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Europe submits voluntarily

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Further proof Europe has already submitted to " the religion of peace."


The source is an openly Nazi German blog. It's not even big. What do you think the chances are that this is bullshit?

About zero, as other sources are saying the same thing.

Gruppenvergewaltigung in Freiburg - Ein gefährlicher Satz

Jihad Watch is not a "Nazi" blog. Let's stop with the godwinning of that word!
Meanwhile, the mass migrants just keep coming.
On the ground at the Bosnian-Croatian border where migrant tensions are rising

Euronews said:
Tensions are rising on the Bosnian-Croatian border, where scores of migrants are demanding entry to the European Union, amid reports this week of fresh police clashes, plummeting temperatures and inadequate living conditions.
Thousands of migrants and refugees fleeing wars and poverty in North Africa and Asia are sleeping rough near the border, which they hope to cross to gain access to the EU.
It's similar to the situation at our southern border with Honduran mass migrants likewise demanding to be let in. With violence if necessary.

This is 24-year-old Muhamed Suliman. He worked as a taxi driver in Dubai before heading towards Europe. It was "too hot to stay there. Not enough pay. Too many fines,” he said.
Suliman said his dream is to reach Italy, but there is no way to cross into Croatia.
“I will try again. Again and again,” he said.
These are the "refugees" that are streaming into Europe. Cab drivers that think they can make more money in the EU than in the infamous war zone of Dubai. :rolleyes:
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Any site that criticises Islam is immediately labelled " A Nazi site." Without realising that Nazism was socialist, and a supremacist ideology just like Islam is.
Meanwhile, the mass migrants just keep coming.
On the ground at the Bosnian-Croatian border where migrant tensions are rising

Euronews said:
Tensions are rising on the Bosnian-Croatian border, where scores of migrants are demanding entry to the European Union, amid reports this week of fresh police clashes, plummeting temperatures and inadequate living conditions.
Thousands of migrants and refugees fleeing wars and poverty in North Africa and Asia are sleeping rough near the border, which they hope to cross to gain access to the EU.
It's similar to the situation at our southern border with Honduran mass migrants likewise demanding to be let in.

This is 24-year-old Muhamed Suliman. He worked as a taxi driver in Dubai before heading towards Europe. It was "too hot to stay there. Not enough pay. Too many fines,” he said.
Suliman said his dream is to reach Italy, but there is no way to cross into Croatia.
“I will try again. Again and again,” he said.
These are the "refugees" that are streaming into Europe. Cab drivers that think they can make more money in the EU than in the infamous war zone of Dubai. :rolleyes:

The Australian government, under an agreement by former pm Malcolm Turnbull and the hapless Obama administration agreed to send 1500 economic " refugees " to the US.
More than 70 of them refuse to go to the US as Australia has better welfare benefits than the US.
Plus, in the US they must get a job,
Any site that criticises Islam is immediately labelled " A Nazi site." Without realising that Nazism was socialist, and a supremacist ideology just like Islam is.

No. It's just most of the reports on what's happening with the immigrants come from right-wing sites, generally from neo-Nazi sites. And they don't exactly have a track record for honesty. There appears to be a decent amount of truth but we have no way of knowing what of it is real.
Further proof Europe has already submitted to " the religion of peace."


The source is an openly Nazi German blog. It's not even big. What do you think the chances are that this is bullshit?

About zero, as other sources are saying the same thing.

Gruppenvergewaltigung in Freiburg - Ein gefährlicher Satz

Jihad Watch is not a "Nazi" blog. Let's stop with the godwinning of that word!

I didn't say Jihadwatch was. I said the source that Jihadwatch used was. It's linked in the article.

The article you posted has a completely different, and more sensible focus. It's pretty clear from that that the policeman accidentally said a stupid, and had to eat his words. It happens, but isn't really news. Nobody cares what the police think about things. They're just here to obey the law. Their opinion, literally doesn't matter.
Any site that criticises Islam is immediately labelled " A Nazi site." Without realising that Nazism was socialist, and a supremacist ideology just like Islam is.

No. It's just most of the reports on what's happening with the immigrants come from right-wing sites, generally from neo-Nazi sites. And they don't exactly have a track record for honesty. There appears to be a decent amount of truth but we have no way of knowing what of it is real.

While Jihad Watch is right-of-center, it is certainly not "Nazi".
Any site that criticises Islam is immediately labelled " A Nazi site." Without realising that Nazism was socialist, and a supremacist ideology just like Islam is.

No. It's just most of the reports on what's happening with the immigrants come from right-wing sites, generally from neo-Nazi sites. And they don't exactly have a track record for honesty. There appears to be a decent amount of truth but we have no way of knowing what of it is real.

