• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

How can you say that all environments are equal when they behave completely different?

because I am wear armour not made of

< snickers > at the language lesson

No eating in class!
I'm not eating.

I'm not even wearing clothes.
Pervert! How can you go out on the internet naked?? You have a monitor right there in front of you, you think it won't monitor your actions?!?!

(And what's your heating bill like? Keeping a house skin-comfortable in winter runs up the bill.)

To me, skin-comfortable starts around 65F.
I've always had the metabolism of a Saturn 5. It'll be another month before I pay any attention to Doug whining, "I at least want the furnace on at night."

PS Be careful. It sounds like you're asking for pics.
Uh yeah, and uh, given Buzz's maturity level asking for them probably isn't legal.
I'm not eating.

I'm not even wearing clothes.
Pervert! How can you go out on the internet naked?? You have a monitor right there in front of you, you think it won't monitor your actions?!?!

(And what's your heating bill like? Keeping a house skin-comfortable in winter runs up the bill.)

To me, skin-comfortable starts around 65F.
I've always had the metabolism of a Saturn 5. It'll be another month before I pay any attention to Doug whining, "I at least want the furnace on at night."
65F if I'm sufficiently active, but not for around the house!

PS Be careful. It sounds like you're asking for pics.
No. I was just surprised at you not wearing clothes in the winter. If nobody's going to see me I typically wear very little during air conditioner season, but not during heating season.
These issues aren't settled. Clarence Thomas already said he wants a chance to overturn same sex marriage and the law that legalized same sex relationships. If they get a chance to these things might be overturned.
These issues aren't settled. Clarence Thomas already said he wants a chance to overturn same sex marriage and the law that legalized same sex relationships. If they get a chance to these things might be overturned.
The justice system shouldn’t be about what a single judge *wants*. That’s the very definition of bias.
I continue to be utterly perplexed about the opinion that if person-A don’t want to gay marry, then no one else should be able to, either.

Genuinely perplexed.

For the purpose of this post, I’ll call the person/people who holds this opinion “Fundy” and collectively “Fundies” so that I don’t cause confusion by using “you” or “you all” or “yours.”

Fundies seem to have fears about their own feelings. I can’t think of any other way to describe it. They react like they have fears; really deep unresolved worry that gay marriage will happen TO THEM.

Is it because they see the behavior of patriarchal cultures and think, “we’ve been forcing unwanted marriages on unwilling people for millenia, and if the gays could, then they’d act just like us”? But there is ZERO evidence that anyone with a woke mindset is interested in forcing marriage on anyone at all, let alone straight people.

So what’s the fear then? If the taboo is lifted that Fundies will find themselves drawn to entering a gay relationship and a gay marriage and they are terrified that they’ll actually want it? That once the risk of punishment is gone, nothing else will give them strength against their desires?

It’s not just an apparent fear that gays will happen to their children (Fundies intend to coerce their children onto straight marraiges and don’t want any competing pressures, so that it’s not more difficult), but it really seems to be a personal fear.

The idea that millions of people who have chosen marriage with a person of their choice should be made into criminals by Clarence Thomas and that Fundies are happy about that prospect needs to answer to this idea that Fundies are committed to forcing unwanted marriages onto people.

What goes through one’s mind whan they ponder that and promote it. Glee? Aha! Now I can get in between the sheets with other people’s marriages! Now I can picture other people have sex the way I like it. Now I do’t have to be disturbed thinking about other people having sex in ways that I wouldn’t like. And less pruriently, but just as perverse, now I can get in the way of their feelings of love, support and contented companionship, because it’s really important to me that *I* be centered in other people’s relationships.

It just plumb baffles me, this need to be the one in charge of other people’s affections, and further, the desire to interrupt and be the rift that makes other people unhappy. Fundies say, “I want you to be happy my way or not at all. I cannot fathom you having happiness without me, so I will kick over your sand castle and feel glorious about it.”

Why. WHY??? What makes Fundies so happy to crush other people’s happiness? What exactly do they fear so deeply? That they’ll see someone being happy walking down the street? That Fundy will see someone celebrating a happiness that Fundy doesn’t understand, or is afraid to feel themselves?

No one is making Fundy do anything but stop harming their neighbor. And this terrifies Fundy. They want to control and harm their neighbor. Crush neighbor’s happiness, and force neighbor into unwanted marriages. Only then will Fundy be at peace.

Clarence Thomas wants this. Clarence wants to be under the sheets with other people’s marriages to make sure they are doing it his way. He is agitated and axious until he can be in control of their sex. Why? Clarence has been married a long time (to someone that previous Fundies would have murder him for being married to); no one can force him to marry someone different now. So no gays are going to threaten his marriage. His vows means exactly what they meant when he said them. And if his marriage is not currently harmed, then why would he want to overturn the law that expelled him from other people’s beds? Why does he want to get back into other people’s beds?

