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GOP: The party of idiots

Remember when Quale and Edwards were cancelled? We are living in the new Dark Ages and it's frightening.
Quayle got "cancelled" because he was not too bright, but Edwards?

That's one example of when - at least when it came to Presidential candidates - the two parties diverged. Maybe even flipped. John Edwards was the "next big thing" for the D party. Young, charismatic, southern, and on track to be a nominee at some point.

Then he got caught doing the thing that the Democratic party had been raked over the coals for during most of the 90s. He was not just young, charismatic, and southern...he was Bill Clinton 2.0...marital infidelity included. The Democrats said "aw hell no, not this again" and they dropped him like a live grenade.

In that moment, they became the actual "party of family values." Obama? Dedicated family man. Hillary? The victim of infidelity...but she "stood by her man." Biden? Has only been married twice because his first wife died. Marital fidelity for days. If you want to end your political career with the Democrats? Cheat on your spouse.

The GOP? "Listen, the fact that Trump left his first wife for his second, his second wife for his third, and cheated on his third wife with a porn star is nobody's business. We don't care if he's a horn dog. In fact....we kinda admire him for being that way."
My point is that back during Quayle and even Edwards run, you would be out on your ass for the smallest infraction. Quayle is an idiot, but they wouldn't stand for his idiocy back then.
Today's GOP celebrates idiocy. I was reading an article a couple hours ago that pointed out Trump - if he gets back into office - is set to impose tariffs all over again. Ten percent minimum for any country that ships products to the US, and up to 60% for China, because...reasons. Even conservative economists are like "yeah, this is actually a terrible idea. You tried this once, and it cost us billions. Please don't do it again" but TFG thinks "trade war" is the most awesome thing to ever happen to a global inter-connected economy.

And...I can't believe I have to say this, but...compared to Marjorie Trailer Queen and Congresswoman Handjob, he's allegedly the smart one. This is the "genius businessman" that's on track to not just bankrupt his own political action committees, but the RNC. And the GOP is like "no...he's the one we want. Because he's like...really smart and stuff!"

Dan Quayle was a fucking genius compared to Trump.
And...I can't believe I have to say this, but...compared to Marjorie Trailer Queen and Congresswoman Handjob,
Jesus Christ, politics brings out the quiet misogyny of the "Left". No wonder these fucking political parties are falling apart.
Not seeing the misogyny. No more than calling Trump Rapey Don.
The foo shits.
And...I can't believe I have to say this, but...compared to Marjorie Trailer Queen and Congresswoman Handjob,
Jesus Christ, politics brings out the quiet misogyny of the "Left". No wonder these fucking political parties are falling apart.
Oh...that's right. I should have pointed out the antics of Matt "I trafficked young girls across state lines for sex" Gaetz and Jim "I allowed sexual assault in locker rooms" Jordan. Gotta balance things out, after all...
And...I can't believe I have to say this, but...compared to Marjorie Trailer Queen and Congresswoman Handjob,
Jesus Christ, politics brings out the quiet misogyny of the "Left". No wonder these fucking political parties are falling apart.
Oh...that's right. I should have pointed out the antics of Matt "I trafficked young girls across state lines for sex" Gaetz and Jim "I allowed sexual assault in locker rooms" Jordan. Gotta balance things out, after all...
Actually, yes. I think you should have.
I would NEVER vote for anyone but a Democrat. I regard American "conservatism" -- or at least its orange-colored flavor -- as being the greatest threat to America, more urgent than climate change, etc. etc. BUT I detest the "wokeism" which infects "progressive" thought, and which turns many voters AWAY from the Democratic Party.

"Misogyny" (contempt for women) is a common word -- used about once a day here at IIDB.

I had to Google to remember the corresponding word for "contempt for men" -- misandry. I discover it has been use here only ONE time since last June:
I do not consider being an affirmative action pick an accomplishment. At least with Clinton, you found something that he actually accomplished. And no, a sex joke about a female politician is no more misogynistic than a sex joke about a male politician is misandrist. You are advocating a sexist double standard here.

Women have had it very tough for thousands of years, but progress has been made. As of now, 8 of 23 Democratic governors are female. Of course further progress is still needed. But women will not achieve equality until contempt for women is as socially acceptable as contempt for men!

