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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

I admit that sometimes you post shit that you call "evidence"
No, I never call shit evidence. It's you who call evidence shit like you just did with Sachs.
The guy who was there and advised multiple US administration.
The guy basically calls current administration full of shit.
And you called him an idiot, well, what can I do?
If you call him and idiot you surely call any georgians who was right hand of Saakashvili an idiot when they flat out accuse State Department of rusophobia.

You are as close-minded as it gets.
Well for better or for worse, the cluster munitions are in use.
And cover an area three times the size of a football pitch.
So these have both an impact and timed fuze for those that do not detonate on impact.

If we're to believe the Wikipedia article and we always do when it suits, aside from Russian landmines spoiling the land, Russian use of old cluster munitions with failure rates of up to 40% will be the hazard of concern to clean up. Hardly the DPICMs with their 2.35% failure rate.

Time will tell if their use serve to lessen the length of the war.
Stop relying on your history of providing bad evidence as an excuse to not provide good evidence.
Do you have evidence of that? provide your best evidence of my bad evidence.
Tell you what barbos, I'll do a recap of your top 10 stupidest referrals when you give me some good evidence that the US "invaded" Ukraine. Afterall, I asked you first.
If we're to believe the Wikipedia article and we always do when it suits, aside from Russian landmines spoiling the land, Russian use of old cluster munitions with failure rates of up to 40% will be the hazard of concern to clean up. Hardly the DPICMs with their 2.35% failure rate
We sent hundreds of thousands of the beastly things...
Well for better or for worse, the cluster munitions are in use.
And cover an area three times the size of a football pitch.
So these have both an impact and timed fuze for those that do not detonate on impact.

If we're to believe the Wikipedia article and we always do when it suits, aside from Russian landmines spoiling the land, Russian use of old cluster munitions with failure rates of up to 40% will be the hazard of concern to clean up. Hardly the DPICMs with their 2.35% failure rate.

Time will tell if their use serve to lessen the length of the war.
Russia have not yet used cluster munitions in Ukraine. And the ones they have are definitely better than old US ones.
The ones which Russia used in Chechnia were quite reliable. And I read a report years ago saying russian failure rates is way way lowe than US ones.

Ukraine by the way, HAVE used cluster munitions early on in the conflict.
Tell you what barbos, I'll do a recap of your top 10 stupidest referrals when you give me some good evidence that the US "invaded" Ukraine. Afterall, I asked you first.
Fuck the EU phone call.
You mean Nuland's phonecall that happened AFTER Yanukovich ran away and she was talking about which people she would like to see rise to power in the new Ukrainian power structure? And then those plans didn't turn out to happen in reality proving that she really didn't have that much power in shaping the new Ukranian government? Yeah. That's not evidence of "invasion." That's nothing.

If I talk about how I think my mom would make a good head chef in the bakery whose chef just died, that doesn't mean that I killed the bakery owner. And when a different person becomes head chef later on, that kind of proves that I didn't have much influence over the outcome anyway.

Nuland is a red herring. You have nothing.
Nuland is a red herring. You have nothing.
Yes, and Sachs is an idiot, got you, loud and clear.
Remind me, how much was it Nuland said they spent in Ukraine, $6bil?
Was it her who tried to bribe ukro-nazi into giving up weapons?

So, yeah, red herring.
By the way, explain to me how come pretty much every leader who gets installed in Eastern Ukraine has US university degree?
Some were not even born in respective countries.
And you are the RussiaGate/Alfabank gate guy.
Sorry man, you have failed to provide evidence of bad evidence.

Nuland had spent $6bil buying "politicians" in Ukraine in preparations for the coup.
So, are you gonna comment on a sex-tape of a Nuland/Clinton controlled russian politician, admitting that she works for thje State Department?
red herring too?
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Nuland is a red herring. You have nothing.
Yes, and Sachs is an idiot, got you, loud and clear.
Remind me, how much was it Nuland said they spent in Ukraine, $6bil?
Was it her who tried to bribe ukro-nazi into giving up weapons?

So, yeah, red herring.
By the way, explain to me how come pretty much every leaded who gets installed in Eastern Ukraine has US university degree?
Some were not even born in respective countries.
And you are the RussiaGate/Alfabank gate guy.
Sorry man, you have failed to provide evidence of bad evidence.

Nuland had spent $6bil buying "politicians" in Ukraine in preparations for the coup.
So, are gonna comment on a sex-tape of a Nuland controlled russian politician, admitting that she works for thje State Department?
red herring too?
I told you that you had to give me some good evidence, and you gave me more shit.

$6 billion? You mean the money the US spent on democracy building programs since 1991? Yeah, Russia was supposedly a democracy in the 90's too. Do you have any recipts that show that ANY money went to "coup preparations" or "buying politicians" I bet you don't. Because all you have is shit.

I haven't heard anything about a "Nuland controlled russian politician admitting that she works for the State Department." Why don't you post a link to show me what you are talking about. Of course Russians are inveterate liars, so I already have my suspicions that this weird claim isn't backed by real evidence too.
USAID and State Deparment shenanigans have been going on since forever. It became so bad that some of their own people questioned it.
If we're to believe the Wikipedia article and we always do when it suits, aside from Russian landmines spoiling the land, Russian use of old cluster munitions with failure rates of up to 40% will be the hazard of concern to clean up. Hardly the DPICMs with their 2.35% failure rate
We sent hundreds of thousands of the beastly things...
Yes and while I agree with your position against cluster munitions in principle, from a practical standpoint it make about as much sense as advocating for Bernie Sander to be the Democratic nominee against Donald Trump.

