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Europe submits voluntarily

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Libya: People Smugglers selling off its human livestock in slave markets?


Migrants trying to reach Europe via North Africa are being sold at modern-day slave auctions by smugglers in Libya for as little as $400, a new investigation has revealed.

Along the Libyan coast, smugglers have racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars putting migrants on the perilous journey to Europe on rickety boats across the Mediterranean Sea. Now they are being sold off to buyers for manual labor, according to CNN.

Desperate migrants make their way through sub-Saharan Africa—either west or east—to Libya, a near-failed state wracked by years of civil war and lawlessness, to pay substantial sums to traffickers in hope of a new life on European shores.

According to the investigation, cell phone footage showed African men being sold, offered as one of the “big, strong boys for farm work.”

In the Libyan capital of Tripoli, an auction was witnessed for a man whose price rose from 500 dollars to $650. Some were sold for just $400, less than half the median weekly earnings of an American worker.

“Does anybody need a digger? This is a digger, a big, strong man, he’ll dig,” an auctioneer said. “What am I bid, what am I bid?”

This situation has arisen because of the European and Libyan crackdown on smuggler vessels—meaning that those who arrive in Libya have no boats on which to leave, and the smugglers have nowhere to send the migrants.

Instead, the traffickers are attempting make money from migrants’ desperation.

Libyan authorities in the city say they have knowledge of the smuggling operations in the country, but not slave auctions. “They fill a boat with 100 people, those people may or may not make it,” First Lieutenant Naser Hazam of the Libyan government’s Anti-Illegal Immigration Agency told CNN.

“[The smuggler] does not care as long as he gets the money, and the migrant may get to Europe or die at sea.”

Previous investigations by Newsweek have shown that smugglers, particularly in the coastal town of Zuwara, drew in hundreds of migrants from across Africa, from Egypt, Sudan, and Niger, using social media.

In 2015, the smugglers brazenly used Facebook accounts and charts of the range of prices for their services.

For instance, a trip from Sudan to Libya and on to Italy would cost two migrants, a mother and her daughter, around $3,500: $1,500 for the crossing and the rest for the transport from Khartoum, the Sudanese capital. Social media companies have clamped down on the recruiting, and the business now operates more on word of mouth.

In 2016, there were at least 5,079 fatalities or missing cases of people who tried to make the Mediterranean crossings to Europe.

Fueled by the EU policy of driving in migrants into its member states in numbers they cannot absorb, a dysfunctional and uncoordinated effort to stop them passing through Libya seems to have backfired into another criminal enterprise.

Removing Gadhaffi coupled with EU's borderless policy appears to be a fiasco.

Well over 2000 drowned trying to get to Australia during Labor's last term in office, sure the people smugglers are salivating at the possible election of a Labor government in near future.
All those No True Scottsmen everywhere.

I'm guessing that you haven't read up anything about the Rohingya genocide? Could it be that you're just guessing?

Guessing that wherever there is Islam involved trouble follows. Do you have any idea how Pakistan came to be?

Thanks for admitting that you have no clue. You just admitted that you haven't read anything about the Rohingya situation. And now you're arguing that Pakistan is somehow relevant to the issue. How the fuck could you possibly know that the creation of Pakistan is relevant in this case?

I'm also going out a bit on a limb here, but guessing that you don't know anything about the division of India other than what you've read in Jihadwatch? The origins of the split is exceedingly complex, and mostly just banal real politik and individuals jockeying for power in the new states.

Is it really necessary to look at causes of Muslim instability? It's their blind acceptance of their death cult Islam!
Guessing that wherever there is Islam involved trouble follows. Do you have any idea how Pakistan came to be?

Thanks for admitting that you have no clue. You just admitted that you haven't read anything about the Rohingya situation. And now you're arguing that Pakistan is somehow relevant to the issue. How the fuck could you possibly know that the creation of Pakistan is relevant in this case?

I'm also going out a bit on a limb here, but guessing that you don't know anything about the division of India other than what you've read in Jihadwatch? The origins of the split is exceedingly complex, and mostly just banal real politik and individuals jockeying for power in the new states.

