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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

How’s your Russian, Aupy?
Also - do Hindu atheists disbelieve in all gods or just Hindu gods?
Who is your least favorite Hindu god?
It extends to 'Dasvidanya' and 'Nyet', thanks to Mumbai film industry.
I am a strong atheist, so not even Hindu Gods and Goddesses for me.
God, Goddesses, messengers, soul, heaven, hell, judgment, deliverance, reincarnation, individuals, nations, wars, Earth and the Universe, all are illusions - 'maya'.
I follow Advaita philoaophy of Hinduism - 'non-duality'.

Patooka said: There is no rational justification for Putin invading Ukraine.
Aup.: Yeah, that is the your view. But that is not the only view.

Unless "The West" comprises of over 135 countries, you are dead wrong. .. Unless "The West" comprises of over 135 countries, you are dead wrong.
NATO and its acolytes. Some were in favor, some against, some abstained and some remained absent. Some had no stake in it, it did not matter which way they voted, so why not get the good-will of West by voting in favor. And what practical value a UN vote, at all, has? It is just like our debates.
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NATO and its acolytes. Some were in favor, some against, some abstained and some remained absent
143 out of 183 countries? That's an overwhelming majority and if you think NATO is that large, you've just forfeited all credibility.
And what practical value a UN vote, at all, has? It is just like our debates.
For one thing, it proves how erroneous your attitude towards Russia's illegal invasion towards Ukraine is. That's something at least. But keep playing devil's advocate for Putin. Die on that hill if you want (I don't mean literally incidentally - it's a metaphor)
143 out of 183 countries? That's an overwhelming majority and if you think NATO is that large, you've just forfeited all credibility.
You need to account for populations of said "countries".
Some of them are smaller than chinese villages. Some of them have population of just 1 person.
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Yeah, nah.

Literally no sane person wants anyone to ever use nukes again.

And anyone who does, will shortly be turned into a puddle of radioactive glass, by at least one (and probably more than one) of the other nations who have them available and standing by for exactly that purpose.
.. fighting a war with Russia defending itself against any unprovoked attacks.
That is how West wants the Ukraine-Russia war to be understood.
It's how anyone with basic cognitive reasoning understands it.

Unless "The West" comprises of over 135 countries, you are dead wrong.

Or it's an abbweviation for "the west of the whole wowld, littewally", as spoken by Elmer Fudd. ;)
Literally no sane person wants anyone to ever use nukes again.
And anyone who does, will shortly be turned into a puddle of radioactive glass, by at least one (and probably more than one) of the other nations who have them available and standing by for exactly that purpose.
No one is averse to using nukes. But the reaction stops them. Both sides will suffer equally if both have nukes. Not just one side will turn into 'a puddle of radioactive glass' but both. Who really cares about UN resolutions?
Oh, stop watching conspiracy theory videos.
Its just ridiculous.
I don't know, but Russia-Ukraine war is playing like that only, like a great conspiracy.

No, it's not. The Ukraine - Russia conflict is one of the most straight forward in modern history. Russia wants what Ukraine has and doesn't feel they need to ask nicely to get it.

Russia is an aggressive imperialistic country that is opportunistically attacking anyone they think they can get away with. They have been doing this since the 1500's. The rest of the west stopped doing this following WWII. Russia just kept going.

You have clearly been suckered in by Putin's preposterous propaganda. As has Barbos. Russia has no justification for attacking Ukraine. They just don't. Putin is following the standard fascist (or communist) playbook. Just flooding eyeballs with bullshit it trying to grind down our resistance by sheer volume of crap
I am a strong atheist, so not even Hindu Gods and Goddesses for me.
Then, what exactly makes you a Hindu?
I think The Golden Rule is cool. Does that make me a Christian?
Hinduism isn't about belief. Hinduism is about ritual and community. Hinduism is more a set of activities than something you believe in.

Fun fact, the only two major religions that care about faith is Christianity and Islam. The rest of them, (including Judaism) is fully compatible with atheism.

If you think that sounds strange then it's because you've been so marinated in Christian or Islamic theology that you just can't imagine a religion without it.

I suggest widening your perspectives regarding what a religion is. The world will become richer and more interesting if you do.
Oh, stop watching conspiracy theory videos.
Its just ridiculous.
I don't know, but Russia-Ukraine war is playing like that only, like a great conspiracy.

No, it's not. The Ukraine - Russia conflict is one of the most straight forward in modern history. Russia wants what Ukraine has and doesn't feel they need to ask nicely to get it.

Russia is an aggressive imperialistic country that is opportunistically attacking anyone they think they can get away with. They have been doing this since the 1500's. The rest of the west stopped doing this following WWII. Russia just kept going.

You have clearly been suckered in by Putin's preposterous propaganda. As has Barbos. Russia has no justification for attacking Ukraine. They just don't. Putin is following the standard fascist (or communist) playbook. Just flooding eyeballs with bullshit it trying to grind down our resistance by sheer volume of crap
Totally correct. All the talk about Russia's fear of Nato and the Nazis is just nonsense meant to confuse the foolish. Russia is a typical imperialist. Russia wants more land, more elbow room, water for Crimea; farm land and loot.
Meanwhile, after disastrous debates, Kiev Regime started talking about ..... negotiation with Russia.
Imagine that. They are now developing narrative that Win does not have to involve getting all of their territory back.

