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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

have not moved from behind their own borders. They're not in Ukraine, they're not in Russia,
Well, NATO occupied Ukraine, then Russia "invaded" and moved NATO slightly. Since then vaunted NATO summer counteroffensive have been one giant fiasco.
Incredible how much damage that Nato has done against the Russian imperialists in Ukraine. And yet, we haven't lost a single soldier there!
Go tell that to ukrainians.
and later ratified the Budapest Memorandum
It was never ratified by anybody.
guaranteeing Ukraine’s borders
That Ukraine does not exist. US destroyed it in 2014.
So if ”that” Ukraine doesn’t exist, they really want to be part of Russia, and therefore the invasion is justified?
No, the fact that Ukraine became a US way to destroy Russia is the reason to "invade"
How many times do I have to repeat that?
US runs around countries bordering Russia and makes sure that they hate Russia.
That's just fact which was confirmed by people who bought into this strategy.
Russian intelligence are not completely incompetent idiots. They know what you are doing.
So Ukraine, a country of 37 Million, is going to destroy Russia, a country of 147 Million? Seriously? You’re military must really suck!
So Ukraine, a country of 37 Million, is going to destroy Russia, a country of 147 Million?
According to Ukrainian regime people. Yes, they say exactly that.
By the way, american-european neocons say that too. They openly discuss new borders of new states in future former Russia.
If I remember correctly they plan to split Russia into 5 states.
Seriously? You’re military must really suck!
Well, according to western media and really all the postings here, they do suck and Ukraine is winning.
It only took nearly 600 pages, but you're finally starting to accept reality. Well done, that is a huge step.
Sure. There is so much ukraine winning that even western press is starting to doubt it.
Sure. There is so much ukraine winning that even western press is starting to doubt it.

On the contrary, I think you have been listening to your lying propaganda machine again. Maybe your propaganda sources cherry picked some weird media outlets to give you some warm fuzzies, but you are wrong about western media.

That's not me just making shit up either, I went ahead to check and see if you were right. I did a quick survey of nearly all of the internet news headlines about Ukraine in the past two days and I didn't find a single one skeptical about Ukraine's successes. Actually, I would say that the headlines are noticeably more optimistic for Ukraine than they were a few months ago. Western media does not doubt Ukraine, and Ukraine is making noticeable progress in destroying and pushing back the disgusting Russian scum who came to rape, murder and steal from them.
I think you have been listening to your lying propaganda machine again.
I have told you already that I listen ro western bloggers only.
Now we have MSM doubting their own narrative. That's just fact.
If you only listen to western bloggers then you aren't checking the actual MSM the way I just did. What a clueless and ridiculous thing to say.
Ukraine has designed and built its own long range drones capable of hitting Orc airfields 600 km inside Russia. They are about to start manufactoring their own long range cruise missiles. Pootie expected a quick victory. And not having to deal with war coming to Vodkastan. Wrong again. Meanwhile, Poland has been paying attention to Russian threats made to Poland for quite some time by Vodkastan media personalities. They are now creating Europe's most powerful, modern, and well trained army. And ally now of Ukraine. Russian threats against its neighbors, not NATO is why Russia is being dragged into a failed war of their own creation.
To Barbos and his friends in Russia

We know in Russia the government controls social and news media. I wonder how you and other Russians think about life over here and in Europe and the western nations.

While we are having issues with inflation and people at the bottom paying for food, our grocery stores are well stocked with fresh vegetables, fruit, chicken, beef, and pork. Plenty of milk, cheese, and eggs. Each and every day.

In any large grocery store in my area I can get wine, beer, liquor, and other foods from around the world.

There is a large Asian grocery store in my neighborhood that has foods from across Asia. I shop there. I live in Seattle's Chinatown.

Us Americans with few legal exceptions are free to think, speak, and write as we please without fear from the government. I doubt this fum could be hosed in Russia.

We can move around the country and work where we please. We are free to start a business and enjoy profits without fear of govern mt corruption and interference. No criminal/government alliance that require payoffs. Part of what our FBI does is root out such corruption.

We have problems, but we also have it good. Nobody really cares what goes on in Russia. What we care about is when a Putin out of insane self interstate affects our stability. Putin cut off grain supplies to areas of the world where that grain is a matter of life and death. It raised the price of bread over here.

We see Putin as an insane psychotic dictator who can not tolerate any criticism within Russia and thinks nothing of destroying the Ukrainian people and sacrificing Russians for it.

That is what we America and NATO countries are willing to fight for. From a BBC report there are provocations going on at the Polish and other borders. If Putin crosses a threshold I expect it will be war with NATO, ad NATO will prevail. We see the Russian military incompetence.

Barbos, what do you think Russia is fighting for? Gong back the Soviet system never met basic needs of hte Russian peoole. Even before the first sanctions over Russia's occupying Crimea Russia under Putin had food supply problems.

