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You're judging who is a real muslim now?

The point stands. It happened and you ignored it.

It happened?? Several hundred mostly Muslims marching against jihadis? You have lost the argument and you know it!

Yes, it happened. How about just gracefully accepting that you'be been wrong about everything in this thread?

F...k me! I'm going to accept that you are a blinker wearing, one way lefty visionary who only sees what he wants to see and tries to discredit any opposing truth. Oh, and this....................... on muslims sexual grooming of " white, or xtian girls. I can't wait for your excuse!

This is a national scandal that ought to have brought down the Prime Minister and the entire political class, for it is they who have fostered the notion that “racism” and “Islamophobia” were so heinous as to be worth sacrificing the lives of thousands of British girls to avoid. It is they who have made “Islamophobia” such a career-destroying action that most British officials stayed silent as these girls were used and destroyed. It is they who made “Islamophobia” so far beyond the bounds of acceptable discourse that Maggie Oliver’s colleagues even turned on her for exposing the actions of Muslim rape gangs. Britain will be “tolerant” and “inclusive” and “diverse” to its death, which is rapidly approaching, and Maggie Oliver isn’t going to stop it.
F...k me! I'm going to accept that you are a blinker wearing, one way lefty visionary who only sees what he wants to see and tries to discredit any opposing truth. Oh, and this....................... on muslims sexual grooming of " white, or xtian girls. I can't wait for your excuse!

My excuse is that you're a loony. How about engaging with reality?

This is a national scandal that ought to have brought down the Prime Minister and the entire political class, for it is they who have fostered the notion that “racism” and “Islamophobia” were so heinous as to be worth sacrificing the lives of thousands of British girls to avoid. It is they who have made “Islamophobia” such a career-destroying action that most British officials stayed silent as these girls were used and destroyed. It is they who made “Islamophobia” so far beyond the bounds of acceptable discourse that Maggie Oliver’s colleagues even turned on her for exposing the actions of Muslim rape gangs. Britain will be “tolerant” and “inclusive” and “diverse” to its death, which is rapidly approaching, and Maggie Oliver isn’t going to stop it.

Unless Muslims commit more sexual assaults than non-Muslims there's not a story here. It's regrettable that some men rape. Muslim or otherwise. But a man being a Muslim doesn't seem to impact a man's willingness to rape. The evidence just doesn't support it. And it's not like people haven't been trying to find it. We're 6161 posts in this thread and no evidence has yet to surface. At what point do we keep testing an hypothesis before we accept that it was the wrong one?
Are you in denial about Muslim grooming gangs? I wouldn't expect your kind of ideology to give a shit about the thousands of girls groomed by these 7th century barbarians.
Are you in denial about Muslim grooming gangs? I wouldn't expect your kind of ideology to give a shit about the thousands of girls groomed by these 7th century barbarians.

Grooming is a problem in the world in general. We have no reason to believe that grooming is a bigger problem within the Islamic community than in any other community. If it is there should be statistics to back it up? So where are they? The Daily Mail article on the Muslim grooming gang (was it Rotherham?) wasn't about how bad the Muslims were, but how the authorities failed to do anything about it because of political correctness and the fear of whites to appear racist. That was the story. Not that Muslims are more likely to be sexual predators.

How's your reading comprehension?
Angelo, I'm all for racial and religious profiling. And making the data public. Because I think the truth should always go out regardless of who's feelings it hurts. They do it in Denmark. It works great. In Denmark we can shut up racists in an instant, because all their idiot Islamophobic theories are wrong. But we can't in Sweden or the UK because the numbers aren't available.

Right now we have a PC culture that refuses to even accept that race is a thing and that people care. That is bad. But because the numbers aren't available (except for Denmark) we don't know. Your mistake is to assume that therefore Jihadwatch is correct. Its argument from ignorance. The left of course makes the same mistake. Not knowing something just means just that

Islam is a problem in the world. But not for the reasons you think.
Angelo, I'm all for racial and religious profiling. And making the data public. Because I think the truth should always go out regardless of who's feelings it hurts. They do it in Denmark. It works great. In Denmark we can shut up racists in an instant, because all their idiot Islamophobic theories are wrong. But we can't in Sweden or the UK because the numbers aren't available.

