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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

But if you insist:
About midnight on 10 March 2022, a Tu-141 crashed in front of a student campus in Zagreb, Croatia

Ukraine attacked 3 NATO members Germany, Poland, Croatia :)
Reconnaissance drones aren't an attack. They are crappy Russian technology and lost their way because of it.

On 8 March 2022, a Tu-141 reconnaissance drone was reported crashed in Ukraine.
Was Ukraine attacking itself too?
Reconnaissance drones aren't an attack. They are crappy Russian technology and lost their way because of it.
It was loaded with explosives.
Bullshit. You've not cited anything to prove your case.
I cite when it's necessary, like everybody else.
Yes, I did cite papers where US describe their plans of regime changing other countries which involves provocation, lies and propaganda.
Your government is deranged enough that they publish their criminal plans before they implement them.
They are crappy Russian technology and lost their way because of it
That's rich, coming from a country which sent expired weapons to Ukraine.
And not Russian, soviet, and it lost their way because it was not properly maintained by ukro-nazi regime.
Not to mention it was way beyond expiration date.
Nannh. Kaliningrad, errh Konigsberg, will make a fine logistics hub. I bet a lot of the folks living there will actually help, too.
Dude. your criminal regimes don't even hide the fact that in all their war games Baltic states are nothing but a trigger wire.
And right now, NATO does not have numbers when it comes to land forces.
And what is the point of all this?
NATO occupied Baltic States when Russia was weak. For the time being Baltic States are gone. They are fairly anti-russian.
Not as anti-russian as you might think though. I have distant relatives there, one of the guys married there after WW2. Some are not particularly pro-russian, some are pretty rabidly pro-USSR.
But overall Baltic states are irrelevant. Puppet Regimes there produce a lot of noise and shit but they are too small and insignificant.
NATO does not consider them militarily important territories. They would send some NATO troops there to fight with locals :)
Yes, there are a lot of fights between drunk NATO soldiers and local population. British are famous for that, and I think german troops were involved in some fights too. By the way, businessmen in Baltic States were making good living there doing business with Russia until puppet masters in Washington put a stop to it. I think once US influence in Europe reduced it will get back to normal.

Your propaganda is lying to you. They only report what Nuland&Co wants.

I need to find that youtube channel of an estonian guy who is not particularly fond of his government. He is hilarious. He craps all over his government, army, everything. All of that in russian with hilarious estonian accent. Yes, I know, we can't do the same with russian government.
But the guy is hilarious. On one video he was recording and commenting estonian military parade, I could not stop laughing.
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Since you like bringing up Baltic States I will repeat the story I've already talked about.
That was before Ukraine shit. Latvia and Lithuania were both competing with each other for russian transit business.
They both had good port infrastructure since USSR time. But Lithuania does not have direct border with Russia and it had to use railroad going through Latvia. So one day, they woke up and railroad in Latvia was gone :) Latvians disassembled it :)
And got more business for their ports :) Such good neighbours these two :)
Reconnaissance drones aren't an attack. They are crappy Russian technology and lost their way because of it.
I am glad you finally agreed that Ukraine attacked Germany and Poland :)
And as I said before plane that crashed in Croatia was not Reconnaissance plane.
I need to find that youtube channel of an estonian guy who is not particularly fond of his government. He is hilarious.
OK, found it :)
He is actually russian-latvian from Latvia now in Russia pretending to be estonian poet :)
But he is hilarious :)
Latvia is roughly half-russian.
Damn, russian propaganda is good.
Reconnaissance drones aren't an attack. They are crappy Russian technology and lost their way because of it.
I am glad you finally agreed that Ukraine attacked Germany and Poland :)
And as I said before plane that crashed in Croatia was not Reconnaissance plane.
You have no shame but so much to be ashamed about.
I need to find that youtube channel of an estonian guy who is not particularly fond of his government. He is hilarious. He craps all over his government, army, everything. All of that in russian with hilarious estonian accent. Yes, I know, we can't do the same with russian government.
But the guy is hilarious. On one video he was recording and commenting estonian military parade, I could not stop laughing.
Except it turns out he’s not estonian, or even *in* Estonia, he’s a guy in Russia hating on the estonian government, so your whole point is lost.

And you just glaze over that?

Self awareness. Self awareness.
Should we, in future, assume that when you claim, “you own guys agree with me” that they totally don’t?
I mean, that’s kind of your brand…
Except it turns out he’s not estonian,
Too bad for Estonia. He is really funny guy.

he’s a guy in Russia hating on the estonian government
Criticizing them in very funny way.

so your whole point is lost.
There was no point to be lost. I merely remembered that video, cause it was hilarious.
But he was instead latvian (born in Latvia).
My point was, that, I have relatives (distant) and some of them are pro-russian. They are half-russian and were born during USSR.
And you have no relatives there, know only shit you see on CNN. You probably have never seen an actual ukrainian or even russian, let alone visiting Russia. Can't find Ukraine on the map. And yet, you sit here and lecturing me about what is what.
You fucking brought a real WW2 nazi into Canadian Parliament. You should get out of Russia business and shut the fuck up for the next 20 years. Your opinion does not interest anyone in Russia.
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OK, more about Baltic States. Idiot Defence Minister (he is an idiot) of Germany suggested forming a new german brigade and stationing it permanently in Lithuania (does not matter, the place is so small). To which people who know shit said "We can do that, but they will be armed with brooms, cause all our spare tanks were sent to Ukraine, new ones are coming in ...... 2025" :)
Baltic states borrow tanks (I am not sure it's in plural form) from each other whenever they have to do "military" "exercises"
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