Well, that's a start. I want Odessa and Harkov at a minimum. No Black Sea access for Ukraine. But let me be honest I want whole Ukraine.
Meanwhile, after disastrous debates, Kiev Regime started talking about ..... negotiation with Russia.
Imagine that. They are now developing narrative that Win does not have to involve getting all of their territory back.

Well, that's a start. I want Odessa and Harkov at a minimum. No Black Sea access for Ukraine. But let me be honest I want whole Ukraine.
Yes, this is the problem in dealing with imperialists. They always want more. Ukraine should be very weary of a peace treaty with Russia. No matter what Ukraine would offer to Russia now; Russia will want more in the future when their army recovers. If a peace deal can be reached, it would have to contain many provisions on how to guaranty that one side won't violate it in the future.
143 out of 183 countries? That's an overwhelming majority and if you think NATO is that large, you've just forfeited all credibility.
You need to account for populations of said "countries".
Some of them are smaller than chinese villages. Some of them have population of just 1 person.
Holy crap! That got to be in the top ten of the greatest idiocy every posted on this board.
Meanwhile, after disastrous debates, Kiev Regime started talking about ..... negotiation with Russia.
Imagine that. They are now developing narrative that Win does not have to involve getting all of their territory back.

Well, that's a start. I want Odessa and Harkov at a minimum. No Black Sea access for Ukraine. But let me be honest I want whole Ukraine.
Yes, this is the problem in dealing with imperialists. They always want more. Ukraine should be very weary of a peace treaty with Russia. No matter what Ukraine would offer to Russia now; Russia will want more in the future when their army recovers. If a peace deal can be reached, it would have to contain many provisions on how to guaranty that one side won't violate it in the future.
I am not an imperialist. All I want is what is and has been Russia. That is Ukraine and Belarus.
In fact, you can keep formally parts of former Russian empire such as Poland and Finland. Don't want them.
In fact, you can keep Western Ukraine, don't care.
143 out of 183 countries? That's an overwhelming majority and if you think NATO is that large, you've just forfeited all credibility.
You need to account for populations of said "countries".
Some of them are smaller than chinese villages. Some of them have population of just 1 person.
Holy crap! That got to be in the top ten of the greatest idiocy every posted on this board.
Yes, getting signature of that dude in Turkey as if he was a country was idiotic.
Same with signatures from EU assholes. They are not countries and they were not democratically elected.
Meanwhile, after disastrous debates, Kiev Regime started talking about ..... negotiation with Russia.
Imagine that. They are now developing narrative that Win does not have to involve getting all of their territory back.

Well, that's a start. I want Odessa and Harkov at a minimum. No Black Sea access for Ukraine. But let me be honest I want whole Ukraine.
Yes, this is the problem in dealing with imperialists. They always want more. Ukraine should be very weary of a peace treaty with Russia. No matter what Ukraine would offer to Russia now; Russia will want more in the future when their army recovers. If a peace deal can be reached, it would have to contain many provisions on how to guaranty that one side won't violate it in the future.
I am not an imperialist. All I want is what is and has been Russia. That is Ukraine and Belarus.
In fact, you can keep formally parts of former Russian empire such as Poland and Finland. Don't want them.
In fact you can keep Western Ukraine, don't care.
You're like a child who wants another kids piece of candy and refuses to understand why you are not entitled to it. Grow up.
Meanwhile, after disastrous debates, Kiev Regime started talking about ..... negotiation with Russia.
Imagine that. They are now developing narrative that Win does not have to involve getting all of their territory back.

Well, that's a start. I want Odessa and Harkov at a minimum. No Black Sea access for Ukraine. But let me be honest I want whole Ukraine.
Yes, this is the problem in dealing with imperialists. They always want more. Ukraine should be very weary of a peace treaty with Russia. No matter what Ukraine would offer to Russia now; Russia will want more in the future when their army recovers. If a peace deal can be reached, it would have to contain many provisions on how to guaranty that one side won't violate it in the future.
I am not an imperialist. All I want is what is and has been Russia. That is Ukraine and Belarus.
In fact, you can keep formally parts of former Russian empire such as Poland and Finland. Don't want them.
In fact you can keep Western Ukraine, don't care.
You're like a child who wants another kids piece of candy and refuses to understand why you are not entitled to it. Grow up.
You are describing US government here.
Meanwhile, after disastrous debates, Kiev Regime started talking about ..... negotiation with Russia.
Imagine that. They are now developing narrative that Win does not have to involve getting all of their territory back.

Well, that's a start. I want Odessa and Harkov at a minimum. No Black Sea access for Ukraine. But let me be honest I want whole Ukraine.
Yes, this is the problem in dealing with imperialists. They always want more. Ukraine should be very weary of a peace treaty with Russia. No matter what Ukraine would offer to Russia now; Russia will want more in the future when their army recovers. If a peace deal can be reached, it would have to contain many provisions on how to guaranty that one side won't violate it in the future.
I am not an imperialist. All I want is what is and has been Russia. That is Ukraine and Belarus.
In fact, you can keep formally parts of former Russian empire such as Poland and Finland. Don't want them.
In fact, you can keep Western Ukraine, don't care.
Sorry amigo, but your statement lacks credibility. There are many many posts in this very thread where you claimed that Russia doesn't intend to invade all Ukraine. That your side is just in a "military action". Why should the west believe you? The Baltics sure don't. Poland sure doesn't.
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