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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Clowns in Washington put Kudrin (pronounced Koodrin) on a sanctions list.
And the guy with the same last name as Prigozhin was put on a sanctions list too.
Barbos, you’re alive! We thought you’d been sent to Ukraine! Putin hasn’t drafted your ass,
I have been drafted, but since I speak english and well versed in American pop culture I was assigned the role of governor of the future Illinois Oblast, maybe even all of Америка. Worst case scenario I will be running British isles. I even have my first decree drafted. It's about dubbing Doctor Who into proper (american) english.
Illinois? C'mon. Your mate Putin can do better than that.
Holly crap. You are still thinking that you are winning.
You took a bunch of territory at the start but since then it's basically continually you being pushed back and your army hollowed out.
For the million's time, Russian strategy does not care about territory. It's about kill ratio. Territory will come eventually.
And what crime has the NATO leadership committed besides not kowtowing to Putin?
Invasion of Yugoslavia for one. Then Iraq. Before that was Vietnam (few members of NATO)
Invasion of the Georgia is also a crime NATO committed. Montenegro was also occupied by NATO.
Continued occupation of parts of Serbia.
NATO is in no position to lecture Russia about crimes.
Compare that to the situation last winter when Ukraine was trying to defend Bakhmut. Russia was trying a pincer movement from north and south, and had basically cut off everything but unpaved dirt roads, and Ukraine was still able to supply their troops in the city.
Are you leaving in a cave with TV stuck on CNN channel?
Ukro-idiots were not able to supply their troops in the city. Russians let them do it. That was the whole damn plan.
Your ignorance is mind-boggling.
:ROFLMAO: Yeah right. Instead of taking the city as quickly as possibly, the "plan" was to waste tens of thousands of fighters and several months, and burn through Wagner to the point that they mutiny and march to Moscow.

If that was the "plan" I wish Russia all the best in their future "plans".
Yep, that was the plan. You can call it stupid (it is not) all you want, but that was the plan.
The fact that you are still unaware of that shows how deluded and misinformed you are.
I love barbos' bullshit. "Our plan was to lose all along you idiots!".

Congrats. You "won". I hope you keep on winning. Maybe you can win too.
No, our plan was to meat-grind ukrainian forces in Bakhmut, meanwhile preparing defensive lines for promised counter-offensive.
The plan itself was properly called "operation meat-grinder"
It mostly worked, except Prigozhin decided that he wanted to deviate from the plan and have the glory of taking Bakhmut.
This has not been a secret since independent (non CNN) observers noticed that in violation of all "common sense" russians were always keeping ukrainian supply line open however weak it was.
Of course you don't follow real reporters and don't know that.

Plan worked well, ukrainian counter-offensive Pentagon planned is utter fiasco.
Who crossed the border in 2014? Russia.
Incorrect, US crossed it.
If only you had ANY evidence for this. You cry and cry about Victoria Nuland, but the only verifyable thing she is reported to have done to support Yanukovich's overthrow is bring some cookies to the protests. Enough Ukranians hated Russia that they were happy to kick out Putin's puppet once he revealed himself (and started ordering his troops to murder the protesters). The US didn't do anything.

Show us some evidence!!! WHAT DID THE UNITED STATES DO??? Or are you really blaming all of this on Nuland's cookies? The rest of your bullshit is so stupid I wouldn't be surprised.

That idiot, Sachs, you mentioned thinks Nuland did something too, but he too doesn't tell us what it was. Probably because it didn't happen at all and you and he are just as dumb and gullible as each other. Drinking Russian lies and burping up excrement as always.
Did you just call Sachs idiot?

There is absolutrely no doubt that US State Department and personally Fuck the EU Nuland organized nazi Maidan. Nobody disputes that even in Ukraine.
it's ridiculous that you pretend otherwise.
Ukrainians as georgians before them admit that US and EU was behind it. Georgians as I said and proved with links before flat out admitted that US state department flat out funds anyone on one conditions and that conditions that they hate Russia.
Nuland went to Ukraine and gave money to fucking Nazis. Not jus cookies, money!
US selects foreign countries for regime change and then fund anyone who would do that for them, be it ISIS as in Syria or banderites in Ukraine, grug lords in central America. You funded Saddam Hussein against Iran.

So label anyone you don't like Idiot and done with it? Is that all?
How about current CIA chief? idiot too? The one who wrote long time ago "Niet means niet" article?

