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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

This is the guy. He is talking about Estonia borrowing 1 (one !!!) tank from Latvia to conduct military exercises.
And the tank itself was...... wait for it .... T-55 :) And Estonians had estonian Bank to sign insurance or something. So it was that serious :)
You can't make this shit up. I checked the story, it's true.

He does not speak american language here, it's called Russian language. And he speaks with a fake estonian accent there.
Estonia is a tiny country on the Baltic Sea, they speak estonian language. And russian language is spoken in Russia, which is a large country CNN likes to bitch about.

Estonia is a nice country, very clean. Latvia is bigger and nice too. Lithuania is bigger still (but still tiny).
They are all former USSR republics which since USSR dissolution has not been doing great. Large emigration into EU is the main problem.

What makes you think we want to listen to some random fuckwit on YouTube? Seems to me we already put up with enough crap just from you.

That's really the core of all your problems. You only listen to yourself. You sit here and listen to your own shit. What russians think or even ukrainians does not bother, unless it some monkey who agrees with you.

And you are not supposed to listen to him because you don't understand russian (and you need near native level to appreciate the humor there).
You are supposed watch it.
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I work with Russians, both in person Russians here with work permit and via video for the office in Russia
And they are all Putin hating dissidents no doubt?
I’ve met several Russian ex pats. They all hated putler indeed. Loved Russia. Hated what it had become. I bet you’ll soon be claiming to hate Putin all along too.
I work with Russians, both in person Russians here with work permit and via video for the office in Russia
And they are all Putin hating dissidents no doubt?
I’ve met several Russian ex pats. They all hated Putin indeed. Loved Russia. Hated what it had become. I bet you’ll soon be claiming to hate Putin all along too.
You must be hanging out with a wrong crowd.
How did you come to that conclusion?
Because I don't see you commenting on it excessively.
I did not elect most of the people who represent me, alas.
So much for democracy.

I am outraged at most of them much of the time. And I make that known.
There should be different levels of outrage. Outrage over potholes not being fixed by people who promised to fix it is one thing. And cheering up an actual WW2 nazi is at quite different level.
Speaking of whom, Russia looked at his biography and realized that he must have taken part in some jew killing and is now demand his deportation to Russia.

We have never spoken about politics. We talk about manufacrturing and development. Although several of them left Russia after it invaded Ukraine, so maybe that says something about their feelings.
No, it does not. Most people left because they did not like the possibility of draft. Some left because of work became complicated or simply impossible because of sanctions. Some left because they thought Russia was about to collapse due to sanctions.
Tiny minority, usually public people left because they are idiots who support Ukrainian Regime. Well, not even that, they really hate Putin, that's why they like Ukraine.
In any case, the majority of the people who left were in IT, simply because they could work remotely. And half of them returned when it became clear they were not going to be drafted and Russia was not collapsing.
And it was not that great abroad, especially compared to Moscow.
Tbilisi is not as great as it looks. Even Europe is not that great. Especially when you don't speak local language.
Eastern Europe does not compare favorably to Moscow. That's just simple fact.
The rest of Russia is of course worse than Moscow.
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I work with Russians, both in person Russians here with work permit and via video for the office in Russia
And they are all Putin hating dissidents no doubt?
I’ve met several Russian ex pats. They all hated putler indeed. Loved Russia. Hated what it had become. I bet you’ll soon be claiming to hate Putin all along too.
But tell me more, what did they say? names, addresses would be helpful too :)
But seriously. I know americans well enough to know that you would not ask political questions (unless you know the person very well and already know that they agree with you). And russians (sane ones) are basically the same, they would not proclaim their love for Putin at the US Immigration Services. And IS would not ask your political views, if they feel they need to know they would look at your twitter.
No, it does not.
  1. Most people left because they did not like the possibility of draft.
  2. Some left because of work became complicated or simply impossible because of sanctions.
  3. Some left because they thought Russia was about to collapse due to sanctions.
  4. Tiny minority, usually public people left because they are idiots who support Ukrainian Regime. Well, not even that, they really hate Putin, that's why they like Ukraine.
  5. In any case, the majority of the people who left were in IT, simply because they could work remotely.
  6. And half of them [IT people, above] returned when it became clear they were not going to be drafted and Russia was not collapsing.
And it was not that great abroad, especially compared to Moscow.
Tbilisi is not as great as it looks. Even Europe is not that great. Especially when you don't speak local language.
Eastern Europe does not compare favorably to Moscow. That's just simple fact.
The rest of Russia is of course worse than Moscow.
So if I follow your math… I added some numbers to make sure I’m following accurately:
A bunch left for reasons that didn’t favor Putin
ANd only half of “the majority” came back.

Got it.
(My colleagues have not gone back)

Russia conducted another unsuccessful assault on Kherson’s left bank on Dec. 9, attacking the village of Krynky, the commander of the Magyar Birds aerial reconnaissance unit Robert Brovdi, reported on his Telegram channel.

The Ukrainian military destroyed several pieces of enemy equipment.

Read also: Ukrainian drone destroys Russia’s $3 million Solntspek flamethrower system in Kherson Oblast – video

10 out of 11 pieces of Russian equipment were destroyed, including four out of five tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and four armored personnel carriers (APCs).

In addition, 28 of the 31 unmanned aerial vehicles detected that day were shot down.

