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Harvey Weinstein scandal


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If everyone is doing it, then the group influences our brains far more than we think:

However, while their Hollywood peers may have been doing the same thing, the fact that they worked to keep these things hidden means that they knew damn well that what they were doing was wrong. So they were aware that the larger group (society as a whole) was against what the smaller peer group was doing, and thus they had every reason to understand that what they were doing was wrong.

We can unthinkingly let the group think for us (that's more or less what happened in the Stanford prison experiment), but that still doesn't absolve you of responsibility for participating in an immoral or illegal act. It's really important to be aware of when the group is influencing your judgment, because if something like fascism sweeps through society again, you're going to regret not being this guy:


I think the Stanford prison experiment is really relevant to this discussion. If you get caught up in group dynamics like that, not only can you convince yourself that what the group is doing is acceptable, but you might actually do the bad things yourself either to convince yourself that the group is not bad or to convince the group to accept you. When the group goes bad, our social instincts work against us. Otherwise good people can do monstrous things.

And I think that's why it's extra important to not accept the "everyone was doing it" defense (which is not all that different from "I was just following orders"), and further to have public discussions about how unacceptable it is, because maybe the next time someone is part of a group that is going bad, they might be more aware of how the group is influencing them and do something about it. It's important to have this discussion and tell people that "but everyone is doing it" is not an acceptable defense, nor does it diminish moral culpability. The whole point to morals is to influence the behavior of members of the group, and we can't afford to tolerate this.

I guess it depends how pragmatic we want to be. Either we create laws around humans based on human psychology. Or we make laws around a morally perfect fantasy human.

People in showbiz were back then, and still are, outsiders. These aren't the coolest or most popular people. These are people, for whatever reason, don't fit into normal life. People in showbiz are way over-represented in all manner of mental problems. Which is ironic, because it's an industry, all about keeping up appearances. Those in showbiz are aware of this and help each other out to keep up appearances. They protect each other and are very loyal. Also... there's so many in the industry who want fame and will never get it. That it makes loyalty even more important. Because it can be a ticket into the industry, and the only way to stay hot.

Your critique is basically a version of Sartre's authentic human argument. It's total bullshit. Because it assumes that anybody following their own heart will do better than those joining in. Well... I recommend you see the film Chickenhawk. It's a documentary of NAMBLA. A bunch of pedophiles who all see themselves just like that guy in the Nazi pic who refuses to salute. In their minds they're the victims of persecution and the good guys. People refusing to join in is no guarantee of more moral behaviour. Rather the opposite. Group think and group social pressure, I'm pretty sure, keeps us being better people than we otherwise would be.

There's nothing wrong about joining in and doing what the others are doing. We're a social species. It's what we do. The whole idea that if you're not a one in a million hero, prepared to sacrifice everything and everyone for what is good, you're evil or morally corrupt... it's such fucking bullshit. How the hell did you get so arrogant that you think that you're the best moral judge out there. It's easy being brave if you have nothing to lose and nothing is at stake. How does it feel up their on your high horse? All snug and comfy?

What we should stop doing is adoring actors for skillfully reading lines they didn't write. How about not seeing these people as the pinnacle of human ability, and just seeing them for what they are, a dysfunctional bunch of people? I think it was Peggy Ashcroft who said in an interview with a fawning journalist that "I'm not really the queen. It's just pretend". Giving insecure people the keys to the kingdom and endless respect... is perhaps the problem?

edit: The Stanford prison experiment had methodological problems. It wasn't a free experiment. The guards were encouraged to mistreat the prisoners. And they knew that the prisoners were there willingly and could leave at any time. The experiment is interesting for a number of reasons. But I don't think it shows so much about human moral corruption.

I was in no way implying that all who go against the group are moral.

No but its easy to say that one should go against a group or be considered culpable when you aren't the one in their situation fighting their struggles.

Its just as easy to say to a salary man with a shitty boss "Hey why do you take crap from that guy, have some self respect and stand up to him!" when you're not the one who has to worry if his kids will eat that night. Facts are people have priorities. We can't all afford to fight every battle over every perceived wrong in this world. Those of us who can are indeed the lucky few.

Its hard to not come away from the average German who supported hitler with some empathy for their situation you know. In a time where all hope was lost and the pride and spirit of the German people was effectively broken, can you really blame the desperate masses for wanting, wishing for a miracle?

You're equating accepting abuse to society punishing abuse victims?

I'm not sure that's a good analogy.
A piece published in the National Enquirer has friends of Corey Haim state that Charlie Sheen raped Haim during the filming of Lucas in 1986. There are quite a few other outlets picking up the story and reporting it. FFS, the National Enquirer ?!!
A lady testified that her son, 16 at the time, was sexually assaulted last year by Kevin Spacey. There was a witness they are trying to locate.
A piece published in the National Enquirer has friends of Corey Haim state that Charlie Sheen raped Haim during the filming of Lucas in 1986. There are quite a few other outlets picking up the story and reporting it. FFS, the National Enquirer ?!!

