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Europe submits voluntarily

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I'm retired now, but I was a sales rep selling food stuff to various businesses, among whom were many Muslims running Asian and middle Eastern grocery stores. Does that answer your question? Made friends with some of them. Still see some around actually. Some of those businesses closed up unannounced, and the company I worked for lost considerable amount of money. A rule was instigated that middle Eastern businesses had to be COD.
During the Iraq wars, anti Americanism was 100% by all of them. Not once did I run into a muzzie who condemned a terrorist attack by any Islamic terrorist group. Before all of that, I was neutral.

The Americans invaded Iraq on a false premise sending many of its own soldiers to their deaths where many more were injured. The war was built an a lie. There were no WDMs. Iraq had used Gas which it bought from Germany. However hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died


There are other studies. Now we have eternal war where for years the civilians have been caught in the cross fire.
The Bush administration thought the Iraqis would welcome the invaders as hero's, as liberators. Not realising that by deposing the tyrant Saddam, the tribal nature of these people would make the place an extremely bad place to live.
And with the economic situation in Greece today it could be more likely that there would be Greek economic refugees fleeing to Syria if Syria has a decent social safety net program. ;)

Tell that to the Lesbians. The number of uninvited Syrians that they have been trying to accommodate suggests that Lesbos is much more attractive than Damascus. Why else would so many Syrians be seeking to live the Lesbian lifestyle?

The penetration of Lesbian ports of entry by Syrian refugees is of real concern to the Greek government.

OK, I admit that this post only really exists for the purpose of single-entendres
I can repirt that Sweden is fine. No fires anywhere. We're nowhere near where it'll be a problem with the asylum seekers

Not entirly true since the comrades of maxparrish et al has burnt down a number of refugee shelters

Not burned down. Set fire to. One. Also, a refugee shelter exclusively for lone children. Truly the work of evil. But nothing happened. The fire was only on the outside of the house and was quickly quenched. Still worrying development.
The Bush administration thought the Iraqis would welcome the invaders as hero's, as liberators. Not realising that by deposing the tyrant Saddam, the tribal nature of these people would make the place an extremely bad place to live.

The Sunnis didn't welcome the invaders. And the Shia had stopped trusting USA since the CIA-instigated uprising of 2001 that ended up receiving zero backing from USA. So it wasn't so much that the Shia weren't grateful. They just didn't trust USA enough to cheer. The Kurds were all "go go USA" the whole time. Still are.

And after the invasion when the Shia (the majority) used their political power to take revenge on the Sunnis (Saddams "tribe") things went sour for Iraqi democracy fast. In hind-sight USA did pretty much everything wrong in the aftermath of the war. This wasn't inevitable. It could have gone really well. The consensus from the administration on why Iraq was handled so badly was that the Bush administration didn't have a plan for post-war Iraq. It sort of just happened. Which is retarded. But there you have it.

So "the tribal" nature of Iraq was not an inevitability. IMHO it was much the result of weak American leadership.
Not entirly true since the comrades of maxparrish et al has burnt down a number of refugee shelters

Not burned down. Set fire to. One. Also, a refugee shelter exclusively for lone children. Truly the work of evil. But nothing happened. The fire was only on the outside of the house and was quickly quenched. Still worrying development.

Eh. There have about 15 shelters set fire to. And some has indeed burnt down. (For example the one in Munkedal where 14 immigrants was staying when it was burnt down!)

I dont understand why you want to downplay this?
Not burned down. Set fire to. One. Also, a refugee shelter exclusively for lone children. Truly the work of evil. But nothing happened. The fire was only on the outside of the house and was quickly quenched. Still worrying development.

Eh. There have about 15 shelters set fire to. And some has indeed burnt down. (For example the one in Munkedal where 14 immigrants was staying when it was burnt down!)

I dont understand why you want to downplay this?

Which ones are attacks and which are just normal things catching fire? Do we know? I've yet to see any indication it's anything but just random shit happening. Has anybody credible made the claim that it's any kind of concerted systematic attack? We had the same kind of thing happening against Gypsies. As far as I could tell all these were just one-off randoms.
Eh. There have about 15 shelters set fire to. And some has indeed burnt down. (For example the one in Munkedal where 14 immigrants was staying when it was burnt down!)

