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How many Republicans have had Enough?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Rank-And-File Republicans Turn On Trump In New Effort To Block His Reelection

“I’d vote for a tuna fish sandwich before I’d vote for Donald Trump again,” said Jack Spielman, who voted for Trump in 2016 but now calls him “toxic.”

Not that I'd readily admit it in polite company, but I actually like tuna fish sandwiches. I don't know Jack (is he famous or something?), but it doesn't surprise me that people would prefer tuna fish sandwiches to another 4 years of Cheato.

Defending Democracy Together, a collection of anti-Trump conservatives ― says it has nearly 100 video testimonials so far with more to come.

A measley hundred testimonials? Weak sauce. I'd think it would be easy to garner at least as many testimonials as the number of people killed by Trump's neglect of the pandemic crisis, say 35,000 or so.
OTOH, I certainly don't see any compilations of Hillary voters trying to re-elect Trump.
Well, that’s not the whole story. That’s in addition to the estimated 32% that didn’t vote at all in 2016. If you factor in approval ratings and note that among “strong approval” among Republicans for Trump, the percentage has only decreased (I believe on the order or 8-10% from 2016), then we’re looking at a likely increase in the apathy vote to around 40%.

But of course the biggest voting bloc these days are the Independents. In 2016, 33% didn’t bother voting, but since then, Trump’s popularity among that group has plummeted.

I think the latest YouGov poll has the “strong approval” of Trump among Independents at something like 18%. Which all goes to once again prove that Trump simply does not have the numbers. Which is why he’s going to impeachable lengths to cheat and shut down vote-by-mail and anything else he can do to stop an actual vote.

Not only is he grossly incompetent and an impotent coward, he has never—and can never—win by voter preference alone.
To answer the OP question - not enough of them.

Enough, I believe, to cost Trump the Presidential Election.

Whether Trump actually leaves office in January 2021 is another question. The answer may well depend on whether there are enough Republicans who want to preserve the USA as a democracy, vs accepting the promise of untold riches along with an unelected position of authority following a Trump-led authoritarian overthrow. One would expect that by now, ALL Republicans would know the value of Trump's promises, but evidently that's not the case.

In any event, there almost certainly are NOT enough of them the to allow Democrats to "proof" the government against another Trump via legislation. They won't be able to get Citizens United repealed or overruled due to the corrupt justice(s) on SCOTUS. There won't be enough votes to impeach Trump/Moscow Mitch appointees or add seats to the court to balance it. The Judiciary probably can't be fixed for another generation. The remnants of the GOP, no matter how badly they are defeated in November as long as they don't fall short of 1/3 of the Senate, will fight hard to maintain their revenue streams, foreign and domestic, their systems of voter suppression, gerrymandering and outright cheating.
It's their only means of retaining any power at all in the face of demographic trends and the Trump albatross around their necks.
1. Any port in a storm.
2. I have a bushel more of respect for those conservatives like George F. Will who left the party in '16. But again, any port in a storm.
3. Even in 2016, Trump was an obvious liar and sadist and con man, who openly abandoned his Birther lie when it was too embarrassing to persist in, so I cannot commend the judgment or ideals of anyone who voted for him. They are either uninformed or full of Barr-like cynicism. But again, a.p.i.a.s.
4. Since at least the election cycle of 1992, the popularity of candidates rises and falls so fast that predictions even 5 months out from an election are fatuous. (In 2016, the election eve predictions were proven false, almost to a prognosticator.) I can only hope the trend reported in the OP intensifies, and that we can be rid of this bloated tadpole. Four more years of Trump perverting our government, traditions, and standards of decency are unthinkable.
To answer the OP question - not enough of them.

Enough, I believe, to cost Trump the Presidential Election.
I'd guess that it will add to the dog pile.

