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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Whatever our problems we know what freedom feels like and will fight for it. NATO if attacked will fight for it. I am sure Poland remembers what the Russians did to them
What? what did we do to them, tell us.

"The Katyn massacre<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre#cite_note-2"><span>[</span>a<span>]</span></a> was a series of mass executions of nearly 22,000 Polish military and police officers, border guards, and intelligentsia prisoners of war carried out by the Soviet Union, specifically the NKVD (the Soviet secret police), at Stalin's order in April and May 1940."

500,000 Polish nationals imprisoned before June 1941 (90% male)[1]
22,000 Polish military personnel and officials killed in the Katyn massacre alone[2]
320,000 Poles deported to Siberia in 1939-1941[3]
100,000 women raped during the Soviet counter-offensive (est.)[4]
150,000 killed by the Soviets[5]

Let’s also recall the Red Army on Stalin’s orders stood by without intervening and allowed the Nazis to essentially raze Warsaw to the ground before the Nazi cowards fled. Now, lo and behold, the Nazis beat Russia after all — they run the Kremlin!
You are making accusations that they are being successfully targeted and taking heavy losses. That would easily concede they are still there.
Of course they are there, Elensky keep sending them there to die and stay there dead.
That would make absolutely no sense. It must be hard to be struggling against an enemy you think that is that stupid.
Whatever our problems we know what freedom feels like and will fight for it. NATO if attacked will fight for it. I am sure Poland remembers what the Russians did to them
What? what did we do to them, tell us.

"The Katyn massacre<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre#cite_note-2"><span>[</span>a<span>]</span></a> was a series of mass executions of nearly 22,000 Polish military and police officers, border guards, and intelligentsia prisoners of war carried out by the Soviet Union, specifically the NKVD (the Soviet secret police), at Stalin's order in April and May 1940."

500,000 Polish nationals imprisoned before June 1941 (90% male)[1]
22,000 Polish military personnel and officials killed in the Katyn massacre alone[2]
320,000 Poles deported to Siberia in 1939-1941[3]
100,000 women raped during the Soviet counter-offensive (est.)[4]
150,000 killed by the Soviets[5]

There are so many atrocities committed against Poland by Russia. Hard to believe that Barbos didn’t know this. Actually, Poland and Ukraine are rivals (economic rivals). Polish farmers hate Ukrainian farmers and vice versa). However, Russian aggression has united them. They both hate Russia.
Whatever our problems we know what freedom feels like and will fight for it. NATO if attacked will fight for it. I am sure Poland remembers what the Russians did to them
What? what did we do to them, tell us.
You can't be serious, or are you just ignorant of history?

In the first pace Stalin made an non aggression pact with Hitler for part of Poland.

I had a Lithuanian teacher for a philosophy class. He grew up during WII. He was pressed into German mil tray, deserted and fought in a resonance group.

He described the Soviet post war occupation. A Russian political officer was lecturing the town people in a meeting. One of the people stood up and said 'If god does not exist why must you prove it?'.

The Russian drew his pistol and shot him. The Russians were brutal.

From my reading on WWII wen the Germans entered Urkaine they were initially seen as liberators from Russia, until they learned otherwise.
Eggs on a roadside table down the street from me at $1.50/dz
Neighbor drops off free venison sausage in return for my kale.
Guess the rural economy is fine!

Not trying to minimize - just trying to point out that somethings pain your wallet, different things pain mine, and all of us are a lot better off than we were before, on the whole.
You should build an eggmobile. It is a coop on wheels that you can move. Some also call them "coop tractors"
I did not find the video that was the best egg-mobile ever built, but it is somewhere on YouTube.
- The coop is without a floor so the chickens are always on green grass, they get new grass when you move the coop.
- They eat and poo, so you will get a nice place within a few years for a garden. Just move the coop always the same path.
- You can collect the eggs from outside, and your boots do not get dirty.
- The chickens are always safe.
There are also such that have the doors automatically opens at sunrise and close at sunset.
GDP growth in Russia may be strong, but in a war economy that's neither unexpected
True, but it's not the main reason for the growth.The main reason apparently is the fact that oil/gas money are no longer being syphoned to the West. My anecdotal observation confirms that. I noticed sudden increase in road and infrastructure work everywhere.
All those T-55s need something to roll on.
Looks like someone got money to spend on that.
Keeps the serfs employed.
Eggs in Seattle are near $6
... In some paces in Seattle eggs are nearing $6 a dozen.
... phew!

You had me going for a second.

50¢ eggs I think we can live with. Food prices have always increased, and always will; As long as the rises are small, it's not a huge problem.

The COVID inflation a couple of years ago was more than I would have wanted, but it didn't last.

In 1946, eggs in the UK cost 1/10 (approx 9p) a dozen*; By 1976 they cost 43p; by 2006, £1.65.

Old people might balk at paying £1/13/- for a dozen eggs, but the idea that eggs for 1/10 a dozen might one day return is as daft as the idea that pre-decimal currency could make a comeback.

