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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Yes, eventually US and even European production capability will bypass Russia's, but it'll take at least a year, maybe several years.
By that time Ukraine will be Russia again.
Also, you forgot about China. They are not interested in having NATO on their land border.
Also, didn't Putin say he'll deliver grain for free to Africa? So what do you need SWIFT for?
For fertilizers. You need to work on your reading skills.
And moreover, Putin never promised all russian grain for free.
Not all the grain of course. But nothing would have stopped him from doing this during the grain deal:

As for fertilizers, their exports have been allowed since the beginning. What Russia wants though is their banks into SWIFT so that they can bypass other sanctions, and the fertilizer or food shipments are just a pretext. There are ways to arrange for legitimate payments and they've been working quite well.
As for fertilizers, their exports have been allowed since the beginning.
It was effectively banned.
As for fertilizers, their exports have been allowed since the beginning. What Russia wants though is their banks into SWIFT so that they can bypass other sanctions, and the fertilizer or food shipments are just a pretext. There are ways to arrange for legitimate payments and they've been working quite well.
Don't care. SWIFT was a part of the deal with UN, period.
As for sanctions, they are ALL illegal, every single one of them. They were not sanctioned by UN.
2003 NATO invasion into Iraq was also illegal, same with NATO invasion into Yugoslavia.
Russian Funds arrest - illegal. Everything your criminal governments does is illegal.
Lira claimed Russian Missiles hitting Kharkiv were a false flag
I don't remember that. But that famous Harkov bombing was staged. There can't be any questions about that.
Pretty big words from someone who was utterly debunked here. Your only "evidence" was that it looked like there was a missing frame in the video, and even that turned out to be a video conversion/compression artifact. Of course "there can't be any questions about that" to you because you couldn't answer any of the questions, such as how an alleged mine on street level could blow a hole in the roof of the building, or how the people who allegedly faked the video someone forgot to add the missile into a single frame.

So you ran away from the debate and lost by default. Feel free to reopen the discussion, if you think you have more evidence to support your claim that Russia, that has been pounding Kharkiv hundreds of times with missiles and artillery, somehow wasn't responsible this one time. But I know you won't do that, because you have no evidence, and unlike the rest of us, you could go to jail for up to 15 years if you admit publicly that you were wrong.

I don't want to put you in jail, so let's just agree that if you say nothing, it'll count as a conceding and I won't bring it up again if you won't. :whistle:
Criminal regime in Washington claims that they see evidence that Russians are interested in ..... resuming grain deal.
Translations: criminal regime in Washington realized that they did a boo-boo, and their plan to put in on Russia is not working, africans are firmly with Russia. So criminal regime in Washington wants to go back. Well, well well. I say Russia says, "OK, lets resume it in 6 months, while russian part od the deal resumes immediately, that would be fair, casue russian part have never been working"

So go and tell your nazis to repair ammonium pipe they blew, then restore Russia in SWIFT and then, in 6 months Russia will think about resuming ukrainian grain export. And Russia will be inspecting every damn ship going to and from Black Sea and Odessa. Yes, I am looking at you, Türkiye.
More likely is Putin knows that the world figured out his "blockade" was a bluff and he can't enforce it. So now he'll start "letting" the ships through. Just more impotence and lies.
Another one with reading comprehension problems. No, there is no Russian interest in resuming it. And there have never been any blokade.
Russian plan is to destroy any ukrainian port which ships grain. Nazis are free to ship it by train, or even by Black Sea, it's just they would have to do it manually :)

Yes, nazis are free to ship it by train. they lost their right to ship by Black Sea becasue they used it to conduct terrorist attacks.
Plus of course, russian part of the deal have never been implemented.
Russia has not been destroying civilian infrastructure at random. They were destroying thoughtfully.
Yeah. It's a dreadful slur to suggest that Peter Sutcliffe killed women at random, too. He very thoughtfully only killed women he thought were prostitutes (although he was often wrong, which tends to happen when you're batshit crazy).

Admitting that Russia is committing war crimes, in response to an accusation that they are making random attacks, isn't the brilliant defence of their moral superiority you appear to believe it to be.
Gonzalo lira. Yeah. In a "debate" (it was really no such thing) with youtube personalities Destiny and Lazerpig, Lira claimed Russian Missiles hitting Kharkiv were a false flag operation run by Ukrainian president Zelenski. And he wonders why he was arrested. Note Ganzalo claims to have a bad heart condition. Yet he chain smokes. What sort of clown is Lira? A Russian agent? No, a useful idiot.