I don’t understand that kind of fear that drives the desire to control strangers and force them into unwanted marriages. What kind of person wants that?
These issues aren't settled. Clarence Thomas already said he wants a chance to overturn same sex marriage and the law that legalized same sex relationships. If they get a chance to these things might be overturned.
So, he's already biased.

The funny part is that you can't even overturn my marriage.

These issues were a matter of settled law, and the constitution in my state has codified same sex marriage.

There is no overturning it.

Why is it so important to you that other people not get married? There is no case in which marriage not be allowed except the sorts of cases your idols stump for: child marriage.

The GOP regularly defends child marriage laws under parental and religious rights. If abuse victims run away they can be returned to their rapist. Children, mind you.

The same states controlled by the people who enable this bullshit are well known for child beauty pageants.
No. I was just surprised at you not wearing clothes in the winter.

It's not winter. We're barely halfway through fall.

And if someone sees me naked in my house, I have a simple response.

"That'll be $5."
I live in a warmer climate than you and the heat occasionally runs at night at this point.
No. I was just surprised at you not wearing clothes in the winter.

It's not winter. We're barely halfway through fall.

And if someone sees me naked in my house, I have a simple response.

"That'll be $5."
I live in a warmer climate than you and the heat occasionally runs at night at this point.

What an environmentally disastrous weinie.

You're really pumping greenhouse gases into the future because putting on a sweater is too much like work?
These issues aren't settled. Clarence Thomas already said he wants a chance to overturn same sex marriage and the law that legalized same sex relationships. If they get a chance to these things might be overturned.
He's totally corrupt and in the pocket of the right.

Just because he might have the ability to overturn Obergefell doesn't make it right for him to do so. And there isn't a law that legalized same-sex relationships, that's been state level stuff removing laws against them. Power doesn't make right or wrong!

I have absolutely no interest in fucking another guy (when I was born that was the male spelling) but it's none of my business whether two guys decide to fuck. All I care about is informed consent, it's none of my business if what two (or more) people do in bed.

And note that the one part of the Christofascist agenda he hasn't indicated any support for is Loving. Understandable as that one would apply to his own marriage.
But no if I really look at everyone in the republican field I am a Trump, Mike Johnson and Desantis all mixed together.

Okay, so you have Trump's hands and Desantis's boots, but what do you have of Johnson's?

NightHawkBuzz, you never answered the question.

Trump's hands, DeSantis's boots, and ...?

Is it Mike Johnson's accountabilibuddy app installed on your devices?

I continue to be utterly perplexed about the opinion that if person-A don’t want to gay marry, then no one else should be able to, either.

Genuinely perplexed.

For the purpose of this post, I’ll call the person/people who holds this opinion “Fundy” and collectively “Fundies” so that I don’t cause confusion by using “you” or “you all” or “yours.”

Fundies seem to have fears about their own feelings. I can’t think of any other way to describe it. They react like they have fears; really deep unresolved worry that gay marriage will happen TO THEM.

Is it because they see the behavior of patriarchal cultures and think, “we’ve been forcing unwanted marriages on unwilling people for millenia, and if the gays could, then they’d act just like us”? But there is ZERO evidence that anyone with a woke mindset is interested in forcing marriage on anyone at all, let alone straight people.

So what’s the fear then? If the taboo is lifted that Fundies will find themselves drawn to entering a gay relationship and a gay marriage and they are terrified that they’ll actually want it? That once the risk of punishment is gone, nothing else will give them strength against their desires?

It’s not just an apparent fear that gays will happen to their children (Fundies intend to coerce their children onto straight marraiges and don’t want any competing pressures, so that it’s not more difficult), but it really seems to be a personal fear.

The idea that millions of people who have chosen marriage with a person of their choice should be made into criminals by Clarence Thomas and that Fundies are happy about that prospect needs to answer to this idea that Fundies are committed to forcing unwanted marriages onto people.

What goes through one’s mind whan they ponder that and promote it. Glee? Aha! Now I can get in between the sheets with other people’s marriages! Now I can picture other people have sex the way I like it. Now I do’t have to be disturbed thinking about other people having sex in ways that I wouldn’t like. And less pruriently, but just as perverse, now I can get in the way of their feelings of love, support and contented companionship, because it’s really important to me that *I* be centered in other people’s relationships.

It just plumb baffles me, this need to be the one in charge of other people’s affections, and further, the desire to interrupt and be the rift that makes other people unhappy. Fundies say, “I want you to be happy my way or not at all. I cannot fathom you having happiness without me, so I will kick over your sand castle and feel glorious about it.”

Why. WHY??? What makes Fundies so happy to crush other people’s happiness? What exactly do they fear so deeply? That they’ll see someone being happy walking down the street? That Fundy will see someone celebrating a happiness that Fundy doesn’t understand, or is afraid to feel themselves?

