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The neo nazis as you call the protestors should be silenced, but the islamfacists should not is that right?

Since one side is calling for a ban on building mosques while the other side is not calling for a ban on building churches, it's self-explanatory which side is a threat to civil liberties and Australian cultural values.
The neo nazis as you call the protestors should be silenced, but the islamfacists should not is that right?
By 'the Neo Nazis' I refer to the United Patriots Front, the group who staged the protest.



I'm pretty sure that's the flag of the Kriegsmarine, although he probably just downloaded it from Google Images because it has a swastika and an iron cross.

Maybe Border Force should consider adopting it for use during on-water operations.


I didn't say the Neo-Nazis should be silenced, nor do I believe that.

What I do believe is that they should be ignored, because they are hateful bigots whose values are not shared by the majority of Australians. The only people who support them are the kind of bogans who have Southern Cross tattoos and don't know a thing about anything except what they see on TV.

I also believe the same rule should be applied to the scumbag mullahs who preach hate and ignorance. That is, they should be ignored.

It cracks me up that you cannot spell 'Islamofascist'. You get it wrong time after time. It's symbolic.

Islamofascism refers to extremist groups like Hezbollah, al Qaeda and Hamas because their versions of Islamism resemble fascism as it was practised in the twentieth century. Your understanding of it doesn't extend beyond 'that's a threatening way to describe Islam', which is why you think it applies to all Muslims, including those that are building this mosque in Bendigo.
Israel is a gaping wound and the cause of huge unrest.

What a great idea this religious state.
Anti semetism is blinding judgments. I repeat that Israel has a secular democratic government. One that doesn't throw gay people from the top floor of high buildings. It embraces all including atheist and xtians.


The instant claim of antisemitism. That usually means a bunch of ignorance is going to follow.

And I'm not disappointed.

Israel pushed hundreds of thousands of Muslims out of Israel to start this "democracy". Now they keep millions of Muslims in concentration camps. This is to prevent them from being part of Israel and upsetting it's phony "democracy".
At the rate they are now swarming in in millions from Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Middle East and Africa, they may even have to think about prefabricated mosques to house the hoards. Perhaps the Netherlands can consider reclaiming land from the sea to build them on.


This is a crisis. Now we need to build


The Government wants to reduce the net migration figure to just 100,000 but Lord Green said this would be "very difficult".

He added: "Unless some action is taken to reduce the inflow from European countries, it will not be possible to bring levels of migration down to levels that people in this country will accept."

Earlier in the meeting, Richard Harrington, the minister responsible for Syrian refugees in Britain repeatedly refused to reveal the number of migrants who had arrived, saying he was not willing to give a "running commentary".

The debate in the House of Commons comes following reports one village near Heathrow was being swamped by migrants.

Many of the arrivals have claimed to be from The Jungle camp in Calais.

Today it was also revealed Britain was spending £100,000 a day on dealing with the crisis in Calais in a bid to stop migrants getting through the Channel Tunnel.
Never miss a point about mentioning Israel, right?
The facts are that the Jewish state is an open and free democracy. In matter of fact, the only democratic nation in the region! There's even Arabs in government having been elected legitimately.

Israel is a gaping wound and the cause of huge unrest.

What a great idea this religious state.

And the gay person is responsible for being lynched for being gay??
Anti semetism is blinding judgments. I repeat that Israel has a secular democratic government. One that doesn't throw gay people from the top floor of high buildings. It embraces all including atheist and xtians.


The instant claim of antisemitism. That usually means a bunch of ignorance is going to follow.

And I'm not disappointed.

Israel pushed hundreds of thousands of Muslims out of Israel to start this "democracy". Now they keep millions of Muslims in concentration camps. This is to prevent them from being part of Israel and upsetting it's phony "democracy".

Israel in real terms is a democracy and but also what you say is right. If peace was achieved Israel (as in non Zionist) could have a lot to offer in terms of technology and democratic government. The latter would be more difficult of course.
The neo nazis as you call the protestors should be silenced, but the islamfacists should not is that right?
By 'the Neo Nazis' I refer to the United Patriots Front, the group who staged the protest.