Don't you cite right wing sources sometimes?
Now, it's Louis CK's turn.

Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say - The New York Times

I've been reading these allegations about him for several years, but they had been all anonymous until now.

Jeffrey Tambor has been accused as well, by his ("disgruntled" he says) assistant Van Barnes.

Jeffrey Tambor Investigated By Amazon On Sexual Harassment Claims; Actor “Adamantly” Denies Allegations | Deadline

All harassers have to be wondering if they're next. Fans have to wonder the same, which of their favorites was always a creepy wolf.
Now, it's Louis CK's turn.

Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say - The New York Times

I've been reading these allegations about him for several years, but they had been all anonymous until now.

I read the allegations. I don't get it. In what way is this sexual misconduct? It would be one thing if these people were under the employ of Louis CK. But they weren't. They were fans. Abuse of power? They mean perhaps, abuse of fame? he's famous. What's he going to do about that affliction? Does his fame mean that now he needs to apply for consent through his lawyer? And she "heard that he was masturbating while they talked". He's a fat guy. I'd be willing to bet that he'd sound like he was masturbating if he was on the phone while walking up some stairs.

This is stretching it IMHO. If this is all they've got it's total bullshit.
I read the allegations. I don't get it. In what way is this sexual misconduct? It would be one thing if these people were under the employ of Louis CK. But they weren't. They were fans. Abuse of power? They mean perhaps, abuse of fame? he's famous. What's he going to do about that affliction? Does his fame mean that now he needs to apply for consent through his lawyer? And she "heard that he was masturbating while they talked". He's a fat guy. I'd be willing to bet that he'd sound like he was masturbating if he was on the phone while walking up some stairs.

This is stretching it IMHO. If this is all they've got it's total bullshit.

You don't see anything wrong with this behavior ? These days, you don't light up a cigarette without asking "do you mind if I smoke?", never mind pulling your pants down and rubbing one out.

from article said:
Ms. Corry, a comedian, writer and actress, has long felt haunted by her run-in with Louis C.K. In 2005, she was working as a performer and producer on a television pilot — a big step in her career — when Louis C.K., a guest star, approached her as she was walking to the set. “He leaned close to my face and said, ‘Can I ask you something?’ I said, ‘Yes,’” Ms. Corry said in a written statement to The New York Times. “He asked if we could go to my dressing room so he could masturbate in front of me.” Stunned and angry, Ms. Corry said she declined, and pointed out that he had a daughter and a pregnant wife. “His face got red,” she recalled, “and he told me he had issues.”

You don't have an issue with this ?
My big question about all these scandals is what's the deal with a man asking a woman if he can masturbate in front of her?

Regardless of harassment, inappropriateness, abuse of power, etc, when the fuck did that become a thing?
My big question about all these scandals is what's the deal with a man asking a woman if he can masturbate in front of her?

Regardless of harassment, inappropriateness, abuse of power, etc, when the fuck did that become a thing?

I've been scratching my head this as well. I'm in my mid-50's and not once in my entire life has it ever crossed my mind that I would like to rub one out in front of a woman. Even ones I'm in a relationship with. Its an act I always just wanted to keep private between me and Rosie, and the thought of anyone else watching creeps me out.

By the way, TMZ is reporting that his upcoming movie been "yanked". Har Har.
My big question about all these scandals is what's the deal with a man asking a woman if he can masturbate in front of her?

Regardless of harassment, inappropriateness, abuse of power, etc, when the fuck did that become a thing?

It never stopped being a thing. If my correspondence can be credited, it's actually quite common. There's no real accounting for anyone's sexuality. If we have no real idea why one person is a homosexual and another is not, why on earth would we hope to understand why Louis wants to masturbate while a woman watches?

The difference between Louis, to his credit, and most men who get off on this kind of behavior is, Louis asked permission.

In the category of "Lies everyone believes," the old story about "If you ask 100 women to fuck, you'll get slapped 99 times and fucked once," has to be in the top 20. This is actually the strategy for guys who get off on being slapped, but courtesy has to count for something.
As far as Louis CK, this is basically the same way he portrays himself on his show, so this might not have much of an impact on his career. From his show: [YOUTUBE]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=apc85Cp4lQQ [/YOUTUBE]
As far as Louis CK, this is basically the same way he portrays himself on his show, so this might not have much of an impact on his career.

Louis CK has just released a statement. Not available online yet but he admits he did it and apologized.

Too bad. He's always been very pro-women.
CK said:
At the time, I said to myself that what I did was O.K. because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn’t a question. It’s a predicament for them.

I'll bet there are legions of women out there that CK has asked that question. It won't be just the five he mentioned. Off to rehab for CK and hopefully he gets himself sorted out.
Now, it's Louis CK's turn.

Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say - The New York Times

I've been reading these allegations about him for several years, but they had been all anonymous until now.