Sachs was in Vilnius during NATO party. And he talked to one of the EU country head who in public is a staunch anti-russian, in private though, he told Mr. Sachs that he agrees with everything he says.

Go ahead call Sachs a liar now.
He also talks about 90s Russia and how US literally screwed Russia against his advice. Call him a liar again.
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Did you just call Sachs idiot?

There is absolutrely no doubt that US State Department and personally Fuck the EU Nuland organized nazi Maidan. Nobody disputes that even in Ukraine.
it's ridiculous that you pretend otherwise.
Ukrainians as georgians before them admit that US and EU was behind it. Georgians as I said and proved with links before flat out admitted that US state department flat out funds anyone on one conditions and that conditions that they hate Russia.
Nuland went to Ukraine and gave money to fucking Nazis. Not jus cookies, money!
US selects foreign countries for regime change and then fund anyone who would do that for them, be it ISIS as in Syria or banderites in Ukraine, grug lords in central America. You funded Saddam Hussein against Iran.

So label anyone you don't like Idiot and done with it? Is that all?
How about current CIA chief? idiot too? The one who wrote long time ago "Niet means niet" article?
I don't have a clue what you are talking about. Mostly because you didn't offer ANY evidence. So dumb.
I don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Of course you don't, cause you are obedient consumer of shit corrupt western media provides.
No. it is precisely because YOU personally , {yes, you, barbos} refuse to back up your claims with evidence. Show me what the US did that makes you think they "invaded." Or are you too much of a coward?
I have lived through 90s Russia. At one time I was literally starving and technically homeless, while having a full time job after getting degree from a top university in Russia, all because greatest "democracy" had some ideas about further collapse of Russia.
What do you think I should feel about US actions back then? When Russian government asked for help and you said "Fuck you!"?
And now, you started a proxy war with Russia? You honestly believe anyone in Russia buys your shit?
Nobody buys your shit, not even your puppet regimes in Europe. The rest of the world is openly rooting for Russia.
And why would not they? Why would not Latin America root for Russia?
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I don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Of course you don't, cause you are obedient consumer of shit corrupt western media provides.
No. it is precisely because YOU personally , {yes, you, barbos} refuse to back up your claims with evidence. Show me what the US did that makes you think they "invaded." Or are you too much of a coward?
I've fucking provided evidence of dirt on US state department before. it was met with 100% silence.
I don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Of course you don't, cause you are obedient consumer of shit corrupt western media provides.
No. it is precisely because YOU personally , {yes, you, barbos} refuse to back up your claims with evidence. Show me what the US did that makes you think they "invaded." Or are you too much of a coward?
I've fucking provided evidence of dirt on US state department before. it was met with 100% silence.
Then it should be easy to do it again. But you still offer nothing. I am not surprised. So fucking lazy.
Then it should be easy to do it again. But you still offer nothing. I am not surprised. So fucking lazy.
What for? you will ignore it, like you always do. Sachs is an idiot and a liar, My evidence is BS.
But your shit is not gonna change my and the whole Russia opinion a one bit.
You have a country of 140, soon to be 170 millions who are more radical than Putin himself.
Then it should be easy to do it again. But you still offer nothing. I am not surprised. So fucking lazy.
What for? you will ignore it, like you always do. Sachs is an idiot and a liar, My evidence is BS.
But your shit is not gonna change my and the whole Russia opinion a one bit.
Do you understand that my mind is open? I am happy to change my mind. YOU could change my mind about who started this war. You just need to offer some evidence. But you are too lazy. So fucking lazy. No wonder you were starving to death. I wouldn't toss a penny at a hobo on the street if he looked as lazy as you prove yourself to be here.
Do you understand that my mind is open?
When did it open?
Cause I remember well that you simply ignored it back then. More recent issues you either ignored it or tried to muffle it with stupid "arguments"
What is the point? You are not listening. Well, you listen all right but then you ignore it, which kinda tells all you need to know.
When it comes to important issues, all mainstream western media is utter lies and garbage. Sooner you realize that, the better.
And yes, I have provided incontrovertible evidence of that and yes, you simply ignored it.
My mind has always been open to new evidence. I admit that sometimes you post shit that you call "evidence" but then I check it out and there is nothing of substance there. You post some BS. So why don't you switch things up and give me the good stuff this time. Get off your lazy ass and back up your vile claims or retract them.

Stop relying on your history of providing bad evidence as an excuse to not provide good evidence.
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