No one is making Fundy do anything but stop harming their neighbor. And this terrifies Fundy. They want to control and harm their neighbor. Crush neighbor’s happiness, and force neighbor into unwanted marriages. Only then will Fundy be at peace.

Clarence Thomas wants this. Clarence wants to be under the sheets with other people’s marriages to make sure they are doing it his way. He is agitated and axious until he can be in control of their sex. Why? Clarence has been married a long time (to someone that previous Fundies would have murder him for being married to); no one can force him to marry someone different now. So no gays are going to threaten his marriage. His vows means exactly what they meant when he said them. And if his marriage is not currently harmed, then why would he want to overturn the law that expelled him from other people’s beds? Why does he want to get back into other people’s beds?
They want to control over people. They want to tell people what they can and can't do. Also, if we feel something is abnormal and wrong lik same sex relationships we don't want those things to happen. They feel that same sex relationships are wrong so they shouldn't be allowed to happen at all. They don't normalize things that aren't just like with transgender people.
I don’t understand that kind of fear that drives the desire to control strangers and force them into unwanted marriages. What kind of person wants that?
These issues aren't settled. Clarence Thomas already said he wants a chance to overturn same sex marriage and the law that legalized same sex relationships. If they get a chance to these things might be overturned.
He's totally corrupt and in the pocket of the right.

Just because he might have the ability to overturn Obergefell doesn't make it right for him to do so. And there isn't a law that legalized same-sex relationships, that's been state level stuff removing laws against them. Power doesn't make right or wrong!
They feel stuff like that shouldn't be allowed.
I have absolutely no interest in fucking another guy (when I was born that was the male spelling) but it's none of my business whether two guys decide to fuck. All I care about is informed consent, it's none of my business if what two (or more) people do in bed.
Yeah but they want it to be their business though. They want it to be there business what two people do in their beds. They make it their business because they want it to be their business.
And note that the one part of the Christofascist agenda he hasn't indicated any support for is Loving. Understandable as that one would apply to his own marriage.
Just because he might have the ability to overturn Obergefell doesn't make it right for him to do so. And there isn't a law that legalized same-sex relationships, that's been state level stuff removing laws against them. Power doesn't make right or wrong!
They feel stuff like that shouldn't be allowed.
I have absolutely no interest in fucking another guy (when I was born that was the male spelling) but it's none of my business whether two guys decide to fuck. All I care about is informed consent, it's none of my business if what two (or more) people do in bed.
Yeah but they want it to be their business though. They want it to be there business what two people do in their beds. They make it their business because they want it to be their business.
And you seem to agree with Thomas. Why? And what makes you think it's any of your business at all?
Just because he might have the ability to overturn Obergefell doesn't make it right for him to do so. And there isn't a law that legalized same-sex relationships, that's been state level stuff removing laws against them. Power doesn't make right or wrong!
They feel stuff like that shouldn't be allowed.
I have absolutely no interest in fucking another guy (when I was born that was the male spelling) but it's none of my business whether two guys decide to fuck. All I care about is informed consent, it's none of my business if what two (or more) people do in bed.
Yeah but they want it to be their business though. They want it to be there business what two people do in their beds. They make it their business because they want it to be their business.
And you seem to agree with Thomas. Why? And what makes you think it's any of your business at all?
I do agree with Thomas because it shouldn't be allowed. It's my business because I want it to be my business. I can make it my business if I want to make it my business.
They want to control over people. They want to tell people what they can and can't do. Also, if we feel something is abnormal and wrong lik same sex relationships we don't want those things to happen. They feel that same sex relationships are wrong so they shouldn't be allowed to happen at all. They don't normalize things that aren't just like with transgender people.

You flip flop between "they" and "we". Why is that?

Do you think it's important enough to prevent gay sex that you will end basic civil rights if you get the opportunity to do so? That's what it sounds like.

By basic civil rights I'm talking about equal treatment by the law for competent adults.
I do agree with Thomas because it shouldn't be allowed. It's my business
It isn't. You're expressing your anti-American beliefs again.

Very pro-Republican and very anti-American. Its becoming the signature opinion of a Teapartier.
Just because he might have the ability to overturn Obergefell doesn't make it right for him to do so. And there isn't a law that legalized same-sex relationships, that's been state level stuff removing laws against them. Power doesn't make right or wrong!
They feel stuff like that shouldn't be allowed.
I have absolutely no interest in fucking another guy (when I was born that was the male spelling) but it's none of my business whether two guys decide to fuck. All I care about is informed consent, it's none of my business if what two (or more) people do in bed.
Yeah but they want it to be their business though. They want it to be there business what two people do in their beds. They make it their business because they want it to be their business.
And you seem to agree with Thomas. Why? And what makes you think it's any of your business at all?
I do agree with Thomas because it shouldn't be allowed. It's my business because I want it to be my business. I can make it my business if I want to make it my business.
I asked you why and you just repeat your statement. If you cannot articulate your reasons why should anyone take you seriously?
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