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How can people entertain/believe the idea that Trump's COVID-19 infection is a hoax?

Fun too, Trump isn't on Hydroxychloroquine or any of those other early miracle cures he touted. His supporters are silent. The anti-body therapy from Regeneron used a stem cell line derived from a fetus aborted in 1972 in the early stages of development when it was developing virus analogues on which to test the antibodies. His supporters don't care. Regeneron profits go toward research that it does in other areas that use embryonic stem cells. Again, they say nothing.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is more widespread than COVID-19.

People who have it are capable of believing in conspiracy theories that would make Alex Jones blush.

Get a grip.

I don't know. "Pizzagate" and the "Sandy Hook False Flag" conspiracies are pretty far out there.
I can just as easily believe he never had COVID with he does have COVID. I do not believe ANYTHING that comes out of this administration.
I don't know any Democrats who think it's a hoax now.

I know a few who are still reserving judgment. After seeing the ends to which desperation has driven the Republitards, I don't really blame them. For me though, seeing the genuine terror in Trump's demeanor and voice was the final bit of data that dispelled all doubt. He is one sick fuck, and not just mentally.
And...how can at least some of his followers think he's a...Christian??? And you know some of them do...he's had several convocations of evangelical pastors in the O.O. laying hands on him and raising him up to Jehovah God (and knowing Trump, he could well have had some aide or wanna-be press secretary under the desk at the same time, getting her pearl necklace.)
Okay Meta - you win.
My last shred of doubt was dashed this morning when I saw the assistant assistant press secretary's assistant struggling and sputtering to avoid answering Hallie Hackson's question "when was the President's last negative test?".
The poor guy... I mean, yeah it was funny in the usual tragicomic way of the Trump White House. But obviously nobody was there to prep him, they just trotted him out like a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.
It's pretty certain they wouldn't have done that if they had had anyone from the A Team (or the B, C or D team) to field that pop up.

I can just as easily believe he never had COVID with he does have COVID. I do not believe ANYTHING that comes out of this administration.

Sorry, PB40 - NONE of them is THAT good (bad?) of an actor.
Ooh ooh ooh I know the answer to this one!!! Not going to a forum full of the people who believe in that Hoax and ask them? Attempting to start a debate with everyone but the folks you have issues with is usually done in bad faith. Just sayin.

People on this forum believe that it could be a hoax. They have expressed this belief in posts on this very thread.

But, I suppose it's easy to believe I'm starting debates in 'bad faith' if you already believe the president of the United States could fake having COVID-19. It's a sign you could believe anything.

That's odd. I'm browsing the same forum and I haven't seen anyone say they believe it's a hoax. Not even in this thread as you claim. What I do see in this thread is folks entertaining you by answering your question with possible reasons of how people can believe it's a hoax.
Ooh ooh ooh I know the answer to this one!!! Not going to a forum full of the people who believe in that Hoax and ask them? Attempting to start a debate with everyone but the folks you have issues with is usually done in bad faith. Just sayin.

People on this forum believe that it could be a hoax. They have expressed this belief in posts on this very thread.

But, I suppose it's easy to believe I'm starting debates in 'bad faith' if you already believe the president of the United States could fake having COVID-19. It's a sign you could believe anything.

That's odd. I'm browsing the same forum and I haven't seen anyone say they believe it's a hoax. Not even in this thread as you claim. What I do see in this thread is folks entertaining you by answering your question with possible reasons of how people can believe it's a hoax.

Metaphor is bad-faith conflating "believe it could be" his term with "believed it could have been at one point".

They have a tendency to regularly hold up a clearly insane viewpoint as a straw man of all the people they don't like; and it's not unique to Metaphor either. For more reference you can see literally any thread Metaphor starts; the general format is pretty universally of the format : non-representative member of [group metaphor hates] says/does [something crazy] (unstated conclusion: therefore the whole group is crazy!)

Maybe someone here does still believe it is a hoax, but it is using the exceptional actor straw-man format nonetheless.
That's odd. I'm browsing the same forum and I haven't seen anyone say they believe it's a hoax. Not even in this thread as you claim. What I do see in this thread is folks entertaining you by answering your question with possible reasons of how people can believe it's a hoax.

They have a tendency to regularly hold up a clearly insane viewpoint as a straw man of all the people they don't like; and it's not unique to Metaphor either. For more reference you can see literally any thread Metaphor starts; the general format is pretty universally of the format : non-representative member of [group metaphor hates] says/does [something crazy] (unstated conclusion: therefore the whole group is crazy!)

Maybe someone here does still believe it is a hoax, but it is using the exceptional actor straw-man format nonetheless.

I agree that Metaphor’s formula has become quite predictable and vapid. The straw-man attack is spectacularly pathetic.

