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Europe submits voluntarily

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It is?

That's fantastic news. I do hope you will share the solution to this problem, as it has eluded the people whose jobs it is to try to do it for well over a century.

By the way: *to

Why is it so hard to pick a bludger from someone who is keen to get off his arse?

Yes, that's the question you need to answer.
Who gives a fuck about the non-refugees... they're not getting to stay anyway? To continually shift focus away from refugees to non-refugees is being deliberately disingenuous.

The NON refugees IS the focus. You're the one who tries to shift focus.

So why do you have a problem with people staying here temporarily and then getting shipped out?

BTW, Sweden has a stupid policy of asking these people nicely. It's not until they don't show up in exit documentation that the police goes and gets them. That's what happened to the guy who did the terror attack in Sweden. And according to what we learned, he only got radicalised during the month between getting his expulsion notice and doing the deed. This can be avoided by doing two things.

1) Speeding up the refugee process. Won't be as fair. But it'll actually work. That's one of the reasons I like USA's green card lottery system. Sometimes just getting a clear answer promptly is more valuable than getting a maybe. Anybody awaiting information means just putting their lives on hold. All psychological research shows that this is extremely psychologically damaging. It's creates extreme levels of stress that just builds. Nothing good comes of that.

2) When non-refugees get the non-refugee status ruling, they are visited by the police who just take them to a border crossing of their choice, and that's that. Not let into the country again (or for five years or whatever). And we're clear about that people waiting for their refugee status must have their affairs in order at all times. Because any day it can be the end of it.

The problems surrounding this is down to stupid handling by the west. Easily fixed by just fixing the rules surrounding it. The problem has never been the refugees themselves. If we put people into an impossible situation they're going to do strange things.

There's another thing that the Swedish government has done, that is incredibly cruel. They keep changing the rules for refugees. It's clear to anyone that rulings are pretty much arbitrary. And that rulings can be given and taken away just like that. Just being allowed to stay means nothing. Another extreme source of stress for refugees. Their country and home is a scorched gaping hole on map. I'm sure they already feel bad. Perhaps we should be a little bit nice to them? We are being cruel to them (for no reason) and then act surprised when this has unwanted consequences.
There's many examples of refugee unmanaged crises leading to total pandemonium. Among the most famous is the Goths. Started ot as refugees and ending up sacking Rome.

Soon to be imitated by the "peaceful" Muslims, refugees, or economic migrants, or seekers of Western "sluts" and welfare, or already born in (and so "native") to Western Europe?

Peaceful muslims? There's no such thing! Criticise their pedophile prophet, or islam itself, then stand back and watch them riot and murder in the streets.
There's many examples of refugee unmanaged crises leading to total pandemonium. Among the most famous is the Goths. Started ot as refugees and ending up sacking Rome.

Soon to be imitated by the "peaceful" Muslims, refugees, or economic migrants, or seekers of Western "sluts" and welfare, or already born in (and so "native") to Western Europe?

I think, the lesson we can learn is, whether Muslims are peaceful or not has little to do with Islam. It's other stuff. Everybody mostly just wants to get on with life. It's when people can't, or can't see any future that they turn violent. That's the lessons we can learn from the earlier refugee crises turning violent.

There's a danger in seeing ourselves as unique, or a separate kind of human. I think it's important to see ourselves as, pretty much the same, with a bunch of arbitrary identities. Sure, Islam is an unhelpful guide to life. But the stuff that makes us similar, is greater than the stuff that makes us different.
Soon to be imitated by the "peaceful" Muslims, refugees, or economic migrants, or seekers of Western "sluts" and welfare, or already born in (and so "native") to Western Europe?

I think, the lesson we can learn is, whether Muslims are peaceful or not has little to do with Islam. It's other stuff. Everybody mostly just wants to get on with life. It's when people can't, or can't see any future that they turn violent. That's the lessons we can learn from the earlier refugee crises turning violent.

