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High Level Trump Admins Secretly Meeting With Russian Spy Chiefs

And, honestly, I wouldn't mind that if civil rights were not as issue, but they are and that makes this entire episode wrong, not to mention a complete embarrassment for the country. Like Trump isn't enough of an embassassment, the domocrats have to try and outdo him?
Um, whose civil rights have been violated?
We can start with the surveillance of people associated with the Trump campaign based on a phony dossier...,.

Bullshit. The investigation was months old by the time the FBI heard about that "dossier" - which has proven reliable in every respect that can be checked so far.

.... bought and paid for by political operatives ...

More bullshit, It was originally instigated by Republicans looking for dirt on their competition for the Republican nomination.

Then we can discuss how Flynn was dragged through the mud with nothing more than innuendo

... and the FACT that he lied to the FBI and was vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians. More BULLSHIT.

All this sets precedents.


It could happen to any one of us.

Yes, any one of us who conspire with a foreign adversary to undermine the US electoral process, and lies to the FBI about it.
You are so FULL of bullshit.
They can't both be true...

Logically impaired alt-right Russian pawns can't understand how it could possibly be that Trump didn't want to be president, but under Putin's blackmail, he conspired with their efforts and ended up in the office. Now, he is still doing Putin's bidding, trying to tear down every institution that supports our (and every other country's) representative democracy. He is likely to to see prolonged success in that effort as long as he can keep sufficient numbers of them stupid and ignorant enough that they remain blind to his subservience to Russian interests.

That's a new one - Putin blackmailed Trump into running for POTUS.

He always wanted to run. If he had lost he wouldn't be in all this trouble and would be merrily pocketing cash from the Iranian Republican Guard through his Azerbaijani connections... but he had to do what Uncle Vlad told him to do because ... peepee tapes etc.
Um, whose civil rights have been violated?
We can start with the surveillance of people associated with the Trump campaign based on a phony dossier bought and paid for by political operatives and supplied by a foreign agent who has refused to avail himself to formal questioning.
Sooooo, you have a civil right not to be under surveillance by people who have a warrant?
Then we can discuss how Flynn was dragged through the mud with nothing more than innuendo
Exactly which civil right was violated, there?
by Obama holdovers Sally Yates and James Comey apparently because he participated in "lock her up" chants.
Well, the 'lock her up' chants were dragging HRCs name through the mud, right? So, what civil right was Flynn guilty of violating? Is it the same one?
And then being indicted on silly charges because he didn't have a perfect memory about a couple to phone calls.
So, you have civil rights protecting you from providing false information to a federal agency? What's that based on?
Civil rights should be the unequivocal
Then you can state the specific civil right that's been violated in each case, unequivocally, rather than vague claims that unspecified 'rights' are broken?

Please proceed.
That's a new one - Putin blackmailed Trump into running for POTUS.

He always wanted to run. If he had lost he wouldn't be in all this trouble and would be merrily pocketing cash from the Iranian Republican Guard through his Azerbaijani connections... but he had to do what Uncle Vlad told him to do because ... peepee tapes etc.

But we all know that these peepee tapes are safe in Kenya along with Obama birth certificate.
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Let's not forget that Obama who promised to close Guantanamo and then decided not to.

This is not true. Congress blocked any funds needed to make that happen. Moving prisoners and closing a facility costs money.

That's a new one - Putin blackmailed Trump into running for POTUS.

He always wanted to run. If he had lost he wouldn't be in all this trouble and would be merrily pocketing cash from the Iranian Republican Guard through his Azerbaijani connections... but he had to do what Uncle Vlad told him to do because ... peepee tapes etc.

But we all know that these peepee tapes are safe in Kenya along with Obama birth certificate.

