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Has Biden Lost His Mind?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Link to video on Twitter

“I’m Joe Biden, I’m a candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over, if you like what you see, help out.

If not, vote for the other Biden.”

- Joe Biden, moments ago. Not a joke. I’m serious, he actually just said this.

Says he is running for Senate and if you don't like him to vote for the other Biden.

Not understanding who you are and getting cranky with voters asking questions seems indicative of neurologic impairment or maybe Alzheimer's coming on.

I continue to worry about his state of mind.
Eh. I would say this is within the realm of a normal flub.

If it becomes part of a pattern, then maybe it's bad.

But the guy was in the senate for decades, over 30 years, and probably said that phrase in very similar contexts many, many times. No doubt, most of what candidates say is totally coming from autopilot. I think the whole "vote for the other Biden" is a joke, maybe one of his canned lines.
Eh. I would say this is within the realm of a normal flub.

If it becomes part of a pattern, then maybe it's bad.

It seems like it is a pattern.

But the guy was in the senate for decades, over 30 years, and probably said that phrase in very similar contexts many, many times. No doubt, most of what candidates say is totally coming from autopilot. I think the whole "vote for the other Biden" is a joke, maybe one of his canned lines.

I can accept that he could screw up due to exhaustion of running around and speaking on empty. But he seems to constantly be saying crazy things. In the other thread just yesterday I had said he seemed to have been losing his mind merely due to all the other things he has said. Now, on top of that assessment I already made, now I read in the news this story which seems to fit with everything else.
Eh. I would say this is within the realm of a normal flub.

If it becomes part of a pattern, then maybe it's bad.

It seems like it is a pattern.
Yup. Anytime I hear him speak at length, it reminds me of my 91 old dad (dead now) on pain meds. The dude has gone past his prime, and it baffles me why anyone would want him to be the nominee to stand up against FFvC, no matter what one thinks of his views/stances.
I don't know. The man has had a problem with stuttering for much of his early life, which he has somewhat over come. I tend to think that when he gets nervous, he fucks up his speech even more than usual. Of course, he's past his prime. All three old guys in this race are well past their prime. And, then we have one who isn't ready for prime time. What's your point, that we're fucked?

I keep telling myself that any of these old guys aren't nearly as insane as the current old guy in the WH. I hope that will help me vote for one in November.

Btw, that tweet is no longer available. Was it even real? Considering how people are using technology to make other people look stupid, crazy, older, ugly etc. do we even know what is real anymore?
That would make a classic debate -- Sleepy Joe v. Slurring Donald...

Rachel Maddow: How would each of you confront a possible missile strike by the North Koreans? Mr. President?
Donald: It won't happen while I'm Preshident. You go back to the oranges of the -- you go to the oranges -- the oranges of it -- ORANGES -- and it's weak Preshidents who let the Koreans laugh at the United Staesh...for too many years. And all these weak Democrats in the House -- these are horrible, horrible people, the scum of the earth -- they are turning the Pacific Ocean into a skantuary zone for all the bad guys with nuclear weaponsh, who are laughing, laughing at us!! We are going to bomb the shit out of them if they threaten us.
Rachel Maddow: Vice President Biden?
Joe: (Chuckles) I have to laugh because those bad guys are laughing at this President, not at our military power. I was there with President Obama when we successfully brought Iran to the negotiating table. Before that, I had a situation where I called a guy named Corn Pop a name -- actually I called him Esther Williams, and he came at me with a switchblade. And I called Barack, who was there practicing his high dive, and together we talked Corn Pop off his challenge. And you haven't heard bad stuff about Corn Pop since, have you?
Donald: Or-an-ges...ORANGES.
I don't know. The man has had a problem with stuttering for much of his early life, which he has somewhat over come. I tend to think that when he gets nervous, he fucks up his speech even more than usual. Of course, he's past his prime. All three old guys in this race are well past their prime. And, then we have one who isn't ready for prime time. What's your point, that we're fucked?
I assume you are responding to my comment...I hate to use the word stammer (as I don't mean stutter), but Biden has lost it IMPOV. He wasn't anywhere near this bad as VP and earlier. Biden's lack of speaking ability could cost the Dem's the 2020 Presidency, if he got the nod, not that I think he can win the primary. It doesn't matter that he's going against a clown stick, who talks like a lune. Bernie may be a little wild, but he speaks far better... Personally, I wish both had put their ego's aside and had acted as God fathers to the rest of the younger Dems in the running to beat FFvC.
I don't know. The man has had a problem with stuttering for much of his early life, which he has somewhat over come. I tend to think that when he gets nervous, he fucks up his speech even more than usual. Of course, he's past his prime. All three old guys in this race are well past their prime. And, then we have one who isn't ready for prime time. What's your point, that we're fucked?
I assume you are responding to my comment...I hate to use the word stammer (as I don't mean stutter), but Biden has lost it IMPOV. He wasn't anywhere near this bad as VP and earlier. Biden's lack of speaking ability could cost the Dem's the 2020 Presidency, if he got the nod, not that I think he can win the primary. It doesn't matter that he's going against a clown stick, who talks like a lune. Bernie may be a little wild, but he speaks far better... Personally, I wish both had put their ego's aside and had acted as God fathers to the rest of the younger Dems in the running to beat FFvC.