There's a danger in seeing ourselves as unique, or a separate kind of human. I think it's important to see ourselves as, pretty much the same, with a bunch of arbitrary identities. Sure, Islam is an unhelpful guide to life. But the stuff that makes us similar, is greater than the stuff that makes us different.

Until,as angelostates you criticise their religion or Mohammed when they, even if seemingly "peaceful", run amok and murder idiscriminately. The "Xtian" refugees of past years seemed to have got over that reaction a century or two ago.
I think, the lesson we can learn is, whether Muslims are peaceful or not has little to do with Islam. It's other stuff. Everybody mostly just wants to get on with life. It's when people can't, or can't see any future that they turn violent. That's the lessons we can learn from the earlier refugee crises turning violent.

There's a danger in seeing ourselves as unique, or a separate kind of human. I think it's important to see ourselves as, pretty much the same, with a bunch of arbitrary identities. Sure, Islam is an unhelpful guide to life. But the stuff that makes us similar, is greater than the stuff that makes us different.

Until,as angelostates you criticise their religion or Mohammed when they, even if seemingly "peaceful", run amok and murder idiscriminately. The "Xtian" refugees of past years seemed to have got over that reaction a century or two ago.

I don't know that many Muslims, but in my experience, they seem to react in very similar ways to Christians when you tell them you think their religion is stupid.

No one of either religion has (as far as I know) rioted in the streets, nor made any attempt to kill me after such discussions.

Ali was happy to discuss his Islamic religion over a beer (although he refused to eat anything that might contain pork). Razia said that she wasn't particularly convinced by the claims of her faith, but she nevertheless fasted during Ramadan. The only time I have encountered a work colleague or friend who got upset at criticism of her religion was a Catholic lady who was very un-amused by my comment about her ash smudge on Ash Wednesday. But even she stopped short of organizing a riot or an assassination in retaliation for my scorn.

Doubtless that are a small number of both Christians and Muslims who can be provoked to violence by criticism of their religion - but they are not the majority (or even a particularly large minority) in either case. And they tend to occur only in mono-cultural areas - criticize Christianity in the American Bible Belt or the Christian regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, or Islam in Saudi Arabia, or the Islamic regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, and a violent response is quite likely. But even there, it's far from a certainty - many people would simply make a calm attempt to convert you to their way of mind, and would sadly shake their heads and walk away if you refused to do so.

This caricature of Muslims as being universally provoked to violence by criticism of their religion is both unhelpful and untrue. Of course there are many Muslims who would become violent if you criticized Islam; But there are also many atheists who will become violent if you look at their girlfriend, or criticize their favourite football team. Violence is not so much a characteristic of Islam, as it is a characteristic of humans. Particularly those who are poorly educated - which, of course, is a set with a large overlap with the religious.
Since 2015, 239 innocent French people have lost their lives to muslim terrorist attacks, Muslim not xtian! That's in France alone for f... sake!
Since 2015, 239 innocent French people have lost their lives to muslim terrorist attacks, Muslim not xtian! That's in France alone for f... sake!

239? That's it? Talk about making mountains out of molehills.
The NON refugees IS the focus. You're the one who tries to shift focus.

So why do you have a problem with people staying here temporarily and then getting shipped out?

Some of them will be shipped out but an awful of of them will remain, illegally. Europe's population is being systematically replaced.

BTW, Sweden has a stupid policy of asking these people nicely. It's not until they don't show up in exit documentation that the police goes and gets them.

Good luck finding them. The will have already left for Germany or the UK where they believe the best benefits are available.
I think, the lesson we can learn is, whether Muslims are peaceful or not has little to do with Islam. It's other stuff.

Why do you pretend like you do ? You know that for a pious muslim teh islam runs their life. It is their duty to defend teh islam and the prophet.
I think, the lesson we can learn is, whether Muslims are peaceful or not has little to do with Islam. It's other stuff.

Why do you pretend like you do ? You know that for a pious muslim teh islam runs their life. It is their duty to defend teh islam and the prophet.

