Industrial Grade Linguist
There is hope:Centuries of anti-democratic, centralized, imperial rule and relative isolation has produced in Russia a baboon society where the biggest stick or the sharpest set of teeth rules the troop. This defines happiness for the masses in Russia.
If baboons can change, so can Russia. All it takes is that the current cadre of assholes that run the society are killed off.Science said:Nasty, brutish, and short--Thomas Hobbes's famous description of life without government could as easily be applied to baboons. The primates are famous for their bad manners. However, a troop of baboons in Kenya has recently changed its ways. Researchers suggest that the relatively peaceable behavior is a type of culture that's passed on to newcomers to the troop.
Baboon culture is rife with violence. Males fight over females, food, resting spots, and sometimes for no apparent reason. The most serious altercations are usually between baboons of close rank; but baboons low on the totem pole get bullied all the time by higher-ups looking for an ego boost.
Now it appears that one troop has found a better way. Robert Sapolsky, a primatologist at Stanford University in California, observed a troop of savanna baboons, dubbed Forest Troop, from the late 1970s until 1986, when an outbreak of bovine tuberculosis killed off the most aggressive males in the group. After the deaths of so many of the members, Sapolsky abandoned his study and stayed away for 10 years.
In the 13 April PLoS Biology, Sapolsky and his wife and colleague Lisa Share describe the dramatic changes they found when they returned. Members sat closer together and groomed each other more. The dominance hierarchy remained--Number Two still scrapped with Numbers One and Three as in a normal troop--but the higher-ranking baboons didn't vent their anger on subordinates. And that's apparently improved life for lowlier baboons; they don't have the classic markers of chronic stress--such as elevated levels of stress hormones--found in their peers in other troops.
While it is true that human beings are evolved apes, I don't think that the death of the ones that are assholes is needed or even necessarily helpful for society to evolve. The French tried that with their famous guillotine, and they only succeeded in learning that the people manning the guillotines were also assholes. Sapolsky was studying a very small group of animals, not a big complex society such as a nation made up of diverse interests. People like Putin don't get where they are without the help of a lot of people, so whoever replaces him is just as likely to be another asshole. The only viable solution to bringing a country like Russia back from rogue status is not to bludgeon it until it stops behaving badly, but to give it incentives to behave well. So, in the end, the solution has to be diplomatic, not just military. We'll have to deal with whatever bunch of assholes succeed Putin, and we'll have to convince them that it is in their interest not to continue behaving like assholes. Obviously, that kind of strategy is not going to work with Putin, and it is really hard to do when we ourselves are run by our own set of assholes.