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Europe submits voluntarily

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Articles like that play to the very vocal minority of nut jobs and conspiracy theorist.

That's always been Daily Mail's main audience. That was my point of posting the link. Just to make it clear what kind of a product it is. It's mission isn't to inform. It's to shock and entertain.

Sometimes the Mail, like most other newspapers sensationalized accurate news reports. That doesn't mean "all it's news reports " are fiction.
Most left leaning newspapers many times are apologists for terrorists. So in many cases The Mail acts as a balancing act.
That is a quite unfounded optimism, and it flies in the face of the facts, which show the opposite of Islam mellowing out.

BS. The Muslims currently invading Europe and breeding like jackrabbits are from most fundamentalist, Islamist corners of the World - countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia ...
And those Muslims who are MINOs will have fewer children. It is the devout, fundy Muslims who have 5-10 children each, and will thus out-compete MINOs.

But even if they are all committed advocates of fundamentalist Islam, 19.7% of the voting population isn't enough to get legislation changed, so really, why should we give a shit?
Muslims are not uniformly distributed, but have highest concentrations in big cities. 20% overall Muslim populations means Muslim dominance in all major cities.

Why should you "give a shit" about an Islamicized Munich?
Well, Oktoberfest is pretty much all about things Muslims find "haram".

Women showing skin, beer, ...


... pork ...


... and some sects of Islam even find music "haram".

if Europe is not careful, Oktoberfest 2040 might look more like this ...

Bilby, you are in Australia and Australia realzied that mass migration is a threat. Unlike Europe, Australia is blocking mass migrant boats instead of providing taxi service for everything but the first few miles of the journey ...

The girl carrying a Glass of beer, 2 jugs and a Pretzel looks Arabic
When I was in Egypt last time I ate pork and drank beer. In the Ottoman empire alcohol was banned 1612 - 1640. Otherwise it's been legal. That's almost a thousand years of Islamic rule. Many of the Ottoman caliph's were famously drinkers, and their bars and drink wear has survived to posterity. In Istanbul, the Istiklal Cadesi is the most famous party street. It's got bars 500 years old, and still going strong. There's bars and alcohol shops in Iran. You just need to apply for a permit and get a stamp in your pass to prove that you're not a Muslim.

The idea that eating pork and drinking beer is in any way a threat in the west because of Muslim immigration is retarded. If it's not under threat near the epicentre of the Islamic world today then it's not going to be banned here no matter if Muslims manage to turn Europe into a Caliphate.
When I was in Egypt last time I ate pork and drank beer. In the Ottoman empire alcohol was banned 1612 - 1640. Otherwise it's been legal. That's almost a thousand years of Islamic rule. Many of the Ottoman caliph's were famously drinkers, and their bars and drink wear has survived to posterity. In Istanbul, the Istiklal Cadesi is the most famous party street. It's got bars 500 years old, and still going strong. There's bars and alcohol shops in Iran. You just need to apply for a permit and get a stamp in your pass to prove that you're not a Muslim.

The idea that eating pork and drinking beer is in any way a threat in the west because of Muslim immigration is retarded. If it's not under threat near the epicentre of the Islamic world today then it's not going to be banned here no matter if Muslims manage to turn Europe into a Caliphate.

Try to buy non halal meat in the Western Suburbs of Sydney, and in many mainstream supermarkets. Besides the barbaric slaughtering methods, why should atheists like myself have to pay a fu...g religions tax??
When I was in Egypt last time I ate pork and drank beer. In the Ottoman empire alcohol was banned 1612 - 1640. Otherwise it's been legal. That's almost a thousand years of Islamic rule. Many of the Ottoman caliph's were famously drinkers, and their bars and drink wear has survived to posterity. In Istanbul, the Istiklal Cadesi is the most famous party street. It's got bars 500 years old, and still going strong. There's bars and alcohol shops in Iran. You just need to apply for a permit and get a stamp in your pass to prove that you're not a Muslim.

The idea that eating pork and drinking beer is in any way a threat in the west because of Muslim immigration is retarded. If it's not under threat near the epicentre of the Islamic world today then it's not going to be banned here no matter if Muslims manage to turn Europe into a Caliphate.

