• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

How can you say that all environments are equal when they behave completely different?

why should anyone take you seriously?
Because he wants EVERYTHING to be his business. And I don’t think he knows any more about business than he does about politics.
It's my business because I want it to be my business. I can make it my business if I want to make it my business.
Yeah, Republicans think what goes on in other people’s bedrooms and bathrooms is their business. Because they like making it their business. Because they’re fucking perverted scumbags.
Why would anyone want to be a perverted scumbag, Buzz? Just too fascinated with watching other people’s sex lives, apparently.
why should anyone take you seriously?
Because he wants EVERYTHING to be his business. And I don’t think he knows any more about business than he does about politics.
It's my business because I want it to be my business. I can make it my business if I want to make it my business.
Yeah, Republicans think what goes on in other people’s bedrooms and bathrooms is their business. Because they like making it their business. Because they’re fucking perverted scumbags.
Why would anyone want to be a perverted scumbag, Buzz? Just too fascinated with watching other people’s sex lives, apparently.
Seems to me if he thinks he has the right to stick his nose in other people businesses, then we too have that same right. Is that what you want, NHB? Might be interesting to find out what skeletons are in your closet.
why should anyone take you seriously?
Because he wants EVERYTHING to be his business. And I don’t think he knows any more about business than he does about politics.
It's my business because I want it to be my business. I can make it my business if I want to make it my business.
Yeah, Republicans think what goes on in other people’s bedrooms and bathrooms is their business. Because they like making it their business. Because they’re fucking perverted scumbags.
Why would anyone want to be a perverted scumbag, Buzz? Just too fascinated with watching other people’s sex lives, apparently.
Seems to me if he thinks he has the right to stick his nose in other people businesses, then we too have that same right. Is that what you want, NHB? Might be interesting to find out what skeletons are in your closet.
We don't need to go all Scientology on them.

Although with this crowd accusations seem to be admissions, so my guess is that they just want to control others. They can't see anyone else wanting anything else. Hence they accuse us of harboring their foul dreams.
They want to control over people. They want to tell people what they can and can't do. Also, if we feel something is abnormal and wrong lik same sex relationships we don't want those things to happen. They feel that same sex relationships are wrong so they shouldn't be allowed to happen at all. They don't normalize things that aren't just like with transgender people.
Count the amount of times you used the word "they" without describing who "they" are. Then explain why anyone should take you seriously.
They want to control over people. They want to tell people what they can and can't do. Also, if we feel something is abnormal and wrong lik same sex relationships we don't want those things to happen. They feel that same sex relationships are wrong so they shouldn't be allowed to happen at all. They don't normalize things that aren't just like with transgender people.
Count the amount of times you used the word "they" without describing who "they" are. Then explain why anyone should take you seriously.
They magically appear if you dare speak their name. We don’t want to summon the devil, do we?
They want to control over people.
Are they okay with EVERYONE having control over other people? Or do they think they are special humans and everyone is subhuman? I mean, that’s the playbook that the enslavers used, right? You are seeking to be like them?

They want to tell people what they can and can't do. Also, if we feel

Wait. They? Or We?
You meant “we” in all those cases, right?
Because YOU want to tell people what they can and cannot do. And you are ready to let other people tell you what you can and cannot do, right? Right? That’s the world you want to live in, where anyone can tell anyone else what they can and cannot do?

Also, if we feel something is abnormal and wrong lik same sex relationships we don't want those things to happen.
This is a cozy world order.
I think religion and coservatism are abnormal and wrong, and I don’t want anyone doing them.

You, of course, are fine with me making laws about that. Because you think that is an acceptable worldview. And unlike you, I have already been successfully elected multiple times to public office. So I have a better chance of affecting you than you have of affecting me.

Buckle up.

They feel that same sex relationships are wrong so they shouldn't be allowed to happen at all.
Religious institutions and the current manifestation of the GOP are wrong. Boys running an AI and pretending to be adults are wrong.

They don't normalize things that aren't just like with transgender people.