Right now we have a PC culture that refuses to even accept that race is a thing and that people care. That is bad. But because the numbers aren't available (except for Denmark) we don't know. Your mistake is to assume that therefore Jihadwatch is correct. Its argument from ignorance. The left of course makes the same mistake. Not knowing something just means just that

Islam is a problem in the world. But not for the reasons you think.
Islam is a major problem in the world. It is an ideology set on the complete take over of all non muslim nations. Don't give me the bullshit about " moderate or militant " islam. Islam is one. [ Erdogan ] They have been extremely successful in puling the wool over naive and foolish Western politicians using the teaching of their warlord, [TAQQIYA…intentional lying to promote islam
KITMAN….lying by omission
TAWRIYA….intentionally creating a false impression
MURUNA…..blending in,..pretending to be a friend of Christians or Jews] rapist, paedophile, slave keeper, murderer and the ultimate misogynist Mo!
Islam is a major problem in the world.

Mainly because it isn't self empowering IMHO. It focuses on being a martyr and idolsing death and suffering. It's not a religion for happy people. It's focus seems to be to make a shitty life more bearable rather than to help us grow emotionally. Which I think should be the point of religion. I think the appeal of Islam is that it's simplistic easy rules to follow. The perfect vehicle for angry young men. But that's not at all what you are talking about.

It is an ideology set on the complete take over of all non muslim nations.

It's not an ideology. Islamism is an ideology. Islamism, as we mean today, is also a modern invention. Islam is just a religion. It's also a religion without central authority, where interpretation is, pretty much, open. It's much harder to generalise about a religion like Islam than Christianity. Christianity at least has a pope. The Calif isn't.

I've yet to ever come across a religious person who takes everything in their magic book seriously. Not even fundamentalists do. The Quran isn't a fucking manual for life. The Sharia is. But the connection between the Quran and the Sharia is actually pretty loose. There's a whole bunch of different legal traditions. All with their own Sharia.

Don't give me the bullshit about " moderate or militant " islam. Islam is one. [ Erdogan ] They have been extremely successful in puling the wool over naive and foolish Western politicians using the teaching of their warlord, [TAQQIYA…intentional lying to promote islam
KITMAN….lying by omission
TAWRIYA….intentionally creating a false impression
MURUNA…..blending in,..pretending to be a friend of Christians or Jews] rapist, paedophile, slave keeper, murderer and the ultimate misogynist Mo!

Stop talking shit. Right from the start you've sounded like a loony conspiracy theorist. This post isn't helping. You just sound crazier and crazier.
A religion that controls all facets of life for it's followers including even how one shits is not an ideology? Where have you been for the past two-three decades? Who murdered in cold blood thousands of innocent people in Europe and other Western nation if not an ideology that enslaves, among other barbaric acts, and kills innocent victims? Does Van Gough ring a bell? Do you have any idea how many critics of say, Buddhism, Hinduism, xtianity, have 24/7 protection? Only critics of the ideological death cult islam risk fatwas. Chritianity for example does not [in the modern era anyway] force minorities to convert.
A religion that controls all facets of life for it's followers including even how one shits is not an ideology? Where have you been for the past two-three decades? Who murdered in cold blood thousands of innocent people in Europe and other Western nation if not an ideology that enslaves, among other barbaric acts, and kills innocent victims? Does Van Gough ring a bell? Do you have any idea how many critics of say, Buddhism, Hinduism, xtianity, have 24/7 protection? Only critics of the ideological death cult islam risk fatwas. Chritianity for example does not [in the modern era anyway] force minorities to convert.

Did you forget about the Rohingya? Not that they're enjoying any protection from all those "peace loving" Buddhists.

My Muslim friend who drinks beer and eats pork didn't get that memo somehow. He also sleeps around a lot with infidel women. Angelo, you live in fantasy land. You're not describing a normal Muslim. Nearly all Muslims think that ISIS are loons, and hate them. You're letting crazy fringe Muslims represent all Muslims. It's just a fantasy. It's a paranoid fantasy.

The fact that Hitler murdered lots of people in the name of Christianity doesn't make Christianity evil. Nor does it mean that all Christians murders Jews.

But nice that you acknowledge that Christianity has changed. It used to be very intolerant. Now it's not. BTW, all of you who go on about how Islam hasn't had a reformation. The Christian reformation made Christianity more intolerant. The fact that Christianity liberalized means that their religion didn't dictate their actions. It was other stuff. Islam is obviously the same.

