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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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It appears that it was Egypt that killed the ceasefire for some reason:

The article doesn't say why Egypt didn't favor the ceasefire. I would think that they'd prefer a solution.

As happens so often, the editor's clickbait headline does not precisely match the details found in the content of the article. This is a story that one Egyptian negotiator, Abdel Khalek, told Israel and Hamas different things, but he did not inform the other negotiators of what he was doing. It could have been that he was acting under orders, but the motive was probably to facilitate a deal, not kill the deal. Egypt had no reason to want the war to continue, but you never know. There are always factions that want fighting to continue in these situations. Maybe the thinking was that allowing Israel to continue down its self-destructive path would lead to a more desirable outcome from their perspective. It has certainly driven a wedge between Israel and the US.
The reason for this biased prosecution is a bit more clear now, given that the chief prosecutor is a Pakistani Muslim.

On the Hamas side: Yahya SINWAR (Head of the Islamic Resistance Movement (“Hamas”) in the Gaza Strip), Mohammed Diab Ibrahim AL-MASRI, more commonly known as DEIF (Commander-in-Chief of the military wing of Hamas, known as the Al-Qassam Brigades), and Ismail HANIYEH (Head of Hamas Political Bureau)
Haniyeh is the only one who could potentially be arrested. Why no warrant for Ghazi Hamad?

On the Israeli side: Benjamin NETANYAHU, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav GALLANT, the Minister of Defence of Israel
This is false equivalence of the highest order! It's like indicting Hitler, but also Roosevelt and Churchill.
Now we see the Palestrina side. They have been dealing with an repressive Israel for a long time. Militray occupation of the West Bank,
It was previously occupied by Jordan. Before that the British, before then the Ottoman Turks, and so on. The last time the area now unimaginatively called "West Bank" was ruled by native rulers was the Hasmonean Kingdom of *checks notes* Israel. "West Bank" is really disputed territory. Both Jews and Arabs claim the territory as theirs, and it's not like the Arab claim is slam dunk. After all, it is the historic area of the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel.
seizure of land,
Israel also gave up land, purportedly for peace, except Palestinians never followed up their end of the bargain. In 2005, when Israel disengaged from the Gaza Strip and removed all settlements and settlers, the Gazans responded by attacking Israel with rockets.
bombings on yakked terrorists,
What are "yakked terrorists"? And should terrorists not be bombed, whether or not they are "yakked" or not?
Of terror commanders. What's wrong with that?
declaring Jerusalem the sole nomad of Israel,
Nomad? You mean "capital"? Yes, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Now, and historically. It has never been the capital of any Arab Muslim state.
ethnic cleansing.
How many Arabs live in Israel vs. how many Jews live in Arab countries? What is "ethnic cleansing" here?
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I wonder how many of these students, and professors, are affiliated with Hamas. After all, college age is also prime fighting age and Hamas is active in Palestinian universities. For example, Hamas forms the largest block in the student council of the Birzeit University in suburban Ramallah.

Mohammed Shehada said:
1- The IDF blatantly claimed this underground WATER TANK was a "Hamas tunnel" their ground troops discovered at the Qatari hospital in Gaza on Nov 5 2023
Evidence that it was just a "water tank"?
In February, local journalists were finally able to access the area & debunk the lie
"Local journalists", aka Hamas propagandists. No more credible than RIA Novosti reporting about Putin.

JVP is a bunch of far-left anti-Israel extremists. Not credible in the least.
Hospitals in Gaza have been receiving large numbers of severely injured people, many of whom subsequently succumbed to their injuries, and even those outright dead have been transported to hospitals. Is it any surprise that the hospitals had to bury them together given the large number of casualties and limited space in their morgues?
To jump to conclusions that they must have been deliberately killed at the hospital by Israel is ridiculous.

No, there is no constitutional right to trespass and even less to break and enter into buildings.

