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How can people entertain/believe the idea that Trump's COVID-19 infection is a hoax?

I don't know any Democrats who think it's a hoax now.

I know a few who are still reserving judgment. After seeing the ends to which desperation has driven the Republitards, I don't really blame them. For me though, seeing the genuine terror in Trump's demeanor and voice was the final bit of data that dispelled all doubt. He is one sick fuck, and not just mentally.
Hard to follow the thread since i have Metaphor on mute, but in response to the title

Thread: How can people entertain/believe the idea that Trump's COVID-19 infection is a hoax?

That's pretty simple. Trump and his posse will do ANYTHING if they think it'll give them an advantage. There is no 'too low' to stoop.

Someone in his circle sees a public outpouring of sympathy for a Covidctim, decides that might help Trump's numbers.

Or, Trump thinks this will improve foreign leaders' feelings towards the Orange turd.

Or, the GOP feels that while Trump is recovering, they can get Biden to stop campaigning. Out of respect for the invalid or whatever.

And at the very least, this is yet another headline-grabber that pushes other Trump headlines off the front page. Covid erased white supremacists erased taxes erased i cannot remember what the hot topic was last week....

So, while i do not actually think this is entirely a hoax, it is easy to see the bread crumbs that have led people to that position.
Which is why it is fucking crucial that we remember how much and how often these sociopaths lie. Every single detail has to be corroborated. Every time. They may not have invented his condition, but
1) they will certainly wring every advantage they can out of it
2) they are absolutely certain that the truth is theirs to toy with, that the narrative THEY want is the right one
3) it is not impossible that they WOULD use such a hoax if their calculus led to the need of it
After skipping past the heated exchanges throughout this thread---will just say that I know some who think Trump's diagnosis is a hoax and he is really fine. They are betting that he will garner a sympathy vote. Also, will miraculously recover stronger than ever and show the country how tough he is.

I disagree with that, and believe he is actually worse than they are letting on. That is one working variation of the faking-it theory though.
3) it is not impossible that they WOULD use such a hoax if their calculus led to the need of it

Are you intentionally implying that if their calculus indicated an advantage to putting forward a hoax, they might possibly under some circumstances refrain from perpetrating a hoax?
That would rather naive IMHO.

... I know some who thinks Trump's diagnosis is a hoax and he is really fine. They are betting that he will garner a sympathy vote. Also, will miraculously recover stronger than ever and show the country how tough he is.

So... you know Republicans who believe it's a hoax? That's fucking hilarious!
No. This is a Democrat (and Trump-hater) who thinks it is a hoax. She believes Trump is not sick with COVID at all. She has posted on social media elaborating on what she thinks Trump campaign's strategy is (described above). Several others have agreed with her.
No. This is a Democrat (and Trump-hater) who thinks it is a hoax. She believes Trump is not sick with COVID at all. She has posted on social media elaborating on what she thinks Trump campaign's strategy is (described above). Several others have agreed with her.

Well, in fairness to whoever it is, there is little doubt that if Trump stops circling the drain and recovers enough to be trotted out in front of the cameras in full makeup, the Republitards WILL loudly hail his indomitable might and declare him stronger than ever (as if that would be saying a lot).
No. This is a Democrat (and Trump-hater) who thinks it is a hoax. She believes Trump is not sick with COVID at all. She has posted on social media elaborating on what she thinks Trump campaign's strategy is (described above). Several others have agreed with her.

Well, in fairness to whoever it is, there is little doubt that if Trump stops circling the drain and recovers enough to be trotted out in front of the cameras in full makeup, the Republitards WILL loudly hail his indomitable might and declare him stronger than ever (as if that would be saying a lot).
...and with Trump's virility established, we'll go back to letting The Weak die for the economy.
So... you know Republicans who believe it's a hoax? That's fucking hilarious!
They just have to find a way to see it as pwning the libs.
Haven't talked to my uncle in a bit, but i would not be surprised if he's sure it's fake.
"C19 ain't real, so Trump can't catch it! He's just playing the libs game. Watch, he'll be on the ventilator, and at death's door, and all that, so Pelosi starts talking about taking over.
Trump then pops back and say it was all fake. Can't waittta see the looks on their faces."
Considering that his doctors just said that he might be released from the hospital in the next day or two, I can see why some people still seem to think that Trump was faking. But, I doubt he could get that many doctors to go alone with him, so it's pretty silly at this point to continue to believe that Trump's Covid is a hoax.

The thing I'm afraid of is that considering how well he seems to be responding to treatment, his cult will continue to think this virus isn't serious. But, what they don't seem to realize is that the rest of us won't have access to the type of care that a president receives. Most of won't have a huge private suite in a highly regarded hospital and the rest of us won't have about 10 doctors all worrying about our outcome, nor will have access to some of the most expensive, still experimental treatments that have worked well in many cases, despite not being formally approved by the FDA.

Of course, it's very possible that Trump will regress after improving for a couple of day, as this is an extremely weird, not fully understood disease.
Personally, you began to seem outraged to me when you began insinuating things about the readers of your post:
... Set aside your visceral Trump hatred that you could believe any low act from him, how on earth do you think he has the power and competence to do it? You think every doctor and nurse attending to him is in on the conspiracy? That his positive diagnosis was faked? Such conspiratorial thinking beggars belief.

If instead you'd said "If they set aside their visceral Trump hatred ..." it would come across as more reasonable.

I am not outraged that people have a visceral hatred of Trump. In fact, that's why I think people "expressed skepticism".

