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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Poland could have used that excuse last year when they were hit with S-300 missiles
I wish Poland invoked Article 5. And NATO beat the crap out of Ukraine for attacking a NATO member :)
Boy, what if Germany invoked Article 5 for Ukraine's attack on their gas pipeline? :)
For some strange reasons they did not.
Because we don't want it to become WWIII.
And the fact that the missiles was ukrainian does not bother you. Typical of american imperialists.
But if you insist:
About midnight on 10 March 2022, a Tu-141 crashed in front of a student campus in Zagreb, Croatia

Ukraine attacked 3 NATO members Germany, Poland, Croatia :)
A crashed plane isn't an attack.
Ukrainian Fuhrer disagrees. He said S-300 attack was a Russian attack on Poland.
Russia chose to launch a S-300 over Poland. That's a very different issue than a weapon which malfunctions in flight. Intent matters.
I am arguing with people who are irredeemably clueless, It was ukrainian S-300.
Of course intent matters. Zele-Hitler knew it was his missile and he said it was Russia with the Intent to bring Article 5.
That was his intent.
Russia has lost 87% of troops it had prior to start of Ukraine war, according to US intelligence assessment

Russia has lost a staggering 87 percent of the total number of active-duty ground troops it had prior to launching its invasion of Ukraine and two-thirds of its pre-invasion tanks, a source familiar with a declassified US intelligence assessment provided to Congress told CNN.

Still, despite heavy losses of men and equipment, Russian President Vladimir Putin is determined to push forward as the war approaches its two-year anniversary early next year and US officials are warning that Ukraine remains deeply vulnerable. A highly anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive stagnated through the fall, and US officials believe that Kyiv is unlikely to make any major gains over the coming months.

The assessment, sent to Capitol Hill on Monday, comes as some Republicans have balked at the US providing additional funding for Ukraine and the Biden administration has launched a full-court press to try to get supplemental funding through Congress.
And Iraq had WMD. US intelligence men along CNN talking heads smoke it every day. This explains such imbecilic assessments.
Also, Putin might be suffering buyer's remorse when it comes to North Korean ammo;

That sounds not good. For Russia, that is.

With a normal bullet a weak load just means it falls short. This is effectively meaningless in combat other than to a sniper--and said sniper will be using high grade ammunition, not the run of the mill stuff. However, artillery is routinely lobbed over friendly forces (you want the guns away from the front line) and shortfalling rounds are important. (For an extreme case, observe Gaza. Their rockets are such pieces of junk that about 1 in 5 fall in Gaza.)
Damn, North Korea will cause Gas Station pretending to be a country to lose to Mighty 400 thousands years Ukr Civilization :)
Ukraine has received shit load of expired weapons from US and EU. Expired means non-operational at all.
Specifically anti-tanks missiles with expired batteries. And I highly doubt that twitter story.

You people are amazing at avoiding real bad (for you) news and clinging to imaginary good (for you).
Copium must be in high demand.

How about report of Russian Geranium drones using ukrainian 4G sim cards to transfer real time high resolution video?
That's pretty hacky for us, stupid orcs?
Zele-Hitler it seems was not that successful in charming republicans. They still insist on the Mexican Wall.
Same with your imbecile Minister of Defence, he did not do well with trying to threaten american oligarch class.

I think Biden (his handlers really) will buckle and give republicans their wall, he has to, he needs to delay collapse of ukro-regime until after elections, even at the price of looking stupid building that wall.
Of course, his handlers may speculate that, letting Ukraine be Russia again could be blamed on republicans.
US has lost this stupid war they started. It was clear since the beginning. Obama with all his shortcomings knew that Russia had escalatory dominance there. But imbeciles in the current administration were consuming their own shit when they decided that they can use Ukraine to defeat Russia. Reality is actually worse than that. Even full blown NATO attack on Russia won't be able to defeat Russia. NATO is not suited to wage land wars against peer competitor.
Speaking of NATO stupidity. Remember how you all were apeshitting yourself about superior (to russian) range NATO artillery. Yes, it had longer range than comparable russian artillery, and reportedly it had better accuracy.
Well, technically yes. In reality everything is much worse.
To get higher range NATO has to use higher pressure shells, which limits resource of the barrel significantly.
Barrels have to be replaced very often. To replace they need to be shipped to Poland. Without replacement it has accuracy 70 meters compared to 7 meters of a new barrel :)
And you don't really have range advantage. Russian artillery has it, it's just bigger caliber.

Basically your artillery is not suited for high rate of fire.
Is there anyone here who understands American politics who can explain why the Republicans are blocking further support of Ukraine? I thought both parties were committed to helping Ukraine?
Russia has lost 87% of troops it had prior to start of Ukraine war, according to US intelligence assessment
OK, let decipher what US propaganda cunts are actually saying here.
On a surface it looks like a huge number of dead. But is it?
Don't think so. In fact we know it is not so. What it actually means is that 87% of initial "invasion" force is no longer in military service. It does not say they are dead or wounded, they don't say that, they are merely trying to create that impression.
In reality most of these 87% merely went to civilian lives after their (6 months) contracts expired.
Now, let have a look at Ukraine, Ukraine regime delayed all demobilization since the start of the SMO (that's a fact)
Yes, every single dumbass who was in ukrainian army on the February 24 2022 is either dead, severely wounded, in Russian prison, or on the active service. But it is generally accepted that almost all of them are either dead/severely wounded.
In other words Ukraine lost (literally lost) ~100% of their pre-"invasion" troops.

Katie Bo Lillis, CNN, you are stupid brainless disgusting immoral criminal cunt!
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Is there anyone here who understands American politics who can explain why the Republicans are blocking further support of Ukraine? I thought both parties were committed to helping Ukraine?
Becasue they know US/Ukraine lost and want to blame it on Biden or at least have their wall.
Either way, they think they can use all of that to defeat Biden.
Another thing which slowly brewing is impending electric grid collapse this winter.
US gave ukro-regime whole lot of money for upgrading their electric grid before this winter.
And recently Ukraine asked for money for that very purpose again. US asked "What happened to money we gave your for electric grid?" They were stolen, that's what happened to it. And now we have winter and electric grid holding on duct tape.

Anyway that's what they are talking about in Ukraine itself. Flood in the Kiev Metro also.
Ordinary people from former Ukraine doing stupid shit.
You can translate it.
But basically she made a tattoo of ukrainian flag-symbol, whatever some long time ago (2009?) when she was in Odessa.
Now she is in Russia (Crimea) and tik-toking or something. And used some ukrainian song and plus accidentally (I guess) showed that tattoo. People noticed and now she put another tattoo over ukrainian and explaining herself with ...... portrait of Putin on the wall. That's cringe :)
Is there anyone here who understands American politics who can explain why the Republicans are blocking further support of Ukraine? I thought both parties were committed to helping Ukraine?
It's very simple! They oppose aid until they can get concessions on the border with Mexico! (Just kidding, I don't get it either.) Trump does have a fascination with tough guy dictators though.
I think republicans should give Biden and his narco-hitler a middle finger, win the White House and then worry about their stupid wall.

By the way, Adolf Hitler was a drug addict too. That one of the things he has in common with Zitler.
Ukro-Reich is mobilizing pastors. 3rd Reich did that too.
Apparently officer had a prior conflict with that particular pastor.
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