* one shilling and ten pence, in the old money, worth about nine new pence. Of course, eggs were still rationed in 1946, and a dozen would have been three months ration - most UK residents never saw as many as a dozen eggs in one place between 1939 and 1954. When they came off ration in 1954, the price for a dozen was 5/2 (26p)
You are making accusations that they are being successfully targeted and taking heavy losses. That would easily concede they are still there.
Of course they are there, Elensky keep sending them there to die and stay there dead.
That would make absolutely no sense. It must be hard to be struggling against an enemy you think that is that stupid.
Of course it does not make any sense. That's Elensky.
There are so many atrocities committed against Poland by Russia. Hard to believe that Barbos didn’t know this.
And atrocities committed by Poland against Russia before that and long long before that, what is your point?
And it's not hard to believe you don't know that. Only Russia did bad, everything we do is bad, everything you do is good, right?
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He described the Soviet post war occupation. A Russian political officer was lecturing the town people in a meeting. One of the people stood up and said 'If god does not exist why must you prove it?'.

The Russian drew his pistol and shot him. The Russians were brutal.
Lots of such stories, with no evidence behind them. This particular is 100% made up.
Commies were fighting church right after revolution (not religion per se, just church), mainly becasue church was on the side of monarchy, not after WW2. After WW2 and before that, Stalin, in fact, relaxed restriction on religion, in order to make easier to send people to war.
Baltic states in Soviet Union were left to their own devices, they had their religion just fine, nobody was bothering them about that. All they had to do was to accept new authority.

You people have been subjected to western propaganda about Russia all your life, most of it was a lie, some just a distortion.
You are making accusations that they are being successfully targeted and taking heavy losses. That would easily concede they are still there.
Of course they are there, Elensky keep sending them there to die and stay there dead.
Meanwhile, Utin keeps sending Russians into Ukraine to die.
And according to western Propaganda they die in millions!
So why do you care then? these are stupid evil orcs, slaves, russish shwines as that good guy in SS helmet say.
Meanwhile German Wehrmacht Bundeswehr tried to .... resurrect german WW2 military pride. Civilian authority said No..... for now.
Whatever our problems we know what freedom feels like and will fight for it. NATO if attacked will fight for it. I am sure Poland remembers what the Russians did to them
What? what did we do to them, tell us.

"The Katyn massacre<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre#cite_note-2"><span>[</span>a<span>]</span></a> was a series of mass executions of nearly 22,000 Polish military and police officers, border guards, and intelligentsia prisoners of war carried out by the Soviet Union, specifically the NKVD (the Soviet secret police), at Stalin's order in April and May 1940."

500,000 Polish nationals imprisoned before June 1941 (90% male)[1]
22,000 Polish military personnel and officials killed in the Katyn massacre alone[2]
320,000 Poles deported to Siberia in 1939-1941[3]
100,000 women raped during the Soviet counter-offensive (est.)[4]
150,000 killed by the Soviets[5]

Let’s also recall the Red Army on Stalin’s orders stood by without intervening and allowed the Nazis to essentially raze Warsaw to the ground before the Nazi cowards fled. Now, lo and behold, the Nazis beat Russia after all — they run the Kremlin!
And then recall that Poland had a pact with Hitler before that and invaded Czechoslovakia.
And then recall that you did nothing too, while Hitler was invading Poland even though you (France/England) had some defence pact with them.

And what you (USA) were doing in 1939?
Eggs in Seattle are near $6
Oh c’mon. Seattle is a major city.
I live in a COUNTY of under 20k people.
Homegrown eggs are somewhat available at $6/doz. Supermarket eggs are $2.99-$7.99/doz depending on how “designer” you wanna get. And none of that has changed in the last year.
I just got an 18 count box of eggs from Kroger for $3.79.
Actually that is priice for 12 really small Kroger eggs. The 18 pack is around $5.50. If you look at the other brands they are in 5$ and up range per dozen. I shop at QFC Pine and Broadway.

shop at QFC typically 3 times a week. I don;t drive. A few years ago the average trip cost around $30, now it is 45$. I keep track of spending. I can absorb it, scale it up to a family and it is a problem for many.

Beef, chicken,fish,eggs,milk, rice, beans, potatoes, vegetables, bread,cheese and cereal,
Our food prices have gone up 20% since the COVID pandemic due to inflation.
That’s an annual average inflation rate of under 5%. And almost all of it happened 2-4 years ago. Prices for food over the last year are up less than 1%.
In Russia, food prices are up 9.81% in the last year. Americans are quick to complain on the one hand, and to minimize the pain of others suffering 10x the inflation… go figger.
Don;t know what you watch for news, food prices are an issue even as inflation eases.

Eggs in Seattle are near $6

There are a number of causes, but the fact remains growing numbers of working Americans are facing food insecurity. In some paces in Seattle eggs are nearing $6 a dozen. Bread went from $3 to 5-6$ in a few years. Ground beef is no longer cheap meat.

Biden was tone deaf. He kept harping large job creation and a good economy, while people were saying they are havng a harder time making ends meet.
Biden also stressed fixing the supply chain which was a huge contributor to inflation.
A thread on the economy...

Biden's uncontrolled knee jerk stimulus added too much liquidity to the system, IOW added inflation.

Biden can't help himself. he thinks the treasury is hos private bank account from which he can unt he can write checks on a whim.

His student loan free money give away was inflationary.
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