Overall, a bunch of propaganda by a bunch of twits on social-media-formerly-known-as-Twitter ...
As to Israel being a democracy Netanyahu and the conservatives have been trying for years to eliminate judicial review of laws passed by the legislature. It would be like Trump and conservatives in congress getting rid of oversight by the Supreme Court.
That judicial law has been overblown - the issue is whether the Court can invalidate a law based on "reasonableness". SCOTUS doesn't have that ability. Removing it from Israeli judiciary would not get rid of oversight or judicial review itself.
Btw, what kind of independent judiciary exists in any Palestinian territory?
Israel has never lived up to negotiated deals for the creation of a Palestinian state.
Palestinians have never come close to meeting their end of the bargain. Every time a deal is close they up the terrorism. Remember when Arafat rejected Ehud Barak's pretty generous proposal in 2000 and basically started the 2nd Intifada?
And in the months leading up to October 7th, Israel relaxed handling of Gaza, even giving some Gazans work permits in Israel. Result - a terrorist massacre where >1000 Israelis were brutally murdered and several hundred kidnapped.

You can twist yourself in logic pretzels all you want - Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc. are still the bad guys here.
Scratch how I worded it. It's not even a goal. It's more a saying that a politician says in a speech, like a platitude. At best, it's an approximate means to a different goal such as mid-term peace and stability.
I disagree that it is a platitude. It is a necessary goal.
A single tactic to achieve that goal is not a strategy, nor is that goal the only goal. There are also the hostages and their release.
The strategy has been to clear areas of Hamas battalions/command and control going from north to south. They are in Rafah now. There has been some resurgence of fighting in the north though, but I doubt Hamas can sustain that long.

As far as hostages, there is no good solution here. Hamas is only willing to release some of them, and they demand en exorbitant price. Netanyahu made a mistake in 2011 to release >1000 terrorists for one soldier who was kidnapped and held for years. Many of the released terrorists took part in 10/7 and one, Yaya Sinwar, became the head of Hamas in Gaza. Netanyahu would be well-advised to not repeat the Shalit Deal mistake.
The few hostages that were released were only released through pressure of military action. Right after 10/7, Hamas was talking about how Israeli prisons will be emptied of Palestinian prisoners. Didn't work out that way.

Your argument is a false dichotomy: either try to kill everyone or no one. In between, there is an optimization of fair outcomes that would not only be more practical and measurable but also more popular, lending to more worldwide support of achieving the goals.
No, it is not. I am not advocating killing everyone, just as many Hamas/other fighters as feasible such that they can no longer be an effective force in the Strip.
There were 40,000 Hamas in a population of 2 million. That isn't maxing out,
That's 40k Hamas fighters, not all Hamas members/supporters. Add to that ~20k fighters for other terror factions like Islamic Jihad and PFLP.
That's 60k. Different political goals, but they all took part in the 10/7 massacre.
The 2.4M population is half women, half minors, so maybe 1/3 minors too young to be recruited. So we are down to 800k. Say 300k are older men aged out of fighting. That means 60k is >10% of military aged male population. Going beyond 10%, and you are getting subprime recruits anyway.
nor is the radicalization ending merely with Palestinian territories as all the neighbors are becoming more angry at all the slaughterings you support.
Other Arabs don't even like Palestinians. They might not like Israel, but they sure as hell don't like Palestinians.

Your words mean that there is no strategy just talking about the destruction of Hamas. That is a very politically immature way of imagining the world, one that politicians will communicate, but actual real-world strategies on paper are different.
On the contrary, it is immature to think that Hamas (or anything like Hamas) remaining in power would result in anything but continuation of the cycle of violence.
Hamas must go. That is non-negotiable.
Airstrike at refugee camp:
To call these "refugee camps" is a misnomer. They are cities - or parts of cities, fully built-up with permanent structures such as high-rise buildings, that started out as refugee camps. But that was a long time ago, almost 80 years, and is no longer the reality.
The Hill said:
The airstrike in Nuseirat, a built-up Palestinian refugee camp in central Gaza dating back to the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, killed 27 people, including 10 women and seven children, according to records at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in nearby Deir al-Balah, which received the bodies.
Minors are 50% of the population, but 26% of the casualties in this strike. But even numbers of men and women. Curious. Can we even trust these numbers?
A separate strike on a Nuseirat street killed five people, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent emergency service. In Deir al-Balah, a strike killed Zahed al-Houli, a senior officer in the Hamas-run police, and another man, according to the hospital.
Interesting that there is no demographic breakdown of the second strike.
Dr. Adam Hamawy, a U.S. doctor and former U.S. Army combat surgeon who is currently in Gaza, says he has "never in my career witnessed the level of atrocities and targeting of my medical colleagues as I have in Gaza."
He is an Arab Muslim who volunteered to go to Gaza. Very doubtful that he is not strongly biased against Israel.
Hamawy told NPR's Danielle Kurtzleben that he and his colleagues were supposed to depart from Gaza earlier this week but were prevented from leaving. "We were told that our safe corridor had not been cleared, and that we were not supposed to leave the compound. If we did, it would be at our own risk, and we would be legitimate targets" for Israel's military.
And yet, most of the medical staff managed to leave safely. Hamawy chose to remain behind; he was not prevented from leaving.
NPR (snipped portion) said:
According to NBC, 17 of 20 U.S. doctors stuck in Gaza departed on Friday after talks between U.S. and Israeli authorities allowed some doctors to leave. Hamawy decided to stay.

