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Europe submits voluntarily

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Within fifty or so years, you won't have to travel far to see madrases and mosques everywhere.

That doesn't help me at all. I just turned fifty a few months ago. I can't wait until I'm 100 to see the results of Europe's complete surrender to Islam!

Do you think maybe you could convince people to start building historically significant mosques within the next few years?
No need to wait. Since you are in 'merica, there are several you can visit. The first opened in Detroit in 1921. Being the first makes it pretty historically significant.
So now that Europe has completely surrendered to the Muslim horde, how long will it be before we get some really interesting architecture on the continent?

Given that the average mosque here looks like a concrete box with incredibly tacky bright colored plastic minarets bolted on... that might be a well.

This one in Amsterdam is quite cool though; purposefully built in the same Brick Expressionist style as the surrounding neighborhood. It's a nice fit, aesthetically.

So now that Europe has completely surrendered to the Muslim horde, how long will it be before we get some really interesting architecture on the continent?

Given that the average mosque here looks like a concrete box with incredibly tacky bright colored plastic minarets bolted on... that might be a well.

This one in Amsterdam is quite cool though; purposefully built in the same Brick Expressionist style as the surrounding neighborhood. It's a nice fit, aesthetically.


They actually make the mosques fit in pretty well. An example I think is pretty fun is around where I live they fit in their mosque in a semi industrial neighborhood with these ugly cube concrete buildings (like the one furthest to the left in the below picture)


Fyi, the minaret is just for show, they don't actually use it.
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So now that Europe has completely surrendered to the Muslim horde, how long will it be before we get some really interesting architecture on the continent?

Given that the average mosque here looks like a concrete box with incredibly tacky bright colored plastic minarets bolted on... that might be a well.

This one in Amsterdam is quite cool though; purposefully built in the same Brick Expressionist style as the surrounding neighborhood. It's a nice fit, aesthetically.


I just love tacky religion. The more neon lights and plastic the more I'm in. I love classy religion to. But tacky religion is the greatest. Never ending joy. Vaguely Hindu brainwashing sects of the 50'ies and 60'ies are the bomb.




It will be an Islamic paradise with sharia, minarets, women getting around wearing black tents, you name it.

Yeah but if it doesn't happen for another 50 years, I'll be dead.
Think of your children and grandchildren! What a perfect paradise we leave them! Think they may say: "what the fuck have they done." Hold on, they may not know that we could have stopped it happening, but I'm sure there may be some brave history teachers that will tell them!
Even if what you say is correct about Islam always being Jihadist, it has has a long time on the world stage and shows no possibility of actually conquering the world. It is dated and anachronistic. By dwelling on this, you too bring anachronisms to the table...the same Jihadism as they bring, the same violence and the same idiocy that you can somehow kill those who oppose you and they will just vanish from the scene. That is part of your blindness and as long as we have dealt with this issue, you never move too far from recommending military style violence and totalitarian repression of those who oppose your own neo liberal industrialization concept of social development.
Jihadis like evolution moves very slowly, hardly perceivable. It was Gaddafi who said: Islam will conquer Europe without firing a shot, by mass migration.
I do wish more people would read what to Moslems is their life, namely, the Koran!

Now it doesn't really matter what Gaddafi said now does it? In case you are unaware...Gaddafi is DEAD. Jihad pretty much seems a formula to Insulting defeat after Insulting defeat. So why does it have to be you and me on the line restraining the ranging hoardes of savages coming to take our homes, and our lives from us for being? Splain how fighting idiodic sectarian wars (Jihad to some). That goes for taking sides against these people on the side of the ravenous profit seeking whites. It is just a bad idea to participate anywhere there is a Jihad going on. Wars are fought over real natural resources,and the religion of Jihad turns even this faulty logic upside down. The problem with violence is that it is always the same...painful to somebody and wasting a great amount of human effort to ameliorate the conditions violence generates.... (Broken buildings, and infrastructure and people. Violence always leads to new violence.

So what if you could dictate to your government that it not waste human and natural resources in wars (Our version of Jihad) or you will deduct the percentage it spends on war because our government is not democratic when it participates in Jihad or war or suppression of inserrection. The litter laws should apply to war making people. My country flies about anywhere in the world to deliver a hellfire missile at the President's discretion. So those hellfire missiles are making messes everywhere they land and that is the most heinous littering being done these days. What is more the litterer never cleans up the mess...any more than the Taliban can replace the precious Buddhist statues the dynamited. Similar actions all have the same kinds of consequences. In Vietnam, children are still being born with gross abnormalities due to the genetic damage of U. S. chemical warfare. Still not cleaned up, still a problem for some poor soul who never had any voice in the matter of whether or not Vietnam would be poisoned and bombed from end to end. And we hold our faces straight and stiffly salute old glory and never think of the deformed children of our wars in Iraq and Vietnam and Cambodia. How can we honor a system that kills and otherwise harms people world wide? We can honor it by restoring something of the honesty that was supposed to be its guiding principle.