Is it really necessary to look at causes of Muslim instability? It's their blind acceptance of their death cult Islam!

Yes, knowledge is better than baseless guesswork and blind assertions. I find it baffling that anybody would openly admit to being ignorant. The ignorant usually try to insist they know shit. Thanks for at least being honest about it. Next step is accepting that you might be wrong. How about that?

You've admitted to making an assertion about Muslims and then proceed to filter what you read about it. Not news reports, because you've already admitted not reading those. Just stuff people say on a forum. How about not doing that?
The Muslim population in some European countries could triple by 2050 while it will barely change in others, according to new projections released by the Washington-based Pew Research Centre. The report, Europe’s Growing Muslim Population, shows a stark west-east divide. The Muslim share of Germany’s population could grow from 6.1% in 2016 to 19.7% in 2050 if high migration continues, whereas over the border Poland’s share would change from 0.1% to 0.2% in the same scenario.

Teh Gruaniad

Aging Europe speeds towards death.
The Muslim population in some European countries could triple by 2050 while it will barely change in others, according to new projections released by the Washington-based Pew Research Centre. The report, Europe’s Growing Muslim Population, shows a stark west-east divide. The Muslim share of Germany’s population could grow from 6.1% in 2016 to 19.7% in 2050 if high migration continues, whereas over the border Poland’s share would change from 0.1% to 0.2% in the same scenario.

Teh Gruaniad

Aging Europe speeds towards death.

In the 1840s, the Church of England embarked on a massive campaign to build new churches and to expand the capacity of existing church buildings, due to an anticipated boom in the population of Christians. Today those chuches have mostly been repurposed as offices, or as homes; some have been demolished; and the few that remain 'active' as places of worship have weekly congregations that are dwarfed by the buildings they occupy, often seeing only a dozen or so people, most of whom are octogenarians, in a building that was designed for hundreds.

Projections of increases in the Muslim population of Europe will likely founder on the exact same wave of affluence-driven apathy to religion that doomed the CofE.

The fraction of English people who give a flying fuck about Christianity is tiny - but the number who tick the 'Christian' box on the census is still pretty large; Your 2040 'Muslim' population in Europe will likely be largely comprised of 'Muslims' who only see a Mosque for funerals and weddings.

But even if they are all committed advocates of fundamentalist Islam, 19.7% of the voting population isn't enough to get legislation changed, so really, why should we give a shit?

"Speeds towards death" my arse. What pointless hyperbole. :rolleyes:
Just do this and you won't need any other people:


Vladimir Putin has loosened Russia’s purse strings to expand a popular subsidy for families ahead of a presidential election in which he’s widely expected to seek a fourth term.
The government will spend 500 billion rubles ($8.6 billion) over three years on measures to encourage Russians to have more babies, including mortgage subsidies and payments to new and growing families, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets told reporters Wednesday in Moscow. The money will come from government reserves and won’t require changes in the budget, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov told the upper house of parliament.
The welfare program’s being rolled out a day after Putin told officials at a Kremlin meeting that Russia must do more to support new parents and create “additional incentives for the birth of the second and third child” in families to counter a looming demographic crisis.
The Muslim population in some European countries could triple by 2050 while it will barely change in others, according to new projections released by the Washington-based Pew Research Centre. The report, Europe’s Growing Muslim Population, shows a stark west-east divide. The Muslim share of Germany’s population could grow from 6.1% in 2016 to 19.7% in 2050 if high migration continues, whereas over the border Poland’s share would change from 0.1% to 0.2% in the same scenario.

Teh Gruaniad

Aging Europe speeds towards death.

In the 1840s, the Church of England embarked on a massive campaign to build new churches and to expand the capacity of existing church buildings, due to an anticipated boom in the population of Christians. Today those chuches have mostly been repurposed as offices, or as homes; some have been demolished; and the few that remain 'active' as places of worship have weekly congregations that are dwarfed by the buildings they occupy, often seeing only a dozen or so people, most of whom are octogenarians, in a building that was designed for hundreds.