NPR (via Don2) said:
Hamawy told Kurtzleben that the situation in Gaza is unlike the other conflicts he's been involved in, because he's treating primarily civilians, rather than combatants. "I'm seeing mostly children, many women, many elderly — people who have nothing to do with this war at all. And I see very, very few people of fighting age."
That is in conflict with even the Hamas numbers. Even according to them, 40% of the dead are adult, non-elderly men (who comprise <25% of the population, so this is strongly disproportional). There is no reason to assume the distribution of the wounded is fundamentally different. And yet the good doctor is claiming that he sees "very few people of fighting age". He is either lying, or his hospital is one hell of an outlier!
Israel took out some terrorists.

Hamas missile operative who took part in October 7 massacre eliminated

Israel National News said:
The IDF announced that following precise intelligence, the IAF struck and eliminated the Hamas terrorist Ahmed Yasser Alkara in Khan Yunis. Ahmed Yasser Alkara took part in the October 7th Massacre in communities in southern Israel and was a significant anti-tank missile operative who carried out attacks on IDF troops during the war.
During the preparations for the operation, the IDF aborted the strike after a child was identified nearby the terrorist Ahmed Yasser Alkara. After waiting until the child was no longer in the vicinity of the terrorist, the IAF eliminated Alkara, alongside two additional terrorist operatives: Saib Raed Abu Riba, a Hamas Nukhba terrorist, and Ans Muhammad Abu Ragila, an Islamic Jihad terrorist.
"Nukhba" is a Hamas special forces unit.
The article has a video of the strike. It was most certainly a targeted strike.
In another operation, IAF fighter jets directed by intelligence eliminated five Hamas terrorists operating from inside the Faami Aljerjawi School in Daraj Tuffah in the northern Gaza Strip. Among the terrorists that were eliminated were Fadi Salim, Head of Propaganda in Hamas’ Gaza Brigade, as well as three Hamas intelligence operatives and an additional Nukhba terrorist.
Note that these five terrorists were operating out of a school.
Will Netanyahu move even further extremist Right-wing?

As if to underline the point, Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir paid a provocative visit Wednesday to a flashpoint holy site in Jerusalem sacred to Jews and Muslims in a move that could escalate tensions across the region.

Ben-Gvir said the visit was a response to the announcements in Europe. “We will not even allow a statement about a Palestinian state,” he said. The Al-Aqsa mosque compound is the third holiest site in Islam, and the hilltop on which it stands is the holiest site for Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount.

I think that Netanyahu understands very well what I want from him. We have private conversations and in private conversations I allow myself to tell him many things.

More on Ben-Gvir:

... Ben Gvir was known to have a portrait in his living room of Baruch Goldstein, a Jewish extremist and Israeli-American mass murderer who massacred 29 Palestinian Muslim worshipers and wounded 125 others ... In 2007, Ben Gvir was found guilty in an Israeli court of inciting support to a racist terrorist organization.[13]

Ben Gvir had ... set up an office in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood which witnessed several evictions of Palestinians.[14] On 3 January 2023, he visited the Temple Mount where the al-Aqsa Mosque is located, spurring an international wave of criticism that labelled his visit purposely provocative.[14] As a lawyer, he is known for defending Jews accused of terrorism on trial in Israel.[15] ...