I dont understand why you want to downplay this?

Which ones are attacks and which are just normal things catching fire? Do we know? I've yet to see any indication it's anything but just random shit happening. Has anybody credible made the claim that it's any kind of concerted systematic attack? We had the same kind of thing happening against Gypsies. As far as I could tell all these were just one-off randoms.

15 incidents? Random? Dont think so.
Those 15 incidents will look like kindergarten play stuff in the near future!

Oh, shut up. People are fleeing and living in total misery. People are dying when trying to find a way to survive. THAT is the first problem.

The second problem is egoists like you that dont want to help.

The third problem is how to handle this.

The smallest problem of any such list is social problems in the receiving country.
Which ones are attacks and which are just normal things catching fire? Do we know? I've yet to see any indication it's anything but just random shit happening. Has anybody credible made the claim that it's any kind of concerted systematic attack? We had the same kind of thing happening against Gypsies. As far as I could tell all these were just one-off randoms.

15 incidents? Random? Dont think so.

Included in this is every fire incident, including things we know are pure accidents, like a stove catching fire in a kitchen.
The bigoted will not be moved from their bigotry.

The most we can hope is to keep them from doing more damage than they already have.

All they know about other humans is that they don't like them if they are in any way different.

They are pests and ignorant and their argument is always the same insane drone, "This one did something THEREFORE they are ALL bad".
Those 15 incidents will look like kindergarten play stuff in the near future!

Oh, shut up. People are fleeing and living in total misery. People are dying when trying to find a way to survive. THAT is the first problem.

The second problem is egoists like you that dont want to help.

The third problem is how to handle this.

The smallest problem of any such list is social problems in the receiving country.

Except most of these people aren't Syrian in the first place, just economic refugees.
Oh, shut up. People are fleeing and living in total misery. People are dying when trying to find a way to survive. THAT is the first problem.

The second problem is egoists like you that dont want to help.

The third problem is how to handle this.

The smallest problem of any such list is social problems in the receiving country.

Except most of these people aren't Syrian in the first place, just economic refugees.

People in places other than Syria are not total misery or dying while trying to find a way to survive?

I seem to have missed when that happened.
Oh, shut up. People are fleeing and living in total misery. People are dying when trying to find a way to survive. THAT is the first problem.

The second problem is egoists like you that dont want to help.

The third problem is how to handle this.

The smallest problem of any such list is social problems in the receiving country.

Except most of these people aren't Syrian in the first place, just economic refugees.

Eh. "Just" economic refugees? What the fuck do you think you are saying? A person that has lost everything and have chance of surviving in his/her own country must clearly go somewhere else. There you have your "economic refugee".
Except most of these people aren't Syrian in the first place, just economic refugees.

Eh. "Just" economic refugees? What the fuck do you think you are saying? A person that has lost everything and have chance of surviving in his/her own country must clearly go somewhere else. There you have your "economic refugee".
Tough noogies for having lost everything (for certain values of "everything"), but if they had a chance of surviving in their own country, or any other country between their point of origin and their target, why not stay there?
Eh. "Just" economic refugees? What the fuck do you think you are saying? A person that has lost everything and have chance of surviving in his/her own country must clearly go somewhere else. There you have your "economic refugee".
Tough noogies for having lost everything (for certain values of "everything"), but if they had a chance of surviving in their own country, or any other country between their point of origin and their target, why not stay there?

The ancestors of the estimated 800,000 Finnish Americans had a chance of surviving in Finland, however dire the circumstances were. The ancestors of the 500,000 Sweden Finns had a chance of surviving in Finland. Why didn't they stay?
Tough noogies for having lost everything (for certain values of "everything"), but if they had a chance of surviving in their own country, or any other country between their point of origin and their target, why not stay there?