Read also: Ukrainian SOFs destroy Russian tanks, personnel in newly released video
So if I follow your math… I added some numbers to make sure I’m following accurately:
A bunch left for reasons that didn’t favor Putin
No, you are not following accurately. You are intentionally "following" me incorrectly. Absolute majority left for other than dislike of Putin reasons.
So if I follow your math… I added some numbers to make sure I’m following accurately:
A bunch left for reasons that didn’t favor Putin
No, you are not following accurately. You are intentionally "following" me incorrectly. Absolute majority left for other than dislike of Putin reasons.

Right. But only half of them came back.
So if I follow your math… I added some numbers to make sure I’m following accurately:
A bunch left for reasons that didn’t favor Putin
No, you are not following accurately. You are intentionally "following" me incorrectly. Absolute majority left for other than dislike of Putin reasons.

Right. But only half of them came back.
Last number I heard. It does not mean other half are anti-putin/pro-nazi.
So if I follow your math… I added some numbers to make sure I’m following accurately:
A bunch left for reasons that didn’t favor Putin
No, you are not following accurately. You are intentionally "following" me incorrectly. Absolute majority left for other than dislike of Putin reasons.

Right. But only half of them came back.
Last number I heard. It does not mean other half are anti-putin/pro-nazi.
Pro-nazi is pro-putin

Russia conducted another unsuccessful assault on Kherson’s left bank on Dec. 9, attacking the village of Krynky, the commander of the Magyar Birds aerial reconnaissance unit Robert Brovdi, reported on his Telegram channel.

The Ukrainian military destroyed several pieces of enemy equipment.

Read also: Ukrainian drone destroys Russia’s $3 million Solntspek flamethrower system in Kherson Oblast – video

10 out of 11 pieces of Russian equipment were destroyed, including four out of five tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and four armored personnel carriers (APCs).

In addition, 28 of the 31 unmanned aerial vehicles detected that day were shot down.

Read also: Ukrainian SOFs destroy Russian tanks, personnel in newly released video
According to Ukrainian Propaganda, they still occupy Bahmut.
So I were you I would take anything Kiev Bobs say with a ton a salt.

And you have no idea what Krynki is? do you?
I work with Russians, both in person Russians here with work permit and via video for the office in Russia
And they are all Putin hating dissidents no doubt?
I’ve met several Russian ex pats. They all hated putler indeed. Loved Russia. Hated what it had become. I bet you’ll soon be claiming to hate Putin all along too.
But tell me more, what did they say? names, addresses would be helpful too :)
But seriously. I know americans well enough to know that you would not ask political questions (unless you know the person very well and already know that they agree with you). And russians (sane ones) are basically the same, they would not proclaim their love for Putin at the US Immigration Services. And IS would not ask your political views, if they feel they need to know they would look at your twitter.
The last was a biochemist teaching at a local university, I simply said it was sad what had happened to Russia. She agreed and said she could never go back. Another simple expressed her fear of ever having to return and how she could never see her father again. A third was married to a friend. She is still angry over what your dear pooty has done.

You should leave.
The last was a biochemist teaching at a local university
How well do you know her?
Another simple expressed her fear of ever having to return and how she could never see her father again

Why? You can still fly to Russia through Turkey.

You are asking russians working in US, still on H1 visas and working in rabidly anti-russian environment (universities) and expect honest reply? Are you daft?

And to be fair, their answers are not completely dishonest. They are sad, as I am, about what happening in Russia and Ukraine. Where we differ is the question of who is responsible for that. And I am pretty sure they are being dishonest about that, because they know who is responsible. In fact, I think you know that too (not Putin)
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Russia has lost 87% of troops it had prior to start of Ukraine war, according to US intelligence assessment

Russia has lost a staggering 87 percent of the total number of active-duty ground troops it had prior to launching its invasion of Ukraine and two-thirds of its pre-invasion tanks, a source familiar with a declassified US intelligence assessment provided to Congress told CNN.

Still, despite heavy losses of men and equipment, Russian President Vladimir Putin is determined to push forward as the war approaches its two-year anniversary early next year and US officials are warning that Ukraine remains deeply vulnerable. A highly anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive stagnated through the fall, and US officials believe that Kyiv is unlikely to make any major gains over the coming months.

The assessment, sent to Capitol Hill on Monday, comes as some Republicans have balked at the US providing additional funding for Ukraine and the Biden administration has launched a full-court press to try to get supplemental funding through Congress.
But if you insist:
About midnight on 10 March 2022, a Tu-141 crashed in front of a student campus in Zagreb, Croatia

Ukraine attacked 3 NATO members Germany, Poland, Croatia :)
A crashed plane isn't an attack.
Ukrainian Fuhrer disagrees. He said S-300 attack was a Russian attack on Poland.
Russia chose to launch a S-300 over Poland. That's a very different issue than a weapon which malfunctions in flight. Intent matters.
Poland could have used that excuse last year when they were hit with S-300 missiles
I wish Poland invoked Article 5. And NATO beat the crap out of Ukraine for attacking a NATO member :)
Boy, what if Germany invoked Article 5 for Ukraine's attack on their gas pipeline? :)
For some strange reasons they did not.
Because we don't want it to become WWIII.
And the fact that the missiles was ukrainian does not bother you. Typical of american imperialists.
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