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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Workers lowered a hammer and sickle from a towering sculpture overlooking Kyiv on Tuesday in a campaign to remove Soviet icons that ramped up after Russia invaded last year.
Do you know the Irony of all that movement to get rid of Soviet "heritage"?
They would have to get rid of most of the ukrainian land including Eastern Ukraine and obviously Crimea.
For some reason these imbeciles forget about that.
You're not paying attention! The Russian navy uses the ports around Crimea. It's not a great for world commerce if Russian ships are close to international shipping lanes. Would be a lot better if Russia were pushed east. Don't you agree?!
I don't understand, how is that releveant to the question of Soviet Heritage. I merely pointed out retardation of the ukrainian nazis.
Workers lowered a hammer and sickle from a towering sculpture overlooking Kyiv on Tuesday in a campaign to remove Soviet icons that ramped up after Russia invaded last year.
Do you know the Irony of all that movement to get rid of Soviet "heritage"?
They would have to get rid of most of the ukrainian land including Eastern Ukraine and obviously Crimea.
For some reason these imbeciles forget about that.
You're not paying attention! The Russian navy uses the ports around Crimea. It's not a great for world commerce if Russian ships are close to international shipping lanes. Would be a lot better if Russia were pushed east. Don't you agree?!
I don't understand, how is that releveant to the question of Soviet Heritage. I merely pointed out retardation of the ukrainian nazis.
Heritage doesn't mean crap to me. I really could care less. And I'm a native American. The issue is that the Russian Orcs (isn't name calling fun!) stole Crimea.
Heritage doesn't mean crap to me
Well, apparently it means a lot to ukro-nazis.
And if does not mean crap to you why did you post about ukrainian getting rid of it?
You're not paying attention. Again, the Russo-pervs (I'll stop the silly name calling when you do) stole Crimea from Ukraine. But the big reason is that we need to push the Russian navy away from the grain routes on the black sea. Would be swell to have the grain moving again unfettered. It would be harder for Russia to attack if they lost their naval bases in Crimea. Sevastopol is the main Russian naval base in the area. Surprised that you didn't know this.
You're not paying attention. Again, the Russo-pervs (I'll stop the silly name calling when you do) stole Crimea from Ukraine.
From Turkey, Russians "stole" it from Turkey. And Turkey did not really own it. They merelly controlled it and used it for slave trade.
Word "slave" comes from it. Slavic people (from eastern Europe) were subject of slave trade. Russia put an end to it liberating all of it from Turkey.

When are you going to get back Texas and California and New Mexico to Mexico?
If you don't, Russia is preparing shipment of weapons and cookies to democratically elected cartels.
But the big reason is that we need to push the Russian navy away from the grain routes on the black sea
Routes are fine, as long as NATO stops bombing Crimean bridge.
I liked your post by accident! I meant to laugh! Actually Ukraine isn’t part of NATO yet. If NATO had attacked the bridge, it would be gone.
But the big reason is that we need to push the Russian navy away from the grain routes on the black sea
Routes are fine, as long as NATO stops bombing Crimean bridge.
I liked your post by accident! I meant to laugh! Actually Ukraine isn’t part of NATO yet. If NATO had attacked the bridge, it would be gone.
Then NATO would be gone too. NATO IS attacking crimean bridge, they even attack their own infrastructure - Nord Stream.
In almost any war zone, like Ukraine, publically peddling defeatism is not legal.
He was not ukrainian, he did not speak ukrainian. His listeners almost certainly were not Ukrainians. And ukrainian KGB could have simply deported him if they did not like him. Instead they arrested and charged with shit he did not really do actually.

Yeah. Lazerpig zinged Lira on that point. Lira spent years in Ukraine and never bothered to learn to speak any Ukrainian. Lira, "I am not good at languages".
First of all, Ukrainian is less useful than russian in ukraine, even after years of attempts to ban it. Learning ukrainian instead of russian would be dumb.
Second, do you speak any foreign languages?

Actually, Ukrainian used to be less useful before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Since then, Putin has singlehandedly managed to create a great popular revival of the language and culture of Ukraine, as they react against the horrible atrocities committed by Russia and its troops in its doomed effort to reclaim the country in pursuit of Putin's revanchist agenda. A lot of Ukrainians for whom Russian was their dominant language have been studying Ukrainian and vowing to use it in their everyday lives.

Barbos doesn't speak that many foreign languages, and he certainly doesn't know Ukrainian or anything about its history. He once opined that it was basically Russian contaminated by Polish, which is an utterly idiotic thing to say. Polish is a West Slavic language, and Ukrainian, like Russian and Belarusian, is East Slavic. Russian was actually more influenced by the West than Ukrainian, primarily because of Peter the Great's attempts at westernization. So, for example, the months of the year in Ukrainian retain their original Slavic names, whereas Russian has names that are borrowed from the Western calendar. Ukrainian and Polish share some vocabulary, primarily because Poland bordered Ukraine and the two regions were part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for a longer period of time than Ukraine was under Russian occupation. Russian seems to have more loanwords from Old Church Slavonic, but that ancient language (which I have studied) is a South Slavic language that was very different from Old Ruthenian and Old Russian.

See the following article for a brief overview of the differences.

Are Russian and Ukrainian Basically the Same Language?

Pretty big words from someone who was utterly debunked here.
I don't remember that, please remind me how come rocket is missing on some of the frames.

As explained here, when you record a video on a phone from a display, the frame rates are not in sync and the result is that in some of the frames the moving object could be duplicated and faded. I reproduced the effect with my own laptop and another video.

