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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Of course Russians are inveterate liars,
So you call me a liar, nice. I am in the same team as Jeffrey Sachs.
Sachs doesn't know his head from his ass. He doesn't understand the Russians. He recommends Ukraine ceding land for peace with Russia, and then agreeing to not joining NATO! How will that work? Russia will invade Ukraine a year later. You've admitted this yourself many times. Russia won't stop until they have conquered all of Ukraine and probably several more countries. You've admitted this many times in this thread. Russian's can't be trusted in any truce. Secondly, he recommends Russia keeping its ships in the black sea. He doesn't understand how much trade goes through the black sea. Millions will starve if we don't get those sea trade routes running again. That is going to be difficult until the Russian ships in the black sea are sunk.
Sachs doesn't know his head from his ass. He doesn't understand the Russians. He recommends Ukraine ceding land for peace with Russia, and then agreeing to not joining NATO! How will that work? Russia will invade Ukraine a year later.
You are parroting CNN shit.

Russia "invaded" Ukraine because NATO defacto occupied Ukraine.
Ukraine had been fine without NATO for 25 years, nobody had invaded them. That until NATO (US) decided to invade.
But that's not really an issue here. Issue here is Sachs claiming that in private conversation EU countries heads say completely different stories. To which zorq called Sachs a liar.
Sachs a liar, that famous journalis who claims his sources in US government say US blew UP NordStream a liar.
But Fuck the EU Nuland is a pentacle of honesty and democracy hero. Yeah, right.
Biden is not a liar, yeah right.
BBC with their chemical attack in Syria are not liars, yeah right!
MSNBC with that cunt, what's her name and her Alfa Bank story is not a liar, yeah right.
What's next? Hitler was a good guy? after all he tried to democratize Russia.
Sachs doesn't know his head from his ass. He doesn't understand the Russians. He recommends Ukraine ceding land for peace with Russia, and then agreeing to not joining NATO! How will that work? Russia will invade Ukraine a year later.
You are parroting CNN shit.

Russia "invaded" Ukraine because NATO defacto occupied Ukraine.
Ukraine had been fine without NATO for 25 years, nobody had invaded them. That until NATO (US) decided to invade.
But that's not really an issue here. Issue here is Sachs claiming that in private conversation EU countries heads say completely different stories. To which zorq called Sachs a liar.
Sachs a liar, that famous journalis who claims his sources in US government say US blew UP NordStream a liar.
But Fuck the EU Nuland is a pentacle of honesty and democracy heroe. Yeah, right.
Have you or have you not stated many times in this thread that the ultimate Russian goal is to conquer all of Ukraine? The only hope for a long term peace is once the war is over, that Ukraine joins NATO. Your side won't attack NATO.
I have lived through 90s Russia. At one time I was literally starving and technically homeless, while having a full time job after getting degree from a top university in Russia, all because greatest "democracy" had some ideas about further collapse of Russia.
What do you think I should feel about US actions back then? When Russian government asked for help and you said "Fuck you!"?
And now, you started a proxy war with Russia? You honestly believe anyone in Russia buys your shit?
Nobody buys your shit, not even your puppet regimes in Europe. The rest of the world is openly rooting for Russia.
And why would not they? Why would not Latin America root for Russia?
Thank you. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
In other news. Russia is "trolling" German Reich again about their refusal to pay compensation to ethnic russians for Leningrad siege.
Basically, Germany pays compensation only to russian jews in Leningrad, but not russian russians.
That's some shit if you ask me.
Strange. You originally stated Russia invaded to "denazify" Ukraine.
Yes, NATO invaded and installed nazi regime. Normal regime was not anti-russian enough for their liking.
Same old story. US runs around Russia and install anti-russian regimes.
So you have no recipts.
That's red herring.
I don't think you understand what a "red herring" is. A red herring is a false lead. Something that looks suspicious, but turns out to be completely innocent.

This whole discussion between the two of us today is about real evidence that the US "invaded" Ukraine. You have no real evidence money changed hands between the US and coup leaders, or between the US and anyone esle suspicious. You have no real evidence. That is not called a "red herring." That is called a fucking fact. You could change that fact in an instant by providing some real evidence. But you are apparently too dim to know what that fucking looks like.

Maybe because it doesn't ACTUALLY indicate that ANYONE was "bought" by the US. Even the Wikipedia link you just posted doesn't say anything about that content in the actual tape recording.
I watched the tape. And she said what I said.
Shame that your link doesn't support you then. No evidence.

Uh, no, I called your source a likely liar. You know that politicians have been known to lie, right? But you are right, I was being hyperbolic. I actually know some good Russians. Sorry about that, I'm sure you have never told a lie, Right?
That must be very convenient. If you can't call opponent a liar, you call it red herring. got it.
Sorry man, liars are your sources.
Come visit the rest of us in reality dude, it's nice here. ... Well on second though, its not that nice. We've got a fucking megalomaniac threatening global nuclear war if we don't let him murder and steal all the land his neighbors own. Maybe you're happier in your little bubble of insipid ignorance.
About Nino, she may have been with Saakashvili during the Russian theft of Ossetia etc, but she became Saakashvili's main political opponent after that and was happy to sling all kinds of insults at him

yep, and she spilled everything she had on that piece of shit. And CNN ...... ignored it.
Maybe because she didn't offer any real fucking evidence. In the US hearsay is inadmissible in a court of law because it is so easily forged. But gullible rubes are still fooled by it every day.
You are doing great so far. Nothing can shake your faith in Biden&Co and US democracy in general.
My beliefs aren't based on faith. I believe what I can see. Your beliefs are clearly based on faith as you remain completely blind to the OBVIOUS flaws in your shitty evidence that you are trying to feed us. These flaws are pointed out to you and guess what, you refuse to acknowledge them.
Fine, What about Brzhezinsky where he admits that Soviet Invasion in Afghanistan was provoked by US and he is very proud of it.
WTF? I thought we were talking about Ukraine here. You are off in LA LA land now, dude.