Is Putin's actions improving the lives of Russians? In the US and the west politicians get elected or not depending on the economy is doing. Where is the voice of the Russian people under Putin? They have none, no say in how Russia is run. That is unacceptable in our system.

So, why are you and other Russians supporting Putin who is making life in Russia harder? Ukraine is now bring the fight to Moscow, Putin is an abysmal failure and the Russian people are paying for it.

It is WWII's Barbarossa in reverse. Hitler invade the Soviet territory and failed when faced with a determined enemy fighting their home. Russia was supplied by the US and Canada across the North Sea. Stalin acknowledged hte importance the aid and after the war paid conmpensation for it.

Like Hitler with Russia Putin misunderstood the Ukrainians and the war will eventually bring down Putin and Russia with it. Hitler's insanoty brought Germany down, Putin's insanity is bringing Russia down.

Barbos, is Russia and its people better or worse off for Putin's war?
Ukraine has designed and built its own long range drones capable of hitting Orc airfields 600 km inside Russia. They are about to start manufactoring their own long range cruise missiles. Pootie expected a quick victory. And not having to deal with war coming to Vodkastan. Wrong again. Meanwhile, Poland has been paying attention to Russian threats made to Poland for quite some time by Vodkastan media personalities. They are now creating Europe's most powerful, modern, and well trained army. And ally now of Ukraine. Russian threats against its neighbors, not NATO is why Russia is being dragged into a failed war of their own creation.
I listened to a report yesterday. Ukraine actually has technical competence. Their colleges and business communities are networked and collaborative.
I think you have been listening to your lying propaganda machine again.
I have told you already that I listen ro western bloggers only.
Now we have MSM doubting their own narrative. That's just fact.
If you only listen to western bloggers then you aren't checking the actual MSM the way I just did. What a clueless and ridiculous thing to say.
No you did not, because if you really did it you would have found that I am correct.
I really don't have time to sift through the western garbage. These bloggers/commentators do that for me.
We know in Russia the government controls social and news media. I wonder how you and other Russians think about life over here and in Europe and the western nations.
I watch russian bloggers which live or have lived in the West. I myself have lived in US.
Russian government does not really control social media. They just arrest popular bloggers which lie too much in their opinion.
While we are having issues with inflation and people at the bottom paying for food, our grocery stores are well stocked with fresh vegetables, fruit, chicken, beef, and pork. Plenty of milk, cheese, and eggs. Each and every day.
Who says you have troubles with getting food?
We see Putin as an insane psychotic dictator who can not tolerate any criticism within Russia and thinks nothing of destroying the Ukrainian people and sacrificing Russians for it.
I know. The reality is different. In fact I think if anything Putin is anti-psychotic. I don't know how to describe it, but he is too calm and calculating to my liking. I think that's part of the problem, because western scum which IS nsane psychotic, are sure that Putin would never do crazy shit. I wish Putin was more like Khrushev.
Ukraine has designed and built its own long range drones capable of hitting Orc airfields 600 km inside Russia
It's been determined that ukro-nazis have used short range quadro-copters in their recent attack.
And long range crap they make from commercially available civilian drones from China has been routinely failing to reach their targets.
GPS jammers :)
Sure. There is so much ukraine winning that even western press is starting to doubt it.

On the contrary, I think you have been listening to your lying propaganda machine again. Maybe your propaganda sources cherry picked some weird media outlets to give you some warm fuzzies, but you are wrong about western media.

That's not me just making shit up either, I went ahead to check and see if you were right. I did a quick survey of nearly all of the internet news headlines about Ukraine in the past two days and I didn't find a single one skeptical about Ukraine's successes. Actually, I would say that the headlines are noticeably more optimistic for Ukraine than they were a few months ago. Western media does not doubt Ukraine, and Ukraine is making noticeable progress in destroying and pushing back the disgusting Russian scum who came to rape, murder and steal from them.
Don't know what you looked at. I have heard skepticism in our reporting and the BBC as well. The term Ukrainian propaganda has been used since the start of the war.

Ukraine has a misinformation and propaganda group, the head of it was on the BBC yesterday. After the interview the interviewers expressd skepticism over Ukrainian propaganda. The fact that we really do not know wht is going on at the front is a common view in reporting I listen to..

If you watched American reporting you will see our republican conservatives are voicing skepticism on whether Ukraine will win and if our ad should continue.

Here in Seattle there is a TV broadcast station that every day broadcasts reporting by the BBC, France, and Japan.

Here in the US and I expect in any western style system with a free press there is a spectrum of views and reporting.

If you are just ding google searches on key phrases you might not find much.

Check onlinedaily the BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS and even FOX news sites for a whike, you might be surpised.

As to skeptiism you say you are are from ROK. If I put on my skeptic hat I might think you are a NK propaganda operative.
western scum which IS nsane psychotic, are sure that Putin would never do crazy shit. I wish Putin was more like Khrushev.
Huh? Threats of nuclear war aren’t enough insanity for you, @barbos?
Even a dyed in the wool Putinista should recognize the signs of a road to oblivion.
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