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Historic US - Russia Meeting

[FONT=&]FDR indicates that after the meeting, Japanese Emperor Hirohito explicit in denial over bombing of Pearl Harbor.

President Buchanan tells press, the South is firmly committed to staying in the Union after talked with Jefferson Davis.

George W. Bush reiterates that al Qaeda has no evil intentions against the United States after phone call with Osama bin Laden. [/FONT]

Neville Chamberlain "My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time" Sept 30 1938

I'm sorry....I think Neville Chamberlain is the wrong allusion here. I suspect we should all be using Vidkun Quisling as the appropriate historical analog.
I do remember when Obama first toured our allies' nations, the far right wingnut press characterized it as the "Apology tour". Apology tour, apology tour, apology tour, yap, yap, yap. Lying and mischaracterizing what Obama said and did.

I would like then to label this as the Trump "Apologize and Submit Tour" Trump is truly a moron.
Well, that was an historic disgrace.

Obligatory: can you imagine if Obama...

Comment from a conservative forum:

Wow, it scares me when I would believe a former USSR KGB Col. before I would believe a Democrat. Well, er, understandable, huh?

From a different conservative forum:

Anyone who is trying to pressure Trump or even expecting Trump to pressure Putin on fake election meddling is guilty of treason -- Trump has an opportunity to finally make Russia our ally and you commie Trump haters want to screw all that up with this fake Russia thing?

Trump and Putin should only bring this up as something to share a laugh at -- and high five each other for how libs are so upset over losing the election. Russia and US will be allies -- that is something no other president could have pulled off, but Trump did.

I also agree with Trump that the only reason there was ever any tension between Russia and the US to begin with is because of the ineffectiveness of US politicians over the years (that includes JFK, Nixon, Reagan and especially Obama) -- now we have a president who will tell the libs where to stick it in defense of a true leader like Putin.

From a third conservative forum:
It's interesting that they think Trump should trust the US intelligence committee after what they've done to him

It's comforting to think these are Russian plants, but that's delusional. Tens of millions of Americans are truly this stupid and mean spirited.
Well, that was an historic disgrace.

Obligatory: can you imagine if Obama...

Comment from a conservative forum:

From a different conservative forum:

From a third conservative forum:
It's interesting that they think Trump should trust the US intelligence committee after what they've done to him

It's comforting to think these are Russian plants, but that's delusional. Tens of millions of Americans are truly this stupid and mean spirited.

It gets better.

They think that democratic socialism is the same thing as socialism is the same thing as communism.

Since FDR is pretty much the ur-example of democratic socialism, this means they believe the Cold War was a conflict between two different communist regimes.

Since they think fascism and communism are the same thing (because German fascists' official party name had the word "socialist" in it), they therefore think that World War 2 was a war between different communist factions.

So from that point of view, their loyalty to Russia makes sense. In their minds, America needs to become a loyal subject of Russia so that America and Russia can finally do away with all the Islamocommunofascists in Europe. If they don't, then America will become slaves to the Marxist Sharia law.
Well, that was an historic disgrace.

Obligatory: can you imagine if Obama...

Comment from a conservative forum:

From a different conservative forum:

From a third conservative forum:
It's interesting that they think Trump should trust the US intelligence committee after what they've done to him

It's comforting to think these are Russian plants, but that's delusional. Tens of millions of Americans are truly this stupid and mean spirited.
Not much left in me to die here.
One picture tells more than a thousand words:


The presidents preparing for the disastrous press conference. Putin has his notes and smirks knowing he nailed it, while Trump has that typical "what the fuck am I going to say now" face.
It's official.

America has submitted to Russia and Russia is calling the shots now.

More importantly, around half of America is fine with this.
Rachel Maddow is reporting protesters are starting to gather in Washington DC in front of the White House.
It's official.

America has submitted to Russia and Russia is calling the shots now.

More importantly, around half of America is fine with this.
Fine? They are acting like this is exactly why they voted for him, so the US could be annexed into Russia.
Trump humpers do not care. Their priority is the social cultural fight. It's about telling those elites and libtards and faggy commie euro-trash folks off, making them cry, and showing them who's boss. In this respect, Russia IS their ally.
It's official.

America has submitted to Russia and Russia is calling the shots now.

More importantly, around half of America is fine with this.
Fine? They are acting like this is exactly why they voted for him, so the US could be annexed into Russia.

I'm afraid to ask, but how is conservative media spinning this one?

They have to paint this as a great victory for Trump, but how? Anyone who watched the press conference could see that Trump is Putin's obedient lapdog.

- - - Updated - - -

Trump humpers do not care. Their priority is the social cultural fight. It's about telling those elites and libtards and faggy commie euro-trash folks off, making them cry, and showing them who's boss. In this respect, Russia IS their ally.


Allies are equals.

They see Russia as the rightful ruler of America.
My favorite part is the tepid "criticism" from the right-wing. It is pathetic.
Wholly shit....

He did every thing short of bending over and spreading his cheeks.
Wholly shit....

He did every thing short of bending over and spreading his cheeks.
There is no evidence to suggest he didn't in the 2+ hr secret meeting with Putin. And probably half way through, he convinced himself not only did he like it, but it was his idea.
One picture tells more than a thousand words:

View attachment 16605

The presidents preparing for the disastrous press conference. Putin has his notes and smirks knowing he nailed it, while Trump has that typical "what the fuck am I going to say now" face.
Trump must be thinking "I am not a stable genius I thought I was"
I think this press conference proves that Trump isn't taking orders from Putin. Because Putin would never order Trump to fuck up the press conference this badly, if the latter was the former's bitch. Sure he's being manipulated by Putin, but he's also an unpredictable narcissistic powder keg.

Trump actually did pretty well in the beginning, but the orange balloon couldn't help himself when someone mentioned the Mueller investigation and the indictments. All he had to do there was to shut the fuck up and not start whining about Hillary's emails and lost servers or some other irrelevant shit. If he had played by Putin's script, he wouldn't be in this mess right now.
I think this press conference proves that Trump isn't taking orders from Putin. Because Putin would never order Trump to fuck up the press conference this badly, if the latter was the former's bitch. Sure he's being manipulated by Putin, but he's also an unpredictable narcissistic powder keg.

Trump actually did pretty well in the beginning, but the orange balloon couldn't help himself when someone mentioned the Mueller investigation and the indictments. All he had to do there was to shut the fuck up and not start whining about Hillary's emails and lost servers or some other irrelevant shit. If he had played by Putin's script, he wouldn't be in this mess right now.

Putin's goal isn't to help Trump, it's to create as much chaos as possible in the American political system and to undermine the world's confidence in America.

I would say that Trump performed perfectly.
One picture tells more than a thousand words:

View attachment 16605

The presidents preparing for the disastrous press conference. Putin has his notes and smirks knowing he nailed it, while Trump has that typical "what the fuck am I going to say now" face.
Trump must be thinking "I am not a stable genius I thought I was"
And Putin can't keep his face straight. This must be how mental face-palm looks like.
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