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How can you say that all environments are equal when they behave completely different?

They represent me because of what they stand for. Liberals want to allow trans rights at a full level. Liberals want to allow for open borders and allow illegal immigrants to come into this country at a high rate. These three men don't stand for any of these things and more this is why they represent me.
And how do trans rights hurt you? What difference does it make what they have under their clothes or who they have in their beds? While I am an ordinary cis-het white male lets wind the clock back a bit. In 1988 I committed an act which would have been illegal in that location before 1962. Namely, marrying someone who isn't white. To the vast majority of Americans it's a complete so-what.

This is why I strongly support gay rights and trans rights--I know how vitally important it was to us (nothing but marriage would provide the green card) so I can see how it could be vitally important to others. And, yes, that means she's an immigrant. Costs to the US? All she's ever received is the same Medicare/Social Security we all get--and she's getting ripped off on the Social Security because she's still working and didn't have the 35 years of history so her benefits get raised every year. But the formula is based on a normal life expectancy from retirement age and doesn't increase as life expectancy drops. (The same thing applies to anyone who works enough to cause a benefit increase in retirement. It's just that it's pretty rare amongst those who had a full career in the US.)
Your right there is a crowd for it. Remember this in many polls Trump is polling better than Biden so there is a good chance he might win so there is a huge crowd for MAGA.
MAGA is basically a cult. You don't realize you're in one, though.
Buzz kinda reminds me of someone who made the news around here, a few years back.

20ish WASP male. His younger, teenager, brother comes out to him as gay. He beats the kid so badly it requires a week in the hospital.

At some preliminary court hearing big bro explains himself. He blurted out, "Well, if I were gay I'd want somebody to beat the queer out of me!". This didn't go over well with the justice system. But what we've got here is a Christian using Jesus's Golden Rule to justify beating his own kid brother half to death.

Now that we know, based on an anecdote, how evil straight WASP males are we should stop giving them the same rights decent folk have. It's just common sense.
Your right there is a crowd for it. Remember this in many polls Trump is polling better than Biden so there is a good chance he might win so there is a huge crowd for MAGA.
MAGA is basically a cult. You don't realize you're in one, though.
Know what's funny, in a sad sort of way, about this?

Buzz and Caitlyn "Bruce" Jenner are in agreement on Trump. Apparently, neither is concerned that depriving competent adults of civil rights might impact their situation so they're ok with it.
If someone tells their autistic kid “Buzzy, you can be whatever you want - you can be President if you put your mind to it!” I have mixed feelings, since unrealistic expectations can be damaging, but OTOH there is a lot of benefit to refusing to acknowledge limitations.
But if it’s a ChatGPT interface pretending to be an ambitious brain damaged human, it’s hard to find fault with its singleminded focus that results in repetitions so mindless that even ChatGPT would be proud of its humanity.
Hitler and Mussolini were popular. Putin appears to be popular among Russians.

Populism works to get into power. The problem is populists tend to be terrible leaders and administrators. Venezuela is a good example, on the socialist side.

Populism is a range of political stances that emphasize the idea of "the people" and often juxtapose this group with "the elite". It is frequently associated with anti-establishment and anti-political sentiment.

Trump was going to drain the swamp of the 'elites'. His admonition was a swamp.

Trump paints himself as anti establishment yet he made his money playing the system. He says he opposes the ingrained political establishment, yet tries to overthrow the election to stay in power.

Machiavellian, the goal is to get and keep power, ends justifies means. McConnell is a good example. Utterly devoid of ethics he blows with the wind to keep power. He utterly detests Trump but kissed the ring to stay in power in congress.

If Nighthawk wants to be a successful politician meaning getting and staying in power that is simple. Abandon ethics and morality and do and say whatever it takes to get enough votes.
Liberals want to allow trans rights at a full level.
What's wrong with me having rights at a "full level" now?
That’s great question. What is wrong with Jarhyn having full rights as a citizen?
There's nothing wrong with it. We just have different opinions we just see things differently.
If there's nothing wrong with him having full rights then what's your basis for denying them??
because I am wear armour not made of

< snickers > at the language lesson

No eating in class!
I'm not eating.

I'm not even wearing clothes.
Pervert! How can you go out on the internet naked?? You have a monitor right there in front of you, you think it won't monitor your actions?!?!

