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Happy Birthday!! 4 dead, 20+ injured in ‘Bama.


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
We need more guns!

Obviously, if everyone had brought their piece to the party they might have kept the body count down. No excuse - no permits needed.
Don’t leave home without it!

Imagine it is 2 months before the presidential election. Gun control has been a highly contensious subject between Trump and Biden. And then we have 2 or 3 horrendous mass shootings. And no good man with a gun. Maybe then......
Maybe then......
Maybe then, WHAT?
Maybe then everyone will learn that they better be packing, because everybody else is?

Maybe more good laws to "well regulate" our "militia". Good Americans tired of being targets in Shooting Gallery America. No more NRA crackpots calling the shots. Strong federal laws that lay out the duty to "well regulate", putting that out of reach of wobble brained right wing judges to eliminate as much "well regulating" as possible. Federal laws forcing states to close gun sales loop hols, lax red flag laws, purposeful lack of enforcement of laws when they do exist. Strong red flag laws, strong laws heavily penalizing repeat violent offenders.
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Biden called on Congress to “require safe storage of firearms, require background checks for all gun sales, eliminate gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

The mayor said Dowdell was “a great young man." He also said he is concerned about those wounded and psychologically traumatized by the shooting.

“We are praying for them,” Goodman said. "We ask God, if it’s his will, to bring them back to their parents safe, so they can mend.”

Goodman said guns and violence are not a frequent presence in Dadeville. He said trying to control guns would prove as futile as trying to control illegal drugs.

So, why the fuck are we trying to control illegal drugs, if guns and drugs are both impossible to control? Dumbass Mayer offers only thoughts and prayers. But.....heal the wounded only if it's god's will. WTF is wrong with these assholes?
Here are states ranked by death by firearms.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Wyoming
4. Missouri
5. Alabama

Right wingers love to bellow about Chicago. Illinois is no. 13, Arkansas is no. 8.
Somebody shove a microphone in Governor Sandra Hucklebee's face and ask what she is planning to do about that.

Here are states ranked by death by firearms.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Wyoming
4. Missouri
5. Alabama

Right wingers love to bellow about Chicago. Illinois is no. 13, Arkansas is no. 8.
Somebody shove a microphone in Governor Sandra Hucklebee's face and ask what she is planning to do about that.

As always when you look at death by firearms you mix suicides and homicides and get a confused picture.

Wyoming is #41 in murders. 4 of your 5 states are in the top 6 of murders, though.
Here are states ranked by death by firearms.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Wyoming
4. Missouri
5. Alabama

Right wingers love to bellow about Chicago. Illinois is no. 13, Arkansas is no. 8.
Somebody shove a microphone in Governor Sandra Hucklebee's face and ask what she is planning to do about that.

As always when you look at death by firearms you mix suicides and homicides and get a confused picture.

Wyoming is #41 in murders. 4 of your 5 states are in the top 6 of murders, though.
I mean, Loren... If I had a gun in my house last year I might actually be dead by suicide, and I really really don't want to be dead.

I just have waves, like a lot of people do, where life has its ups and downs and occasionally gutters out before coming back up again.

For me the lows are short and transient: The ideation never lasts for more than about 30 minutes to an hour, even if the low period can last from 1-3 days.

The fact is that I don't think the picture is confused at all. This is all the result of the easy, momentary availability of a firearm in an interaction leading directly to it's use.

I would say I'm the sort of person who should have multi-sig on the gunsafe: it should require two different people to get it open, for my own safety. Note that I don't even say I shouldn't have a gun! Merely that if I did have one, I should need someone else in my life to keep me from making decisions I know would be stupid when I am momentarily too stupid to know that.

There are a lot of people murdered in Wyoming by "themselves, but momentarily not thinking". The fact that the victim is "themselves" does not change the fact of that senseless murder.

Biden called on Congress to “require safe storage of firearms, require background checks for all gun sales, eliminate gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

The mayor said Dowdell was “a great young man." He also said he is concerned about those wounded and psychologically traumatized by the shooting.

“We are praying for them,” Goodman said. "We ask God, if it’s his will, to bring them back to their parents safe, so they can mend.”