While Jihad Watch is right-of-center, it is certainly not "Nazi".

Jihad watch is strongly pro-Israel. Who claimed Jihad watch is Nazi? They obviously aren't.
Any site that criticises Islam is immediately labelled " A Nazi site." Without realising that Nazism was socialist, and a supremacist ideology just like Islam is.

No. It's just most of the reports on what's happening with the immigrants come from right-wing sites, generally from neo-Nazi sites. And they don't exactly have a track record for honesty. There appears to be a decent amount of truth but we have no way of knowing what of it is real.

While Jihad Watch is right-of-center, it is certainly not "Nazi".

Don't just take the given source, follow where they got it from.
Attempted honor killing in Germany

A 17 year old [all ages given at the time of crime] Lebanese(?) girl was almost stabbed to death by her brother and her husband (arranged Islamic but apparently not civilly legal marriage). The brother is 20 and was only sentenced to 7.5 years in some kind of "social-therapeutic institution", whatever that means. The 34 year old Syrian "husband" was sentenced to 6.75 years in prison.
The parents were also convicted of lesser crimes. The statement by the father is especially telling.
The Father said:
"Wenn eine verheiratete Frau eine Beziehung führt und der islamische Richter sie zum Tode verurteilt, dann darf ich nicht Nein sagen"
"When a married woman has an [extramarital] relationship and an Islamic judge sentences her to death, then I cannot say no to that".
Ehemann und Bruder müssen nach versuchtem Mord in Haft

Unfortunately, the article does not say that any of these people will be deported when they serve their sentence. Given dysfunctional German deportation policies, they probably will not be. :(

I guess the left thinks letting more and more people like this is "cultural enrichment".

They have a "culture" all right. :rolleyes: :sick-green:
A 17 year old [all ages given at the time of crime] Lebanese(?) girl was almost stabbed to death by her brother and her husband (arranged Islamic but apparently not civilly legal marriage). The brother is 20 and was only sentenced to 7.5 years in some kind of "social-therapeutic institution", whatever that means. The 34 year old Syrian "husband" was sentenced to 6.75 years in prison.
The parents were also convicted of lesser crimes. The statement by the father is especially telling.
The Father said:
"Wenn eine verheiratete Frau eine Beziehung führt und der islamische Richter sie zum Tode verurteilt, dann darf ich nicht Nein sagen"
"When a married woman has an [extramarital] relationship and an Islamic judge sentences her to death, then I cannot say no to that".
Ehemann und Bruder müssen nach versuchtem Mord in Haft

Unfortunately, the article does not say that any of these people will be deported when they serve their sentence. Given dysfunctional German deportation policies, they probably will not be. :(

I guess the left thinks letting more and more people like this is "cultural enrichment".

They have a "culture" all right. :rolleyes: :sick-green:

Are there population groups other than Western Europeans (and their relatives elsewhere) who are so self-loathing? It is a fascinating - though sad - outcome of Western European population evolution that the people are so altruistic to a fault; they would rather assist in their own extinction than offend a foreigner who does not share their interest. Western European civilization, R.I.P.
A 17 year old [all ages given at the time of crime] Lebanese(?) girl was almost stabbed to death by her brother and her husband (arranged Islamic but apparently not civilly legal marriage). The brother is 20 and was only sentenced to 7.5 years in some kind of "social-therapeutic institution", whatever that means. The 34 year old Syrian "husband" was sentenced to 6.75 years in prison.
The parents were also convicted of lesser crimes. The statement by the father is especially telling.
The Father said:
"Wenn eine verheiratete Frau eine Beziehung führt und der islamische Richter sie zum Tode verurteilt, dann darf ich nicht Nein sagen"
"When a married woman has an [extramarital] relationship and an Islamic judge sentences her to death, then I cannot say no to that".
Ehemann und Bruder müssen nach versuchtem Mord in Haft

Unfortunately, the article does not say that any of these people will be deported when they serve their sentence. Given dysfunctional German deportation policies, they probably will not be. :(

I guess the left thinks letting more and more people like this is "cultural enrichment".

They have a "culture" all right. :rolleyes: :sick-green:

Are there population groups other than Western Europeans (and their relatives elsewhere) who are so self-loathing? It is a fascinating - though sad - outcome of Western European population evolution that the people are so altruistic to a fault; they would rather assist in their own extinction than offend a foreigner who does not share their interest. Western European civilization, R.I.P.

