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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

They planned to start a war in Ukraine and have Russia lose it and maidan Putin out.
So you're saying Putin was stupid enough to fall into the west's trap? If he just kept to his side of the border the west's plan would have been kaput.
I wonder where Barbos gets this stuff. There must be a network of Russian propaganda sites. Like our crazy conspiracy sites.

Putin is like Trump, always spinning and lying.

Russia, half the population of the USA, one tenth the GDP. Russia's one big export, oil and gas, crippled by sanctions and boycotts. Monetary reserves almost exhausted. And expensive war Russia really cannot afford for long. Rampant corruption.
And the Russian navy has been driven away. How are they going to protect that bridge? Build a narco-sub, I'm sure Ukraine can do it easily enough. Except instead of drugs it's got a boatload of explosives and a couple of demo guys to place it.
The fact remains Russia has spent a lot of money and lives for nothing but Putin's sense of glory and power.

Even if Putin manages to destroy and control Ukraine Russia loses in the long run. It does nothing to improve the lives of Russians. NATO has been reinvigorated by the Russian aggression. Two nations who were neutral have joined NATO. Europe has reduced its dependence on Russian energy.
Yup. No matter what the result of the Ukraine war Russia has really screwed itself for any future conquests and they have made themselves a pariah state.

An awful lot of people got a big reminder of why NATO exists and why it European countries need effective militaries.

And we also got a big lesson in what works on a modern battlefield and what doesn't--we are in a position to adapt far better than Russia is.
Why? Would I need to ask YOU to continue fighting when someone breaks into your house, kills and kidnaps your children, rapes and tortures your wife and tells you to get out? Maybe you’d like to talk to them about it.
Such an idiotic stance you take, looking like a fool to placate your dictator.
I would not like to be cozy with my neighbor's enemy.
And that is totally not a response.

Russia, half the population of the USA, one tenth the GDP. Russia's one big export, oil and gas, crippled by sanctions and boycotts. Monetary reserves almost exhausted. And expensive war Russia really cannot afford for long. Rampant corruption.
And the Russian navy has been driven away. How are they going to protect that bridge? Build a narco-sub, I'm sure Ukraine can do it easily enough. Except instead of drugs it's got a boatload of explosives and a couple of demo guys to place it.
I’d favor a bunch of smaller autonomous subs that cold sidle up to the piers and go off. Keep ‘em busy - set them off at irregular intervals etc. Maybe not destroy the whole bridge, but make it a terrifying and dangerous experience to cross it.
Is the bridge even important anymore? My understanding is that it carries very little military supply to Ukraine but that ferries and rail are doing the heavy lifting. It would be nice to see it in the water but from my understanding it doesn't justify the effort.
You say you would not be cozy with your neighbor’s enemy but you want Ukraine to be cozy with their neighbors’ enemy.
All along, I have been saying that Ukraine should not have tilted towards NATO and should have kept balance. When did I want Ukraine to be friends with NATO, disregarding Russia' concerns. What hypocrisy are you talking about?
You say you would not be cozy with your neighbor’s enemy but you want Ukraine to be cozy with their neighbors’ enemy.
All along, I have been saying that Ukraine should not have tilted towards NATO and should have kept balance. When did I want Ukraine to be friends with NATO, disregarding Russia' concerns. What hypocrisy are you talking about?
Ukraine did not tilt towards NATO at first. They tilted towards economic cooperation with the west to the advantage of both parties. Russia did not like that and started amassing troops and armaments at the border.
Ukraine did not tilt towards NATO at first. They tilted towards economic cooperation with the west to the advantage of both parties. Russia did not like that and started amassing troops and armaments at the border.
Yeah, they could have done that with a moderate President, not with someone like Poroshenko or Zelensky..
Ukraine did not tilt towards NATO at first. They tilted towards economic cooperation with the west to the advantage of both parties. Russia did not like that and started amassing troops and armaments at the border.
Yeah, they could have done that with a moderate President, not with someone like Poroshenko or Zelensky..
You just don't get it, do you. It makes no difference who was the president. It was the economic ties with the west that Putin objected to.
I think India should bow to China in the interest of peace. Give hem whatever land they want. Align with China not the west. Do not provoke China. Same with Pakistan, India should give up the border land.

What do you think Aupmanyav?

India claims the entire erstwhile British Indian princely state of Jammu and Kashmir based on an instrument of accession signed in 1947. Pakistan claims most of the region based on its Muslim-majority population, whereas China claims the largely uninhabited regions of Aksai Chin and the Shaksgam Valley.

If have not read on WWII, Hitler, or watched documentaries look up Hitler appease,ent.

Instituted in the hope of avoiding war, appeasement was the name given to Britain's policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked. Most closely associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, it is now widely discredited as a policy of weakness.

That is the issue with Russia and Ukraine. First Crimea and there was no real repose, then border areas of Ukraine, then invasion of Ukraine. Putin wants the former Soviet Baltic states back under Russia,
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