Whether Trump actually leaves office in January 2021 is another question. The answer may well depend on whether there are enough Republicans who want to preserve the USA as a democracy, vs accepting the promise of untold riches along with an unelected position of authority following a Trump-led authoritarian overthrow. One would expect that by now, ALL Republicans would know the value of Trump's promises, but evidently that's not the case.
I'd say that there is no love for Clownstick among the military leadership, the CIA, FBI, NSA, Secret Service, Federal Marshals, et.al. I don't think him being assisted out the door will be very hard, no matter the Repug silence.
I don't think him being assisted out the door will be very hard, no matter the Repug silence.
Off camera, a lot of repubs want him gone, but don't want to be the one who takes him out. Once Bonespurs is a lame duck, he's going to be a pariah.
I don't think him being assisted out the door will be very hard, no matter the Repug silence.
Off camera, a lot of repubs want him gone, but don't want to be the one who takes him out. Once Bonespurs is a lame duck, he's going to be a pariah.
And pooooor Ivanka....trying to huckster the Trump brand in 2021 will be a tough one...
The standard American pattern of voting, when one does not like one's party candidate and would never vote for the opposing party candidate, is to stay home. This is basically how Trump was elected in the first place.

There is absolutely no segment of the American Electorate where Trump can expect his support to have increased since the last election. I heard a news story yesterday that said four out of five of those who have died of Covid 19 complications are men over 65. So, we start with 85,000 dead men, subtract out Blacks and Latinos, and Trump just lost maybe 60,000 of his base, give or take. There just aren't enough old white guys left who will show up on election day.

There is no where Trump can pick up votes he didn't get last time, his base is reduced, and the middle ground Republicans are going to stay home. It's all over but the crying.
I don't think him being assisted out the door will be very hard, no matter the Repug silence.
Off camera, a lot of repubs want him gone, but don't want to be the one who takes him out. Once Bonespurs is a lame duck, he's going to be a pariah.

I hope y'all are right. If you are, then I wonder how Trump is going to get immunity from prosecution for ... all his crimes. Try the "self pardon" trick? Resign between the election and the inauguration, and somehow force Pence to pardon him for all crimes, including those committed prior to becoming President? Flee the Country? None of it sounds like Trump.
I hope y'all are right. If you are, then I wonder how Trump is going to get immunity from prosecution for ... all his crimes. Try the "self pardon" trick? Resign between the election and the inauguration, and somehow force Pence to pardon him for all crimes, including those committed prior to becoming President? Flee the Country? None of it sounds like Trump.
I'm sure ther's some powerful legal fanfic writers working the choreography. "Sir, you write a letter saying you quit at midnight, 10 hours before the inauguration. And you pardon Pence for anything he did. He pardons you. And you're both off, scot free! Plus, if Biden ordered any #46 stationary, now he's really #47!"

But however they do it, i can really see the next pres thanking him. "We could suss out whether or not this was legal, constitutional, or whatever. Or we can just let the states all file their warrants for state level crimes he cannot pardon. Oh, and accepting a pardon tends to mean that you're guilty of the crime, so anything that Trump did, which broke federal AND state laws, he just admitted guilt to. I'm gonna start the bidding at one felony? One felony? New York! Do I hear two felonies? Two- no, five from California! Alright! Ten from Jersey! We're cooking now. Extradition papers are still warm from the printer, folks! Who's got fifteen!?"
Why would Trump want to avoid prison at all? He LOVES playing the martyr, and any prison they send him to will more likely resemble Mar-a-Lago than the Chateau D'If. He gets to lounge around playing golf and sipping martinis, while outside, armed lunatics terrorize the nation demanding his release. Maybe he'll even find time to ghost-write his own version of "Mein Kampf".
I don't think him being assisted out the door will be very hard, no matter the Repug silence.
Off camera, a lot of repubs want him gone, but don't want to be the one who takes him out. Once Bonespurs is a lame duck, he's going to be a pariah.

There is a very real possibility that if Bonespurs loses the election, he will resign and Pence will pardon him of all crimes.
Can the president really pardon persons for crimes they have not yet been convicted of?
Real Clear Politics has Biden ahead by 5.3%. I would not be surprised if Trump loses, to see Trump try to flee to his golf course and hotel in Scotland. Unless Scotland refused to grant him a visa. RCP has Biden ahead in Florida by 3.5% now.
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