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Europe submits voluntarily

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Since one side is calling for a ban on building mosques while the other side is not calling for a ban on building churches, it's self-explanatory which side is a threat to civil liberties and Australian cultural values.
When's the last time you watched a xtian church being built? I've seen many closing down through lack of patronage.
Mosques are breeding grounds for terrorist and hate preaching of infidels.

Wikipedia says that this:

... is the most recently built church in the diocese where I live. It's been opened to the public in 2012.

And it least one more is currently being built - the construction was initiated in 2013: http://www.ordensgemeinschaften.at/782-bau-blog-schildert-die-grundsteinlegung-fuer-neue-kirche

Not a very useful comparison anyway - there are currently way more churches / 1000 Christians than there are mosques / 1000 Muslims - in Austria, France, Germany, etc. I haven't seen figures for Australia, but I'd bet a monthly supply of beer that the same is true down under.
It must be the Buddhist, Baptist, Catholics, that indulge in terrorist attacks, female genital mutilation, child marriage, honour killings and stonings to death of adulterers, throwing gays from the top of buildings. How silly of me to fail to see the obvious!

The atrocity of female genital mutilation is a regional tradition which is weakly linked with Islam - in the regions where it's traditional, it is practiced by Muslims and Christians alike, while it's unknown in most of the Muslim world. In some countries, the prevalence is actually higher among Christians than among Muslims:

(about Tanzania:) Type II FGM was found to be most common. There are significant differences in regional prevalence; FGM is most widespread in Manyara (81%), Dodoma (68%), Arusha (55%), Singida (43%) and Mara (38%) regions.[111] The practice varies with religion, with reported prevalence rates of 20% for Christian and 15% of Muslim women.[47]

Here, educate yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_female_genital_mutilation_by_country
Again I stress. Read the fucking Koran! There's no moderate Islam. They all know their prophet was the ultimate man, and they must emulate him in every way. Including pedophilia, not tolerating infidels, either convert them or they must pay a tax to the superior muzzie. It's lawful to lie for the cause, it's lawful to subdue non muzzies, ISIS is Islam in its purest form.

I have read the Quran. Several translations. It's written in verse=vague. It's full of pretty metaphor. It's not a legal text. There's actually nothing about forcing people to emulate Mohammed. He's just upheld as a good role model. Which is questionable. But wasn't the topic here. On the non-toleration of infidels, the Quran is pretty specific. It's only the pagan Arabs that are to be instantly persecuted. They're all gone now. So it's moot. Regarding everybody else the Quran prattles on endlessly about that it's always better to forgive those who have transgressed you.

Like most religious text you can behave pretty much any way you want and you'll be able to find justification for it in the Quran. So claiming that ISIS is Islam in it's purest form I'd say is Islamophobia (the correct way of interpreting that word).

ISIS are the way they are because it's members are dicks. Not because they are Muslims. The Nazis were the way they were because they were dicks. Not because they were Christian. Same thing. Both these movements used their respective holy books to justify their atrocities. Whether or not either of them interpreted their holy book correct is a retarded debate. They both did, and didn't at the same time. That's the problem with a vague text.

As I have frequently mentioned, with the fall of Saddam, these lunatics are now like wild dogs of their leashes. The actual threat is real. The best chance of restoring stability to Syria is for the Russian offensive to prevail against ISIS and the FSA. However could the FSA and the Syrian Army form a peace pact in order to eliminate ISIS?

In the last few days, this seems to have already started between the Kurds and the Syrian army.


They realise the main threat is ISIS. A
It must be the Buddhist, Baptist, Catholics, that indulge in terrorist attacks, female genital mutilation, child marriage, honour killings and stonings to death of adulterers, throwing gays from the top of buildings. How silly of me to fail to see the obvious!

To this day, Christians engage in:
Female genital mutilation
Child rape
Church cover-ups of child rape
Child conscription
Child slave labour
Rape as a weapon of war
Witch burnings
Holy wars

So it is pretty clear to me that you are, in fact, unable to see the obvious: that Islam does not have a monopoly on cruelty, hatred and violence.

Christians are the majority of the population in Australia: if you followed your piss-poor reasoning to its logical conclusion you would also believe that this country's Christian population, which undoubtedly includes much of your own family, are a huge threat for the same reasons your think Muslims are a threat.

Christians have a holy book full of insanity and evil.
Christians commit acts of unthinkable violence and cruelty.
Christians are actively trying to create Christian theocracies.
Yet you are able to recognise that most Christians are peaceful moderates.

Muslims have a holy book full of insanity and evil.
Muslims commit acts of unthinkable violence and cruelty.
Muslims are actively trying to create Islamic theocracies.
Yet you come to a different conclusion about Muslims than you do about Christians.