People who treat international relations and our political system like some sort of parlor game with winners carrying away huge sums of unearned money completely miss the point of why we would have politics and international relations....we need to become more interested in coopering on a large scale with other countries in attempts to limit global warming consequences. We need to think in terms of the human race being what it is ONE FUCKING RACE!
Are you going to tell the third world nations attempting to climb out of poverty they aren't allowed to have cheap power sources such as coal because of some fear that the carbon emitted by coal is perceived as being harmful? Sorry, but you can't build that coal powered power station because it emits too much pollution!. Your people have either stay in darkness or pay threw the teeth for power generation.
Heard a great quote today regarding the Syrian refugees. When people are thrown down the Maslow hierarchy of needs pyramid, we shouldn't be surprised if their behaviour changes, until they feel safe again.
Multicultural Birmingham celebrates diversity with Saudi Arabia;

A Trojan Horse school had a 'morality squad' which saw prefects spy on other pupils and inform teachers if they were in relationships, a tribunal has heard.
Muslim girls were also told women who refused to have sex with their husbands would be "smited" and go to hell.
Separately, boys were deliberately not taught about how to put on condoms and sex education was only taught in the context of marriage.
A whistleblower who taught at Park View Academy in Alum Rock, Birmingham, also claimed pro-Islam messages were read out over a tannoy system in the playground.
Leaflets preaching Islam ideology were also widely distributed to each classroom.
The revelations were made at a disciplinary hearing at the National College for Teaching and Leadership in Coventry.
Teachers Akheel Ahmed, 41, and Inamulhaq Anwar, 34, are both accused of trying to force extreme Muslim teaching onto the school's agenda.


It's debatable as to whether these "muslim teachings" are extreme or not.
Multicultural Birmingham celebrates diversity with Saudi Arabia;

A Trojan Horse school had a 'morality squad' which saw prefects spy on other pupils and inform teachers if they were in relationships, a tribunal has heard.
Muslim girls were also told women who refused to have sex with their husbands would be "smited" and go to hell.
Separately, boys were deliberately not taught about how to put on condoms and sex education was only taught in the context of marriage.
A whistleblower who taught at Park View Academy in Alum Rock, Birmingham, also claimed pro-Islam messages were read out over a tannoy system in the playground.
Leaflets preaching Islam ideology were also widely distributed to each classroom.
The revelations were made at a disciplinary hearing at the National College for Teaching and Leadership in Coventry.
Teachers Akheel Ahmed, 41, and Inamulhaq Anwar, 34, are both accused of trying to force extreme Muslim teaching onto the school's agenda.


It's debatable as to whether these "muslim teachings" are extreme or not.

This is contrary to our values and looks like the tip of a radical iceberg. The first clue is inhibitions or obsessions with sex. Anyway I thought people stopped having sex when they were married.
I just love tacky religion.

When I say tacky, I mean this


A better word would be fugly.
At the rate they are now swarming in in millions from Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Middle East and Africa, they may even have to think about prefabricated mosques to house the hoards. Perhaps the Netherlands can consider reclaiming land from the sea to build them on.
There's some controversy here in the Victorian town of Bendigo where anti Islam sentiment is growing daily in trying to stop a huge mosque been built there. It's got to the point where a high Court must decide if it goes ahead.
I can't imagine the court deciding against, as it would be labeled anti Islamic by supporters of this monstrosity been built.
There's some controversy here in the Victorian town of Bendigo where anti Islam sentiment is growing daily in trying to stop a huge mosque been built there. It's got to the point where a high Court must decide if it goes ahead.
I can't imagine the court deciding against, as it would be labeled anti Islamic by supporters of this monstrosity been built.



It looks very modern, like the kind of building I might see on a university campus.

Only a BOGAN would call that a monstrosity.

Anyone who knows even a shred of Australian history would understand that freedom of religion is one of our core cultural values.

The Neo-Nazis in the UPF and their bogan sympathisers want the government to abandon our Australian values to satisfy their ignorance.
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