Social and political instability makes religion extreme. How about trying to fix the correct problem? If a religion isn't violent and extreme, all that means is that things are politically stable and cheerful there. Which explains the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar.
A religion that controls all facets of life for it's followers including even how one shits is not an ideology? Where have you been for the past two-three decades? Who murdered in cold blood thousands of innocent people in Europe and other Western nation if not an ideology that enslaves, among other barbaric acts, and kills innocent victims? Does Van Gough ring a bell? Do you have any idea how many critics of say, Buddhism, Hinduism, xtianity, have 24/7 protection? Only critics of the ideological death cult islam risk fatwas. Chritianity for example does not [in the modern era anyway] force minorities to convert.

Did you forget about the Rohingya? Not that they're enjoying any protection from all those "peace loving" Buddhists.

My Muslim friend who drinks beer and eats pork didn't get that memo somehow. He also sleeps around a lot with infidel women. Angelo, you live in fantasy land. You're not describing a normal Muslim. Nearly all Muslims think that ISIS are loons, and hate them. You're letting crazy fringe Muslims represent all Muslims. It's just a fantasy. It's a paranoid fantasy.

The fact that Hitler murdered lots of people in the name of Christianity doesn't make Christianity evil. Nor does it mean that all Christians murders Jews.

But nice that you acknowledge that Christianity has changed. It used to be very intolerant. Now it's not. BTW, all of you who go on about how Islam hasn't had a reformation. The Christian reformation made Christianity more intolerant. The fact that Christianity liberalized means that their religion didn't dictate their actions. It was other stuff. Islam is obviously the same.

Social and political instability makes religion extreme. How about trying to fix the correct problem? If a religion isn't violent and extreme, all that means is that things are politically stable and cheerful there. Which explains the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar.

I may be wrong and it does not excuse the current genocide but it's possible the Rohingya started this.

A religion that controls all facets of life for it's followers including even how one shits is not an ideology? Where have you been for the past two-three decades? Who murdered in cold blood thousands of innocent people in Europe and other Western nation if not an ideology that enslaves, among other barbaric acts, and kills innocent victims? Does Van Gough ring a bell? Do you have any idea how many critics of say, Buddhism, Hinduism, xtianity, have 24/7 protection? Only critics of the ideological death cult islam risk fatwas. Chritianity for example does not [in the modern era anyway] force minorities to convert.

Did you forget about the Rohingya? Not that they're enjoying any protection from all those "peace loving" Buddhists.

My Muslim friend who drinks beer and eats pork didn't get that memo somehow. He also sleeps around a lot with infidel women. Angelo, you live in fantasy land. You're not describing a normal Muslim. Nearly all Muslims think that ISIS are loons, and hate them. You're letting crazy fringe Muslims represent all Muslims. It's just a fantasy. It's a paranoid fantasy.

The fact that Hitler murdered lots of people in the name of Christianity doesn't make Christianity evil. Nor does it mean that all Christians murders Jews.

But nice that you acknowledge that Christianity has changed. It used to be very intolerant. Now it's not. BTW, all of you who go on about how Islam hasn't had a reformation. The Christian reformation made Christianity more intolerant. The fact that Christianity liberalized means that their religion didn't dictate their actions. It was other stuff. Islam is obviously the same.

Social and political instability makes religion extreme. How about trying to fix the correct problem? If a religion isn't violent and extreme, all that means is that things are politically stable and cheerful there. Which explains the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar.

I may be wrong and it does not excuse the current genocide but it's possible the Rohingya started this.


Point being other religions are not exempt from religious violence and fanaticism.
A religion that controls all facets of life for it's followers including even how one shits is not an ideology? Where have you been for the past two-three decades? Who murdered in cold blood thousands of innocent people in Europe and other Western nation if not an ideology that enslaves, among other barbaric acts, and kills innocent victims? Does Van Gough ring a bell? Do you have any idea how many critics of say, Buddhism, Hinduism, xtianity, have 24/7 protection? Only critics of the ideological death cult islam risk fatwas. Chritianity for example does not [in the modern era anyway] force minorities to convert.

Did you forget about the Rohingya? Not that they're enjoying any protection from all those "peace loving" Buddhists.