In Sweden religion died in the 1950'ies. With it died a lot of the glue that held Sweden together. It's just a historical fact. It's a problem in these parts.
Are there population groups other than Western Europeans (and their relatives elsewhere) who are so self-loathing? It is a fascinating - though sad - outcome of Western European population evolution that the people are so altruistic to a fault; they would rather assist in their own extinction than offend a foreigner who does not share their interest. Western European civilization, R.I.P.

In Sweden religion died in the 1950'ies. With it died a lot of the glue that held Sweden together. It's just a historical fact. It's a problem in these parts.

The Swedes, as did other European countries decided that immigration, or letting millions of economic migrants in to their countries could only benefit their once great civilasation.

But the problem greatly exceeded even the most rabid of political correct leftists hopes that the nice followers of a terrorist prophet would integrate with an ideology of freedom and democracy totally alien to them!

That anyone who criticizes these little more than backward savages, or the ideology of islam will be labeled far-right extremists or the CAIR invented phrase Islamophobia even when they murder infidels or Kafirs.
One can look at a glass 99.99/100 full and say it is empty.

This is of course only one side of the immigration story.

There are many many good things that come from people being exposed to different cultures.

This is good for the immigrants and the people they are now surrounded by.

The whole thing is mostly good and in a generation it will be really good. Many flowers will bloom.

Of course there are going to be scattered individual problems from people that have been severely traumatized by war.

Those that focus on these scattered cases and ignore all the good have ulterior motives and an agenda.

They are not honest people.

They are the kinds of people you should not associate with.

Those that continually say we must hate and keep out the other because they are different and defective should be ignored. They are insane.
And can we please stop calling it honour killings? What's honourable about killing your own daughter or sister?
One can look at a glass 99.99/100 full and say it is empty.

This is of course only one side of the immigration story.

There are many many good things that come from people being exposed to different cultures.

This is good for the immigrants and the people they are now surrounded by.

The whole thing is mostly good and in a generation it will be really good. Many flowers will bloom.

Of course there are going to be scattered individual problems from people that have been severely traumatized by war.

Those that focus on these scattered cases and ignore all the good have ulterior motives and an agenda.

They are not honest people.

They are the kinds of people you should not associate with.

Those that continually say we must hate and keep out the other because they are different and defective should be ignored. They are insane.

What a load of hogwash! Most North Africans or Iraqis, Lebanese, etc aren't at war with anyone, and the term "Traumatized" is pure bullshit! If their countries of origin are at war, why don't these mostly male, young strong men, or seekers of the best welfare states stay home to defend their women and children?
One can look at a glass 99.99/100 full and say it is empty.

This is of course only one side of the immigration story.

There are many many good things that come from people being exposed to different cultures.

This is good for the immigrants and the people they are now surrounded by.

The whole thing is mostly good and in a generation it will be really good. Many flowers will bloom.

Of course there are going to be scattered individual problems from people that have been severely traumatized by war.

Those that focus on these scattered cases and ignore all the good have ulterior motives and an agenda.

They are not honest people.

They are the kinds of people you should not associate with.

Those that continually say we must hate and keep out the other because they are different and defective should be ignored. They are insane.

What a load of hogwash! Most North Africans or Iraqis, Lebanese, etc aren't at war with anyone, and the term "Traumatized" is pure bullshit! If their countries of origin are at war, why don't these mostly male, young strong men, or seekers of the best welfare states stay home to defend their women and children?

Your inhumanity is noted.

Once again.

Your ilk is a problem. Has always been a problem.

Blind hatred of the other is ignorance and stupidity.
And can we please stop calling it honour killings? What's honourable about killing your own daughter or sister?

Ask the Muslims. You have plenty of those in your neck of the woods.

Honour killings have never been a Muslim thing. It's a mountain thing across the northern edge of the Middle East. It's a practice that cuts right through all the religions of the area. The people of the lowlands where the lands are more fertile have never practiced it. Up in the mountains live the poorest, and the least educated. The most oppressed people's of the Middle-East. Perhaps it's got more to do with poverty than Islam?

In areas with extreme poverty and where everybody is perpetually on the brink of starvation extreme practices develop. Because these societies can't afford fuck-ups. Anybody who doesn't follow tradition, doesn't do their fair share of work, is a liability and risks the survival of the whole village.

What this tells us is that as soon as these regions catches up with the rest of the world and shift to a modern industrial economy, they will stop with this nonsense.

Worth noting is that honour killings of unfaithful wives was still legal and socially condoned well into the 1970'ies in parts of the West. So the fact that "honour killings" are frowned upon and illegal even in the regions that practice it means they're at least ahead of Europe just 50 years ago. Nowhere on the planet are thy generally condoned today. It's a dying practice everywhere
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