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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

have not moved from behind their own borders. They're not in Ukraine, they're not in Russia,
Well, NATO occupied Ukraine, then Russia "invaded" and moved NATO slightly. Since then vaunted NATO summer counteroffensive have been one giant fiasco.

The only nations NATO has Moved into has been Finland and Sweden.

It would be more accurate to say that Finland and Sweden moved into NATO, just as every single former satellite nation in the Warsaw Pact did and just as the formerly Soviet Baltic Republics did. What sticks in the craw of Russian ethnonationalists like Putin is that NATO exists primarily as a barrier to further Russian expansionism back into European countries that do not want to be controlled from Moscow. No country is forced to join NATO. If they feel threatened by a possible future takeover by Russia, they seek to join NATO for protection.

Why would Russian soldiers in Ukraine have a small child with them? Is the Russian Army having "bring your child to work" days to boost morale in the front lines??

I thought maybe there was a civilian driver in the car who was the parent. BUt they never got out. Were they killed by the soldiers? WTF? I don’t understand what I’m seeing here.
I think the eset way to stop the war is for Biden to write a strong letterr to Putin telling him in no uncertain terms to pull out.
Why would Russian soldiers in Ukraine have a small child with them? Is the Russian Army having "bring your child to work" days to boost morale in the front lines??
I thought maybe there was a civilian driver in the car who was the parent. BUt they never got out. Were they killed by the soldiers? WTF? I don’t understand what I’m seeing here.
Presumably Ukrainian propaganda.
Uh oh! Russia just large a major plot of land. They lost it to China! What is good for the goose, is sometimes very good for the gandor!

Uh oh! Russia just large a major plot of land. They lost it to China! What is good for the goose, is sometimes very good for the gandor!

I’m gonna die laughing! It was 15 months ago iirc, I suggested it would be a propitious time for China to start nibbling away at Russia’s border. Didn’t think they’d actually take me up on it tho!
Wonder if Pootey thinks that’s their price for supporting his invasion.
Back here on planet Earth, NATO has never occupied Ukraine.
Burning NATO equipment says otherwise.

OMG!!! People! I just realized that Iran has invaded Russia! How did we miss this?????
You're really good at it, aren't you?

Russia will do just fine without Iranian support.
Ukraine will surrender within seconds of cessation of western support.
There is no Ukraine anymore, not in a military sense not in an economical sense. Ukraine exists only because US neocons want to attack Russia. It never was about Ukraine.
Personally I'm more concerned where Jayjay's been.
I think he realized he was wrong about everything but does not want to pretend he was not.

Speaking of NATO country named Finland, they quietly resumed border tourism to/from Russia.
have not moved from behind their own borders. They're not in Ukraine, they're not in Russia,
Well, NATO occupied Ukraine, then Russia "invaded" and moved NATO slightly. Since then vaunted NATO summer counteroffensive have been one giant fiasco.
Incredible how much damage that Nato has done against the Russian imperialists in Ukraine. And yet, we haven't lost a single soldier there!
Yup. I have to admire the intrepid quality of a Putinista who is convinced that "NATO" is a set of ultra-powerful, invisible forces operating against Russian interests even before Russians know what their interests are, and yet the Putinista remains remains convinced that Mother Russia vanquish those invisible forces by flexing the might of their oh-so-very-visible crappy machinery, poorly trained and unmotivated men, and corrupt, murderous leadership.
Yeah, believing in that - that's real heroism!
We should be pitying barbos and all his countrymen. If there were ever any heroes in Russia they are all dead or imprisoned or have left the country for a better life. What's left are those who are willing to live as prisoners. Call them happy slaves who obey their masters out of fear, not something we in the west experience. Is barbos a coward? I don't think so. Is he free to express himself? Absolutely not, unless he wants to join the ranks of dead and imprisoned heroes. Most of us would probably do exactly the same thing to save our skin if we were in his situation.
US is not there to free russians from "tyranny" of Putin's "regime".
Regarding free expression in Russia. Sure, It's very not perfect. But you are not perfect either. You are actually pretty bad. You are just better at being bad. UK deBanking their opposition leaders. And US government simply calls anyone who disagree with them a kremlin troll and government controlled media does the rest.
Yes, in Russia, some are sent to prison or simply fined for distributing fakes. But these cases almost universally provoked by direct american actions. Opposition idiots are funded by Nuland&Co.
Back here on planet Earth, NATO has never occupied Ukraine.
Burning NATO equipment says otherwise.

OMG!!! People! I just realized that Iran has invaded Russia! How did we miss this?????
You're really good at it, aren't you?

Russia will do just fine without Iranian support.
Ukraine will surrender within seconds of cessation of western support.
There is no Ukraine anymore, not in a military sense not in an economical sense. Ukraine exists only because US neocons want to attack Russia. It never was about Ukraine.
So when Yeltsin signed the Belasheva Accords in 1991, recognizing Ukrainian independence, and later ratified the Budapest Memorandum in 1994, guaranteeing Ukraine’s borders, that was really the US attacking Russia? And now almost thirty years later you’re finally counterattacking?
WTF? I don’t understand what I’m seeing here.
I suspect the mother is in the car. The father and the other guy called other guys to give them a lift to a closest shop to get some shit to fix that shitty german engineering.
yes, they forgot the riffle. To be fair, these 2 guys don't look like soldiers. They look like some people in the local administration who were given kalashnikov for protection.

It's perfectly clear what's happening here:

for these who don't yet read russian. It's how ukrainian mobilization conducted.
and later ratified the Budapest Memorandum
It was never ratified by anybody.
guaranteeing Ukraine’s borders
That Ukraine does not exist. US destroyed it in 2014.
So if ”that” Ukraine doesn’t exist, they really want to be part of Russia, and therefore the invasion is justified?
No, the fact that Ukraine became a US way to destroy Russia is the reason to "invade"
How many times do I have to repeat that?
US runs around countries bordering Russia and makes sure that they hate Russia.
That's just fact which was confirmed by people who bought into this strategy.
Russian intelligence are not completely incompetent idiots. They know what you are doing.
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