I'm pretty sure that's the flag of the Kriegsmarine, although he probably just downloaded it from Google Images because it has a swastika and an iron cross.

Maybe Border Force should consider adopting it for use during on-water operations.


I didn't say the Neo-Nazis should be silenced, nor do I believe that.

What I do believe is that they should be ignored, because they are hateful bigots whose values are not shared by the majority of Australians. The only people who support them are the kind of bogans who have Southern Cross tattoos and don't know a thing about anything except what they see on TV.

I also believe the same rule should be applied to the scumbag mullahs who preach hate and ignorance. That is, they should be ignored.

It cracks me up that you cannot spell 'Islamofascist'. You get it wrong time after time. It's symbolic.

Islamofascism refers to extremist groups like Hezbollah, al Qaeda and Hamas because their versions of Islamism resemble fascism as it was practised in the twentieth century. Your understanding of it doesn't extend beyond 'that's a threatening way to describe Islam', which is why you think it applies to all Muslims, including those that are building this mosque in Bendigo.

Has Hamas attacked any targets in the USA or Europe? Hezbollah is suspected of one attack in Bulgaria? (2012 Burgas bus bombing).
Israel is a gaping wound and the cause of huge unrest.

What a great idea this religious state.

And the gay person is responsible for being lynched for being gay??

He might be; if he had a history of going around evicting straight people from their homes so that gay couples can live in them instead.
The neo nazis as you call the protestors should be silenced, but the islamfacists should not is that right?

Since one side is calling for a ban on building mosques while the other side is not calling for a ban on building churches, it's self-explanatory which side is a threat to civil liberties and Australian cultural values.
When's the last time you watched a xtian church being built? I've seen many closing down through lack of patronage.
Mosques are breeding grounds for terrorist and hate preaching of infidels.
The neo nazis as you call the protestors should be silenced, but the islamfacists should not is that right?
By 'the Neo Nazis' I refer to the United Patriots Front, the group who staged the protest.



I'm pretty sure that's the flag of the Kriegsmarine, although he probably just downloaded it from Google Images because it has a swastika and an iron cross.

Maybe Border Force should consider adopting it for use during on-water operations.


I didn't say the Neo-Nazis should be silenced, nor do I believe that.

What I do believe is that they should be ignored, because they are hateful bigots whose values are not shared by the majority of Australians. The only people who support them are the kind of bogans who have Southern Cross tattoos and don't know a thing about anything except what they see on TV.

I also believe the same rule should be applied to the scumbag mullahs who preach hate and ignorance. That is, they should be ignored.

It cracks me up that you cannot spell 'Islamofascist'. You get it wrong time after time. It's symbolic.

Islamofascism refers to extremist groups like Hezbollah, al Qaeda and Hamas because their versions of Islamism resemble fascism as it was practised in the twentieth century. Your understanding of it doesn't extend beyond 'that's a threatening way to describe Islam', which is why you think it applies to all Muslims, including those that are building this mosque in Bendigo.
Nut jobs exist in every assembly of people. The good people of Bendigo protesting are just ordinary mums and dads who are worried about losing their culture and having a mosque in their town which would attract thousands not moslems. Hundreds of them attended a council meeting trying to stop this alien building been built in their town.
And the resistance is not and never will be docile enough to get taken over by this alien culture that simply refuses to assimilate.
The neo nazis as you call the protestors should be silenced, but the islamfacists should not is that right?
By 'the Neo Nazis' I refer to the United Patriots Front, the group who staged the protest.



I'm pretty sure that's the flag of the Kriegsmarine, although he probably just downloaded it from Google Images because it has a swastika and an iron cross.

Maybe Border Force should consider adopting it for use during on-water operations.


I didn't say the Neo-Nazis should be silenced, nor do I believe that.

What I do believe is that they should be ignored, because they are hateful bigots whose values are not shared by the majority of Australians. The only people who support them are the kind of bogans who have Southern Cross tattoos and don't know a thing about anything except what they see on TV.

I also believe the same rule should be applied to the scumbag mullahs who preach hate and ignorance. That is, they should be ignored.

It cracks me up that you cannot spell 'Islamofascist'. You get it wrong time after time. It's symbolic.