In the 1990s, he was active in protests against the Oslo Accords. In 1995, Ben-Gvir came to public attention for the first time, when he appeared on television brandishing a Cadillac hood ornament that had been stolen from Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's car, and declared: "We got to his car, and we'll get to him too." Several weeks later, Rabin was assassinated by right-wing extremist Yigal Amir.[15][25]


Ben-Gvir has represented a series of far-right Jewish activists suspected of terrorism and hate crimes. Notable clients include Benzi Gopstein and two teenagers charged in the Duma arson attack. Haaretz described Ben-Gvir as the "go-to man" for Jewish extremists facing legal trouble, and reported that his client list "reads like a 'Who's Who' of suspects in Jewish terror cases and hate crimes in Israel".[15] Ben-Gvir is also the lawyer for Lehava, a far-right Israeli anti-assimilation organization which is active in opposing Jewish intermarriage with non-Jews,[28][29] and has sued the waqf.[30][31][32]


Ben Gvir had been long accused of being a provocateur, having previously led several visits to the Temple Mount as activist and member of Knesset, contentious marches through Jerusalem's Old City Muslim Quarter, and set up an office in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood which witnessed Israeli-Palestinian tensions.[14] On 8 January, he ordered Israeli police to remove Palestinian flags being flown in public, stating the flags symbolized terrorism.[57]

In August 2023 he stated "My right, and my wife's and my children's right, to get around on the roads in Judea and Samaria is more important than the right to movement for Arabs".[58] ...

In early October 2023, following the arrest of 5 ultra-Orthodox Heredi Jews for spitting at Christians and outside churches, Ben-Gvir said it was "not a criminal case" following arrests.[60] Prior to entering politics, he defended Jews spitting at Christians as "an ancient Jewish custom".[61] After the Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023, Ben Gvir said that "Israel is experiencing one of the most difficult events in its history. This is not the time for questions, tests and investigations."[62]

In November 2023 he declared that "when they say that Hamas needs to be eliminated, it also means those who sing, those who support and those who distribute candy, all of these are terrorists."[63][64] On 1 January 2024, Ben-Gvir said that the war with Hamas presented an "opportunity to concentrate on encouraging the migration of the residents of Gaza."[65] He has stated that "We cannot withdraw from any territory we are in in the Gaza Strip. Not only do I not rule out Jewish settlement there, I believe it is also an important thing".[66]

Families of seven female Israeli soldiers captured by Hamas during the October 7 attacks have released graphic footage of their abduction as they pile pressure on the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to secure their release.

The video shows the women — all Israel Defense Forces (IDF) personnel — lined up against a wall, their hands bound. The faces of some of the women are bruised and bloodied.

The footage was previously released by Hamas, according to the Hostages Families Forum. The campaigning group obtained it from the IDF, which had previously edited the video to exclude the most disturbing scenes.

“Every new testimony about what happened to the hostages echoes the same tragic truth – we must bring them all back home, now,” the Hostage Families Forum said in a press release Wednesday.
The press conference about the application for arrest warrants with the man and woman "mean mugging" behind Karim Khan with pitch perfect cliche lighting...


What a fucking overdramatic joke, even though I think that arrest warrants are a good thing.

Karim Khan
Three more nations, Spain, Norway, and Ireland, recognize Palestinian state. That's 144 UN members. Britain and Australia have indicated they may soon follow.
Ireland has always hated Israel, but that is largely derivative of their hatred for the British.
Pedro Sanchez, Spain's PM, is a LWNJ.
But what is Norway's major malfunction? Are they trying to appease the Muslim hordes they so foolishly allowed to mass migrate?

Recognizing the "Palestinian state" (so-called) is a foolish move at this time. It is tantamount to rewarding Palestinians for the 10/7 massacre.
They are also not ready for statehood. Their hostile behavior toward their neighbor Israel shows it over and over again.

This move is also a gift for Hamas, which was quick to welcome it.
Hamas welcomes Palestinian statehood recognition from Ireland, Norway and Spain

I hope UK and Australia are less foolish than the Three Stooges (Ireland, Spain, Norway).
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