If speaking well is the main criterion, Mayor Pete is the runaway winner. Don't know if being gay is a lethal liability for him or not, since most homophobes are already in the Trump camp and those who defect might be counterbalanced by otherwise apathetic LGBTQ voters. Inexperience is probably a greater net liability. But he speaks MUCH more clearly and eloquently than any of the other candidates.
Pete's economy of words would be a breath of fresh air after enduring years of Trump's repetitious kindergarten-level grammar and vocabulary. I'd vote for him enthusiastically just for that if he became the nominee. Might yet vote for him in the primary next week, but more likely will vote for whoever is ahead in the national polls at the time.
I don't know. The man has had a problem with stuttering for much of his early life, which he has somewhat over come. I tend to think that when he gets nervous, he fucks up his speech even more than usual. Of course, he's past his prime. All three old guys in this race are well past their prime. And, then we have one who isn't ready for prime time. What's your point, that we're fucked?

I keep telling myself that any of these old guys aren't nearly as insane as the current old guy in the WH. I hope that will help me vote for one in November.

Btw, that tweet is no longer available. Was it even real? Considering how people are using technology to make other people look stupid, crazy, older, ugly etc. do we even know what is real anymore?

I've never noticed him stuttering in the past. And this doesn't come across as stuttering either. The latest one seems more like Alzheimers, although the inability to make sense or find the right words is usually a later symptom. But I'm no expert. Just google "If not, vote for the other Biden" and it will pop up.
Biden will lose South Carolina and the primary will be over at that point, this is excellent news
I don't know. The man has had a problem with stuttering for much of his early life, which he has somewhat over come. I tend to think that when he gets nervous, he fucks up his speech even more than usual. Of course, he's past his prime. All three old guys in this race are well past their prime. And, then we have one who isn't ready for prime time. What's your point, that we're fucked?
I assume you are responding to my comment...I hate to use the word stammer (as I don't mean stutter), but Biden has lost it IMPOV. He wasn't anywhere near this bad as VP and earlier. Biden's lack of speaking ability could cost the Dem's the 2020 Presidency, if he got the nod, not that I think he can win the primary. It doesn't matter that he's going against a clown stick, who talks like a lune. Bernie may be a little wild, but he speaks far better... Personally, I wish both had put their ego's aside and had acted as God fathers to the rest of the younger Dems in the running to beat FFvC.

If speaking well is the main criterion, Mayor Pete is the runaway winner. Don't know if being gay is a lethal liability for him or not, since most homophobes are already in the Trump camp and those who defect might be counterbalanced by otherwise apathetic LGBTQ voters. Inexperience is probably a greater net liability. But he speaks MUCH more clearly and eloquently than any of the other candidates.
Pete's economy of words would be a breath of fresh air after enduring years of Trump's repetitious kindergarten-level grammar and vocabulary. I'd vote for him enthusiastically just for that if he became the nominee. Might yet vote for him in the primary next week, but more likely will vote for whoever is ahead in the national polls at the time.
"Speaking well" is one of the important things, but probably a hair below having charisma. Mayor Pete is an impressive speaker, and seems to have some of that charisma thing like Obama and Bill Clinton. Not that I was rooting for him, but he's done far better than I expected; as I don't really want someone that inexperienced. Yeah, the male gay thing in the US presidential race is hard to gauge. I was sort of hoping for Warren or Klobuchar. Maybe a Bloomberg-Klobuchar ticket, with Bloomberg stating he'd only want one term, would work... 2020 is the Dem's turn for a wild ride. But I'd take any of them over FFvC.
Is anybody really convinced by Pete's Obama impression? The guy is like a platitude generator robot. His programming is designed to appeal to people for exactly the reasons he does, and none of those have anything to do with who or what he represents and is willing to fight for, which not even his supporters claim to know.
I keep telling myself that any of these old guys aren't nearly as insane as the current old guy in the WH.

Your self is absolutely correct. And add that none them is nearly as malevolent.

That's absolutely true. However, all 3 of the old white men running are in an age category with health problems that make their ability to carry out the duties as POTUS seriously questionable.

That isn't helpful. So what if they aren't as bad as Trump? What comes out of my dog's hind end isn't as bad as Trump--not by a long shot. I think we can do better than that. Let's not vote for one of the old guys.

If you want to vote for a progressive, vote Warren.

If you want to vote for a moderate, vote Klobuchar.
Is anybody really convinced by Pete's Obama impression? The guy is like a platitude generator robot. His programming is designed to appeal to people for exactly the reasons he does, and none of those have anything to do with who or what he represents and is willing to fight for, which not even his supporters claim to know.

I am less and less impressed by Pete the more I hear him or read anything attributed to his writing. Part of that is that his speech patterns irritate me personally but that's not a big deal. I do think he's much closer to Republican than Democrat and that he lacks experience crucial to being any good as POTUS.
I am less and less impressed by Pete the more I hear him or read anything attributed to his writing. Part of that is that his speech patterns irritate me personally but that's not a big deal. I do think he's much closer to Republican than Democrat and that he lacks experience crucial to being any good as POTUS.

POTUS is about leadership: Decision making ability, inspiring others, empowerment, vision.
Experience? People use this excuse because they cannot or will not define what it is they do not like about Pete. He is no where close to being a Republican.
I think what irritates many about Pete is that even in a room full of smart people trying to impress one another with how smart they are, Pete is still the smartest guy in the room. And he’s not even trying.
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