My Muslim friend who drinks beer and eats pork didn't get that memo somehow. He also sleeps around a lot with infidel women. Angelo, you live in fantasy land. You're not describing a normal Muslim. Nearly all Muslims think that ISIS are loons, and hate them. You're letting crazy fringe Muslims represent all Muslims. It's just a fantasy. It's a paranoid fantasy.

The fact that Hitler murdered lots of people in the name of Christianity doesn't make Christianity evil. Nor does it mean that all Christians murders Jews.

But nice that you acknowledge that Christianity has changed. It used to be very intolerant. Now it's not. BTW, all of you who go on about how Islam hasn't had a reformation. The Christian reformation made Christianity more intolerant. The fact that Christianity liberalized means that their religion didn't dictate their actions. It was other stuff. Islam is obviously the same.

Social and political instability makes religion extreme. How about trying to fix the correct problem? If a religion isn't violent and extreme, all that means is that things are politically stable and cheerful there. Which explains the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar.

I may be wrong and it does not excuse the current genocide but it's possible the Rohingya started this.


Nope. The military junta did their best to keep a lid on the conflict. But this is an old conflict. The ethnic Burmese see the Rohingya as foreign invaders. So when the military junta went away things got a bit more relaxed. That included relaxing attempts to stop persecution of the Rohingya. What you see as "starting this" was when the Rohingya finally had had enough and started fighting back. The nationalists instantly pointed the Islamic terrorism finger at them and lots of foreigners just fell for it. It doesn't really help the situation that some of the Rohingya fighters are identifying as ISIS. I wouldn't be surprised if they also actually do get funding through Islamic terrorism channels. Because anybody fighting a war won't be picky about where they get the money from.

As in every "religious" conflict, it's not really about religion.

The history of the Rohingya is that the British helped move Bengali farmers to the Arakan region during their rule, because it was very fertile and sparsely populated, back then. Now it's not sparsely populated. And the Burmese nationalists often see the Rohingya has something imposed on them from the British that they want out. But they've now lived there for generations. They have nothing to "go home" to. Burma is their home.
Did you forget about the Rohingya? Not that they're enjoying any protection from all those "peace loving" Buddhists.

My Muslim friend who drinks beer and eats pork didn't get that memo somehow. He also sleeps around a lot with infidel women. Angelo, you live in fantasy land. You're not describing a normal Muslim. Nearly all Muslims think that ISIS are loons, and hate them. You're letting crazy fringe Muslims represent all Muslims. It's just a fantasy. It's a paranoid fantasy.

The fact that Hitler murdered lots of people in the name of Christianity doesn't make Christianity evil. Nor does it mean that all Christians murders Jews.

But nice that you acknowledge that Christianity has changed. It used to be very intolerant. Now it's not. BTW, all of you who go on about how Islam hasn't had a reformation. The Christian reformation made Christianity more intolerant. The fact that Christianity liberalized means that their religion didn't dictate their actions. It was other stuff. Islam is obviously the same.

Social and political instability makes religion extreme. How about trying to fix the correct problem? If a religion isn't violent and extreme, all that means is that things are politically stable and cheerful there. Which explains the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar.

I may be wrong and it does not excuse the current genocide but it's possible the Rohingya started this.


Nope. The military junta did their best to keep a lid on the conflict. But this is an old conflict. The ethnic Burmese see the Rohingya as foreign invaders. So when the military junta went away things got a bit more relaxed. That included relaxing attempts to stop persecution of the Rohingya. What you see as "starting this" was when the Rohingya finally had had enough and started fighting back. The nationalists instantly pointed the Islamic terrorism finger at them and lots of foreigners just fell for it. It doesn't really help the situation that some of the Rohingya fighters are identifying as ISIS. I wouldn't be surprised if they also actually do get funding through Islamic terrorism channels. Because anybody fighting a war won't be picky about where they get the money from.

As in every "religious" conflict, it's not really about religion.

The history of the Rohingya is that the British helped move Bengali farmers to the Arakan region during their rule, because it was very fertile and sparsely populated, back then. Now it's not sparsely populated. And the Burmese nationalists often see the Rohingya has something imposed on them from the British that they want out. But they've now lived there for generations. They have nothing to "go home" to. Burma is their home.