No point in seeing the video. They speak in russian.
But basically US "supported" (bought) opposition leaders having sex and discussing their election campaign for Russian Duma.
One is a former Russian Prime minister turned opposition leader Kasianov. The woman is a russian born british citizen (imagine that) running for Duma.
They trash their fellow party members. Then woman says she might go work for Hillary Clinton (Secretary of the state at the time I believe) if not elected for Duma.

And no, FSB did not record it. woman herself recorded it.
And yes, it's real, the guy who was being trashed in the video believed so at least and refused to run on their ticket.
So, don't tell me State Department has nothing to do with this shit.

Nino Burjanadze. There is an old interview with her where she says about americans in Georgia during Rose revolution where she literally says that americans were giving bags of money left and right for mere promise to hate Russia. Of course she was speaking figuratively. In later interviews she was more diplomatic but was saying the same thing. She was a right hand of Saakashvili during "revolution"
US State Department is infested with scum worse than Lindsey Graham and McCain when it comes to Russia.
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Elensky fired his ambassador to GB for criticism :)
$6 billion? You mean the money the US spent on democracy building programs since 1991?
yes, democracy building, just ask Pelevina or Saakashvili right hand, ask her, democracy building my ass.
So you have no recipts.
Why don't you post a link to show me what you are talking about.
I did that years and years ago. I believe tape is from around 2012 and I posted it few years after that.
You ignored it.
Maybe because it doesn't ACTUALLY indicate that ANYONE was "bought" by the US. Even the Wikipedia link you just posted doesn't say anything about that content in the actual tape recording.

USAID and State Deparment shenanigans have been going on since forever. It became so bad that some of their own people questioned it.
... without any reference or support offered, I have no reason to believe any of this.

Of course Russians are inveterate liars,
So you call me a liar, nice. I am in the same team as Jeffrey Sachs.
Uh, no, I called your source a likely liar. You know that politicians have been known to lie, right? But you are right, I was being hyperbolic. I actually know some good Russians. Sorry about that, I'm sure you have never told a lie, Right?

No point in seeing the video. They speak in russian.
But basically US "supported" (bought) opposition leaders having sex and discussing their election campaign for Russian Duma.
One is a former Russian Prime minister turned opposition leader Kasianov. The woman is a russian born british citizen (imagine that) running for Duma.
They trash their fellow party members. Then woman says she might go work for Hillary Clinton (Secretary of the state at the time I believe) if not elected for Duma.

And no, FSB did not record it. woman herself recorded it.
And yes, it's real, the guy who was being trashed in the video believed so at least and refused to run on their ticket.
So, don't tell me State Department has nothing to do with this shit.

Nino Burjanadze. There is an old interview with her where she says about americans in Georgia during Rose revolution where she literally says that americans were giving bags of money left and right for mere promise to hate Russia. Of course she was speaking figuratively. In later interviews she was more diplomatic but was saying the same thing. She was a right hand of Saakashvili during "revolution"
US State Department is infested with scum worse than Lindsey Graham and McCain when it comes to Russia.
As I said, your wiki link makes no real indication that anyone was bought by the US.

About Nino, she may have been with Saakashvili during the Russian theft of Ossetia etc, but she became Saakashvili's main political opponent after that and was happy to sling all kinds of insults at him. Are any of them true? Did she give ANY specifics? Or is it all just political jockying so she can win against Saakashvili. Well if we had some REAL evidence, maybe that would help us decide. As it is, Burianadze has every motive to spread dirty lies about the US and Saakashvili. She isn't a trustworthy source. And none of this is evidence of any sleezy scheeming by the US.

So again, you give me absolutely NO real evidence that anyone was bought by the US, or that the US did any "invading". Just rumors and insinuation spun up to fool gullible rubes
So you have no recipts.
That's red herring.
Maybe because it doesn't ACTUALLY indicate that ANYONE was "bought" by the US. Even the Wikipedia link you just posted doesn't say anything about that content in the actual tape recording.
I watched the tape. And she said what I said.

Uh, no, I called your source a likely liar. You know that politicians have been known to lie, right? But you are right, I was being hyperbolic. I actually know some good Russians. Sorry about that, I'm sure you have never told a lie, Right?
That must be very convenient. If you can't call opponent a liar, you call it red herring. got it.
Sorry man, liars are your sources.
About Nino, she may have been with Saakashvili during the Russian theft of Ossetia etc, but she became Saakashvili's main political opponent after that and was happy to sling all kinds of insults at him

yep, and she spilled everything she had on that piece of shit. And CNN ...... ignored it.

You are doing great so far. Nothing can shake your faith in Biden&Co and US democracy in general.
Fine, What about Brzhezinsky where he admits that Soviet Invasion in Afghanistan was provoked by US and he is very proud of it.
What about the current CIA chief where he privately admits that Russian "invasion" into Unraine was not "unprovoked" as your senile piece of shit president has claimed multiple times?

What about US congress designated Azov regoiment as Neo-nazis (before this shit)? red herring too?

What about John Kerry caught on tape cheering for ISIS?
What about US funding for gathering of scum In Europe and discussing how Russia should be split?
you think i am going to buy your shit?

OK, Sachs is a liar. Then go to CNN and call his lies. why do you ignore him?
You seriously choose that fucking cunt Nuland over Sachs?
fucking unbelievable!
Again, what Sachs said about US involvement in 90s Russia really made me mad.
As I said, I was fucking starving, I basically ate sugar for the whole month. All because scum like Nuland wanted to destroy Russia.
And you don't care.
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