Muslims are only permitted by the rules of their religion to reside in non-Muslim countries if they engage in jihad or dawa (dawa = missionary work) in that country. Many of them have stated that this no longer applies, it is outdated (as if most of the religiopn was not outdated, even compared to outdated Xtianity or outdated Reformed Judaism). Others argue that the exemplary life they lead is their contribution to the mission of Islam. To misquote Churchill: "Some example! Some mission!"
Soon to be imitated by the "peaceful" Muslims, refugees, or economic migrants, or seekers of Western "sluts" and welfare, or already born in (and so "native") to Western Europe?

Peaceful muslims? There's no such thing! Criticise their pedophile prophet, or islam itself, then stand back and watch them riot and murder in the streets.

Disagree. There are plenty of peaceful Muslims. While criticizing their pedophile would likely cause some to riot that doesn't mean they all will.
Peaceful muslims? There's no such thing! Criticise their pedophile prophet, or islam itself, then stand back and watch them riot and murder in the streets.

Disagree. There are plenty of peaceful Muslims. While criticizing their pedophile would likely cause some to riot that doesn't mean they all will.

Criticising Jeebus and xtianity does not endanger your life even in the " Bible Belt."
So why do you have a problem with people staying here temporarily and then getting shipped out?

Some of them will be shipped out but an awful of of them will remain, illegally.
So then what's your problem? Illegals are second class citizens who do shitty work for cheap. Why would you have a problem with that?

Europe's population is being systematically replaced.

I take it you read this theory on the walls of a padded cell in a lunatic asylum written by a man with his own faeces?

BTW, Sweden has a stupid policy of asking these people nicely. It's not until they don't show up in exit documentation that the police goes and gets them.

Good luck finding them. The will have already left for Germany or the UK where they believe the best benefits are available.

Hardly. They will avoid border crossings. No. I think it's safe to assume they stay in the country until the police catches them. It also saves them on the plane fare. The incentives are completely fucked.
Why do you pretend like you do ? You know that for a pious muslim teh islam runs their life. It is their duty to defend teh islam and the prophet.

Muslims are only permitted by the rules of their religion to reside in non-Muslim countries if they engage in jihad or dawa (dawa = missionary work) in that country. Many of them have stated that this no longer applies, it is outdated (as if most of the religiopn was not outdated, even compared to outdated Xtianity or outdated Reformed Judaism). Others argue that the exemplary life they lead is their contribution to the mission of Islam. To misquote Churchill: "Some example! Some mission!"

Muslims, just like all religious people cherry pick
Muslims are only permitted by the rules of their religion to reside in non-Muslim countries if they engage in jihad or dawa (dawa = missionary work) in that country. Many of them have stated that this no longer applies, it is outdated (as if most of the religiopn was not outdated, even compared to outdated Xtianity or outdated Reformed Judaism). Others argue that the exemplary life they lead is their contribution to the mission of Islam. To misquote Churchill: "Some example! Some mission!"

Muslims, just like all religious people cherry pick

Prtoblem is too many Muslim "cherries" explode.
239? That's it? Talk about making mountains out of molehills.

239 innocent lives and many more injured is a molehill?

Maybe LK means that it is a molehill because they are French or Xtians, and not whatever he/she is. If he is a citizen of the USA where some 30,000 deaths a year are caused by gun violence, then 239 innocent deaths may indeed seem to be a molehill to LK and his ilk.
Muslims, just like all religious people cherry pick

Prtoblem is too many Muslim "cherries" explode.

Yes, that's an unfortunate accident of history. But it's a new development in Islam. From which we can draw the conclusion that it isn't intrinsic, nor a result if Islamic teachings, nor Islamic sacred texts. It's the result of something else. If we focus on the "something else" we stand a greater chance of winning this. With the added bonus of not needlessly alienating a quarter of the world's population, who are just fine and simply want to get on with life

If they can start with this they can stop.
Disagree. There are plenty of peaceful Muslims. While criticizing their pedophile would likely cause some to riot that doesn't mean they all will.

Criticising Jeebus and xtianity does not endanger your life even in the " Bible Belt."

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