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Hillary Clinton

It appears that depending on who one asks about the incident, one gets their side of the story. At least she admits publicly that it was wrong to use her personal email account to send security sensitive information.

BTW: I was incorrect. I'd say that most would rank the Washington Post to the left of moderate (a little to the right of the New York Times). I really like "Fact-checker". FC really is non biased. I did a pretty extensive search regarding Hillary and Benghazi, and didn't find much damning her in FC. To me, mistakes were made. No doubt about it. But to take the republican side and claim that it was a grand conspiracy in order to hide the fact that it was a terrorist attack in order to create the feeling in American that the war with Jihadists was over just seems too incredible to me.

I agree with you that she should not have used her personal server for her official business.
It appears that depending on who one asks about the incident, one gets their side of the story. At least she admits publicly that it was wrong to use her personal email account to send security sensitive information.

BTW: I was incorrect. I'd say that most would rank the Washington Post to the left of moderate (a little to the right of the New York Times). I really like "Fact-checker". FC really is non biased. I did a pretty extensive search regarding Hillary and Benghazi, and didn't find much damning her in FC. To me, mistakes were made. No doubt about it. But to take the republican side and claim that it was a grand conspiracy in order to hide the fact that it was a terrorist attack in order to create the feeling in American that the war with Jihadists was over just seems too incredible to me.

I agree with you that she should not have used her personal server for her official business.
Sure but that's called an IT infraction, people don't usually even get fired for that-it certainly isn't something that anyone would go to jail over. Same with Benghazi, it was a mistake based on the information the state department was getting in a very confused situation. Claims of illegality are nothing but hyperbolic horse shit. It was the same with Whitewater back in the nineties-the republicans spent how many millions of dollars and 8 years of intensive investigation trying to pin that on the Clintons and came up with nothing. The reason is simple-there was nothing there.
She's not taking heat for getting paid for speeches. She's taking heat for WHO she is getting paid by. Alot of the speaking fees she received are from people that many voters -- Democrats in particular -- feel are responsible for the economic recession in 2008 and have and subsequently acquired massive political influence after the Citizen's United case. In essence, there are alot of people who feel that the massive financial institutions are part of the problem rather than part of the solution, and their paying Hillary Clinton hundreds of thousands of dollars to give them encouraging peptalks looks ALOT like political corruption.

I think Hillary can say with a very straight face that nobody can point to anything she has ever done that can be proven to be reciprocity.
And Al Capone said with a very straight face that nobody could ever prove in court that he was responsible for the Valentine's Day Massacre.

The influence of money is so insidious in politics that even those under its influence are largely unaware it, subconsciously conflating the interests of their constituents with those of their donor/clients.
See, I don't think it's all that "insidious" at all. I think the public face she shows on a campaign trail and in television interviews is mainly a product of PR specialists, campaign managers, communications experts and a VERY compliant news media that is willing to repeat whatever narrative her campaign is pushing at the moment. I think that her PUBLIC face bears little if any resemblance to the person who deals with other politicians, bankers, foreign policy experts, thinktanks and foreign officials. I think Hilary and Bill have BOTH been in the limelight long enough that they have perfected "image control" to a more extensive degree than almost any other politician in America.

i think much the same thing about Obama, but in the sense that alot of his more conciliatory language in public was meant to hide some of the tougher negotiating done behind the scenes and avoid alienating those few Republicans who joined the opposition in public but happily caved in private.

My unease about Hilary Clinton stems from the fact that her public face barely hides what appears to be a very conservative and authoritarian view of the American government; add to that her being on (it would appear) friendly terms with very powerful financial institutions and a less-than-subtle appearance of impropriety during the campaign process, she gives off an almost Nixon-esque vibe of feeling both above the law AND morally superior to her opposition.
If HRC deserves jail for the mistakes made in Benghazi, then GW and his entire cabinet should be sentenced for life.
It wasn't about the mistakes so much as the fact she lied and whitewashed it.
And yet after 6 or 7 Republican led investigation committees to prove that, they never came to that conclusion.
Then there is the email scandal which the mainstream media has swept under the carpet somewhat. So Americans will vote for a proven liar?
Yes, because we haven't heard about the email server in America. Thanks for sneaking to truth to us on this web board. We never would have known about it. :rolleyes:
My unease about Hilary Clinton stems from the fact that her public face barely hides what appears to be a very conservative and authoritarian view of the American government; add to that her being on (it would appear) friendly terms with very powerful financial institutions and a less-than-subtle appearance of impropriety during the campaign process, she gives off an almost Nixon-esque vibe of feeling both above the law AND morally superior to her opposition.

What evidence do you have to support that "fact"? All evidence I have seen and read would not support that view..
Hillary is chosen as the Democrat candidate and wins. Gawd help America as her husband becomes "first man."
Hillary is chosen as the Democrat candidate and wins. Gawd help America as her husband becomes "first man."