Islamofascism refers to extremist groups like Hezbollah, al Qaeda and Hamas because their versions of Islamism resemble fascism as it was practised in the twentieth century. Your understanding of it doesn't extend beyond 'that's a threatening way to describe Islam', which is why you think it applies to all Muslims, including those that are building this mosque in Bendigo.
Again I stress. Read the fucking Koran! There's no moderate Islam. They all know their prophet was the ultimate man, and they must emulate him in every way. Including pedophilia, not tolerating infidels, either convert them or they must pay a tax to the superior muzzie. It's lawful to lie for the cause, it's lawful to subdue non muzzies, ISIS is Islam in its purest form.
Please read the fucking Koran for yourself, and remember that most moslems live by it.

Stop pretending that you have read the Koran. It is some dense boring bullshit and there is no way in hell you made it through.
The hadiths make interesting reading. No, I got to around a quarter. But as I understand it, not many muzzies have ever read the plagiarized thing as well. They get their Islam through shieks and imams.
Stop pretending that you have read the Koran. It is some dense boring bullshit and there is no way in hell you made it through.
The hadiths make interesting reading. No, I got to around a quarter. But as I understand it, not many muzzies have ever read the plagiarized thing as well. They get their Islam through shieks and imams.

So in summary, you think that not many Muslims have read the Koran; and you also think that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, because they are all required by the Koran (which they haven't read) to be fundamentalists?

You are aware that these positions are not logically compatible, right?
And the gay person is responsible for being lynched for being gay??

He might be; if he had a history of going around evicting straight people from their homes so that gay couples can live in them instead.

Israel was attacked before they even existed to have done anything.
He might be; if he had a history of going around evicting straight people from their homes so that gay couples can live in them instead.

Israel was attacked before they even existed to have done anything.

What, is it 'no logic' day today and nobody told me?

I could at least try to believe someone who said "Israel was attacked as soon as they even existed"; but "Israel was attacked before they even existed" is clearly nonsense - no knowledge of what Israel is or stands for is needed to see that. "X was attacked before they even existed" cannot be true for ANY 'X'.
Nut jobs exist in every assembly of people. The good people of Bendigo protesting are just ordinary mums and dads who are worried about losing their culture and having a mosque in their town which would attract thousands not moslems. Hundreds of them attended a council meeting trying to stop this alien building been built in their town.
And the resistance is not and never will be docile enough to get taken over by this alien culture that simply refuses to assimilate.
If the people of Bendigo think that they are going to 'lose their culture' then they are ignorant fools whose knowledge of the world doesn't extend beyond what they read in the newspaper and see on TV.

Again I stress. Read the fucking Koran! There's no moderate Islam. They all know their prophet was the ultimate man, and they must emulate him in every way. Including pedophilia, not tolerating infidels, either convert them or they must pay a tax to the superior muzzie. It's lawful to lie for the cause, it's lawful to subdue non muzzies, ISIS is Islam in its purest form.
You keep demanding that other read the Qu'ran when you couldn't even get halfway through it. How about you go read the whole thing and then you can continue making this ridiculous demand.

It's fair to say that you don't have a clue what the purest form of Islam is, just as you have no clue what the 'purest form' of any religion is. And when you make ridiculous statements like 'there is no moderate Islam' you are ignoring billions of Muslims including the vast majority living in Australia.

You and your reactionary ilk are going to go down in history as the 'Reds under the bed' fools and fearmongers of this generation.
Israel was attacked before they even existed to have done anything.

What, is it 'no logic' day today and nobody told me?

I could at least try to believe someone who said "Israel was attacked as soon as they even existed"; but "Israel was attacked before they even existed" is clearly nonsense - no knowledge of what Israel is or stands for is needed to see that. "X was attacked before they even existed" cannot be true for ANY 'X'.

The attack occurred before they actually declared the existence of Israel. It was done to prevent it from happening in the first place. It's not like the Jews decided to create Israel and actually did it the next second. There was a period it was known what they intended but they hadn't actually done it yet.
It must be the Buddhist, Baptist, Catholics, that indulge in terrorist attacks, female genital mutilation, child marriage, honour killings and stonings to death of adulterers, throwing gays from the top of buildings. How silly of me to fail to see the obvious!
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