And...I can't believe I have to say this, but...compared to Marjorie Trailer Queen and Congresswoman Handjob,
Jesus Christ, politics brings out the quiet misogyny of the "Left". No wonder these fucking political parties are falling apart.
Oh...that's right. I should have pointed out the antics of Matt "I trafficked young girls across state lines for sex" Gaetz and Jim "I allowed sexual assault in locker rooms" Jordan. Gotta balance things out, after all...

Sexist insults may be childish -- and please DO point at me as one of the worst offenders. BUT insults directed against Marjorie Trailer Queen and Congresswoman Handjob are NOT based on their sex; they are based on their idiocies, hypocrisies and vileness. Point out that childish insults detract from a message? Good idea! Accuse the insulter of misogyny? "Wokeism" is a turn-off.
And...I can't believe I have to say this, but...compared to Marjorie Trailer Queen and Congresswoman Handjob,
Jesus Christ, politics brings out the quiet misogyny of the "Left". No wonder these fucking political parties are falling apart.
MTG might be fair game due to her showing Congress blown up naked images of the President's son.
I'm not saying I love Green, Boebert, and the rest. But the language that sits beneath a person's tongue, just waiting to describe someone "bad enough" to "deserve" a sexist, racist, or classist slur says more about them than they realize.
I'm not saying I love Green, Boebert, and the rest. But the language that sits beneath a person's tongue, just waiting to describe someone "bad enough" to "deserve" a sexist, racist, or classist slur says more about them than they realize.
I guess from now on, when I refer to these people, I must call them - respectively - "the esteemed Congresswoman from Colorado" or "the gentle lady from Georgia?"

I mean, I'll cop to being disrespectful, but you're clearly misreading what I said about them as not just disrespectful, but a "slur." Specifically a sexist slur. As was pointed out above, the comments I made had noting to do with their gender, but rather their actions and the public personas they themselves have adopted. The esteemed Congresswoman from Colorado - for example - engaged in a sex act in a public place where other people (including children) were enjoying a stage show. Yet somehow you've managed to make "Congresswoman Handjob" into a slur about the fact that she's a woman?

If a male member of Congress were caught on camera reaching up the dress of his date and pleasuring her at a similar event, would you be as angered if I called him "Representative Fingerbang" and accuse me of "quiet" misandry? And is the gentle lady from Georgia (who once filmed herself harassing the victim of a school shooting) somehow immune from being called names by virtue of her gender?

Do these women "deserve" to be attacked simply for being women? Of course not. Yet their gender does not make them immune from criticism...even crude and disrespectful criticism.

I will concede this much, though...the "Marjorie Trailer Queen" moniker - while funny - could be misconstrued as an unfair swipe against the many decent and hard-working Americans who live in manufactured housing communities. That was not my intention.
Okay, I'll stop being such a meaniehead. Clearly I'm lowering the standard of discourse by accusing you of using sexist slurs when you only intended personal ones that just so happen to be applied to female politicians way more often than male ones. I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding, since we're all adults here, and are collectively aspiring to only the classiest tier of playground insults. Accusing someone of a different of kind crass rudeness than they intended... what was I thinking?
Okay, I'll stop being such a meaniehead. Clearly I'm lowering the standard of discourse by accusing you of using sexist slurs when you only intended personal ones that just so happen to be applied to female politicians way more often than male ones. I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding, since we're all adults here, and are collectively aspiring to only the classiest tier of playground insults. Accusing someone of a different of kind crass rudeness than they intended... what was I thinking?
I'm sure it's nice up there in your ivory tower.
I mean, I'll cop to being disrespectful, but you're clearly misreading what I said about them as not just disrespectful, but a "slur." Specifically a sexist slur. As was pointed out above, the comments I made had noting to do with their gender, but rather their actions and the public personas they themselves have adopted.
Question: do you apply the same standards to left-wing politicians? When, for example, Kamala Harris was called "Heels Up Harris" there was a lot of outcry over it on here. Do you think that's fine?
The esteemed Congresswoman from Colorado - for example - engaged in a sex act in a public place where other people (including children) were enjoying a stage show. Yet somehow you've managed to make "Congresswoman Handjob" into a slur about the fact that she's a woman?
Yes, I think Politesse is way off base here. Similar insults are levied against male politicians all the time without any outcry or accusations of "misogyny".
And is the gentle lady from Georgia (who once filmed herself harassing the victim of a school shooting) somehow immune from being called names by virtue of her gender?
Which "victim of school shooting" do you mean? If you mean the porcine one, she confronted him in his capacity as an activist. And I do not think he was wounded during the shooting, so calling him a "victim" is a bit much.

