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Hillary Clinton

Gosh, who would have predicted the misogynists would take over this thread?
It is not misogynist to point out Hillary's sexism.

No, of course that wouldn't be, but Hillary's views are feminist, which is different. And no Derec, I wouldn't expect you to understand the difference, just as I didn't expect you to know that it is misogynistic to make insulting comments about a woman's genitals.
I didn't expect you to know that it is misogynistic to make insulting comments about a woman's genitals.

It is not misogyny to talk about a specific woman's genitals. It might would be if it was directed at all women. You liberals broad brush everything with your labels.
Dude, that is Yahoo Comment Board level lazy.

Ok ok, calm down. It really tastes like piss and bad body odor. You have to suppress you gag reflex to stay on it for more than a few seconds.
Calm down? I'm not angry, just disappointed that that is the best you can do. I could go to a school yard and hear better trolling than that.
Ok ok, calm down. It really tastes like piss and bad body odor. You have to suppress you gag reflex to stay on it for more than a few seconds.
Calm down? I'm not angry, just disappointed that that is the best you can do. I could go to a school yard and hear better trolling than that.

Do you hang around school yards?
Sure but that's called an IT infraction, people don't usually even get fired for that-it certainly isn't something that anyone would go to jail over. Same with Benghazi, it was a mistake.

I don't really care about the email stuff. I'm an Australian, why would I? But to call it a mistake is just plain wrong. Have you looked at the history of all the requests to "secure" her Blackberry, and email server, that preceded this? It was no mistake. But as I said I don't care.

The reason I, as an Australian, don't want her in is that I, and many other Australians don't want our friend and ally to drag us into another war. A war with a nuclear power.
We have Russian planes buzzing US warships and US generals calling for some "tough guy" response. Quite apart from the diarrhea broadcast on Fox News, the Russians have made it extremely clear that they consider the current stance of the neocons to be a threat they take very very seriously.
Hillary Clinton is too shallow to be the President when such things are happening. Seriously

Trump would be a lot more likely to drag us into war than Hillary.
Sure but that's called an IT infraction, people don't usually even get fired for that-it certainly isn't something that anyone would go to jail over. Same with Benghazi, it was a mistake.

I don't really care about the email stuff. I'm an Australian, why would I? But to call it a mistake is just plain wrong. Have you looked at the history of all the requests to "secure" her Blackberry, and email server, that preceded this? It was no mistake. But as I said I don't care.

The reason I, as an Australian, don't want her in is that I, and many other Australians don't want our friend and ally to drag us into another war. A war with a nuclear power.
We have Russian planes buzzing US warships and US generals calling for some "tough guy" response. Quite apart from the diarrhea broadcast on Fox News, the Russians have made it extremely clear that they consider the current stance of the neocons to be a threat they take very very seriously.
Hillary Clinton is too shallow to be the President when such things are happening. Seriously
You don't know what you are talking about. Clinton is shallow? Seriously? And you know this because.....?

Again, you have no idea what Hillary Clinton is like at all.
Hillary has experience. She knows it is easier to get into trouble than get out of trouble. She now knows the power of unforeseen consequences. She now understands the problem of power vacuums. She has seen us burned and now knows that no plan can be expected to go right no matter how you wish it would.

Trump? Kill the families of terrorists? legalize torture? Nah! He's blowing it out his ass.
No, of course that wouldn't be, but Hillary's views are feminist, which is different. And no Derec, I wouldn't expect you to understand the difference,
While there is a difference, there is a large intersection of the two sets (or a Venn diagram if you prefer). Mandating "at least 50%" quotas is both sexist and feminist.

just as I didn't expect you to know that it is misogynistic to make insulting comments about a woman's genitals.
I did not start it, I jumped into an ongoing thing. Why all the hysteria only when I post something?
Also, why is it considered ok to make insulting comments about a man's genitals? If it's not misandrist to make comments about the size of Trump's penis it is not misogynist to speculate about aroma of Hillary's sniz.
Hillary has experience.
Most of her alleged experience is as a wife of an elected official, not as an elected official herself. The one elected office she held was a carpetbagged campaign in a safe D state (NY) she just moved to.

She knows it is easier to get into trouble than get out of trouble.
Then why is she doing such a poor job not keeping herself out of trouble?

Trump? Kill the families of terrorists? legalize torture? Nah! He's blowing it out his ass.
At least he never claimed to have been under sniper fire in Bosnia.

