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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Balance is in the fact that China has NOT moved to invade Taiwan, destroy its infrastucture and murder its citizens.

.. while the US was doing nothing but objecting to their amassing hundreds of thousands of troops and war gear at the Ukrainian border, and lying about it being a "military exercise".
The mere fact that the Ukrainian people expressed their preference for a President that was not a Putin Puppet, was their only "crime".
So you understand why balance is necessary. Of course, China will not destroy Taiwan. It gets its chips from there.
Why US was not doing anything is because they wanted Russia to attack Ukraine, wanted to get Russia involved in a war.
In international politics, one should not do such crimes, because they have their repercussions.
Yeah, China at the moment is not doing anything about Taiwan, but one never knows what will happen in future.
You are false. Russia attacking Ukraine has been very bad for the US. It's doubled our rate of inflation. It will probably lead to the total republican takeover of the house, senate and presidency this November. What is your evidence that the US wants this war? You are making an assertion without evidence.
Yes, your war with Russia did not go the way you advertised it.
Righttooo! We all thought that Ukraine would beat the shit out of your country! Quite surprising that you’ve lasted this long against a military so much larger than the Russian military.
That' was not your plan, You plan was to destroy Russia with sanctions. Hence sanctions, destruction of NordStream.
It failed spectacularly.
How would sanctions "destroy" a nation? Do you have any examples? To me, it's real simple equation: we should trade with countries that are friendly or neutral to us. If a country invades another country; they should be cut off. Pure and simple. I'm a 100% for using trade and economic development and partnership to encourage countries to behave and follow international law. But imperialists should not receive any economic benefits from the countries that they wish to conquer. In fact, is this really not really common sense??
Sorry amigo, but your statement lacks credibility. There are many many posts in this very thread where you claimed that Russia doesn't intend to invade all Ukraine
It was conditioned on lack of US provocation.
Sometimes I honestly don't know if you've completely deluded yourself or are just bull shitting. I mean no disrespect towards the Ukrainians who are outnumbered 7 to 1; if no western arms had been sent to Ukraine; Ukraine would have fallen to the imperialists. Ukraine needs arms to defend their homes. If you honestly can't understand that, I can't help you.
143 out of 183 countries? That's an overwhelming majority and if you think NATO is that large, you've just forfeited all credibility.
You need to account for populations of said "countries".
Some of them are smaller than chinese villages. Some of them have population of just 1 person.
Holy crap! That got to be in the top ten of the greatest idiocy every posted on this board.
Yes, getting signature of that dude in Turkey as if he was a country was idiotic.
Same with signatures from EU assholes. They are not countries and they were not democratically elected.
Says the guy that lives in a dictatorship.
Yes, this is the problem in dealing with imperialists. They always want more. Ukraine should be very weary of a peace treaty with Russia. No matter what Ukraine would offer to Russia now; Russia will want more in the future when their army recovers. If a peace deal can be reached, it would have to contain many provisions on how to guaranty that one side won't violate it in the future.
That's an understatement. They've shown themselves to be completely untrustworthy. Provisions to agreement with Russia would be NATO troops within Ukraine so close to the Russian border you can smell the lies wafting across.

Sometimes I honestly don't know if you've completely deluded yourself or are just bull shitting.
The latter, I’m pretty sure.
Babs is not an idiot, and one would have to be, to believe most of what he posts.
I think there is a daily ridiculous post quota he has to meet or they won't turn the lights off at night.

In other news:
$2.3B more in US lethal aid is coming Ukraine's way.
North Korea has switched satellite state media service from China to Russia. Nothing further on SK lethal aid to Ukraine.
*NATO summit is next week in DC. All will be present plus the Indo-Pacific homies: Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea. Interesting will be if the Philippines is invited.

*Celebrating 75 years of being a giant tube of Russian hemorrhoid cream.
North Korea has switched satellite state media service from China to Russia.
I think North Korea is not in service of anyone really, it is just in it for itself. North Korea has somewhat of an interest to see a Western failure in Ukraine. But I think more importantly, Russia can help North Korea to round some sanctions (that Russia itself voted for historically) and provide some military technology to it.
Even if that 90% number is true it's the overall system effectiveness, not the effectiveness of the missiles. Since the launcher got hit that was down the throat, the easiest possible intercept and one in which you get multiple engagement cycles. 90% overall, if you get two cycles that means the missiles are 70% effective. Three cycles, that translates to 55% effective. You know enough math to figure this out.

And not even Russia agrees with you on what happened on that beach. That missile wasn't aimed at the beach, but rather you got a partial kill.
That's being discussed, some say it was intentional. And even if it is true then you are still responsible for that because you (US) are planning these attacks over populated areas.
Going over populated areas isn't relevant--they're ballistic. Killing their guidance doesn't change their path. You hit something that caused it to go somewhere other than where it was aimed--that's going to be distributed randomly around the target, not along the flight path.

And if you want to talk about doing it over populated areas--you seem to have a fair problem with the glide bomb kits falling off at launch, dropping the bomb onto whatever might be below. Those actually do fall on their flight path.

It could no longer steer but the boom part still went boom. This is a standard problem with shooting down ballistic inbounds--unless you obliterate it with a direct hit you can not realistically tell if it's dead or not. And killing the controls doesn't mean the warhead is dead. We got our lesson in it in Desert Storm (Patriots failing to take out Scud warheads on "successful" intercepts) which is why we have gone to kinetic kill for extreme altitude intercepts.

And note that your S-500 battery should have been able to cover the whole area. Said beach was within the defense zone.
Patriot was supposed to cover a lot too, Now your nazis are being bombed by 3000kg bombs. And there is nothing your Patriot can do.
Glide bombs come in low, below the engagement horizon for the Patriot. The long announced ranges for such things are only meaningful for high altitude targets. ATACMS is way up there, above the horizon for probably every battery you have in the area.
You completely fail to understand that Ukraine's relations with the west are not Russia's business.
If that was so, why did US object to Russia placing missiles in Cuba?
Because they were offensive missiles pointed at us. Not anything to do with anybody's relations with Cuba.
They can’t do shit against a much smaller and weaker country
You are aware that whole West is supplying Ukraine?
And even with that, Ukraine has 5-10 times higher losses.
If your loss numbers for Ukraine were accurate the war would be over because they wouldn't have a force anymore.
Meanwhile, after disastrous debates, Kiev Regime started talking about ..... negotiation with Russia.
Imagine that. They are now developing narrative that Win does not have to involve getting all of their territory back.

Well, that's a start. I want Odessa and Harkov at a minimum. No Black Sea access for Ukraine. But let me be honest I want whole Ukraine.
Yes, this is the problem in dealing with imperialists. They always want more. Ukraine should be very weary of a peace treaty with Russia. No matter what Ukraine would offer to Russia now; Russia will want more in the future when their army recovers. If a peace deal can be reached, it would have to contain many provisions on how to guaranty that one side won't violate it in the future.
There are no guarantees or provisions that Russia will honor. They respect the barrel of a gun so whatever agreement is ever reached needs to have military teeth in it. Only a new Russia that isn't led by the current Hitler or its clone. could ever be trusted.
I suggest widening your perspectives regarding what a religion is. The world will become richer and more interesting if you do.
Some christians have told me they don't have a religion. They say they have a relationship. What do you make of that kind of stupidity?
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