I'll have to look into this. This does as you say stem back a few years. When it goes back to colonial days there tends to be shall we say grey areas. If they lived for there for generations that place is their home.
A religion that controls all facets of life for it's followers including even how one shits is not an ideology? Where have you been for the past two-three decades? Who murdered in cold blood thousands of innocent people in Europe and other Western nation if not an ideology that enslaves, among other barbaric acts, and kills innocent victims? Does Van Gough ring a bell? Do you have any idea how many critics of say, Buddhism, Hinduism, xtianity, have 24/7 protection? Only critics of the ideological death cult islam risk fatwas. Chritianity for example does not [in the modern era anyway] force minorities to convert.

Did you forget about the Rohingya? Not that they're enjoying any protection from all those "peace loving" Buddhists.

My Muslim friend who drinks beer and eats pork didn't get that memo somehow. He also sleeps around a lot with infidel women. Angelo, you live in fantasy land. You're not describing a normal Muslim. Nearly all Muslims think that ISIS are loons, and hate them. You're letting crazy fringe Muslims represent all Muslims. It's just a fantasy. It's a paranoid fantasy.

The fact that Hitler murdered lots of people in the name of Christianity doesn't make Christianity evil. Nor does it mean that all Christians murders Jews.

But nice that you acknowledge that Christianity has changed. It used to be very intolerant. Now it's not. BTW, all of you who go on about how Islam hasn't had a reformation. The Christian reformation made Christianity more intolerant. The fact that Christianity liberalized means that their religion didn't dictate their actions. It was other stuff. Islam is obviously the same.

Social and political instability makes religion extreme. How about trying to fix the correct problem? If a religion isn't violent and extreme, all that means is that things are politically stable and cheerful there. Which explains the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar.

Perhaps the Buddhists decided they've had enough and are fighting back? Perhaps You're so called muzzie friend is not a real muslim. I'm betting The local imams aren't happy about your friend womanising and drinking alcohol. I also have a mosque attending, womanising muslim friend. But I'm afraid his wife isn't even allowed to go shopping on her own.
A religion that controls all facets of life for it's followers including even how one shits is not an ideology? Where have you been for the past two-three decades? Who murdered in cold blood thousands of innocent people in Europe and other Western nation if not an ideology that enslaves, among other barbaric acts, and kills innocent victims? Does Van Gough ring a bell? Do you have any idea how many critics of say, Buddhism, Hinduism, xtianity, have 24/7 protection? Only critics of the ideological death cult islam risk fatwas. Chritianity for example does not [in the modern era anyway] force minorities to convert.

Did you forget about the Rohingya? Not that they're enjoying any protection from all those "peace loving" Buddhists.

My Muslim friend who drinks beer and eats pork didn't get that memo somehow. He also sleeps around a lot with infidel women. Angelo, you live in fantasy land. You're not describing a normal Muslim. Nearly all Muslims think that ISIS are loons, and hate them. You're letting crazy fringe Muslims represent all Muslims. It's just a fantasy. It's a paranoid fantasy.

The fact that Hitler murdered lots of people in the name of Christianity doesn't make Christianity evil. Nor does it mean that all Christians murders Jews.

But nice that you acknowledge that Christianity has changed. It used to be very intolerant. Now it's not. BTW, all of you who go on about how Islam hasn't had a reformation. The Christian reformation made Christianity more intolerant. The fact that Christianity liberalized means that their religion didn't dictate their actions. It was other stuff. Islam is obviously the same.

Social and political instability makes religion extreme. How about trying to fix the correct problem? If a religion isn't violent and extreme, all that means is that things are politically stable and cheerful there. Which explains the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar.

Perhaps the Buddhists decided they've had enough and are fighting back? Perhaps You're so called muzzie friend is not a real muslim. I'm betting The local imams aren't happy about your friend womanising and drinking alcohol. I also have a mosque attending, womanising muslim friend. But I'm afraid his wife isn't even allowed to go shopping on her own.

All those No True Scottsmen everywhere.

I'm guessing that you haven't read up anything about the Rohingya genocide? Could it be that you're just guessing?
Did you forget about the Rohingya? Not that they're enjoying any protection from all those "peace loving" Buddhists.