Projections of increases in the Muslim population of Europe will likely founder on the exact same wave of affluence-driven apathy to religion that doomed the CofE.

The fraction of English people who give a flying fuck about Christianity is tiny - but the number who tick the 'Christian' box on the census is still pretty large; Your 2040 'Muslim' population in Europe will likely be largely comprised of 'Muslims' who only see a Mosque for funerals and weddings.

But even if they are all committed advocates of fundamentalist Islam, 19.7% of the voting population isn't enough to get legislation changed, so really, why should we give a shit?

"Speeds towards death" my arse. What pointless hyperbole. :rolleyes:
May I suggest you read this book before dismissing out of hand projections based on fact!
Teh Gruaniad

Aging Europe speeds towards death.

In the 1840s, the Church of England embarked on a massive campaign to build new churches and to expand the capacity of existing church buildings, due to an anticipated boom in the population of Christians. Today those chuches have mostly been repurposed as offices, or as homes; some have been demolished; and the few that remain 'active' as places of worship have weekly congregations that are dwarfed by the buildings they occupy, often seeing only a dozen or so people, most of whom are octogenarians, in a building that was designed for hundreds.

Projections of increases in the Muslim population of Europe will likely founder on the exact same wave of affluence-driven apathy to religion that doomed the CofE.

The fraction of English people who give a flying fuck about Christianity is tiny - but the number who tick the 'Christian' box on the census is still pretty large; Your 2040 'Muslim' population in Europe will likely be largely comprised of 'Muslims' who only see a Mosque for funerals and weddings.

But even if they are all committed advocates of fundamentalist Islam, 19.7% of the voting population isn't enough to get legislation changed, so really, why should we give a shit?

"Speeds towards death" my arse. What pointless hyperbole. :rolleyes:
May I suggest you read this book before dismissing out of hand projections based on fact!

Nice try. You've tried bringing that book up before in this thread.

In the 1840s, the Church of England embarked on a massive campaign to build new churches and to expand the capacity of existing church buildings, due to an anticipated boom in the population of Christians. Today those chuches have mostly been repurposed as offices, or as homes; some have been demolished; and the few that remain 'active' as places of worship have weekly congregations that are dwarfed by the buildings they occupy, often seeing only a dozen or so people, most of whom are octogenarians, in a building that was designed for hundreds.

Projections of increases in the Muslim population of Europe will likely founder on the exact same wave of affluence-driven apathy to religion that doomed the CofE.

The fraction of English people who give a flying fuck about Christianity is tiny - but the number who tick the 'Christian' box on the census is still pretty large; Your 2040 'Muslim' population in Europe will likely be largely comprised of 'Muslims' who only see a Mosque for funerals and weddings.

But even if they are all committed advocates of fundamentalist Islam, 19.7% of the voting population isn't enough to get legislation changed, so really, why should we give a shit?

"Speeds towards death" my arse. What pointless hyperbole. :rolleyes:
May I suggest you read this book before dismissing out of hand projections based on fact!

Nice try. You've tried bringing that book up before in this thread.


Pray do tell exactly where that book is in error!
May I suggest you read this book before dismissing out of hand projections based on fact!

Nice try. You've tried bringing that book up before in this thread.


Pray do tell exactly where that book is in error!

I already did once. I stand by everything I said that time. And I even linked to it.
Projections of increases in the Muslim population of Europe will likely founder on the exact same wave of affluence-driven apathy to religion that doomed the CofE.
That is a quite unfounded optimism, and it flies in the face of the facts, which show the opposite of Islam mellowing out.
Your 2040 'Muslim' population in Europe will likely be largely comprised of 'Muslims' who only see a Mosque for funerals and weddings.
BS. The Muslims currently invading Europe and breeding like jackrabbits are from most fundamentalist, Islamist corners of the World - countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia ...
And those Muslims who are MINOs will have fewer children. It is the devout, fundy Muslims who have 5-10 children each, and will thus out-compete MINOs.