Too late! It’s been normalized! Leaving you as the one not normal for failing to leave them alone.
They want to control over people. They want to tell people what they can and can't do. Also, if we feel something is abnormal and wrong lik same sex relationships we don't want those things to happen. They feel that same sex relationships are wrong so they shouldn't be allowed to happen at all. They don't normalize things that aren't just like with transgender people.
You're the one who wants to control people. You want to say a man can only marry a woman and vice versa. We are saying an adult should be able to marry an adult--a lack of restriction. We consider it none of our business who you sleep with so long as they are a consenting adult. I have no desire to engage in gay sex and in fact am a bit repulsed by seeing it--that's my problem, not theirs. Same as I have a bit of a phobia about roots--doesn't make roots wrong, I just don't want to touch them. I don't care if you touch them.

My standard reaction to all such matters: If you want me to consider something wrong show me the victim. (Or risk of a victim--just because you didn't hit anyone this time doesn't make DUI acceptable.) A consenting adult is not a victim.
These issues aren't settled. Clarence Thomas already said he wants a chance to overturn same sex marriage and the law that legalized same sex relationships. If they get a chance to these things might be overturned.
He's totally corrupt and in the pocket of the right.

Just because he might have the ability to overturn Obergefell doesn't make it right for him to do so. And there isn't a law that legalized same-sex relationships, that's been state level stuff removing laws against them. Power doesn't make right or wrong!
They feel stuff like that shouldn't be allowed.
So who is trying to impose?
I have absolutely no interest in fucking another guy (when I was born that was the male spelling) but it's none of my business whether two guys decide to fuck. All I care about is informed consent, it's none of my business if what two (or more) people do in bed.
Yeah but they want it to be their business though. They want it to be there business what two people do in their beds. They make it their business because they want it to be their business.
No. It's your side that wants to say who to fuck. We don't care. We aren't trying to make anyone engage in gay sex.
Just because he might have the ability to overturn Obergefell doesn't make it right for him to do so. And there isn't a law that legalized same-sex relationships, that's been state level stuff removing laws against them. Power doesn't make right or wrong!
They feel stuff like that shouldn't be allowed.
I have absolutely no interest in fucking another guy (when I was born that was the male spelling) but it's none of my business whether two guys decide to fuck. All I care about is informed consent, it's none of my business if what two (or more) people do in bed.
Yeah but they want it to be their business though. They want it to be there business what two people do in their beds. They make it their business because they want it to be their business.
And you seem to agree with Thomas. Why? And what makes you think it's any of your business at all?
I do agree with Thomas because it shouldn't be allowed. It's my business because I want it to be my business. I can make it my business if I want to make it my business.
So you think you're dictator?

What if we say you shouldn't worship your evil deity? (And read your Bible--your deity is certainly evil.)

Although with this crowd accusations seem to be admissions, so my guess is that they just want to control others. They can't see anyone else wanting anything else. Hence they accuse us of harboring their foul dreams.
I think you're a little too specific here.

They want to control others, they know they are being totally deceptive about how they are going about it so they ascribe the same motives to us. There's far too many for them all to be gays or pedophiles.

Although they certainly are disproportionate:
(Google blew some pretty big holes in this site but look at the charts that have survived. The download links have been zapped since it was written and who knows what else might happen.)
They want to control over people. They want to tell people what they can and can't do. Also, if we feel something is abnormal and wrong lik same sex relationships we don't want those things to happen. They feel that same sex relationships are wrong so they shouldn't be allowed to happen at all. They don't normalize things that aren't just like with transgender people.
Count the amount of times you used the word "they" without describing who "they" are. Then explain why anyone should take you seriously.
They magically appear if you dare speak their name. We don’t want to summon the devil, do we?
<Sets nuke>
<teleports away>
They want to control over people. They want to tell people what they can and can't do. Also, if we feel something is abnormal and wrong lik same sex relationships we don't want those things to happen. They feel that same sex relationships are wrong so they shouldn't be allowed to happen at all. They don't normalize things that aren't just like with transgender people.
Count the amount of times you used the word "they" without describing who "they" are. Then explain why anyone should take you seriously.
My marriage is so LGBT+ that even if Nighthawk gets their way with banning other people's relationships along birth assignments, my relationship still paradoxically stays legal. I don't care if people are gay or Eunuchs or cishet.

I just want people to be who they are and not someone they felt coerced into being.

For all the airheaded trend chasing idiots destined to self-harm themselves trying to set themselves apart in unnecessary and idiotic ways, we have psychologists who will say "LOL, NO". If they are so wealthy as to be able to afford a doctor that will lie, or worse a doctor that is so dumb that it's questionable how they got their license in the first place, then I have no problem giving them exactly what they ask for. I think there should be a very tight licensing requirement for gender care practices and gender based mental health care professionals.