I read the allegations. I don't get it. In what way is this sexual misconduct? It would be one thing if these people were under the employ of Louis CK. But they weren't. They were fans. Abuse of power? They mean perhaps, abuse of fame? he's famous. What's he going to do about that affliction? Does his fame mean that now he needs to apply for consent through his lawyer? And she "heard that he was masturbating while they talked". He's a fat guy. I'd be willing to bet that he'd sound like he was masturbating if he was on the phone while walking up some stairs.

This is stretching it IMHO. If this is all they've got it's total bullshit.

I don't believe that you see asking if it is ok to masturbate in front of someone in a workplace setting is acceptable.

These are not individuals that he was dating or in a casual social setting. These are individuals who worked in positions over which he had influence. But switch the roles: I cannot conceive of a situation where an employee would not be immediately terminated for suggesting that his or her supervisor watch them madturbate--at least not outside of the sex industry.
As far as Louis CK, this is basically the same way he portrays himself on his show, so this might not have much of an impact on his career.

Louis CK has just released a statement. Not available online yet but he admits he did it and apologized.

Too bad. He's always been very pro-women.

It seems to be prevalent among male feminists. Maybe the situation is kind of like politicians and preachers who preach the evils of homosexuality in public are usually the ones caught with their pants down boffing some "rent boy".

This was written back before the latest accusations against Lous C.K.:


Now that our culture has finally decided to take violence against (some) women (somewhat) seriously, conversations that have long happened in hushed tones are taking place in the open. In recent weeks, men throughout so-called enlightened, liberal industries have been brought down by allegations of harassment and sexual assault.

The only thing that’s surprising is how many of the men who have long abused their power have gotten away with it in part by hiding it behind a sheen of progressive politics and claims of feminism.

Harvey Weinstein champions female directors, so how bad can he truly be? Mitchell Sunderland works at a feminist publication, so there’s no way he facilitates the harassment of women online. Matt Taibbi writes celebrated pieces about the misogyny and corruption of politicians, so we ignore his boasting about sexually harassing women who worked for him.

Writers at leftist publications who have written about women’s issues and self-identify as feminist now stand accused of assault and rape. In public, they call themselves our allies, and in private, they reveal their true selves.

And finally,

The reports of harassment and assault will continue to roll in, and up and coming predatory men will replace the fallen predatory men. And men will continue to be surprised to discover that under their feminist T-shirt beats the heart of a predator.
I read the allegations. I don't get it. In what way is this sexual misconduct? It would be one thing if these people were under the employ of Louis CK. But they weren't. They were fans. Abuse of power? They mean perhaps, abuse of fame? he's famous. What's he going to do about that affliction? Does his fame mean that now he needs to apply for consent through his lawyer? And she "heard that he was masturbating while they talked". He's a fat guy. I'd be willing to bet that he'd sound like he was masturbating if he was on the phone while walking up some stairs.

This is stretching it IMHO. If this is all they've got it's total bullshit.

I don't believe that you see asking if it is ok to masturbate in front of someone in a workplace setting is acceptable.

These are not individuals that he was dating or in a casual social setting. These are individuals who worked in positions over which he had influence. But switch the roles: I cannot conceive of a situation where an employee would not be immediately terminated for suggesting that his or her supervisor watch them madturbate--at least not outside of the sex industry.

Didn't Sweden recently change its definition of rape and/or sexual assault recently?

I happen to know this, because a lot of conservatives use the sudden increase in rape statistics to claim that it was caused by Muslim immigrants or caused by swedish atheists rather than a change in how rape is defined/reported.

Given that the change involved a statistical increase in reported rape cases, I find it very hard to believe that he doesn't understand why it's wrong to masturbate in front of coworkers.
I read the allegations. I don't get it. In what way is this sexual misconduct? It would be one thing if these people were under the employ of Louis CK. But they weren't. They were fans. Abuse of power? They mean perhaps, abuse of fame? he's famous. What's he going to do about that affliction? Does his fame mean that now he needs to apply for consent through his lawyer? And she "heard that he was masturbating while they talked". He's a fat guy. I'd be willing to bet that he'd sound like he was masturbating if he was on the phone while walking up some stairs.

This is stretching it IMHO. If this is all they've got it's total bullshit.

I don't believe that you see asking if it is ok to masturbate in front of someone in a workplace setting is acceptable.

These are not individuals that he was dating or in a casual social setting. These are individuals who worked in positions over which he had influence. But switch the roles: I cannot conceive of a situation where an employee would not be immediately terminated for suggesting that his or her supervisor watch them madturbate--at least not outside of the sex industry.

It seems pretty clear to me that DZ would think that is acceptable, indeed, he explicitely stated otherwise:

It would be one thing if these people were under the employ of Louis CK. But they weren't. They were fans.

It seems, that the point of contention is exactly whether or not they were in a workplace setting. I haven't really been following this one, so I don't know.
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