It's obvious that you simply have a deep-seated fear and hatred of Muslims. It's likely because you are 'educated' by the mass media who are incapable of journalistic integrity and critical thought.

- - - Updated - - -

Now that is a monstrosity!
To this day, Christians engage in:
Female genital mutilation
Child rape
Church cover-ups of child rape
Child conscription
Child slave labour
Rape as a weapon of war
Witch burnings
Holy wars

So it is pretty clear to me that you are, in fact, unable to see the obvious: that Islam does not have a monopoly on cruelty, hatred and violence.

Christians are the majority of the population in Australia: if you followed your piss-poor reasoning to its logical conclusion you would also believe that this country's Christian population, which undoubtedly includes much of your own family, are a huge threat for the same reasons your think Muslims are a threat.

Christians have a holy book full of insanity and evil.
Christians commit acts of unthinkable violence and cruelty.
Christians are actively trying to create Christian theocracies.
Yet you are able to recognise that most Christians are peaceful moderates.

Muslims have a holy book full of insanity and evil.
Muslims commit acts of unthinkable violence and cruelty.
Muslims are actively trying to create Islamic theocracies.
Yet you come to a different conclusion about Muslims than you do about Christians.

It's obvious that you simply have a deep-seated fear and hatred of Muslims. It's likely because you are 'educated' by the mass media who are incapable of journalistic integrity and critical thought.

- - - Updated - - -

Now that is a monstrosity!

Buddhists also do the same bullshit. But they do it with a smile and while not getting stressed.
It must be the Buddhist, Baptist, Catholics, that indulge in terrorist attacks, female genital mutilation, child marriage, honour killings and stonings to death of adulterers, throwing gays from the top of buildings. How silly of me to fail to see the obvious!

As you will notice, the response/rebuttal to all of this is the typical and childish response of "well christians do it too", "well the bible is just as bad". These people are comical. They will point to the woolly jumpered methodists running a cake stand and insist (and sincerely believe) they are just as likely to commit a suicide bombing or chop your head off as bin Laden. They much prefer to get outraged at the catholic church and its less than average sexual abuse record or the near non existent abortion doctor murders.

edit: or the buddhists.
It must be the Buddhist, Baptist, Catholics, that indulge in terrorist attacks, female genital mutilation, child marriage, honour killings and stonings to death of adulterers, throwing gays from the top of buildings. How silly of me to fail to see the obvious!

As you will notice, the response/rebuttal to all of this is the typical and childish response of "well christians do it too", "well the bible is just as bad". These people are comical. They will point to the woolly jumpered methodists running a cake stand and insist (and sincerely believe) they are just as likely to commit a suicide bombing or chop your head off as bin Laden. They much prefer to get outraged at the catholic church and its less than average sexual abuse record or the near non existent abortion doctor murders.

edit: or the buddhists.

The woolly-jumpered Methodists aren't the Christians who are burning witches. And your local Muslims aren't the ones throwing gays off of rooftops.

Which is why your fear of Muslims is such a joke. It's a reds-under-the-bed level of stupid.
To this day, Christians engage in:
Female genital mutilation
Child rape
Church cover-ups of child rape
Child conscription
Child slave labour
Rape as a weapon of war
Witch burnings
Holy wars

So it is pretty clear to me that you are, in fact, unable to see the obvious: that Islam does not have a monopoly on cruelty, hatred and violence.

Christians are the majority of the population in Australia: if you followed your piss-poor reasoning to its logical conclusion you would also believe that this country's Christian population, which undoubtedly includes much of your own family, are a huge threat for the same reasons your think Muslims are a threat.

Christians have a holy book full of insanity and evil.
Christians commit acts of unthinkable violence and cruelty.
Christians are actively trying to create Christian theocracies.
Yet you are able to recognise that most Christians are peaceful moderates.

Muslims have a holy book full of insanity and evil.
Muslims commit acts of unthinkable violence and cruelty.
Muslims are actively trying to create Islamic theocracies.
Yet you come to a different conclusion about Muslims than you do about Christians.


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Now that is a monstrosity!

Is this proof that Muslims are integrating after all?
Most Muslims would disagree.

A comforting thought for when a muslim is about to separate one's head from one's body or about to be launched from the top of a tall building to a noisy rabble of muslims.

As comforting or discomforting as the knowledge that most Norwegians despise him and his ideas is when you are about to be shot by Anders Breivik.
Merely pointing out your comparison is shit and irrelevant and therefore YOU are the one trying to distract but failing. I honestly thought you would have tried Timothy McVeigh first.
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