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Historic US - Russia Meeting

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

So umm... a picture is worth how many words?

This is just after they met... and before their 90+ minute long solo meeting. Also, 90 minutes, what in the heck can Trump go on about for 90 minutes that isn't about himself?
A reporter for The Nation magazine dragged bodily off the floor of the presentation chamber.
A reporter for The Nation magazine dragged bodily off the floor of the presentation chamber.

He held up a sign saying “Nuclear weapons ban treaty.” Why would a journalist hold up a protest sign? And why would he be removed for holding up a protest sign about a nuclear ban treaty?
Reporter Question: Every US Intelligence agency has concluded that Russia did. My first question for you, sir, is who do you believe?

Trump's Answer: So let me just say that we have two thoughts: You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server. Why haven’t they taken the server? Why was the FBI told to leave the office of the Democratic National Committee? I’ve been wondering that. I’ve been asking that for months and months, and I’ve been tweeting it out and calling it out on social media. Where is the server? I want to know where is the server and what is the server saying? ...I have President Putin, he just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be, but I really do want to see the server. But I have — I have confidence in both parties. I really believe that this will probably go on for a while, but I don't think it can go on without finding out what happened to the server. What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC? Where are those servers? They're missing. Where are they? What happened to Hillary Clinton's emails? 33,000 emails gone, just gone.

what in the heck can Trump go on about for 90 minutes that isn't about himself?

I think they'll be making sure the orange traitor does what Putin wants or the pee-pee tapes get released....like lifting sanctions, getting Russia back into the G8 or giving Alaska back.

On reflection, that last would be OK as long as the Russians have to keep the hideous harpy Palin and her brood of mutants.
what in the heck can Trump go on about for 90 minutes that isn't about himself?

I think they'll be making sure the orange traitor does what Putin wants or the pee-pee tapes get released....like lifting sanctions, getting Russia back into the G8 or giving Alaska back.
But would that take two hours? Wouldn't it be more like Putin asking Trump to play a game of solitaire... and then the extensive programming begins?

On reflection, that last would be OK as long as the Russians have to keep the hideous harpy Palin and her brood of mutants.
This is a misnomer. Sarah Palin left the state of Alaska. I think there might be some family still in Alaska, but we'd need to give Arizona to Russia I think to pull off sending that lecherous miscreant out of the country.
A reporter for The Nation magazine dragged bodily off the floor of the presentation chamber.

He held up a sign saying “Nuclear weapons ban treaty.” Why would a journalist hold up a protest sign? And why would he be removed for holding up a protest sign about a nuclear ban treaty?

He held it up because he knew he wasn't going to get to ask the question, so he probably wanted to let the other reporters know so that they would do it. And he was making a commotion, not just holding up a sign. What an idiot, he's only making his paper look bad.
But would that take two hours? Wouldn't it be more like Putin asking Trump to play a game of solitaire... and then the extensive programming begins?

On reflection, that last would be OK as long as the Russians have to keep the hideous harpy Palin and her brood of mutants.
This is a misnomer. Sarah Palin left the state of Alaska. I think there might be some family still in Alaska, but we'd need to give Arizona to Russia I think to pull off sending that lecherous miscreant out of the country.

I stand corrected! I thought she was still infesting Alaska. Just have to have her returned there before they make the gift to Putin.
What a press conference. Trump seemed almost presidential at first, having a level-headed view on foreign relations and acknowledging that while the US and Russia are competitors, they also have shared interests and should work together to achieve those. What a magnificent display of leadership (on a Trump scale anyway).

And then, someone asked about the investigation... and everything went down as expected.

"There was no collusion! This is a witch hunt headed by Strzok! And let me tell you about Hillary...!"

(Clever trick from Putin to say taht of course he'll let Americans interview the GRU officers, if Russians get access to American spies that may have done something in Russia. Of course that's never going to happen. This is a classic Putin judo move.)
(Clever trick from Putin to say taht of course he'll let Americans interview the GRU officers, if Russians get access to American spies that may have done something in Russia. Of course that's never going to happen. This is a classic Putin judo move.)

Putin is playing Chess, and has had decades of uninterrupted power to set all this up. The tangerine turd is playing pick-up-sticks and isn't allowed sharp objects.
Why would a journalist hold up a protest sign?
he missed that 'report the news, don't BE the news' day in school.

 Gonzo journalism is probably covered when you get a journalism degree, but this feels like something staged.

If this was gonzo journalism, what was the reporter trying to accomplish? The action doesn't make sense, nor does the message of the protest sign.
(Clever trick from Putin to say taht of course he'll let Americans interview the GRU officers, if Russians get access to American spies that may have done something in Russia. Of course that's never going to happen. This is a classic Putin judo move.)

Putin is playing Chess, and has had decades of uninterrupted power to set all this up. The tangerine turd is playing pick-up-sticks and isn't allowed sharp objects.

Yeah, but who brought the KY?
[FONT=&quot]FDR indicates that after the meeting, Japanese Emperor Hirohito explicit in denial over bombing of Pearl Harbor.

President Buchanan tells press, the South is firmly committed to staying in the Union after talked with Jefferson Davis.

George W. Bush reiterates that al Qaeda has no evil intentions against the United States after phone call with Osama bin Laden. [/FONT]
FDR indicates that after the meeting, Japanese Emperor Hirohito explicit in denial over bombing of Pearl Harbor.

President Buchanan tells press, the South is firmly committed to staying in the Union after talked with Jefferson Davis.

George W. Bush reiterates that al Qaeda has no evil intentions against the United States after phone call with Osama bin Laden.

Neville Chamberlain "My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time" Sept 30 1938
President Kennedy: After speaking with the Soviet Leader Khrushchev, he has confided with me that they have not sent nuclear missiles to Cuba.
And now to the indication there Trump is in the pocket of Putin. After that lovey-dovey meeting in Finland... unlike all of the other meetings Trump has been so nice in person... he won't be firing off angry Tweets towards Russia or Putin on the flight back home.
The Nation reporter was removed, then brought back in to retrieve his belonging. That's when the real commotion began.
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