Also, what does that incident have to do with your moniker for her? And is there any evidence she ever lived in a trailer park? Or are you just mocking her based on falsehoods?

Something like "Trice Evicted" Cori Bush is much more fitting. First, it is true - she was evicted three times. And it has something to do with criticism of her policies like the stunt she pulled to pressure Biden into extending a policy he knew he had no authority to do.

Do these women "deserve" to be attacked simply for being women? Of course not. Yet their gender does not make them immune from criticism...even crude and disrespectful criticism.
True, but same should go for female politicians on the Left.
Bullies like Greene (and her orange hero) deserve EVERY insult they get. She's odious irrespective of gender (which has nothing to do with it), zip code, shoe size, or blood type. I'd also like to mock her for her near-illiterate use of language. Peach tree dish??? Gazpacho tactics??? Marshall law??? She's right up there with Trump. If she didn't have a staff preparing those briefing books she hauls to hearings, she'd have to fling her poop like a chimp to put her legislative aspirations on the record. And that couldn't possibly detract from her dignity.
Bullies gotta pay.
I'm not saying I love Green, Boebert, and the rest. But the language that sits beneath a person's tongue, just waiting to describe someone "bad enough" to "deserve" a sexist, racist, or classist slur says more about them than they realize.
Since handjobs can be performed by any gendered person with at least one hand, I don’t understand the sexist slur conclusion because “Congresswoman” is the appropriate honorific.

Even if I were single, I wouldn’t let MTG touch any part of my body for any reason whatsoever.
Hollerin' out at the President of the United State during State of the Union Addresses is a rather trashy thing to do. I can't imagine anyone here is not familiar with the general association (deserved or not) of ill-mannered people and trailer parks.
Bullies like Greene (and her orange hero) deserve EVERY insult they get. She's odious irrespective of gender (which has nothing to do with it), zip code, shoe size, or blood type. I'd also like to mock her for her near-illiterate use of language. Peach tree dish??? Gazpacho tactics??? Marshall law??? She's right up there with Trump. If she didn't have a staff preparing those briefing books she hauls to hearings, she'd have to fling her poop like a chimp to put her legislative aspirations on the record. And that couldn't possibly detract from her dignity.
Bullies gotta pay.

So in a moment of self-reflection, I looked back at the context of the comment I made that led to so much consternation and accusation. I wasn't just saying MTG and Bobo were idiots. No, I was saying....well...allow me to quote...me:
compared to Marjorie Trailer Queen and Congresswoman Handjob, he's allegedly the smart one.

My entire post was a full-frontal attack on Trump's idiocy, but somehow the offhand (and frankly hilarious) names I assigned to the two most prominent female members of the GOP "Freedom Caucus" were extracted and made the topic of discussion. I insult Trump's "intelligence," point out that the entire Grand Old Party has embraced his idiocy, but all of a sudden it's "how DARE you attack these women!!!"? That's an odd flex.

If anyone had ever earned the title of "Misogynist In Chief," it's Trump. The fact that the entire party - including the esteemed Representatives from Colorado and Georgia - have lined up behind him and said "this is our guy" is disturbing, to say the least.
Bullies like Greene (and her orange hero) deserve EVERY insult they get. She's odious irrespective of gender (which has nothing to do with it), zip code, shoe size, or blood type. I'd also like to mock her for her near-illiterate use of language. Peach tree dish??? Gazpacho tactics??? Marshall law??? She's right up there with Trump. If she didn't have a staff preparing those briefing books she hauls to hearings, she'd have to fling her poop like a chimp to put her legislative aspirations on the record. And that couldn't possibly detract from her dignity.
Bullies gotta pay.
Round about the time of Reagan scientific literacy, including all its branches became the enemy of the Republican party. Maybe this happened because some people just couldn't master it but still wanted to be as "good" as the next person. Reagan was an intellectual idiot and the GOP worshipped him. QANON and republican conspiracy idiots today are just more extreme in their ignorance than Reagan so no surprise. That tree has just grown and flowered. In many ways the Republican party today is just the south still fighting their Civil War.
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