Hamas has vehicles. An evacuation would be possible. Anybody able-bodied could easily walk the distance in 24 hours.Israel was clearly wrong to give a 24 hour deadline. A number of posters were very silent on this or even agreed to it. They've not quite yet catastrophically destroyed the north and seem to be delaying some, perhaps due to pressure of good people like the UN saying, "you are being too hasty." It's hard for me to understand how anyone here, especially atheists, could support Israel's previous position to go in within 24 hours, even though now even Israel has abandoned that position. Pregnant women, the sick, people in hospitals, very poor, or just stuck behind a car for 12 hours trying to get southward can be a hell of an issue. Most recently Israel decided to turn the water back on, but just to the south. It's probably an attempt to motivate more people to go southward and improve perceptions of their actions. Either way, stating that there was no water because the pipes were used for bombs or whatever cannot be true, if Israel can just flip a switch and make the water run. I wish that these changes, delays, and turning the water on were a good sign and I do hope that if Israel goes in, that hundreds of thousands more people can leave the north first.
As for water--you have it utterly wrong. The thing is Gaza should have water but the pipes were diverted to rocket-making--uncontested, Hamas brags about using pipes for rockets (and conveniently omits the fact that that means they aren't available for wells.) Thus Gaza is relying on Israeli water instead. If Hamas had behaved Israel wouldn't have any control over Gaza water.