Yabut The Donald has "people there,and you wouldn't believe what they're finding out. You wouldn't believe it, trust me."
I never watch Rachael, although I liked her a little when she was on Air America many years ago. I read the only two legitimate sources of news in the country, The New York Times and the Washington Post. I prefer real journalism to the punditry, although I have to admit, I do enjoy me some Chris Matthews, and when former Republican Joe Scarborough goes on a rant about how Trump is destroying the country, I sometimes join in with him. These days screaming at the television can be cathartic.
And, honestly, I wouldn't mind that if civil rights were not as issue, but they are and that makes this entire episode wrong, not to mention a complete embarrassment for the country. Like Trump isn't enough of an embassassment, the domocrats have to try and outdo him?
Um, whose civil rights have been violated?
We can start with the surveillance of people associated with the Trump campaign based on a phony dossier bought and paid for by political operatives and supplied by a foreign agent who has refused to avail himself to formal questioning.

That is a Republican talking point, but it is utterly false. As the FBI has pointed out, the GOP memo leaves out important details about the FISA warrant, which was legally applied for, reviewed, and granted by a judge. The FISA warrant was approved for a number of reasons that still remain classified. The warrant is based on intelligence information that goes back to 2013--well before Carter joined the Trump campaign, a Democratic lawyer hired Fusion (which had been funded by Republicans for oppo research on Trump), and Fusion decided to hire Steele. The Steele dossier was a legitimate factor in the latest FISA warrant because of what it said about Page, not because of his role in the Trump campaign. And the dossier is still considered largely accurate, regardless of who paid Fusion.

Then we can discuss how Flynn was dragged through the mud with nothing more than innuendo by Obama holdovers Sally Yates and James Comey apparently because he participated in "lock her up" chants. And then being indicted on silly charges because he didn't have a perfect memory regarding a couple of phone calls.

All this sets precedents. It could happen to any one of us. Civil rights should be the unequivocal yield and proceed with caution warning for any investigator looking into anyone else's activities. It's not happening with this episode and people like Rachel Maddow are helping people look right past that.
Nonsense. Flynn was concealing the fact that he was working as a paid agent of foreign governments, and he ended up pleading guilty to lying to the FBI. But that is not likely to be the only crime he is charged with, if he suddenly decides to turn uncooperative. His rights have not been violated in any way. He was fully lawyered up and he made a voluntary guilty plea.
I realize objectivity has been lost on my once political brothers and sisters of the liberal persuasion, but here's some anyway.
Based on the memo released today by the House Intelligence Committee (read it here), current and former members of the FBI and the Department of Justice who signed off on applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court will likely face contempt of court charges. Who? James Comey, Andy McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente and Rob Rosenstein. They effectively lied to a Federal judge. That is not only stupid but illegal.

Here are the critical points from the Nunes memo that you should commit to memory.:
The rest at the site.

I realize objectivity has been lost on my once political brothers and sisters of the liberal persuasion, but here's some anyway.
When someone who cites a blog with a title "The FBI and CIA Failed Coup Against Trump Unravels by Publius Tacitus", it is pretty clear that he or she has an idiosyncratic interpretation of the meaning of the term "objectivity".

I believe the entire purposes of that memo is to re-energize Trump's base and to cast serious doubt on any fruits of the investigation. I realize that kneejerk Trump supporters will swallow the contents of the memo without realizing it refutes its very premise - that the Steele dossier prompted the investigation and was a prime reason for the FISA applications.

But I still don't understand why conservatives and Republicans do not want to know if the Trump campaign or Trump conspired with our enemies to get help in the election.
I realize objectivity has been lost on my once political brothers and sisters of the liberal persuasion, but here's some anyway.
Based on the memo released today by the House Intelligence Committee (read it here), current and former members of the FBI and the Department of Justice who signed off on applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court will likely face contempt of court charges. Who? James Comey, Andy McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente and Rob Rosenstein. They effectively lied to a Federal judge. That is not only stupid but illegal.

Here are the critical points from the Nunes memo that you should commit to memory.:
The rest at the site.


That memo's a joke. It contains basic, moronic, misstatements of law twice on the first page alone and contains glaringly obvious omissions of fact. Only someone utterly ignorant of warrant requirements and exceptions would buy it for half a second.
Okay - Okay! So I do a poor Rachel Maddow immitation.

