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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Reconnaissance drones aren't an attack. They are crappy Russian technology and lost their way because of it.
I am glad you finally agreed that Ukraine attacked Germany and Poland :)
And as I said before plane that crashed in Croatia was not Reconnaissance plane.
You have no shame but so much to be ashamed about.
No, it is you who has no shame. You commented on least relevant part of my post, ignoring the most important parts.
That's disgusting. I specifically said that I don't consider incident with Croatia as an attack.
This is the guy. He is talking about Estonia borrowing 1 (one !!!) tank from Latvia to conduct military exercises.
And the tank itself was...... wait for it .... T-55 :) And Estonians had estonian Bank to sign insurance or something. So it was that serious :)
You can't make this shit up. I checked the story, it's true.

He does not speak american language here, it's called Russian language. And he speaks with a fake estonian accent there.
Estonia is a tiny country on the Baltic Sea, they speak estonian language. And russian language is spoken in Russia, which is a large country CNN likes to bitch about.

Estonia is a nice country, very clean. Latvia is bigger and nice too. Lithuania is bigger still (but still tiny).
They are all former USSR republics which since USSR dissolution has not been doing great. Large emigration into EU is the main problem.
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Except it turns out he’s not estonian,
Too bad for Estonia. He is really funny guy.

he’s a guy in Russia hating on the estonian government
Criticizing them in very funny way.

so your whole point is lost.
There was no point to be lost. I merely remembered that video, cause it was hilarious.
Your point was that a person was hating on his own government.
And that turned out to be not at all true.

But the rest of this gave me a good chuckle.
But he was instead latvian (born in Latvia).
My point was, that, I have relatives (distant) and some of them are pro-russian. They are half-russian and were born during USSR.
And you have no relatives there,
It is true that I have no distant relatives in Russia
know only shit you see on CNN.
I do not watch any TV, let alone CNN.
You probably have never seen an actual ukrainian
We had a Ukrainian exchange student, I work with Ukrainian people
or even russian,
I work with Russians, both in person Russians here with work permit and via video for the office in Russia

Of course none of that makes me a Russia Expert, I am not a Russia expert. But I nevertheless chuckled when you claimed that a guy hating on his own government was actually a “Latvian-Russian in Russia” hating on someone else’s governemnt.
let alone visiting Russia.
Have not visited Russia. Though I’d like to.
Can't find Ukraine on the map.
I’m quite good at finding countries on maps. I’ve traveled quite a bit. I still use maps. And I’ve been watching Ukrainian maps of the war for 2 years now. But was easily able to find it prior to that as our town has a Sister City arrangement with a Ukrainian city (source of the exchange students)
And yet, you sit here and lecturing me about what is what.
Not lecturing you at all. Noticing that your point about an “estonian guy who is not particularly fond of his government. He is hilarious. He craps all over his government, army, everything. ” fell apart. It made me chuckle and roll my eyes.
You fucking brought a real WW2 nazi into Canadian Parliament.
I am not authorized to bring anyone into the canadian parliament, but I’m flattered that you think I’m so influential.
Not lecturing you at all. Noticing that your point about an “estonian guy who is not particularly fond of his government. He is hilarious. He craps all over his government, army, everything. ” fell apart. It made me chuckle and roll my eyes.
OK, it was not really my point, but OK.
What about my relatives?

And yes, you all are lecturing me about Russia. You remind me my late uncle who tried to lecture me about ..... english language :)
He did not speak a single word of any foreign language except german "Achtung" and "Hitler Kaput"

You don't know shit about subject.
I am not authorized to bring anyone into the canadian parliament, but I’m flattered that you think I’m so influential.
But you are free to be outraged by it. Yet you are not.
You elect these people and it could have happened in US.
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I work with Ukrainian people
How do you know they are ukrainian?
From Ukraine does not mean ukrainian, they could be russian.
Yes, there are russians in Ukraine, this whole civil war is about it.
They also can be jewish, hungarian, romanian.
Except it turns out he’s not estonian,
Too bad for Estonia. He is really funny guy.

he’s a guy in Russia hating on the estonian government
Criticizing them in very funny way.

so your whole point is lost.
There was no point to be lost. I merely remembered that video, cause it was hilarious.
But he was instead latvian (born in Latvia).
My point was, that, I have relatives (distant) and some of them are pro-russian. They are half-russian and were born during USSR.
And you have no relatives there, know only shit you see on CNN. You probably have never seen an actual ukrainian or even russian, let alone visiting Russia. Can't find Ukraine on the map. And yet, you sit here and lecturing me about what is what.
You fucking brought a real WW2 nazi into Canadian Parliament. You should get out of Russia business and shut the fuck up for the next 20 years. Your opinion does not interest anyone in Russia.
Who is "you" here?