- - - Updated - - -

You don't know what you are talking about. Clinton is shallow? Seriously? And you know this because.....?

Again, you have no idea what Hillary Clinton is like at all.
Hillary is the most profound candidate in modern history, in addition to being most experienced, most qualified and most good looking. </HILLBOT>
While there is a difference, there is a large intersection of the two sets (or a Venn diagram if you prefer). Mandating "at least 50%" quotas is both sexist and feminist.

just as I didn't expect you to know that it is misogynistic to make insulting comments about a woman's genitals.
I did not start it, I jumped into an ongoing thing. Why all the hysteria only when I post something?
Also, why is it considered ok to make insulting comments about a man's genitals? If it's not misandrist to make comments about the size of Trump's penis it is not misogynist to speculate about aroma of Hillary's sniz.

First of all, if you really want to call Marco Rubio a misandrist, be my guest.

Second, perhaps "all the hysteria only when [you] post something" is because, against all odds, some of us think better of you than the other person in this thread making misogynistic comments about Clinton.
That is pretty insulting. It would be like saying that poor young people only support Bernie because he promises them free stuff or that poor black people only support Hillary because her husband was the first black president. :)
Also, I am not a Trump supporter. There is a lot to not like about Trump. Lack of political experience, lack of concrete policy plans, tendency to overdo it on policy (ban all Muslims, kill families of terrorists). What I think is that he'd be less bad than Hillary. Conversely, should Cruz get the GOP nod, Hillary would slide into the "lesser evil" spot.
I think Trump would be more liberal on many issues than Hillary. For one, she is quite religious.
Hillary's Prayer: Hillary Clinton's Religion and Politics
I do not want to see what a combination between religious social conservatism and feminism will be like. I do not think it is unlikely that a Hillary DOJ would resume prosecuting "obscenity" cases for example.
There is also the issue of experience. Sure, Trump doesn't have any political experience, but he is not pretending otherwise. Hillary and her sycophants want us to believe she is much more experienced than she really is.
Commentary: The Most Qualified Candidate For President In Our Lifetime
Clearly bullshit. It's not a sin to not have as much political experience/qualifications and some others. It is a sin though to try to pretend you have much more experience/qualifications than them.
She also has shown lack of good judgment, be it to blatantly lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia, or to host all SecState emails on a private family mail server.
And say what you will about his idea that Mexico will pay for the wall, we do need a strong response to illegal immigration and both parties have been neglecting that issue for decades.
I did not start it, I jumped into an ongoing thing. Why all the hysteria only when I post something?
You jumped into a rather disgusting misogynist comment by a particular poster and added to it. Duh.
Also, why is it considered ok to make insulting comments about a man's genitals?
No one in this thread made insulting comments about a man's penis.
If it's not misandrist to make comments about the size of Trump's penis it is not misogynist to speculate about aroma of Hillary's sniz.
You are not fooling anyone with that dumbness.
No one in this thread made insulting comments about a man's penis.
Such comments were made earlier in the campaign. I do not recall anybody claiming they were misandrist.
You are not fooling anyone with that dumbness.
You are not fooling anyone by stupidly repeating "you are not fooling anyone".

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Cabinets that accurately reflect the population at large are not sexist.
Gender quotas are. Especially if they allow for their being more women then men but not more men than women (she said she will have "at least" half the cabinet be women).
BTW, are you planning to comment on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's genital area scent too?
I'll leave that to his female fans. ;)
Ok ok, calm down. It really tastes like piss and bad body odor. You have to suppress you gag reflex to stay on it for more than a few seconds.
If you are lucky.
Inside the snizz

and you wonder why you don't date? Seriously Derec, do you lower yourself to that level on purpose to drive off even the women on this board who have bent over backwards to treat you fairly, or is that where you really live?
Such comments were made earlier in the campaign. I do not recall anybody claiming they were misandrist.
You are not fooling anyone with that dumbness.
You are not fooling anyone by stupidly repeating "you are not fooling anyone".

- - - Updated - - -

Cabinets that accurately reflect the population at large are not sexist.
Gender quotas are. Especially if they allow for their being more women then men but not more men than women (she said she will have "at least" half the cabinet be women).

There are more women than men in the USA. Were you unaware of that fact? Representative government is not a "gender quota", but if you insist it is... fine... it is still the right thing to have
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