Goodman said guns and violence are not a frequent presence in Dadeville. He said trying to control guns would prove as futile as trying to control illegal drugs.

So, why the fuck are we trying to control illegal drugs, if guns and drugs are both impossible to control? Dumbass Mayer offers only thoughts and prayers. But.....heal the wounded only if it's god's will. WTF is wrong with these assholes?

Regarding the "thoughts and prayers" part of it, it seems like virtue signaling. I mean, if someone tells victims' family privately "Sorry for your loss" or "I am praying for you" or "My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family" I don't think it's virtue signaling usually. BUT, if someone is making a public statement, telling other people who are not the victims, "Look everyone, I said my thoughts and prayers are with the victims," it seems like virtue signaling. Also, it seems more like it when whoever the person is refuses to take reasonable action to try to prevent the problems from recurring, whether it's ideologically aligned to their tribe or the opposite tribe doesn't matter, just are they trying to take some action besides letting everyone know they used the word "prayer" to signal to the religious value crowd.
Maybe then......
Maybe then, WHAT?
Maybe then everyone will learn that they better be packing, because everybody else is?

Maybe more good laws to "well regulate" our "militia". Good Americans tired of being targets in Shooting Gallery America. No more NRA crackpots calling the shots. Strong federal laws that lay out the duty to "well regulate", putting that out of reach of wobble brained right wing judges to eliminate as much "well regulating" as possible. Federal laws forcing states to close gun sales loop hols, lax red flag laws, purposeful lack of enforcement of laws when they do exist. Strong red flag laws, strong laws heavily penalizing repeat violent offenders.
Yeah. Right after Dems get 60+ Senate seats, 270 in the House, the Presidency and a 14-Seat SCOTUS, we can get right on all that.
Trumpism is a malignancy that needs to be excised from American politics.
Here are states ranked by death by firearms.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Wyoming
4. Missouri
5. Alabama

Right wingers love to bellow about Chicago. Illinois is no. 13, Arkansas is no. 8.
Somebody shove a microphone in Governor Sandra Hucklebee's face and ask what she is planning to do about that.

As always when you look at death by firearms you mix suicides and homicides and get a confused picture.
Yes, it is a muddled picture because lots of people don't realize that a majority of gun related firearm deaths are intentionally self-inflicted. To be clear, this shouldn't be used to support firearm ownership.

Well golly, firearms aren't that dangerous. Over half the number of people who died from them did it on purpose by their own hand
Wyoming is #41 in murders. 4 of your 5 states are in the top 6 of murders, though.

Gun related homicides are a problem an acceptable cost of the 2nd Amendment across America.
Here are states ranked by death by firearms.

1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. Wyoming
4. Missouri
5. Alabama

Right wingers love to bellow about Chicago. Illinois is no. 13, Arkansas is no. 8.
Somebody shove a microphone in Governor Sandra Hucklebee's face and ask what she is planning to do about that.

As always when you look at death by firearms you mix suicides and homicides and get a confused picture.
Yes, it is a muddled picture because lots of people don't realize that a majority of gun related firearm deaths are intentionally self-inflicted. To be clear, this shouldn't be used to support firearm ownership.

Well golly, firearms aren't that dangerous. Over half the number of people who died from them did it on purpose by their own hand
Wyoming is #41 in murders. 4 of your 5 states are in the top 6 of murders, though.

Gun related homicides are a problem an acceptable cost of the 2nd Amendment across America.
Given the nature of bipolar people, their frequency, and the reality that everyone is "up and down" from time to time, I think it's dangerous to be as binary as this about "on purpose by their own hand" particularly in the judgement over whether they "deserved" it.

Some conditions are of the sort that, even though they MUST eventually be yielded, if we are to be considered ethical people, if they are consistently sustained for reasonable reasons, are often not the product of any tight process that is either sustained or containing reasonable reasons.

In the consideration of suicide or most conflicts of violence, for example, there is the issue that often the desire to do violence is transient and fleeting, the result of inflamed tempers or inflamed self-loathing.

In some respects, it is better to force premeditation upon the act of violence to either self or others. I should have to meditate on whether I actually find life so intolerable that I would wish to kill myself, longer than merely a heat of the moment action.