I can't watch the whole hour of this clusterfuck, but from the couple of minutes that I did watch, this Lira fellow seems like a complete asshat.
Russia has not been destroying civilian infrastructure at random. They were destroying thoughtfully.
Yeah. It's a dreadful slur to suggest that Peter Sutcliffe killed women at random, too. He very thoughtfully only killed women he thought were prostitutes (although he was often wrong, which tends to happen when you're batshit crazy).

Admitting that Russia is committing war crimes, in response to an accusation that they are making random attacks, isn't the brilliant defence of their moral superiority you appear to believe it to be.
Russia as opposed to NATO have never committed war crimes. All targets were military targets.
Ports are military targets regardless. And Ukraine did use them for terrorist attacks on purely civilian infrastructure. Yes, Russia have never used that bridge for weapons transport.
Gonzalo lira. Yeah. In a "debate" (it was really no such thing) with youtube personalities Destiny and Lazerpig, Lira claimed Russian Missiles hitting Kharkiv were a false flag operation run by Ukrainian president Zelenski. And he wonders why he was arrested. Note Ganzalo claims to have a bad heart condition. Yet he chain smokes. What sort of clown is Lira? A Russian agent? No, a useful idiot.

I can't watch the whole hour of this clusterfuck, but from the couple of minutes that I did watch, this Lira fellow seems like a complete asshat.

Sure. But you can watch Biden(s).
Lira claimed Russian Missiles hitting Kharkiv were a false flag
I don't remember that. But that famous Harkov bombing was staged. There can't be any questions about that.
It's as clear as Syrian chemical attacks BBC scam, or Alfa Bank Trump BS.

So Lira could have talked about that, I don't know. If he did, then he was obviously right 100000000000000000000000000000%
No. Russia is sending missiles all over Ukraine to this day to terrorizr Ukraine into surrendering. Including Kyiv, many miles from Russian borders. Lira made up lies about Zelensky because that is the sort of liar Lira is.

Yet, polls of Ukrainians show 70% of Ukrainians do not want to surrender to Russia.
Hitler's blitz, V-1s, and V-2's did not convince Britain to surrender to Germany. The horrific sieges and destruction of Leningrad, Stalingrad and Operation Barbarosa did not make Russia surrender to Hitler. RAF and USAAF bombings of Germany did not make Germany sue for peace. Terrorist war crimes such as Putin is inflicting on Ukraine will not work any better. And that is what is happening in Ukraine. Because that is all Pootie has left. Mass murder and terrorism. Face facts. Russia's Putin is going to become a figure like Hitler, Mussolini, or Tojo, a historical figure future generations will revile. And Russians who support him now will be reviled like we hate Nazis and Fascists.

Pootie's invasion failed. He is now riding the tiger and it is hard to get off.
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I haven't been able to find any proof that the deal included any promises about opening SWIFT transfers to Russia
It was. UN agreed to that, but Nuland said no. Well. It's on US now.
As for fertilizers, their exports have been allowed since the beginning.
It was effectively banned.
As for fertilizers, their exports have been allowed since the beginning. What Russia wants though is their banks into SWIFT so that they can bypass other sanctions, and the fertilizer or food shipments are just a pretext. There are ways to arrange for legitimate payments and they've been working quite well.
Don't care. SWIFT was a part of the deal with UN, period.
Here is the full text of the agreement:

Absolutely nothing there about SWIFT, or Russian banks, or anything of the sort. And US wasn't party to the deal, so UN could not have made any promises about SWIFT, and Russia knew that as well as anyone. So whining now that the deal is broken because Putin couldn't get something out of the deal that was never there to begin with is complete nonsense.
Yes, Lira is an asshat. He gained lots of fans as Coach Red Pill. Coaching young men on the art of seducing women. How to spot vulnerable women, and pressuring them into sex, et al. He has a reputation of being manipulative and rather scummy. His politics are simple here. Surrender to Putin. Early on, he was predicting RUssia's invasion would quickly defeat Ukraine. Obviously that didn't happen. He lacks good judgement. One thing has has done in the past was take photos of Ukrainian soldiers and posting them without permission. And could not see why that could possibly be objectionable or cause unwanted FSB attention. In a war zone. In a city, Kharkiv, under military government.

In almost any war zone, like Ukraine, publically peddling defeatism is not legal. Lira fucked around and found out.
Absolutely nothing there about SWIFT, or Russian banks, or anything of the sort. And US wasn't party to the deal,
Don't fucking care. UN promised resuming fertilizer's trade. It was not resumed because of SWIFT and probably other shit US does (US cut off ammonium pipeline, etc)
Russia left the deal, end of story.
In almost any war zone, like Ukraine, publically peddling defeatism is not legal.
He was not ukrainian, he did not speak ukrainian. His listeners almost certainly were not Ukrainians. And ukrainian KGB could have simply deported him if they did not like him. Instead they arrested and charged with shit he did not really do actually.
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