If, and I realize it's still an if, Clinton wins the nomination and Sanders endorses her, and even helps campaign for her, will you still believe in his integrity?
I will simply vote for the person with the most integrity on the ballot....Jill Stein. Even if they force her off the ballot. You get what you vote for and voting is not supposed to be whatever the rich allow on the ballot. I think if Clinton becomes our president, she will be even worse than Obama. I can't vote for that. I didn't vote for Obama. You seem to want to escape reality and probably earnestly want a good choice available to you on the ballot but just wanting it to be so does not make it so. I agree that Bernie, if he does not carry on as a nominee should use his campaign funding to help progressives on the ballot. We are not going to get a lot more chances to get an honest leader. Bernie's 75. I don't fault his campaign in the slightest. It is a rough thing to take on the billionaires. So far he has done an admirable job. Clinton has already promised that she will be as she has been in the past...to her moneyed supporters and promised to the rest whatever they want to hear.