Though I confess at the same time, I wish Jarhyn would use he/him pronouns for Metaphor because he’s made it clear that’s what he prefers and even if “they” is technically neutral, it is sttill a deliberate dig and that feels like its own straw-them.

(Spoken as a participant, not a moderator)
There's an excluded middle you're omitting though, Metaphor; a group that, for one, includes me--and I suspect probably others:

those who at least wondered (and, note, it's "wondered"--not gulping down Kool-Aid, not flying to wild preconceived fantasies, but..."wondered") at the very beginning of this story breaking if perhaps Trump was manufacturing a Covid cover story for his own personal gain. That isn't being gullible, that's called "considering the source."

Certainly, no one could plausibly argue, at this point, that Donald J. Trump is somehow "above" such chicanery. A staged PR event orchestrated to "prove" that his downplaying of the virus wasn't irresponsible is, unfortunately, easily believable, given his documented history.

Before he was whisked to Walter Reed, I wondered (there's that word again!) if Trump was faking that he'd contracted Covid only so he could then prove the efficacy of one of his own miracle cures, make a big show of how strong and invincible he is compared to doddrering old senile Slow Joe, and "be right" about his constant posturing that Covid-19 was essentially the sniffles. Which was, again, an entirely reasonable thing to wonder at that point.

Once I heard he was helicoptered to Walter Reed, I immediately thought, "wow--that crazy bastard DOES have it." It was no longer reasonable to hold on to the "faking it" viewpoint--getting THAT many people into the loop of those needed to perpetuate the lie would be untenable. But early on, absolutely.

I'd amend your premise to say that if you believe this President couldn't (or wouldn't) fake having Covid-19, it's a sign you coud believe anything.
Ooh ooh ooh I know the answer to this one!!! Not going to a forum full of the people who believe in that Hoax and ask them? Attempting to start a debate with everyone but the folks you have issues with is usually done in bad faith. Just sayin.

People on this forum believe that it could be a hoax. They have expressed this belief in posts on this very thread.

But, I suppose it's easy to believe I'm starting debates in 'bad faith' if you already believe the president of the United States could fake having COVID-19. It's a sign you could believe anything.

That's odd. I'm browsing the same forum and I haven't seen anyone say they believe it's a hoax. Not even in this thread as you claim. What I do see in this thread is folks entertaining you by answering your question with possible reasons of how people can believe it's a hoax.

Quite a few people expressed the idea that it could be a hoax when the news broke. That's why I started the thread.

Now, the people who believed/entertained the idea then do not believe so now. That is, they changed their mind. That's good: it would be even weirder to believe it was a hoax now. But I thought it was a weird thing to believe then, too.
I'd amend your premise to say that if you believe this President couldn't (or wouldn't) fake having Covid-19, it's a sign you coud believe anything.

No, he couldn't fake it. He isn't competent enough to pull off such a deception.
I'd amend your premise to say that if you believe this President couldn't (or wouldn't) fake having Covid-19, it's a sign you could believe anything.

Meta seems to be a card carrying trumpster - he has even intimated (mostly by mocking those who disagree) that Trump would graciously accept defeat if he loses the election.
Now that it has become apparent that he IS going to lose the election and IS going to contest that result, he seems to have fallen silent on the subject.
Go figure.
That's odd. I'm browsing the same forum and I haven't seen anyone say they believe it's a hoax. Not even in this thread as you claim. What I do see in this thread is folks entertaining you by answering your question with possible reasons of how people can believe it's a hoax.

Metaphor is bad-faith conflating "believe it could be" his term with "believed it could have been at one point".

They have a tendency to regularly hold up a clearly insane viewpoint as a straw man of all the people they don't like; and it's not unique to Metaphor either. For more reference you can see literally any thread Metaphor starts; the general format is pretty universally of the format : non-representative member of [group metaphor hates] says/does [something crazy] (unstated conclusion: therefore the whole group is crazy!)

Maybe someone here does still believe it is a hoax, but it is using the exceptional actor straw-man format nonetheless.

I did not state that people still believe it's a hoax. In fact, the thread was started around the time that the news first broke and was inspired by the people who expressed the idea that it could be a hoax. You are the one claiming I am accusing people of still believing it. I think most people who believed it back then don't believe it now, but I wanted to know how they could have believed it back then. And I don't mean "it's in Trump's character to lie". I mean, these are the same people who also believe Trump is simply not that smart or charismatic or emotionally intelligent, and you'd need to be all of them to pull off such a stunt.

It's your conjecture only that I speak about "non-representative" members of a group. You are begging the question when you call them that.

But I'm glad to know that you agree that some of the feminist utterances I've documented in my threads are indeed crazy.
I'd amend your premise to say that if you believe this President couldn't (or wouldn't) fake having Covid-19, it's a sign you could believe anything.

Meta seems to be a card carrying trumpster - he has even intimated (mostly by mocking those who disagree) that Trump would graciously accept defeat if he loses the election.
Now that it has become apparent that he IS going to lose the election and IS going to contest that result, he seems to have fallen silent on the subject.
Go figure.