Try to buy non halal meat in the Western Suburbs of Sydney, and in many mainstream supermarkets. Besides the barbaric slaughtering methods, why should atheists like myself have to pay a fu...g religions tax??

Halal is not a barbaric slaughtering method. When slaughtered with the Halal method the animals are stunned before cut. Regular western slaughter involves bashing the head in of a fully conscious animal. I fail to see how either is more barbaric than the other? I practice these slaughter methods are identical. Halal slaughter doesn't cost more either.


Angelo... how about reading about stuff before writing? You keep spewing all the most stale, obsolete myths about Islam, as if they hadn't been shot down a million times over, and weren't easy as fuck to look up!

The only real difference between Halal and non-Halal is that in Halal slaughter the butcher has to be a Muslim and mumble a prayer upon cutting the animal. If you've got a Muslim butcher... why not? I'm guessing that's why all the meat is Halal in suburbs with a lot of Muslims working there.

When I'm out in immigrant suburbs buying meat, when I pay more, it's generally because it's better meat. I think that's what the difference in cost is about.

Here's a prediction... the next thing you post Angelo will be as ignorant as this one. How about impressing us with a researched post? You can do it!
You're more naive than what I thought! Halal slaughtering methods means the animal has to bleed to death! The only way that happens is by keeping the animal alive so as to keep the heart beating by slitting it's throat while conscious. Obviously you have no idea just how backward and barbaric islam is! Surely you are aware that later much more violent sayings of the pedophile, blood thirsty, war monger and terrorist Mo supersede the earliest more peaceful hadiths.

You're more naive than what I thought! Halal slaughtering methods means the animal has to bleed to death! The only way that happens is by keeping the animal alive so as to keep the heart beating by slitting it's throat while conscious. Obviously you have no idea just how backward and barbaric islam is! Surely you are aware that later much more violent sayings of the pedophile, blood thirsty, war monger and terrorist Mo supersede the earliest more peaceful hadiths.


Did you even read the article? I think that article explains it really well. The conclusion is that halal slaughtered meat doesn't have to be any more cruel than any other kind of slaughter.

The reason of the uproar is because in most of Europe it's possible for halal slaughters to apply for exemption from following regular slaughtering regulations, which does allow them to slit the throat of still conscious animals. But there's nothing in the religious rules that demands this. So it's an idiotic exemption that we might as well scrap. And it's mostly moot anyway, since nearly all halal slaughters stun the animals anyway. Not because they have to. But because they're not fucking cunts, and actually care about the animals they're killing.

The RSPCA support halal slaughter, as long as the animal is stunned first. Which it usually is. Makes perfect sense.

In Sweden and Denmark we don't have that exemption. Halal slaughter follows the same rules as everybody else. So the animal has to be stunned first. We have just as much halal meat as any other country.

How does it feel to be wrong again? Your reading comprehension skills aren't that great.
Secret footage has appeared of halal slaughter in a local Islamic abattoir here. Besides, how can an animal bleed to death, drained of all it's blood unless the heart pumps it out! For that to happen, the animal is conscious until it's last moment.
When I was in Egypt last time I ate pork and drank beer. In the Ottoman empire alcohol was banned 1612 - 1640. Otherwise it's been legal. That's almost a thousand years of Islamic rule. Many of the Ottoman caliph's were famously drinkers, and their bars and drink wear has survived to posterity. In Istanbul, the Istiklal Cadesi is the most famous party street. It's got bars 500 years old, and still going strong. There's bars and alcohol shops in Iran. You just need to apply for a permit and get a stamp in your pass to prove that you're not a Muslim.

The idea that eating pork and drinking beer is in any way a threat in the west because of Muslim immigration is retarded. If it's not under threat near the epicentre of the Islamic world today then it's not going to be banned here no matter if Muslims manage to turn Europe into a Caliphate.

Banning something doesn't necessarily make it unpopular.
Secret footage has appeared of halal slaughter in a local Islamic abattoir here. Besides, how can an animal bleed to death, drained of all it's blood unless the heart pumps it out! For that to happen, the animal is conscious until it's last moment.