This is the Kharkiv video frame by frame again:


The missile seems to "disappear" in one frame. Originally I thought it was there and just very faint, but afterwards I went and compared the frames pixel-by-pixel. It turns out it does disappear completely... in fact the entire part of the image where it is is pixel-perfect match to the previous frame. The only way this could happen on a hand-held video is that the compression algorithm skips that macroblock. Because the shadow of the missile was such a minor change that the decoder figured it might as well just use that part of the image from the previous frame.

More information about how video compression works here:

Hence, the mystery of the disappearing frame is a combination of the re-recording of video from another display (possibly with different frame rate), and a lossy compression algorithm. I went down on a rabbit hole on that one, but it's not like it was required, because the missing frame is an even bigger problem for your "theory" that the footage was fake: because if someone doctored the video, why would they forget to add it in one frame?

Your conspiracy theory hinges on that one frame, which has been explained, and ignores all the other evidence. Like how did the alleged "mine" on street level blow up a hole in the roof of the building? And why would Ukraine have to do a false flag operation when Russia was pounding the city with missiles and artillery anyway?
Russia has not been destroying civilian infrastructure at random. They were destroying thoughtfully.
Yeah. It's a dreadful slur to suggest that Peter Sutcliffe killed women at random, too. He very thoughtfully only killed women he thought were prostitutes (although he was often wrong, which tends to happen when you're batshit crazy).

Admitting that Russia is committing war crimes, in response to an accusation that they are making random attacks, isn't the brilliant defence of their moral superiority you appear to believe it to be.
Russia as opposed to NATO have never committed war crimes. All targets were military targets.
Ports are military targets regardless. And Ukraine did use them for terrorist attacks on purely civilian infrastructure. Yes, Russia have never used that bridge for weapons transport.
You don't even believe this garbage yourself. But here's a video of the "purely civilian infrastructure" of the Kerch bridge:

EDIT: twitter link. (For some reason looks like Musk fucked something up again and they're not showing.)

Would you look at all those civilians T-72 tanks. :rolleyes:

Besides, bridges in warzone are always legitimate targets. The Kerch bridge wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the illegal occupation. Only an idiot would claim that it's "purely civilian" or that attacking it is any more terrorism that the daily Russian missile barrages on cities.

List of war crimes that Russia is committing is so long that it'd be almost too easy to find clear-cut examples. Like grain silos for example. How are those military targets? Or that cathedral in Odessa (although I'm glad it was hit instead of some useful building). Or Nova Kakhovka dam which Russia blew up, flooding the entire river delta and all the houses there. Or maternity hospitals. Or a pizza parlor in Kramatorsk. Or the numerous power stations. Or an apartment building in Kryiv Rih just a few days ago. Sure, a few people died in the attacks on the Kerch bridge... but that's a drop in an ocean of blood that Russia is responsible for, and Russia is ultimately responsible even for accidental collateral damage cause by Ukraine, because Russia started the war.
Absolutely nothing there about SWIFT, or Russian banks, or anything of the sort. And US wasn't party to the deal,
Don't fucking care. UN promised resuming fertilizer's trade. It was not resumed because of SWIFT and probably other shit US does (US cut off ammonium pipeline, etc)
Russia left the deal, end of story.
Didn't you just say Russia started talking about re-entering the deal? Not to mention that Putin is going to Turkey to talk to Erdogan about it.

Yes, it's actually possible that there is a secret deal between Turkey and Russia that UN is not part of... but Turkey can't make decisions about SWIFT so it probably has to do with other things. But there's no public signed agreement that would say anything about SWIFT. I dare you, go find the text if you think I'm wrong. All we have is Putin's word that this was the case. And he would never lie would he? :confused2:

The real reason was probably that Putin was annoyed that Ukraine could ship any grain at all. So to appear to be following rules, he let the deal expire, bombed Ukrainian ports and grain silos to smitherees, and now is trying to reinstantiate the same deal with Turkey so that it can resume its own shipments. Turkey and Russia don't really need Ukraine or UN to be part of whatever they decide to do among themselves, except maybe to keep up appearances.
Yes, eventually US and even European production capability will bypass Russia's, but it'll take at least a year, maybe several years.
By that time Ukraine will be Russia again.
Also, you forgot about China. They are not interested in having NATO on their land border.
Probably not, but it's not like that's a realistic scenario anyway. No country on China's border is about to join NATO.
Good news everyone, whole bunch of british made Challenger tanks have been destroyed!
Source? That would be a first. My understanding was the they weren't yet even used.

EDIT: You were probably referring to UK scrapping them. Nevermind.
With the invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine has embarked on a serious campaign of de-Russification. For example, all official business in Ukraine must now use Ukrainian. All street signs are now officially mandated to be in Ukrainian.

Well, bad idea in my opinion. Definitely bad timing. Thus far, Russian-speaking Ukrainians are fighting side-by-side with Ukrainian-speakers, and get along just fine in civilian life also. But if they start to feel even a little bit that they're being squeezed out, it plays to the Russian propaganda narrative.

After the war, it might make more sense. But even then, there's no harm having street signs in two languages in areas that have considerable minority populations who speak those languages.
Your conspiracy theory hinges on that one frame, which has been explained,
Not one, few frames. And no, it has not been explained. Compression algorithms can not disappear large objects.
The only thing they can do is to make things appear where they are not supposed to be, not dissappear.
And LCD display can not do that either.
Also it's not the only thing. You have not proven it was russians.
We know for the fact that Ukrainians DID INTENTIONALLY bomb the places they controlled, with people in it.
Not to mention UN-intentionally.
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Yes, eventually US and even European production capability will bypass Russia's, but it'll take at least a year, maybe several years.
By that time Ukraine will be Russia again.
Also, you forgot about China. They are not interested in having NATO on their land border.
Probably not, but it's not like that's a realistic scenario anyway. No country on China's border is about to join NATO.
Russia has border with China and according to Nuland Russia will "join" the NATO. Otherwise, what is the point of this war?
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