My Muslim friend who drinks beer and eats pork didn't get that memo somehow. He also sleeps around a lot with infidel women. Angelo, you live in fantasy land. You're not describing a normal Muslim. Nearly all Muslims think that ISIS are loons, and hate them. You're letting crazy fringe Muslims represent all Muslims. It's just a fantasy. It's a paranoid fantasy.

The fact that Hitler murdered lots of people in the name of Christianity doesn't make Christianity evil. Nor does it mean that all Christians murders Jews.

But nice that you acknowledge that Christianity has changed. It used to be very intolerant. Now it's not. BTW, all of you who go on about how Islam hasn't had a reformation. The Christian reformation made Christianity more intolerant. The fact that Christianity liberalized means that their religion didn't dictate their actions. It was other stuff. Islam is obviously the same.

Social and political instability makes religion extreme. How about trying to fix the correct problem? If a religion isn't violent and extreme, all that means is that things are politically stable and cheerful there. Which explains the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar.

Perhaps the Buddhists decided they've had enough and are fighting back? Perhaps You're so called muzzie friend is not a real muslim. I'm betting The local imams aren't happy about your friend womanising and drinking alcohol. I also have a mosque attending, womanising muslim friend. But I'm afraid his wife isn't even allowed to go shopping on her own.

All those No True Scottsmen everywhere.

I'm guessing that you haven't read up anything about the Rohingya genocide? Could it be that you're just guessing?

Guessing that wherever there is Islam involved trouble follows. Do you have any idea how Pakistan came to be?
Perhaps the Buddhists decided they've had enough and are fighting back? Perhaps You're so called muzzie friend is not a real muslim. I'm betting The local imams aren't happy about your friend womanising and drinking alcohol. I also have a mosque attending, womanising muslim friend. But I'm afraid his wife isn't even allowed to go shopping on her own.

All those No True Scottsmen everywhere.

I'm guessing that you haven't read up anything about the Rohingya genocide? Could it be that you're just guessing?

Guessing that wherever there is Islam involved trouble follows. Do you have any idea how Pakistan came to be?

Thanks for admitting that you have no clue. You just admitted that you haven't read anything about the Rohingya situation. And now you're arguing that Pakistan is somehow relevant to the issue. How the fuck could you possibly know that the creation of Pakistan is relevant in this case?

I'm also going out a bit on a limb here, but guessing that you don't know anything about the division of India other than what you've read in Jihadwatch? The origins of the split is exceedingly complex, and mostly just banal real politik and individuals jockeying for power in the new states.
Libya: People Smugglers selling off its human livestock in slave markets?


Migrants trying to reach Europe via North Africa are being sold at modern-day slave auctions by smugglers in Libya for as little as $400, a new investigation has revealed.

Along the Libyan coast, smugglers have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars putting migrants on the perilous journey to Europe on rickety boats across the Mediterranean Sea. Now they are being sold off to buyers for manual labor, according to CNN.

Desperate migrants make their way through sub-Saharan Africa—either west or east—to Libya, a near-failed state wracked by years of civil war and lawlessness, to pay substantial sums to traffickers in hope of a new life on European shores.

According to the investigation, cell phone footage showed African men being sold, offered as one of the “big, strong boys for farm work.”

In the Libyan capital of Tripoli, an auction was witnessed for a man whose price rose from 500 dollars to $650. Some were sold for just $400, less than half the median weekly earnings of an American worker.

“Does anybody need a digger? This is a digger, a big, strong man, he’ll dig,” an auctioneer said. “What am I bid, what am I bid?”

This situation has arisen because of the European and Libyan crackdown on smuggler vessels—meaning that those who arrive in Libya have no boats on which to leave, and the smugglers have nowhere to send the migrants.

Instead, the traffickers are attempting make money from migrants’ desperation.

Libyan authorities in the city say they have knowledge of the smuggling operations in the country, but not slave auctions. “They fill a boat with 100 people, those people may or may not make it,” First Lieutenant Naser Hazam of the Libyan government’s Anti-Illegal Immigration Agency told CNN.

“[The smuggler] does not care as long as he gets the money, and the migrant may get to Europe or die at sea.”

Previous investigations by Newsweek have shown that smugglers, particularly in the coastal town of Zuwara, drew in hundreds of migrants from across Africa, from Egypt, Sudan, and Niger, using social media.

In 2015, the smugglers brazenly used Facebook accounts and charts of the range of prices for their services.