In regular slaughter, the cows who've had their heads bashed in, also pump out the blood with the help of the heart, in spite of not having a functioning brain. Go figure!!! When slaughtering animals the blood needs to be removed. Its removed the exact same way in halal slaughter as in regular slaughter.

The heart is part of the autonomous nervous system. It doesn't need the brain to operate it.

I highly doubt those videos are representative. Abatoirs tend to be highly regulated and controlled, for hygiene reasons. They tend to be well run. I know this because I like to buy whole animals ftom farmers I trust and send them to the slaughter house myself. Because I save money that way. The place I went to was a regular Swedish place. They asked if I wanted it halal. No extra cost. Same slaughter house. Its the same places that do halal and non-halal. Its the same staff!

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Do you seriously believe Moslems give a f.....k about animals?

Yes. Why wouldn't they?
Angelo, you seem so full of hate. Is it possible that you're just projecting your own hate and maliciousness onto Muslims?
The place I went to was a regular Swedish place. They asked if I wanted it halal.
And you are seriously disputing that Sweden is getting fundamentally and thoroughly islamicized?
No extra cost. Same slaughter house.
Since halal requires an imam to "bless" the meat, which incurs extra cost, that only means that regular Swedes are being forced to subsidize Muslim's halal meat.
Its the same places that do halal and non-halal. Its the same staff!
If it's really the "same stuff", you are forced to buy halal meat . Also, I doubt the slaughterhouse is allowed to process pork now that they have gone halal. Another bad consequence of islamization.

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Yes. Why wouldn't they?
They certainly tend to dislike dogs.
Secret footage has appeared of halal slaughter in a local Islamic abattoir here. Besides, how can an animal bleed to death, drained of all it's blood unless the heart pumps it out! For that to happen, the animal is conscious until it's last moment.

That requires it to be alive, not to be conscious. Most ways of sedation wouldn't be a good idea because the chemical would be left behind in the meat but there's one way that won't--hypoxia. A zero-oxygen environment would be lethal and thus unsuitable but if you use a low oxygen environment you can cause unconsciousness without death. (You're risking brain damage but that's irrelevant as the animal won't survive anyway.)
Secret footage has appeared of halal slaughter in a local Islamic abattoir here. Besides, how can an animal bleed to death, drained of all it's blood unless the heart pumps it out! For that to happen, the animal is conscious until it's last moment.

Are you genuinely of the opinion that consciousness is necessary for a heartbeat to be sustained?

Biology and medicine disagree with you.

A heart can continue to beat for up to four hours, even after it has been removed entirely from the body. No connection to a brain is required; much less a connection to a conscious brain.

If consciousness was required to sustain a heartbeat, general anaesthesia would be almost invariably fatal, as would even quite mild blows to the head, or even just a good night's sleep.

You seriously need to do a LOT more thinking before you post; right now, you are making a total fool of yourself.

- - - Updated - - -

Do you seriously believe Moslems give a f.....k about animals?

Do you seriously believe that they don't?

If so, you are a raving lunatic.
Secret footage has appeared of halal slaughter in a local Islamic abattoir here. Besides, how can an animal bleed to death, drained of all it's blood unless the heart pumps it out! For that to happen, the animal is conscious until it's last moment.

That requires it to be alive, not to be conscious. Most ways of sedation wouldn't be a good idea because the chemical would be left behind in the meat but there's one way that won't--hypoxia. A zero-oxygen environment would be lethal and thus unsuitable but if you use a low oxygen environment you can cause unconsciousness without death. (You're risking brain damage but that's irrelevant as the animal won't survive anyway.)

Nope. Brain death is not necessarily an obstacle to continued beating of a heart. A heart doesn't even need to be connected to a brain, or to be connected to a body, in order to keep beating for hours.

Only using the (biologically unsound, and logically circular) idea of death wherein cessation of heartbeat is death by definition, can you claim that it is necessary for an animal to be alive for its heart to beat.

Brain death need not stop the heart (it might; but it needn't). As any transplant surgeon can attest.
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