I am fairly certain that I would recall it if Rhea had brought a nazi into the Canadian Parliament; When did she do that?
I am not authorized to bring anyone into the canadian parliament, but I’m flattered that you think I’m so influential.
But you are free to be outraged by it. Yet you are not.
How did you come to that conclusion?
You elect these people and it could have happened in US.
I did not elect most of the people who represent me, alas.
I am outraged at most of them much of the time. And I make that known.
I work with Russians, both in person Russians here with work permit and via video for the office in Russia
And they are all Putin hating dissidents no doubt?
We have never spoken about politics. We talk about manufacrturing and development. Although several of them left Russia after it invaded Ukraine, so maybe that says something about their feelings.
This is the guy. He is talking about Estonia borrowing 1 (one !!!) tank from Latvia to conduct military exercises.
And the tank itself was...... wait for it .... T-55 :) And Estonians had estonian Bank to sign insurance or something. So it was that serious :)
You can't make this shit up. I checked the story, it's true.

He does not speak american language here, it's called Russian language. And he speaks with a fake estonian accent there.
Estonia is a tiny country on the Baltic Sea, they speak estonian language. And russian language is spoken in Russia, which is a large country CNN likes to bitch about.

Estonia is a nice country, very clean. Latvia is bigger and nice too. Lithuania is bigger still (but still tiny).
They are all former USSR republics which since USSR dissolution has not been doing great. Large emigration into EU is the main problem.

What makes you think we want to listen to some random fuckwit on YouTube? Seems to me we already put up with enough crap just from you.
Are you okay?
Absolutely. Russia is not interested in invading any country but if it threatened with NATO then we will absolutely invade and beat the crap out of you if necessary. And No, Finland does not count. Same with Baltic States.
Ukraine in NATO is absolutely a threat, Kazakhastan too. Georgia, Armenia. In short, Former USSR republics out of NATO and that's final.

NATO is a criminal organization which should be disbanded with people going to prisons. But as long as they stay where they are, that can wait.
You have attacked every country you border. What's the common element???
When did Russia attacked Kazakhstan, China, North Korea, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lituania, Finland, Norway, Belarus, Georgia ?
It's Nazi Ukraine who attacked Poland, Russia, Belarus, and even countries which they don't border like Bosnia i thjink it was?

Much of the combat I'm referring to happened before countries were in their current form.

Some of what you are listing is with nations that were gobbled up quite some time ago.

Where did Ukraine attack Poland?!?!

I do agree there have been attacks on Russian troops in Belarus. And if you hadn't attacked Ukraine they wouldn't be hitting you.

I'm wrong on Norway--I didn't remember they were neighbors. I errantly thought Finland went all the way across the peninsula there.
Poland could have used that excuse last year when they were hit with S-300 missiles
I wish Poland invoked Article 5. And NATO beat the crap out of Ukraine for attacking a NATO member :)
Boy, what if Germany invoked Article 5 for Ukraine's attack on their gas pipeline? :)
For some strange reasons they did not.
Because we don't want it to become WWIII.
BS, every single statement here is BS. Baltic States are not defendable, period.
What makes them not defendable?

And if so, why didn't Putin start there?
He's right about their lack of defensibility. We couldn't hope to get forces there in time. There's no depth, Russia would be on the border before we could get a force there.
Poland could have used that excuse last year when they were hit with S-300 missiles
I wish Poland invoked Article 5. And NATO beat the crap out of Ukraine for attacking a NATO member :)
Boy, what if Germany invoked Article 5 for Ukraine's attack on their gas pipeline? :)
For some strange reasons they did not.
Because we don't want it to become WWIII.
And the fact that the missiles was ukrainian does not bother you. Typical of american imperialists.
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