But even if they are all committed advocates of fundamentalist Islam, 19.7% of the voting population isn't enough to get legislation changed, so really, why should we give a shit?
Muslims are not uniformly distributed, but have highest concentrations in big cities. 20% overall Muslim populations means Muslim dominance in all major cities.

Why should you "give a shit" about an Islamicized Munich?
Well, Oktoberfest is pretty much all about things Muslims find "haram".

Women showing skin, beer, ...


... pork ...


... and some sects of Islam even find music "haram".

if Europe is not careful, Oktoberfest 2040 might look more like this ...

Bilby, you are in Australia and Australia realzied that mass migration is a threat. Unlike Europe, Australia is blocking mass migrant boats instead of providing taxi service for everything but the first few miles of the journey ...
Bilby, you are in Australia
Gosh, really? Thanks for letting me know. I was wondering what all those kangaroos were hanging around for.
and Australia realzied that mass migration is a threat. Unlike Europe, Australia is blocking mass migrant boats instead of providing taxi service for everything but the first few miles of the journey ...
The actions of the deeply unpopular and soon to fall federal Liberal government are almost certainly crimes under international law to which my country is a signatory, and the actions of the disastrous, illegal and inhumane offshore detention system will, I hope, one day lead to significant jail terms for those involved.

You can congratulate Germans on the effectiveness of the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem too if you like - But you will likely get a similarly poor reception from the majority of them if you do.

Australians are, on the whole, not proud of the crimes that their government has committed. Many are not aware, of course; the concentration camps are intentionally remote, and the media are largely prohibited from going to see what is happening there.

Mass migration hasn't been a threat to Australia since the genocide of the Aborigines. Modern Australia is 97% recent migrants and their descendants. Most of those migrants arrived here since WWII (the population was 7.5 million in 1945, and it is 24 million today). Migration isn't a threat to Australia, it is its very basis (as is also true of modern America).

Derec, you are in the United States, and the United States realized that Donald Trump was the best person to be President. Clearly every single American has nothing but praise for him, and everything he does. Unless, of course, like Australia, it is a representative democracy in which the leaders are able to do things that many of the people might not actually want them to do.
Bilby, you are in Australia
Gosh, really? Thanks for letting me know. I was wondering what all those kangaroos were hanging around for.
and Australia realzied that mass migration is a threat. Unlike Europe, Australia is blocking mass migrant boats instead of providing taxi service for everything but the first few miles of the journey ...
The actions of the deeply unpopular and soon to fall federal Liberal government are almost certainly crimes under international law to which my country is a signatory, and the actions of the disastrous, illegal and inhumane offshore detention system will, I hope, one day lead to significant jail terms for those involved.

You can congratulate Germans on the effectiveness of the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem too if you like - But you will likely get a similarly poor reception from the majority of them if you do.

Australians are, on the whole, not proud of the crimes that their government has committed. Many are not aware, of course; the concentration camps are intentionally remote, and the media are largely prohibited from going to see what is happening there.

Mass migration hasn't been a threat to Australia since the genocide of the Aborigines. Modern Australia is 97% recent migrants and their descendants. Most of those migrants arrived here since WWII (the population was 7.5 million in 1945, and it is 24 million today). Migration isn't a threat to Australia, it is its very basis (as is also true of modern America).

Derec, you are in the United States, and the United States realized that Donald Trump was the best person to be President. Clearly every single American has nothing but praise for him, and everything he does. Unless, of course, like Australia, it is a representative democracy in which the leaders are able to do things that many of the people might not actually want them to do.

The reign of the Liberal Party may be over soon, yes. But your hero, the hypocritical, say anything, do anything bit of horse shit Bill Shorten is on record, which to him means fuck all anyway, saying Labor will keep the present border policy. It was during the last Labor governments of Crudd/Gizzard/Crudd that over 50.000 so called refugees arrived in Australia using illegal people smugglers, and over 2000 perished trying to get here. More than 80% of those so called refugees are still on welfare.
Articles like that play to the very vocal minority of nut jobs and conspiracy theorist.

That's always been Daily Mail's main audience. That was my point of posting the link. Just to make it clear what kind of a product it is. It's mission isn't to inform. It's to shock and entertain.
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