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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Nazi SS helmets in Kursk oblast video is causing discomfort in Europian media.
Add to this italian journalist who was pointed out that insignia on other ukrainian soldier was nazi one too.
He and his "speculation" were mentioned
Then you should have no trouble finding both his name, and what he actually said - rather than just hearsay.

Frankly, your expectation that people will believe you without hard evidence is ridiculous.

Your attitude is not that of an honest person; It would be easier to provide the evidence than to continue to evade.
Your attitude is not that of an honest person
No, it's you who is not being honest. I gave you the source you asked.
It is literally the source. I listened to it and then made that post you asked source for.
That is my source!
There is both Russian and Ukrainian propaganda.

Here in Seattle on broadcast digital TV I get ABC,CBS, NBC,BBC, France 24, DW, NHK from Japan, and an independent American Scripps News. I don't watch or use CNN news, it has gone over to tabloid journalism.

I go by the consensus on the global platforms I watch. Hard to imagine a conspiracy across all platforms to present false news.

Given what has been demonstrated in the news on how online AI can quickly create fake audio and video I would not trust any 'revealed secret audio' and the like.

From reporting over moths while there are problems in Russia the economy is not collapsing. Putin has gotten around sanctions and is selling oil. Kike China and Japan Russia has a growing older population and a shrinking population of young workers.

The Russian Federation has been going positive and negative. One of issues s sated by Putin way back when Ukraine decided to allign with EU was the need to make Ukarne economcally part of the Russian Federation.

Even Elvira Nabiullina gave a very dark forecast some months ago. There were speculations about her 'future after her speech', but the fact is, that not even Putin can do anything to the only person who works properly, on the top of the Russian power pyramid.

Her bio:
Your posts can have the look and feel of propaganda.

I go by what mainstream western economists say on the Russian economy.

Videos making claims that can not be verified inside Russia by independent reports whether the claims are pro or anti Russian are suspect.

From reporting and demonstration all an online AI needs s is a sample of a voice and some video to create very believable fake video. It has been demonstrated in news reports.

It can take a professional to verify.

I think Elvira is right as she said (I do not remember where I saw her speech), that everything goes down the shitters and then hits the fan. She even said that it will happen quite soon.
Nobody, absolute nobody dares to say that in Russia - but she has saved Russia from much whatever. And she has not been thrown through the window or been served some "tea".
Further reading:

But I do believe in checking the prices, the real inflation for a common family. I put those figures here some pages back. I personally lived through the crash of the ruble in 1999-2000: The ruble lost 80% of its value in eight months - the salaries did not rise for the Russians. Food in the shops was very scarce etc.
Two groups: pensioners and families with children will be in deep shit. The older pensioners will die like flies in the bigger cities as they can't afford both food and medicine.
I believe that year 2025 will be a very stormy year in Russia, if nothing will change very soon.


told that the inflation in Russia is 9.1%! That is a joke, except if you believe what Russia is telling. The official numbers are not real. The prices of bread etc. in the shops are real. The prices of common food has gone up some 25-35% and the rents have also gone up remarkably much - almost 30 %..
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Half a year old but... and remember that she lived in Russia - how much can you say without FSB coming for a visit?

I and my friends in St Petersburg do not speak too much about some subjects - even if we just do that through the internet.

Your Iranian propagandist is lying. Ask for the link to the article.

Or maybe he meant this:
Nazi SS helmets in Kursk oblast video is causing discomfort in Europian media.
Add to this italian journalist who was pointed out that insignia on other ukrainian soldier was nazi one too.

Not true - pure propaganda.
Serious Western commentators
Name them.
former US marine, forgot his name. MSM are too, not too fond of the Kursk debacle
But you do you, keep believing that Kursk Invasion is brilliant military move on the part of Ukro-Churchill-Napoleon

“Serious western commentators are starting to wonder ,,.”

Name them.

“Former U.S. marine, forgot his name.”

Also, Barbos, how do you like the way Ukraine is kicking Russian ass in Kursk? :rofl: You’ve been predicting how the war wouuld go for two years, but you never mentioned this would happen! Is it all part of some grand Russian strategy, to get Russian ass kicked in Kursk? :unsure:
First of all, they are not kicking our ass. Their ass is being kicked and I like it.
Serious Western commentators are starting to wonder if this whole thing was a brilliant russian trap.
If it was a trap, the Ukrainians would have been annihilated by now, not finishing off all the major bridges in the area. Serious Western commentators are starting to wonder just how ball-less the Russian military is.
Russian lured nazis into essentially a desert where they are being recycled into dirt with relative ease.
This claim could only be accurate if the incursion crew wasn't still there.
Meanwhile ukro-wehrmacht forces in Donbass are refusing to fight, because there is simply no people left.
That should make it much easier to progress. I look forward to the excuses as to why they didn't progress in a few weeks.
Serious Western commentators
Name them.
former US marine, forgot his name. MSM are too, not too fond of the Kursk debacle
But you do you, keep believing that Kursk Invasion is brilliant military move on the part of Ukro-Churchill-Napoleon

“Serious western commentators are starting to wonder ,,.”

Name them.

“Former U.S. marine, forgot his name.”

David Webb, Brandon Webb, Jim Webb, Charlotte’s Web…
Henry, I did not say there are no problems in Russia. I said the reporting I have heard is the sanctions really did nit work and the Russian economy is not on the verge of collapse.

Our food prices have gone up 20% since the COVID pandemic due to inflation.

Inflation over here is very serious for growing numbers of people. As a retiree I feel it.

Other than the war you seem to have a serious grudge against Russia.
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