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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Just kidding, I don't get it either.
What is the point of "help" to Ukraine if outcome (Ukraine's defeat) is already known?
You're counting chickens a little too early. In about 2 years, you've stolen about 20% of Ukraine. They are far far from defeated.
How many times do I have to tell you that russian strategy is not based on taking territory but on exterminating Ukro-army?
Taking the territory while leveling cities is not practical. Russia would have to rebuild it after the war is over and Ukraine is back in Russia. Dumbass Zitler orders his chickens to die holding the the same territory and it is fine with Russia.
Sooner or later Zitler will run out of chickens and/or weapons and capitulate and Russia will have Ukraine mostly intact.
Outcome is known.
Here's a good video on how Putin tried to orchestrate the "popular uprising" in Donbas and Crimea.

In general, I think the Kings and Generals videos for the Ukraine war is among the best.
Here's a good video on how Putin tried to orchestrate the "popular uprising" in Donbas and Crimea.
Complete and utter garbage and lies.
Here is a correct history:

At some point, somewhere in the middle of 2015, the possibility of any dialogue between Ukrainians and even the Russian opposition completely disappeared, if the Russians did not start it with the assertion that everything is better in Ukraine: people are smarter and freer, the state is fairer, the media more professional, food tastier, toilets warmer, radiators hotter... It's true. Maidan and the victim complex have turned Ukrainians into impossible interlocutors. They were so filled with that same dignity and freedom that they refused to speak to us unless we began communication with the ritual “Ku!”
This is one the weird thing about ukrainian "patriots". They are remarkably loud and annoying and did, in fact, put off everyone who was initially with them. And same is happening with Zitler. The western leaders are tired of him.

I think ukrainism has this weird feature where freaks with complete lack of self awareness and intelligence get somehow to the top. Russia may had such period in the early 90s but Ukraine has never left 90s. They have had 30 years of this maidan madness. Being back in Russia will be good for them.

That woman with portrait of Putin on the wall is a case in point. It's so over the top dumb.
Also, anecdotally, when Crimea went back to Russia and mainland russians took over running things there, they all were saying "It's like going back to the 90s, the same feeling"
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Speaking of ukro-freaks. They have this woman with last name Farion. She was a complete 100% commie during USSR.
Became ukro-freak, was elected to Rada (Ukro-Parliament). She is famous for her war on russian language.
Getting into fights with people who speak russian, listen to music in russian. She is mad that Ukrainian army is using russian internally. Calling ukrainian troops who use russian non-numan :)
That's been permanent circus for 30 years. Latest freak Russia had Zhirinovsky died from covid. And he was not that freaky in his later years. Now Russia is run by mostly technocrats, some of which corrupted of course, but nevertheless technocrats.

And speaking of music. Russian rock has been prominent in late USSR, lots of pretty anti-establishment bands with great songs. And now with this war on russian language these imbeciles literally lost all of that. This is pretty comical.
They literally have nothing. The shit they have in ukrainian is very old and was used during ukrainian pogroms of .... poles during WW2. So when dumb ukro-refugees tried to cheer up themselves with authentic ukrainian song in Poland, they were not so politely reminded and told not to do that again. Can't use russian rock music, can't use ukrainian. They are fucked.
Of course we know that they are all listen to russian music privately. They even think that Yuri Gagarin was ..... ukrainian :)

I guess my point is, Ukraine is Russia and your Anti-Russia project has failed again. It failed in Georgia and it is failing in Ukraine.

Damn I wish piece of shit McCain was alive to see that.
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The biggest tragedy with the Ukraine war is that it could mostly likely have been avoided if the west got involved 2014
What are you smoking?
The west WAS involved in 2014, they fucking orchestrated all of it. Tragedy would have been avoided if Russia got involved in Kiev, restoring constitutional order.

You don't learn anything, you keep repeating the same old shit for years, not updating your ChatGPT NNs
The biggest tragedy with the Ukraine war is that it could mostly likely have been avoided if the west got involved 2014
What are you smoking?
The west WAS involved in 2014, they fucking orchestrated all of it.
The west orchestrated the invasion by Russia??? What are YOU smoking?

Tragedy would have been avoided if Russia got involved in Kiev, restoring constitutional order.
What business is it of one country to institute constitutional order in another country?
Is there anyone here who understands American politics who can explain why the Republicans are blocking further support of Ukraine? I thought both parties were committed to helping Ukraine?
The Maga faction is pro-Russia and they control the GOP.
The Maga faction is pro-Maga faction, and so is pro-Russia because Russia gives them financial and propaganda support.

Maga are unabashed traitors who care only for money and power; Putin couldn't believe his good fortune when his attempt to disrupt US politics by supporting Maga was so unexpectedly effective as to get Trump elected, and he sees a repeat of that success as both likely and necessary in order to prevent the US from effectively blocking his rebuilding of the Russian Empire.