What about the current CIA chief where he privately admits that Russian "invasion" into Unraine was not "unprovoked" as your senile piece of shit president has claimed multiple times?
Link please? I don't know what you are talking about here. Maybe If this guy has some evidence you could share it with us here as it is very pertinant to our current discussion.

What about US congress designated Azov regoiment as Neo-nazis (before this shit)? red herring too?
Maybe that is true, I don't know, but it is completely irrelevant to the US "invading" Ukraine, so, ... yeah, it kind of is a red herring as it has nothing to do with this conversation.
What about John Kerry caught on tape cheering for ISIS?
Huh? Again this does not seem to be relevant at all to the US "invading" Ukraine. This has nothing to do with the discussion.
What about US funding for gathering of scum In Europe and discussing how Russia should be split?
You do know what we are talking about here right? Or have you gone completely mental?
you think i am going to buy your shit?
I'm not slinging shit. I'm merely pointing out exactly how brown stinky and slimy your "evidence" is. Get a clue. You've been sold a pack of lies that you happily regurgitate even though they don't pass the slightest brush of scrutiny.

OK, Sachs is a liar. Then go to CNN and call his lies. why do you ignore him?
You seriously choose that fucking cunt Nuland over Sachs?
fucking unbelievable!
I called Sachs an idiot, not a liar. I looked him up and to my surprise he tried to support his claims with evidence (good for him) But then I checked his evidence and it was bullshit, so I knew in that moment I couldn't trust him. If he wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't link to evidence that contradicts the narrative he was trying to sell.
Huh? Again this does not seem to be relevant at all to the US "invading" Ukraine. This has nothing to do with the discussion.
Oh it's pretty relevant. US does not like Assad, so they support anyone even ISIS to overthrow him, hoping to deal with them later.
Same with Russia, US does not like Putin so they support ukrainian nazis to help them with that problem.
Same with Soviet Union. Did not like them so they supported modjaheds to help them with that, hoping to deal with them later.
Did not really work that great, 9-11, then ISIS. All becasue Brzhezinsky had this polish urge to to settle the score with russians.
Sachs doesn't know his head from his ass. He doesn't understand the Russians. He recommends Ukraine ceding land for peace with Russia, and then agreeing to not joining NATO! How will that work? Russia will invade Ukraine a year later.
You are parroting CNN shit.

Russia "invaded" Ukraine because NATO defacto occupied Ukraine.
Ukraine had been fine without NATO for 25 years, nobody had invaded them. That until NATO (US) decided to invade.
But that's not really an issue here. Issue here is Sachs claiming that in private conversation EU countries heads say completely different stories. To which zorq called Sachs a liar.
Sachs a liar, that famous journalis who claims his sources in US government say US blew UP NordStream a liar.
But Fuck the EU Nuland is a pentacle of honesty and democracy hero. Yeah, right.
Biden is not a liar, yeah right.
BBC with their chemical attack in Syria are not liars, yeah right!
MSNBC with that cunt, what's her name and her Alfa Bank story is not a liar, yeah right.
What's next? Hitler was a good guy? after all he tried to democratize Russia.
So we decided to invade Ukraine? And how many Ukrainians soldiers were killed? What about NATO casualties? Or did they resist? If they didn’t resist the NATO invasion, why are they resisting yours? Or did the Ukrainians want to be invaded by NATO?

Do you really think Ukraine wants to be a part of Russia? Cause they sure aren’t acting like it.
So we decided to invade Ukraine? And how many Ukrainians soldiers were killed? What about NATO casualties?
Same amount was killed during russian invasion of Crimea :)
Sorry man, you just admitted that Crimea is and has always been Russia
And Ukrainian attempts at invading Russia (Crimea) are illegal.
Have you or have you not stated many times in this thread that the ultimate Russian goal is to conquer all of Ukraine?
Goals change. At this point public opinion is shifting toward full occupation of Ukraine.
People believe Putin is too soft.
Thank you for being honest on this. There will never be a long-term peace for Ukraine until it is allowed into Nato. If the west really wants peace some day, we need to commit to this, and commit to a long-term Marshall plan to rebuild Ukraine. And we must dramatically rebuild our defensive arms in order to discourage future Russian aggression.
Do you really think Ukraine wants to be a part of Russia? Cause they sure aren’t acting like it.
They (Ukrainian Regime) want what US tells them to want. And US wants Russia out of Black Sea.
Yes, Ukraine are telling story how black sea belongs to Ukraine, because ......... a lot of ethnic ukrainians live there.
Does not matter that these so-called "ukrainians" (with ukrainian last names) don't really consider themselves as such.
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