS itself can be seen as a result of Iraqi refugees to Syria. Rwandan Tutsi refugees set up a new country, basically inside the borders of Congo. Took over mines and started waging war against the new Hutu lead government in Rwanda.

Ignoring refugees is dangerous. And with the world increasingly globalized their problems will quickly become our problems. What do you think the latest wave of Islamic terror in the west has been all about? Here's a hint... it's not Islam.
Did i say that! By all means the deserving homeless have to be housed! It's very simple too pick the wheat from the chaff.

It is?

That's fantastic news. I do hope you will share the solution to this problem, as it has eluded the people whose jobs it is to try to do it for well over a century.

By the way: *to

Why is it so hard to pick a bludger from someone who is keen to get off his arse?
Again... here's another one who seems uncapable of reading/listening and just hears what they want to hear. Did I say that?

Syria took in a lot of European refugees during WW2.

The vast majority of the people heading into Europe are not refugees, they are economic migrants. Angelo may be as dumb as a rock, you are deliberately disingenuous.

Dumb as a rock? Sticks and stones may break my back, but names....
Meanwhile a "refugee " named Ahmed H, whatever his real name is, left two cousins, both 20 dead in Marseille. This piece of shite had been detained two days earlier but released by French police on the eve of the stabbings. One victims throat was slashed.
Since 2015, 239 innocent people have lost their lives to the "religion of peace!"
The vast majority of the people heading into Europe are not refugees, they are economic migrants. Angelo may be as dumb as a rock, you are deliberately disingenuous.

Who gives a fuck about the non-refugees... they're not getting to stay anyway? To continually shift focus away from refugees to non-refugees is being deliberately disingenuous.

The NON refugees IS the focus. You're the one who tries to shift focus.

Here's the thing about refugees. {snip}

There's many examples of refugee {snip}

Started out as refugees {snip}

Ignoring refugees is dangerous. {snip}

It's not about refugees fella, stay on topic or don't respond.
There's many examples of refugee unmanaged crises leading to total pandemonium. Among the most famous is the Goths. Started ot as refugees and ending up sacking Rome.

Soon to be imitated by the "peaceful" Muslims, refugees, or economic migrants, or seekers of Western "sluts" and welfare, or already born in (and so "native") to Western Europe?
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