The Republicans lost control of their own party; Traditional, non-Maga Republicans are no longer able to influence GOP policy, and the new policymakers are almost entirely in Putin's pocket, either as unwitting dupes who believe his disinformation, or as active supporters of his disinformation which they see as helpful in their electioneering, or as thankful recipients of his financial support for their campaigns, or (increasingly) all of these simultaneously.
What business is it of one country to institute constitutional order in another country?
What business do you have in Ukraine?
What business your country had in Russia when you invaded Russia?
What business UK had in Russia when they invaded us?
Who gave you the right to invade Yugoslavia?
Who gave you the right to invade Cuba?
Who gave you the right to invade Vietnam?
Who gave you the right to invade Iraq?
Who gave you the right to invade Syria?
Who gave you the right to invade Mexico?
Who gave you the right to invade multiple countries in Central America?
Who gave you the right to install governments in Europe?
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In reality most of these 87% merely went to civilian lives after their (6 months) contracts expired.
That would explain the tanks and armoured vehicle losses too. The Russian tanks haven't been destroyed, they've just finished their terms of service, and returned to their civillian jobs as tractors and taxicabs.

That would explain the tanks and armoured vehicle losses too. The Russian tanks haven't been destroyed, they've just finished their terms of service, and returned to their civillian jobs as tractors and taxicabs.
So you are saying that you personally confirmed 20 thousands of destroyed russian tanks and 20 million dead russian troops? Is that it?
Cause if you did, you should immediately contact BBC and tell them that they undercounted russian losses by orders and orders of magnitude.
That would explain the tanks and armoured vehicle losses too. The Russian tanks haven't been destroyed, they've just finished their terms of service, and returned to their civillian jobs as tractors and taxicabs.
So you are saying that you personally confirmed 20 thousands of destroyed russian tanks and 20 million dead russian troops? Is that it?
No, "it" is me pointing out that the completely absurd claims you are making are completely absurd.

If you don't like that, you need to stop making absurd claims.

I am not "saying" anything more than that what you are saying is obvious nonsense, and rather stupidly formulated propaganda. You're not fooling anybody.

I don't need to "confirm" anthing ither than that your "reasoning" is absurd, and I (and anyone else) can do that just by reading what you write, and extending your own reasoning to the things you carefully neglected to mention.

Your positions are laughable; If you don't like that, then stop being such a clown.
No, "it" is me pointing out that the completely absurd claims you are making are completely absurd.
You are making absurd claims, not me.
We have a BBC funded research which counts russian losses as 38K dead. Half of them are Wagner convicts.
And constant stream of videos from Ukraine of people being kidnapped from the streets and sent to the front after 2 weeks.
This notion that Russia with 10x advantage in artillery with a complete air superiority somehow suffers 10 to 1 losses to ukrainians is utterly absurd. But I know where it comes from. It comes from ukrainian regime and western regimes are merely repeating this convenient bullshit. Because otherwise the whole operations would have to be stopped.
You are believing convicted liars. For fuck's sake, these motherfuckers claim shooting down more than 100% of russian missiles and in the same sentence admitting multiple targets hits. It's not a joke, they officially say things like that.
Arestovich, the former adviser to Zitler comes out and admits that Ukraine is losing badly and that he himself (Arestovich) was lying about the situation when he was in office. He admitted that he lied!

Ukraine has 400K dead or severely wounded at a minimum. And when their regime says Russia has 10 times higher losses than Ukraine they simply reverse the real ratio.

If what you say were true, that war would have no troubles getting funded.
You have an army of fucking ukrainian Rambos killing 10 times more russians with 10 times less weapons. Who in the west in their right mind would let that stop?

Russian losses are 38K dead. That's all your achievement.
You spent what? $200bil? $5mil per soldier.
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No, "it" is me pointing out that the completely absurd claims you are making are completely absurd.
You are making absurd claims, not me.
We have a BBC funded research which counts russian losses as 38K dead. Half of them are Wagner convicts.
And constant stream of videos from Ukraine of people being kidnapped from the streets and sent to the front after 2 weeks.
This notion that Russia with 10x advantage in artillery with a complete air superiority somehow suffers 10 to 1 losses to ukrainians is utterly absurd. But I know where it comes from. It comes from ukrainian regime and western regimes are merely repeating this convenient bullshit. Because otherwise the whole operations would have to be stopped.
You are believing convicted liars. For fuck's sake, these motherfuckers claim shooting down more than 100% of russian missiles and in the same sentence admitting multiple targets hits. It's not a joke, they officially say things like that.
Arestovich, the former adviser to Zitler comes out and admits that Ukraine is losing badly and that he himself (Arestovich) was lying about the situation when he was in office. He admitted that he lied.

Ukraine has 400K dead or severely wounded at a minimum. And when their regime says Russia has 10 times higher losses than Ukraine they simply reverse the real ratio.

If what you say were true, that war would have no troubles getting funded.
You have an army of fucking ukrainian Rambos killing 10 times more russians with 10 times less weapons. Who in the west in their right mind would let that stop?

Russian losses are 38K dead. That's all your achievement.
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