I know. Think of how uninspiring the White House rose garden will become when some dude is in charge of its upkeep. I agree that that would not be a tragegy which the country could survive.
I think Hillary can say with a very straight face that nobody can point to anything she has ever done that can be proven to be reciprocity.
And Al Capone said with a very straight face that nobody could ever prove in court that he was responsible for the Valentine's Day Massacre.

The influence of money is so insidious in politics that even those under its influence are largely unaware it, subconsciously conflating the interests of their constituents with those of their donor/clients.
See, I don't think it's all that "insidious" at all. I think the public face she shows on a campaign trail and in television interviews is mainly a product of PR specialists, campaign managers, communications experts and a VERY compliant news media that is willing to repeat whatever narrative her campaign is pushing at the moment. I think that her PUBLIC face bears little if any resemblance to the person who deals with other politicians, bankers, foreign policy experts, thinktanks and foreign officials. I think Hilary and Bill have BOTH been in the limelight long enough that they have perfected "image control" to a more extensive degree than almost any other politician in America.

i think much the same thing about Obama, but in the sense that alot of his more conciliatory language in public was meant to hide some of the tougher negotiating done behind the scenes and avoid alienating those few Republicans who joined the opposition in public but happily caved in private.

My unease about Hilary Clinton stems from the fact that her public face barely hides what appears to be a very conservative and authoritarian view of the American government; add to that her being on (it would appear) friendly terms with very powerful financial institutions and a less-than-subtle appearance of impropriety during the campaign process, she gives off an almost Nixon-esque vibe of feeling both above the law AND morally superior to her opposition.

I agree with all of that. But she has stated categorically that her SCOTUS nominees WILL overturn Citizens United. I suppose there is plenty of grease in the world to make her "change her mind" after she's elected, but Bernie has made sure that the price tag on that change of mind will be very high. And if CU does get overturned, that will be the first thing that has to happen to change the political landscape.
You can bitch and moan all you want to about how Clinton's a liar, responsible for Benghazi, yadda, yadda, yadda. In the end you have a simple choice: Trump or Clinton? A vote that does not go for Hillary is a vote for Trump. Simple as that. So don't bullshit us about voting 3rd party just to prove you can. No 3rd party candidate is going to win a single electoral vote. You have to decide who is the better president: Trump or Clinton.

For all her faults, even the worst they are saying about her, she is 43,567+/- times better than Trump. Sorry. No contest.

I would vote for Kim Jong Un before I voted for Hildabeast.
I agree with all of that. But she has stated categorically that her SCOTUS nominees WILL overturn Citizens United. I suppose there is plenty of grease in the world to make her "change her mind" after she's elected, but Bernie has made sure that the price tag on that change of mind will be very high. And if CU does get overturned, that will be the first thing that has to happen to change the political landscape.

While CU stinks it was the right decision. The only Constitutional way to control political spending is through a Constitutional Amendment. Anything else runs smack dab into the 1st.

- - - Updated - - -

You can bitch and moan all you want to about how Clinton's a liar, responsible for Benghazi, yadda, yadda, yadda. In the end you have a simple choice: Trump or Clinton? A vote that does not go for Hillary is a vote for Trump. Simple as that. So don't bullshit us about voting 3rd party just to prove you can. No 3rd party candidate is going to win a single electoral vote. You have to decide who is the better president: Trump or Clinton.

For all her faults, even the worst they are saying about her, she is 43,567+/- times better than Trump. Sorry. No contest.


Exactly. I don't like her at all but I'm going to vote for her because she's nowhere near as bad as Fart.
Hillary is chosen as the Democrat candidate and wins. Gawd help America as her husband becomes "first man."

I know. Think of how uninspiring the White House rose garden will become when some dude is in charge of its upkeep. I agree that that would not be a tragegy which the country could survive.

I wonder if he can bake cookies
You can bitch and moan all you want to about how Clinton's a liar, responsible for Benghazi, yadda, yadda, yadda. In the end you have a simple choice: Trump or Clinton? A vote that does not go for Hillary is a vote for Trump. Simple as that. So don't bullshit us about voting 3rd party just to prove you can. No 3rd party candidate is going to win a single electoral vote. You have to decide who is the better president: Trump or Clinton.

For all her faults, even the worst they are saying about her, she is 43,567+/- times better than Trump. Sorry. No contest.


I registered Democrat simply so that I can vote for Bernie in the primary. You're right, there's nothing anybody can do about it being Trump vs. Clinton.
I would vote for Kim Jong Un before I voted for Hildabeast.

Looney posts like this don't do much for your side.

Coming from someone that can't even spell the word Atheist, I don't give two fucks what you think.
I would vote for Kim Jong Un before I voted for Hildabeast.

Who gives a fuck? Tell us precisely why Trump would make a better President. Or Kim Jong Un. Is it the wall he's going to build? Is it that he's actually truly going to put millions of people into deportation camps? Or that he's going to totally destroy the world economy by starting a tariffs war?

Or maybe because he promises to bomb the shit out of ISIS.

Do tell.

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