For fuck's sake: stop lying about me.

I did not suggest Trump would 'graciously accept defeat'.
In fact, I very specifically said he would bluster and carry on and blame everybody but himself, because he is a blowhard. I said it was ludicrous to believe the handover of power wouldn't happen or that it would somehow be 'non-peaceful'. I asked people what exact 'non-peaceful' actions they were imagining. I asked how Americans could have so little faith in their own institutions that they think Trump could stop a fairly elected president from taking office.Perhaps I'd be more inclined to respond to one of the countless threads you've started on the subject if you didn't continually misrepresent what I'd said.
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I think most people who believed it back then don't believe it now, but I wanted to know how they could have believed it back then. And I don't mean "it's in Trump's character to lie". I mean, these are the same people who also believe Trump is simply not that smart or charismatic or emotionally intelligent, and you'd need to be all of them to pull off such a stunt.

Why does Trump have t be smart enough by himself to do it?
Are you suggesting that he does not have a Stephen Miller whispering in his ear all the time? A Jared Kushner?

And what does he have to be smart enough to do - at the beiginning of the speculation? Just say he has COVID?. Obviously he can do that, he’s been saying that he gets tested all the time and it turns out that’s not true.

If you’re talking about those who could see him going there early on, he didn’t have to be smart to do taht part. He just had to be Trump.
I think most people who believed it back then don't believe it now, but I wanted to know how they could have believed it back then. And I don't mean "it's in Trump's character to lie". I mean, these are the same people who also believe Trump is simply not that smart or charismatic or emotionally intelligent, and you'd need to be all of them to pull off such a stunt.

Why does Trump have t be smart enough by himself to do it?
Are you suggesting that he does not have a Stephen Miller whispering in his ear all the time? A Jared Kushner?

And what does he have to be smart enough to do - at the beiginning of the speculation? Just say he has COVID?. Obviously he can do that, he’s been saying that he gets tested all the time and it turns out that’s not true.

If you’re talking about those who could see him going there early on, he didn’t have to be smart to do taht part. He just had to be Trump.

That and you don't need to be smart or charismatic to pull it off. All he would have to do is hide for 3-7 days tweeting in his office and pulling a Kim Jong Un pretending that it was nothing. At that point it's just a matter of not catching it for real until a vaccine comes out... Or like and "catch it a second time" because "the first time was such light symptoms it didn't confer immunity"
Anyone remember that cabinet meeting where everyone went around the table talking up shitheels' accomplishments?
Trump has spent 4 years filtering those around him for absolute loyalty to HIS message. No shame. No conscience. No fear of getting caught in a lie.
At this point, if he (or Jared, or Miller, or Giuliani) felt that the pres needed a COVID sympathy vote, followed by the miracle recovery, and were going to fake it, the team you would want 'in' on the actual status is that amoral circle of coconspirators in the White House right now.
Trump wouldn't have to be smart to pull it off, just someone near him.
Not, you know, Eric. But someone ACTUALLY in the inner circle, and allowed to play with scissors.
That's odd. I'm browsing the same forum and I haven't seen anyone say they believe it's a hoax. Not even in this thread as you claim. What I do see in this thread is folks entertaining you by answering your question with possible reasons of how people can believe it's a hoax.

Quite a few people expressed the idea that it could be a hoax when the news broke. That's why I started the thread.

Now, the people who believed/entertained the idea then do not believe so now. That is, they changed their mind. That's good: it would be even weirder to believe it was a hoax now. But I thought it was a weird thing to believe then, too.
Dude - you believed Scientific American observed that Trump was responsible for every US Covid death - something even weirder to believe.
Why does Trump have t be smart enough by himself to do it?
Are you suggesting that he does not have a Stephen Miller whispering in his ear all the time? A Jared Kushner?

And what does he have to be smart enough to do - at the beiginning of the speculation? Just say he has COVID?. Obviously he can do that, he’s been saying that he gets tested all the time and it turns out that’s not true.

If you’re talking about those who could see him going there early on, he didn’t have to be smart to do taht part. He just had to be Trump.

I could say I have COVID-19 and possibly convince friends, since I don't live with anyone.

But I'd have to convince my work I had it, and that would involve either getting a doctor to lie for me, or forging a positive COVID-19 result. I wouldn't know how to do either.

Someone in Trump's inner circle tested positive. Other people in Trump's inner circle tested positive. Trump didn't orchestrate that as a hoax. If anything, I'd expect a lie to go the other direction: Trump testing positive but trying to hush it up.

There are ordinary people who have faked having cancer or terminal illnesses to scam people. We know about them because those hoaxes are discovered. With as much scrutiny as a president gets, any deception would be bound to fail. Trump isn't a mastermind.
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