What some people seemingly are overlooking is that all of these far right Israeli policies on the Palestinians were put in place to protect Israelis. The policies don't exist just for the heck of it, or because the Israeli government hates the Palestinians. No, the policies are supposed to protect Israel.
Bingo. Which is what makes the endlessly repeated canard that Israel is an apartheid state so disingenuous
Apartheid was put in place to
protect South Africans. Apartheid didn't exist just for the heck of it, or because the South African government liked being a global pariah. No, the policy was supposed to protect South Africa.
"The United Kingdom's Slavery Abolition Act 1833 abolished slavery throughout the British Empire and overrode the Cape Articles of Capitulation. To comply with the act, the South African legislation was expanded to include Ordinance 1 in 1835, which effectively changed the status of slaves to indentured labourers."
They kept the black people as indentured laborers because free black people kept murdering white people?
"the Franchise and Ballot Act of 1892 raised the property franchise qualification and added an educational element, disenfranchising a disproportionate number of the Cape's non-white voters,[30] and the Glen Grey Act of 1894 instigated by the government of Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes limited the amount of land Africans could hold. Similarly, in Natal, the Natal Legislative Assembly Bill of 1894 deprived Indians of the right to vote."
Poor, uneducated and Indian voters kept voting to murder white people? Africans with lots of land kept murdering white people?
"In 1905 the General Pass Regulations Act denied blacks the vote and limited them to fixed areas,[34] and in 1906 the Asiatic Registration Act of the Transvaal Colony required all Indians to register and carry passes. "
Blacks had been voting to murder whites? Unregistered Indians had been murdering whites?
" the Colour Bar Act (1926) prevented black mine workers from practising skilled trades "
When a mine worker learned to be an electrician he used his skills to electrocute white people?
" the Representation of Natives Act removed previous black voters from the Cape voters' roll and allowed them to elect three whites to Parliament."
If they allowed three black representatives in Parliament the black MPs would have murdered the white MPs?
" Post-war, one of the first pieces of segregating legislation enacted by Smuts' government was the Asiatic Land Tenure Bill (1946), which banned land sales to Indians and Indian descendent South Africans."
Selling land to an ethnic Indian made him inclined to murder white people?
"The National Party's election platform stressed that apartheid would preserve a market for white employment in which nonwhites could not compete. "
Oh, is
that what you meant by "put in place to
protect South Africans"?
South African practices had the same purpose as Israeli practices because the word "protect" is used both for protectionist economic policies and for keeping people from being murdered. Got it.