What I want to know is, after that visceral impulse occurred (Trump is a liar and lunatic), did they think 'okay, would it be possible for a sitting president to fake COVID-19 to the entire country, and fake the other people infected, and expect it to not be discovered?'

1. Trump and his administration lie and deliberately misdirect on a more or less continuous basis. I forget what the cumulative count is for lies that Trump has told that are demonstrably lies. After a while, one believes that Trump/his administration are lying every time they speak or type. It's at the very least a strong possibilty.

2. Being continually lied to does tend to provoke a visceral hatred of those who lie.

3. He got very soundly trounced in the debate. Not because Biden was so good but because Trump was so obviously out of control and bad. It was worse than Hillary wiping the floor with him and that was bad. This time, it's bad enough that he cannot rely on enough people hating Hillary to be suckered into thinking he's a good guy. Too many well respected, prominent Republicans, military leadership, etc. have openly rebuked him and expressed their support for Biden, even as they say they are holding their nose and voting Dem. He's very unlikely to willingly debate anyone again for the rest of his life. But he cannot back out without good reason and I'm pretty sure his advisors are telling him that it's a bad idea to start another war right now. I don't think Trump actually has the stomach for an actual war. That's just about the only good thing about him.

In short, people have very good reason to disbelieve that Trump is ill or, if they believe he's ill, to disbelieve what his doctors say. Personally, I am fairly certain that he is indeed ill and I also believe that his doctors are painting a rosier picture of his progress than is actually warranted by his progress. I understand the political and medical reasons for this and I don't really fault them. I detest Trump but I do hope he makes a swift and full recovery and that he has to face the reality of an embarrassing defeat in the 2020 elections, along with every other GOP senator running.

I admit that I don't think his death would be a loss to the world but I also think about what kind of damage and how much damage Pence could cause if he had to take over for more than 5 minutes. Or five minutes. Trump was elected and survived because of his ability to build a cult of personality. He's an incompetent blowhard with respect of being able to run anything successfully, including a lemonade stand. He's a horrible human being in every respect you can name. Pence is worse because he is sincere in his righteous beliefs and he's mentally competent. There would be no invoking the 25th for Pence. I shudder to think of the damage that could be done with him in charge of anything more than an empty paper bag.
There is a test that indicates the severity of the infection. I wonder what Trump’s indicates? Something slightly above zip point shit?
People are skeptical because he once again changed the negative media coverage (debate shitshow) to a positive one (sympathy). He once again took control of the media.
And if we skeptics are wrong, what’s the downside? He dies? Okay. Color me wrong.

Note: I have not seen any video of Trump speaking on the matter so I cannot judge his demeanor. In fact, I have not heard Trump speak more than half a sentence (long enough to hit the mute button) for two years or more.
How can people entertain/believe the idea that Trump's COVID-19 infection is a hoax?

He is a compulsive liar, so EVERYTHING he says has to be questioned. It is almost a sure thing to assume that the opposite of what he says is actually true.

However, there are too many NON-corrupt-lying-incompetent-morons involved who have verified it.

Also, if you are going to be outraged every time by what someone posts on Twitter of all fucking things, you won't have enough time left in the day to do anything else.

"many people are saying" is the new "it's true."

Also, I find it hilarious that after 6 months of Trump downplaying the virus and calling it a "hoax," his supporters are now looking askance at people suggesting his diagnosis might not be real.

The irony is like a thick and tasty sauce on top of a shitty piece of meatketchup on a well-done steak.

Considering that his doctors just said that he might be released from the hospital in the next day or two, I can see why some people still seem to think that Trump was faking. But, I doubt he could get that many doctors to go alone with him, so it's pretty silly at this point to continue to believe that Trump's Covid is a hoax.

The thing I'm afraid of is that considering how well he seems to be responding to treatment, his cult will continue to think this virus isn't serious. But, what they don't seem to realize is that the rest of us won't have access to the type of care that a president receives. Most of won't have a huge private suite in a highly regarded hospital and the rest of us won't have about 10 doctors all worrying about our outcome, nor will have access to some of the most expensive, still experimental treatments that have worked well in many cases, despite not being formally approved by the FDA.

Of course, it's very possible that Trump will regress after improving for a couple of day, as this is an extremely weird, not fully understood disease.

Oh I don’t believe he’s responding remarkably well in the sense that he’s recovering. I think he’s just not dying/is holding his own for now. Maybe doesn’t feel too bad while being monitored carefully and not being able to do much physically or mentally (compared to HIS base rate, not a normal persons). I think he’s still in serious danger and hat if he leaves Walter Reed prematurely, he will die and infect a lot of people in the meantime.
There are many good explanations of how people could entertain the notion that Trump's covid19 is a hoax in this thread. Add that Walter Reed is a military hospital, and if the medical personnel are military, they could be following orders to obsfucate or lie and that this gives Mr. Trump an excuse to lose or to leave the race to all of the other reasons, and it would be surprising in a world of over 7 billion people that no one thought it was a hoax.

I also find the OP question rather funny coming from someone who entertained the notion that Scientific American implied that Mr. Trump was responsible for all the estimated 190,000 USA deaths from covid based.
If the shitbag dies we'll know he wasn't telling another lie.

Were you born yesterday? Did you just fall off the turnip truck?
If Trump dies, they'll lie about that too.
If Trump dies, he'll be back on the campaign trail the next day. They'll dye a mop blonde, stand it up behind a podium, invite the crowds in and re-play a tape from one of his rallies.
The rubes will never know the difference though some might remark on how fit he looks, having lost so much weight.
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