For instance, a trip from Sudan to Libya and on to Italy would cost two migrants, a mother and her daughter, around $3,500: $1,500 for the crossing and the rest for the transport from Khartoum, the Sudanese capital. Social media companies have clamped down on the recruiting, and the business now operates more on word of mouth.

In 2016, there were at least 5,079 fatalities or missing cases of people who tried to make the Mediterranean crossings to Europe.

Fueled by the EU policy of driving in migrants into its member states in numbers they cannot absorb, a dysfunctional and uncoordinated effort to stop them passing through Libya seems to have backfired into another criminal enterprise.

Removing Gadhaffi coupled with EU's borderless policy appears to be a fiasco.
Libya: People Smugglers selling off its human livestock in slave markets?


Migrants trying to reach Europe via North Africa are being sold at modern-day slave auctions by smugglers in Libya for as little as $400, a new investigation has revealed.

Along the Libyan coast, smugglers have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars putting migrants on the perilous journey to Europe on rickety boats across the Mediterranean Sea. Now they are being sold off to buyers for manual labor, according to CNN.

Desperate migrants make their way through sub-Saharan Africa—either west or east—to Libya, a near-failed state wracked by years of civil war and lawlessness, to pay substantial sums to traffickers in hope of a new life on European shores.

According to the investigation, cell phone footage showed African men being sold, offered as one of the “big, strong boys for farm work.”

In the Libyan capital of Tripoli, an auction was witnessed for a man whose price rose from 500 dollars to $650. Some were sold for just $400, less than half the median weekly earnings of an American worker.

“Does anybody need a digger? This is a digger, a big, strong man, he’ll dig,” an auctioneer said. “What am I bid, what am I bid?”

This situation has arisen because of the European and Libyan crackdown on smuggler vessels—meaning that those who arrive in Libya have no boats on which to leave, and the smugglers have nowhere to send the migrants.

Instead, the traffickers are attempting make money from migrants’ desperation.

Libyan authorities in the city say they have knowledge of the smuggling operations in the country, but not slave auctions. “They fill a boat with 100 people, those people may or may not make it,” First Lieutenant Naser Hazam of the Libyan government’s Anti-Illegal Immigration Agency told CNN.

“[The smuggler] does not care as long as he gets the money, and the migrant may get to Europe or die at sea.”

Previous investigations by Newsweek have shown that smugglers, particularly in the coastal town of Zuwara, drew in hundreds of migrants from across Africa, from Egypt, Sudan, and Niger, using social media.

In 2015, the smugglers brazenly used Facebook accounts and charts of the range of prices for their services.

For instance, a trip from Sudan to Libya and on to Italy would cost two migrants, a mother and her daughter, around $3,500: $1,500 for the crossing and the rest for the transport from Khartoum, the Sudanese capital. Social media companies have clamped down on the recruiting, and the business now operates more on word of mouth.

In 2016, there were at least 5,079 fatalities or missing cases of people who tried to make the Mediterranean crossings to Europe.

Fueled by the EU policy of driving in migrants into its member states in numbers they cannot absorb, a dysfunctional and uncoordinated effort to stop them passing through Libya seems to have backfired into another criminal enterprise.

Removing Gadhaffi coupled with EU's borderless policy appears to be a fiasco.

Stop being so fucking short sighted. This is happening because of anarchy. This is what anarchy looks like. It became anarchic because Gadhaffi created a political situation where it would descend into anarchy when he was removed. It was by design. That's what all dictators do. It's called divide-and-conquer. So please refrain from blaming this on those who got him removed. It's pretty distasteful.

With your logic it was wrong of the Americans to revolt against British rule. Because, hey, they had quite a few anarchic years where governors exploited the situation.

Libya also suffers from the problem with one very valuable resource, that if you control it, you will have the wealth and power to dominate the rest of the country. So everybody has an incentive to focus on controlling that resource and ignore caring about other people. Which some of them is doing. This adds another layer of political complexity, and makes any anarchy even more anarchic.

There's also spillover from the political situation in Egypt. Where Islamists were forced out and have to find some way of setting up bases outside the county. They're exploiting the anarchy in Libya as well.

Don't forget that Gadhaffi spent money and influence in order to destabilise world politics and fund terrorism. I find it baffling how you think that having him in power is somehow reassuring.
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