Try this for objectivity.

In addition to Assange’s assertion that government secrecy has far less to do with national security than political security (a claim he has made before which seems to be proving correct time and time again), there’s the jarring question posed by Republican Congressman Thomas Massie: “who made the decision to withhold evidence of FISA abuse until after Congress voted to renew FISA program?”

Whoa, Nelly. Hang on. What is he talking about?
I read your link. That thing is just reiteration the talking points from Nunes memo, nothing more.

Again, the investigation was started before the Steele dossier. Yet here you are, again, trying to blame it on the dossier and trying to say it's tainted because it was bought by the opposition. And doing it with a report from some hole in the wall web site doing the same thing.

Try harder.

Sources: Devin Nunes Memo Is ‘100%’ Wrong About Andrew McCabe and Steele Dossier
Stupid, smoke and mirrors is all the Trumpsuckers have at this point in the investigation.

I still don't understand why conservatives and Republicans do not want to know if the Trump campaign or Trump conspired with our enemies to get help in the election.

And, if there is nothing there - as Trump keeps saying - why is he acting like there is some terrible secret he has to protect? Really, let the investigation come up with nothing if there is nothing to uncover. That will do more to dismiss the FBI and the Democrats than these pathetic attempts at blowing smoke.
Funny, as much as I dislike Trump's policies, what has happened since his election is the exposure of the liberal dittohead. This place is loaded with them.
That's the only kind of liberal there is. They can't spend half a second thinking for themselves, so they just repeat the latest thing they hear on MSNBC or CNN, even when it comepletely contradicts the shit they were saying just the other day. One minute, Trump got Russia to make him president, the next minute Trump didn't even want to be president. They can't both be true, but liberals believe it because the media told them to believe it.
Your point is taken except for the generalisation. Some of the most reliable news sources have been liberal people. Or, at least I believe most of them to be liberal.

I know that at this stage I'm as embarrassed to have ever called myself liberal as I was when I denounced conservatism.

Can I call you a bleeding heart conservative?
I know that at this stage I'm as embarrassed to have ever called myself liberal as I was when I denounced conservatism.

Can I call you a bleeding heart conservative?
for what it's worth, I find that when i say i support a standing military, some gun ownership, outlawing certain drugs, my liberal friends tell me I'm conservative.

When i say i supprt same sex marriage, abortion rights, interracial marriage, decriminalizing certain drugs, and transexual frindly public restroom policies, my conservative friends all say I'm gay.
I realize objectivity has been lost on my once political brothers and sisters of the liberal persuasion, but here's some anyway.
When someone who cites a blog with a title "The FBI and CIA Failed Coup Against Trump Unravels by Publius Tacitus", it is pretty clear that he or she has an idiosyncratic interpretation of the meaning of the term "objectivity".

I believe the entire purposes of that memo is to re-energize Trump's base and to cast serious doubt on any fruits of the investigation. I realize that kneejerk Trump supporters will swallow the contents of the memo without realizing it refutes its very premise - that the Steele dossier prompted the investigation and was a prime reason for the FISA applications.

But I still don't understand why conservatives and Republicans do not want to know if the Trump campaign or Trump conspired with our enemies to get help in the election.

The whole Russian Collusion can be resumed as Democrats playing to be Chicken Little...
I know that at this stage I'm as embarrassed to have ever called myself liberal as I was when I denounced conservatism.

Can I call you a bleeding heart conservative?
for what it's worth, I find that when i say i support a standing military, some gun ownership, outlawing certain drugs, my liberal friends tell me I'm conservative.

When i say i supprt same sex marriage, abortion rights, interracial marriage, decriminalizing certain drugs, and transexual frindly public restroom policies, my conservative friends all say I'm gay.

They're obviously jealous.

Labels generally come down to one defining subject. For me it's civil rights. That makes me a liberal.

I find conservatives to be overly emotional creatures possessing a healthy dose of paranoia.
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