I should be capable of accepting and taking the time to take up responsibility for the things that I do.

Having a tool that is available, having the means so available that premeditation may be circumscribed is the problem in both a senseless murder and a senseless suicide.

The decision to pick up a gun and end a life needs to be a solemn and level one, based on long judgement and on-transitory grievance, even if that judgement is "I must die, because my inability to be happy and my history of unavoidable pain indicates a future where my misery splashes on others and I am incapable of contributing positivity to those I love," or "people must eat, and I have no food. Acquiring bullets is possible for me in a way acquiring money in this moment is not; I either use the gun to acquire food, or I die, thus I shall hunt," or even "From time to time the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants, and thus war is the due course, and this is the grisly tool of that reality."

This I think is better than allowing snap decisions on the use of lethal force.
I mean, Loren... If I had a gun in my house last year I might actually be dead by suicide, and I really really don't want to be dead.

I just have waves, like a lot of people do, where life has its ups and downs and occasionally gutters out before coming back up again.

For me the lows are short and transient: The ideation never lasts for more than about 30 minutes to an hour, even if the low period can last from 1-3 days.

The fact is that I don't think the picture is confused at all. This is all the result of the easy, momentary availability of a firearm in an interaction leading directly to it's use.

I would say I'm the sort of person who should have multi-sig on the gunsafe: it should require two different people to get it open, for my own safety. Note that I don't even say I shouldn't have a gun! Merely that if I did have one, I should need someone else in my life to keep me from making decisions I know would be stupid when I am momentarily too stupid to know that.

There are a lot of people murdered in Wyoming by "themselves, but momentarily not thinking". The fact that the victim is "themselves" does not change the fact of that senseless murder.
People with suicidal ideation shouldn't have a gun for the very reason you give. That doesn't mean nobody should have a gun. Nor does it mean all gun suicides are wrong--some people choose to not fight medical issues to the end.
As always when you look at death by firearms you mix suicides and homicides and get a confused picture.
Yes, it is a muddled picture because lots of people don't realize that a majority of gun related firearm deaths are intentionally self-inflicted. To be clear, this shouldn't be used to support firearm ownership.
The point is the forces behind suicide are very different than the forces behind murder. They are two very different problems with very different solutions.
I mean, Loren... If I had a gun in my house last year I might actually be dead by suicide, and I really really don't want to be dead.

I just have waves, like a lot of people do, where life has its ups and downs and occasionally gutters out before coming back up again.

For me the lows are short and transient: The ideation never lasts for more than about 30 minutes to an hour, even if the low period can last from 1-3 days.

The fact is that I don't think the picture is confused at all. This is all the result of the easy, momentary availability of a firearm in an interaction leading directly to it's use.

I would say I'm the sort of person who should have multi-sig on the gunsafe: it should require two different people to get it open, for my own safety. Note that I don't even say I shouldn't have a gun! Merely that if I did have one, I should need someone else in my life to keep me from making decisions I know would be stupid when I am momentarily too stupid to know that.

There are a lot of people murdered in Wyoming by "themselves, but momentarily not thinking". The fact that the victim is "themselves" does not change the fact of that senseless murder.
People with suicidal ideation shouldn't have a gun for the very reason you give. That doesn't mean nobody should have a gun. Nor does it mean all gun suicides are wrong--some people choose to not fight medical issues to the end.
No. You're wrong. Because the fact is, everyone is capable of suicidal ideation.

The issue here is that I absolutely have a right to have a gun, and you can stuff it about what I should or shouldn't do as far as owning one.

What "should" be is that it should take two specific people, of some list of maybe five people, one of them being required to be "me" to access it.

That means that even such people should be allowed to have a gun. The point is that BECAUSE I have a right to a gun, or because I should and I would absolutely defend that right with all necessary deadly force, we should be willing to consider the compromise. That compromise is that we recognize that guns are dangerous to have available no matter the impulse, and that the majority of gun suicides and murders are murders by a person temporarily insane, and access to guns should be gated such that it is resistant to such insanities by forcing a reasonable period to allow the majority of them to dissipate.

Then, when premeditation has been established, then we can get on with the killing of each other or ourselves, or of other species so we may eat them.
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