The ancestors of the estimated 800,000 Finnish Americans had a chance of surviving in Finland, however dire the circumstances were. The ancestors of the 500,000 Sweden Finns had a chance of surviving in Finland. Why didn't they stay?
Because the Americans and Swedes let them in. If they had not, that would've been tough noogies for the Finns also.

Europe shoul likewise be allowed to choose whom they want to enter. Get the ones who have useful skills and can pull their own weight (without being subjugated to living as second-class citizens doing menial slave labor), fuck the rest.
The ancestors of the estimated 800,000 Finnish Americans had a chance of surviving in Finland, however dire the circumstances were. The ancestors of the 500,000 Sweden Finns had a chance of surviving in Finland. Why didn't they stay?
Because the Americans and Swedes let them in. If they had not, that would've been tough noogies for the Finns also.

Europe shoul likewise be allowed to choose whom they want to enter. Get the ones who have useful skills and can pull their own weight (without being subjugated to living as second-class citizens doing menial slave labor), fuck the rest.

Well, fuck yourself.

Edit: Should Lebanon and Turkey (And Pakistan and Iran for Afghans) also get to choose who to let in, or is that a privilege only Europe should enjoy? You know that some of those countries are hosting numbers of refugees exceeding those of all of the EU combined, right?
Because the Americans and Swedes let them in. If they had not, that would've been tough noogies for the Finns also.

Europe shoul likewise be allowed to choose whom they want to enter. Get the ones who have useful skills and can pull their own weight (without being subjugated to living as second-class citizens doing menial slave labor), fuck the rest.

Well, fuck yourself.

Edit: Should Lebanon and Turkey (And Pakistan and Iran for Afghans) also get to choose who to let in, or is that a privilege only Europe should enjoy? You know that some of those countries are hosting numbers of refugees exceeding those of all of the EU combined, right?
We're speaking about economic migrants. And Lebanon and Turkey are choosing whom they let in even amongs those who happen to have crossed the border. The people in camps in Turkey have practically no right to work or make a living, for example. I contend that most people who went to Lebanon or Turkey and have been sitting in the camps are real refugees, as it's difficult to see any economic incentive for them to have come to those camps.

I don't want Europe to just "host" bunch of foreigners in squalid camps like Turkey. I want every person who is accepted to Europe to have dignified and equal rights with any other European. It's a privilege to be earned, not something you automatically get just because you can't get a job in Bagdad.
Well, fuck yourself.

Edit: Should Lebanon and Turkey (And Pakistan and Iran for Afghans) also get to choose who to let in, or is that a privilege only Europe should enjoy? You know that some of those countries are hosting numbers of refugees exceeding those of all of the EU combined, right?
We're speaking about economic migrants. And Lebanon and Turkey are choosing whom they let in even amongs those who happen to have crossed the border. The people in camps in Turkey have practically no right to work or make a living, for example. I contend that most people who went to Lebanon or Turkey and have been sitting in the camps are real refugees, as it's difficult to see any economic incentive for them to have come to those camps.

I don't want Europe to just "host" bunch of foreigners in squalid camps like Turkey. I want every person who is accepted to Europe to have dignified and equal rights with any other European. It's a privilege to be earned, not something you automatically get just because you can't get a job in Bagdad.

How did you earn that privilege?
We're speaking about economic migrants. And Lebanon and Turkey are choosing whom they let in even amongs those who happen to have crossed the border. The people in camps in Turkey have practically no right to work or make a living, for example. I contend that most people who went to Lebanon or Turkey and have been sitting in the camps are real refugees, as it's difficult to see any economic incentive for them to have come to those camps.

I don't want Europe to just "host" bunch of foreigners in squalid camps like Turkey. I want every person who is accepted to Europe to have dignified and equal rights with any other European. It's a privilege to be earned, not something you automatically get just because you can't get a job in Bagdad.

How did you earn that privilege?

He didn't. But his ancestors did - each generation, little by little.

Just like today's parents work hard to provide for their children a brighter better future, yesterday's parents did the same.

The fruits of my labors do not belong to the world as a whole to divvy up how it pleases, especially to those who sat capably but idly by while I labored.

"'Not I', said the dog"...
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