(And what's your heating bill like? Keeping a house skin-comfortable in winter runs up the bill.)
I did a little search last night and saw that Buzz has been posting this same shit on at least 2 or 3 other websites that discuss politics. My favorite response from another poster on one of the other sites was that he is an AI experiment. Maybe that poster had a good point because it's hard for me to believe that a 24 year old who wants to run for a political office would honestly believe half of the shit that Buzz has posted. Yet we continue to respond to his posts as if he's serious.
Excuse me but did you experience growing up in a high lgbtq school?
You said you were beaten up for being gay

Do you have a friend whose whole undergrad major was to study how the human body works when they were in college?
I mean, yes. Several. I also have friends who are actual physicians.

Wait, you’re saying you have certainty of expertise because your FRIEND went to college?
And that you didn’t notice SoHy’s been a nurse for more than 30 years? Nor that another person replying to you has a degree in molecular biology? Nor that many of us have been discussing the mechanistic particulars of human development since before you were born (there’s an archive here, honey.)

But since you have a friend, who told you some stuff, you know you have the same knowledge as your friend who has more knowledge than any of us?

And that admission doesn’t humble you a bit when you realize you’re in a room full of people who have spent a lot more time learning this than you’ve spent talking to your roommate?

If not then I know I’m talking about regardless if you think it’s true. I know I’m right so it doesn’t matter.

I don’t care if you believe me I know what I’m taking about and know I’m right.

Listen more, with a humble heart.
Rhea said:
Excuse me but did you experience growing up in a high lgbtq school?
You said you were beaten up for being gay

I've never heard of an LGBTQ school. Do they teach people like Buzz how to be gay or something?
I went to ten different schools, public and private, from New England to So Cal, from South Florida to north Bay Area, and there was never any such thing as a "high LGBTQ school".
If our "Buzz" is indeed a product of such a thing, I strongly dis-recommend it since he says he's now in his twenties, and quite evidently still lacks basic literacy.
Wait, if rainbows on hockey jerseys spreads "the gay" around... What about God on money? Ever since the US put "In god we trust on the money in the 50`s (as a silly over reaction to those godless comunists) secularism has been on the rise and Americans with "no religion" have grown rapidly. In the 50s about 5% of Americans claimed no religion, now nearly 1 in 3 Americans claim no religion.

Maybe if Buzz wants to reduce gayness in the US he should campaign on a platform of putting gay rainbows on all the money and taking that tacky "In god we trust" slogan off of it.
It affects me because one day they will be forcing everyone to participate in all of this.
There is zero possibility of that. Sorry if this deflates your raison d’être, but that falls under the category of “irrational fear”. There is a FAR greater chance of everyone being forced into a wacko Christian Taliban cult such as Trumpism.
Your wrong I am right whether you like it or not. There are three steps to lgbtq acceptance and the final step is participation for everyone. It won't be enough just to accept it now you HAVE to participate in it somehow someway.

It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.

The final step in all of this is participation whether your wanna deny it or not I'm right.
You seem to think that people are inherently the same. That you can't have gay rights without making everyone gay.

That's not how the world works. We are individuals. Who you take to your bed is your business. It is not mine. Who you take to bed has in effect on me. You can support something you do not wish to engage in personally. Most days bring an e-mail announcing some sort of backcountry activity, something like half are things I do not have the skills, risk tolerance, equipment or even physical ability for. Am I somehow harmed by people playing on the rocks rather than simply hiking the trails? No.
It affects me because one day they will be forcing everyone to participate in all of this.
There is zero possibility of that. Sorry if this deflates your raison d’être, but that falls under the category of “irrational fear”. There is a FAR greater chance of everyone being forced into a wacko Christian Taliban cult such as Trumpism.
Your wrong I am right whether you like it or not. There are three steps to lgbtq acceptance and the final step is participation for everyone. It won't be enough just to accept it now you HAVE to participate in it somehow someway.

It's already happening now NHL players being forced to wear pride jersey at their games and if not they are attacked because of it. This is an example of forced participation.

The final step in all of this is participation whether your wanna deny it or not I'm right.
You seem to think that people are inherently the same. That you can't have gay rights without making everyone gay.

