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Half Empty Arena for Trump Rally


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
OMFG, the Blamer in Chief has his work cut out for him.
It was all the protesters. It was the Fake News Media. It was the Fake Reservations. It was the China Virus. It was the phase of the moon -

From the live shot it looks like the 19,000 capacity arena might have 10-11k people in it. There aren't enough people in the supposed "overflow area" for a pickup basketball game.

Is this a sign of things to come?
Is this a sign of things to come?

Nah. There are plenty of idiots out there. I doubt this will repeat itself.

They're saying that radical protesters - that's funny shit - kept genuine enthusiasts away by blocking access at the metal detectors. Gotta love that much pluck.
Is this a sign of things to come?

Nah. There are plenty of idiots out there. I doubt this will repeat itself.

They're saying that radical protesters - that's funny shit - kept genuine enthusiasts away by blocking access at the metal detectors. Gotta love that much pluck.

Yeah, their ad section is probably busy filming the incident as I write this, just hours after the event. :D
Glad most of the people were smart and stayed home.

Were there really protesters at the gates?
Comments on The Hill are saying that the Tulsa Police gave a crowd size of 8,500. I can't find a link for that, though.
Anti-Trump protesters 'interfere' with rally, campaign claims, as outdoor speeches canceled - Washington Times
Steve Schmidt, former campaign manager for John McCain in 2008 and a harsh critic of Mr. Trump, asserted that the Trump campaign was duped by anti-Trump teenagers requesting tickets.

“My 16-year-old daughter and her friends in Park City, Utah, have hundreds of tickets,” Mr. Schmidt tweeted at Mr. Parscale minutes before the rally was set to begin. “You have been rolled by America’s teens. @realDonaldTrump you have been failed by your team. You have been deserted by your faithful. No one likes to root for the losing team.”

“This will be the 1st time that POTUS speaks to BOTH crowds in person — inside & outside,” Mr. Parscale tweeted at the time.

Mr. Schmidt, a collaborator in the “Lincoln Project” of Republican operatives opposing the president, suggested the group was responsible for undermining the rally attendance.

“This is what happened tonight. I’m dead serious when I say this. The teens of America have struck a savage blow against @realDonaldTrump,” Mr. Schmidt said. “All across America teens ordered tickets to this event. The fools on the campaign bragged about a million tickets. lol. @ProjectLincoln.”
Brad Parscale on Twitter: "Radical protestors, fueled by a week of apocalyptic media coverage, interfered with @realDonaldTrump supporters at the rally.
They even blocked access to the metal detectors, preventing people from entering.
Thanks to the 1,000s who made it anyway! https://t.co/eM2nohMEy6" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID
Shout out to Zoomers. Y’all make me so proud. ☺️" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "KPop allies, we see and appreciate your contributions in the fight for justice too 😌" / Twitter
This rally is like what happened to his reality show.

People forget that while "The Apprentice" was initially successful, the ratings declined steadily for six seasons.

Facing cancellation, the producers of the show (not Trump) revamped it as "The Celebrity Apprentice." Instead of young ambitious wannabe executives competing for a job with Trump (and really, how many of them do you remember?) it became C-list celebrities vying for money to give to their favorite charity.

That goosed the ratings initially. I mean, who doesn't want to see Gary Busey arguing with Meat Loaf? But it was plugging holes in a sinking ship. They're so desperate to keep the circus going that they'll do anything. The difference this time around is that they don't have the very competent producers of the TV show available.

If this were a reality show, it would be unceremoniously cancelled. Unfortunately, it's reality.
Is this a sign of things to come?

Nah. There are plenty of idiots out there. I doubt this will repeat itself.

They're saying that radical protesters - that's funny shit - kept genuine enthusiasts away by blocking access at the metal detectors. Gotta love that much pluck.

I saw a report on that by an on the scene MSNBC reporter. It is nonsense. There were only a few protesters and the police pushed them back and the entry way was only closed a brief time as that , more as a precaution than anything else. Lots of lies about this from the Trump operation and far right nooz idiots. Storm in a tea cup.
Blunder Bluster and Thief Trump whines again. Half baked one calls for less prevention to half filled auditorium at his masterstroke of blatant stupidity in call to defeat covar-19 with number magic. Just ignore the news, the obits, the burdening of hospitals, the virus will disappear sez the empty one.
Here are the highlights:


Testing causes coronavirus. Huh - learn something new everyday. Also, cheering because a guy can drink a glass of water, yikes what a low bar.
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