There are probably bad parents out there in the world who are being just as toxically LGBT+ as cishet people can be toxic masc/femme.

I think it's going to be vanishingly uncommon, and per capital LGBT+ less common than toxic heteronormative behaviors, but it is going to happen that some cishet kid gets forced/pressured to "be trans" when they aren't, the same way Gypsy Rose was forced to be sick, and the same way I was forced/pressured to be "cis".

The rule of large numbers makes this a reality, but the numbers at play make the Boogeyman Buzz fears pale in comparison to the number of people who internalize that message of self-hate and become all the worse for it.

It is like voter fraud or the way this Israel bullshit is turning out, insofar as it's wagging the dog.

Although with this crowd accusations seem to be admissions, so my guess is that they just want to control others. They can't see anyone else wanting anything else. Hence they accuse us of harboring their foul dreams.
I think you're a little too specific here.

They want to control others, they know they are being totally deceptive about how they are going about it so they ascribe the same motives to us. There's far too many for them all to be gays or pedophiles.

Although they certainly are disproportionate:
(Google blew some pretty big holes in this site but look at the charts that have survived. The download links have been zapped since it was written and who knows what else might happen.)
I don't really think there are far too many GOP who support pedophilia for them to all be pedophiles.

The very act of supporting arranged child marriages, defending child beauty pageants, and attacking others loudly as pedophiles whenever they support giving kids the knowledge necessary to report and stop sexual abuse means they are pedophiles.
the numbers at play make the Boogeyman Buzz fears pale in comparison to the number of people who internalize that message of self-hate and become all the worse for it.
Buzz wants to be dictator so he can punish the boogeyman for scaring him so badly.
You can’t blame him any more than you can blame any (other) chat bot for delivering its conditionally programmed responses. Parents or programmers that cultivate the fear response are more to blame than is the final product.
the numbers at play make the Boogeyman Buzz fears pale in comparison to the number of people who internalize that message of self-hate and become all the worse for it.
Buzz wants to be dictator so he can punish the boogeyman for scaring him so badly.
You can’t blame him any more than you can blame any (other) chat bot for delivering its conditionally programmed responses. Parents or programmers that cultivate the fear response are more to blame than is the final product.
Well, things are still responsible for being as they are even if someone is responsible for much worse in making them. Responsibilities are not zero-sum.
the numbers at play make the Boogeyman Buzz fears pale in comparison to the number of people who internalize that message of self-hate and become all the worse for it.
Buzz wants to be dictator so he can punish the boogeyman for scaring him so badly.
You can’t blame him any more than you can blame any (other) chat bot for delivering its conditionally programmed responses. Parents or programmers that cultivate the fear response are more to blame than is the final product.
Well, things are still responsible for being as they are even if someone is responsible for much worse in making them. Responsibilities are not zero-sum.
Well, there’s that. But they do have to be evaluated independently. I’ll leave it to voters to evaluate the desirability, for example, of putting a Trump/DeSantis/Johnson chimera lacking even the charisma of the last two, into the Whitehouse. I’m betting on the funny farm instead. I have faith in them.

Although with this crowd accusations seem to be admissions, so my guess is that they just want to control others. They can't see anyone else wanting anything else. Hence they accuse us of harboring their foul dreams.
I think you're a little too specific here.

They want to control others, they know they are being totally deceptive about how they are going about it so they ascribe the same motives to us. There's far too many for them all to be gays or pedophiles.

Although they certainly are disproportionate:
(Google blew some pretty big holes in this site but look at the charts that have survived. The download links have been zapped since it was written and who knows what else might happen.)
I don't really think there are far too many GOP who support pedophilia for them to all be pedophiles.

The very act of supporting arranged child marriages, defending child beauty pageants, and attacking others loudly as pedophiles whenever they support giving kids the knowledge necessary to report and stop sexual abuse means they are pedophiles.
I think you're missing my point.

I don't think they're actually defending pedophiles, but not believing the situation. They toss around "pedophile" as something to smear an opponent with despite there being no evidence of anything pedophilic and thus they do not believe the allegations of right wing pedophile behavior.
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