That's not how the world works. We are individuals. Who you take to your bed is your business. It is not mine. Who you take to bed has in effect on me. You can support something you do not wish to engage in personally. Most days bring an e-mail announcing some sort of backcountry activity, something like half are things I do not have the skills, risk tolerance, equipment or even physical ability for. Am I somehow harmed by people playing on the rocks rather than simply hiking the trails? No.
LP, we are currently at the part of the thread where people are rightfully not taking certain content seriously.
I unfortunately had the experience of going to an extremely high lgbtq school so yeah I saw people changing the hormones inside of them while I went to the school.
You're Superman? You can see the biochemistry of someone you're simply looking at??

Much more likely is that they came to realize they weren't the standard cis-het that is the standard they assumed they were.
I did a little search last night and saw that Buzz has been posting this same shit on at least 2 or 3 other websites that discuss politics. My favorite response from another poster on one of the other sites was that he is an AI experiment. Maybe that poster had a good point because it's hard for me to believe that a 24 year old who wants to run for a political office would honestly believe half of the shit that Buzz has posted. Yet we continue to respond to his posts as if he's serious.
Yes, there is scant evidence that Buzz is a human. It’s really funny when its operator pushes the “angry” button. It suddenly flies totally off the handle, then instantly reverts to impassive stupidity. Not much like any (sane) human I ever encountered.
It’s not stupidity the truth is the truth whether you like it or not.

I don’t care if you believe me I know I’m right regardless so it doesn’t matter
You have not provided any reasonable evidence supporting your position. You have made claims that don't pass the laugh test for anyone aware of the relevant science.

You also say you support people who actively deny reality--and appear to be doing the same thing yourself. (And note that your heroes say one thing in public and something quite different in the courtroom when they could get in trouble for lying. Pay attention to the differences!)
Do you have a friend whose whole undergrad major was to study how the human body works when they were in college?
Now, most of your attempts at humour have done nothing for me; But this one raised a chuckle.

"How the human body works" isn't an undergraduate major. It's dozens of them, all different: Medicine, Neurology, Anatomy, Psychology, Endocrinology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Physiology, etc., etc.

About the closest thing I can think of would be to major in Anatomy, but that wouldn't discuss hormones much, beyond a mention of the major glands and their locations and appearances.

But leaving that aside, even if you did have a friend who studied "How the human body works", that wouldn't really make any difference to your ignorance. I had a friend who went to Prestwick and became a pilot for British Airways. This fact in no way qualifies me to fly an A380.

If you're in front of a judge, charged with unlicensed driving, I strongly recommend against using "I have a friend who's a racing driver, so I know what I am doing" as your defence.
Do you have a friend whose whole undergrad major was to study how the human body works when they were in college?

Yes. My brother. He's an MD, GP with subspecs in OBGYN and Pediatrics.
I also have spent decades myself as a wilderness first responder, and provider of pre-hospital trauma supplies and treatments to the US government.
We know "how the body works", and it's not like you think.
You are badly under-educated and misinformed, Buzz.
Repeating "I'm right" does nothing to elevate your understanding. Try clicking your heels together three times and chanting "there's no place like home". It will work just as well, and it will be more entertaining for the rest of us, who you are boring to death with your idiotic mantra.

If you're actually a chatbot, there's hope - most such things learn through interactions. But so far, you seem unable to even do that. Prove me wrong.
Maybe he was beaten up by gays? Maybe his recollections are twisted and distorted.

Maybe he is over dramatizing or fabricating,, playing the victim like Trump.
Maybe he was beaten up by gays? Maybe his recollections are twisted and distorted.

Maybe he is over dramatizing or fabricating,, playing the victim like Trump.
Or maybe he secretly has gay feelings and overcompensating because of it. It's not uncommon that the ones that object the most do so to hide their true feelings.
because I am wear armour not made of

< snickers > at the language lesson

No eating in class!
I'm not eating.

I'm not even wearing clothes.
Pervert! How can you go out on the internet naked?? You have a monitor right there in front of you, you think it won't monitor your actions?!?!

(And what's your heating bill like? Keeping a house skin-comfortable in winter runs up the bill.)

To me, skin-comfortable starts around 65F.
I've always had the metabolism of a Saturn 5. It'll be another month before I pay any attention to Doug whining, "I at least want the furnace on at night."

PS Be careful. It sounds like you're asking for pics.
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