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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Henry, I did not say there are no problems in Russia. I said the reporting I have heard is the sanctions really did nit work and the Russian economy is not on the verge of collapse.

Our food prices have gone up 20% since the COVID pandemic due to inflation.

Inflation over here is very serious for growing numbers of people. As a retiree I feel it.

Other than the war you seem to have a serious grudge against Russia.
Well, if you look at a map, Bulgaria is just south of Ukraine. Near their border. I'm sure that Bulgarians don't want to be invaded either. They have shoreline on the black sea. I'm sure most Europeans have a grudge against Russia. They don't want to be bullied and invaded.
Our food prices have gone up 20% since the COVID pandemic due to inflation.
That’s an annual average inflation rate of under 5%. And almost all of it happened 2-4 years ago. Prices for food over the last year are up less than 1%.
In Russia, food prices are up 9.81% in the last year. Americans are quick to complain on the one hand, and to minimize the pain of others suffering 10x the inflation… go figger.
Leading up to two years and Russia still has not accomplished anything.
I disagree, Kiev regime is ready to fall. Global Majority is more less united in their moral support of Russia.
Economy is good. What else? NATO is on the ropes.
Hitler persisted to the end. Right up to the end Goebbels his propaganda minster was making propaganda radio broadcasts. Both committed suicide.

There was Tokyo Rose broadcasting Japanese propaganda. The Germans had Lord Haw Haw, British pro Nazis who broadcast propaganda.

You are nothing new.

During the Cold War there was Radio Moscow broadcasting ridiculous anti west propaganda on short wave. I listened to it. There was Vladimir Pozner who had lived in the USA and went to Russia making radio and TV broadcasts painting Russia as a wonderful place.

That is all gone, the west is still here. Putin will be gone and the west will still be here.

Whatever our problems we know what freedom feels like and will fight for it. NATO if attacked will fight for it. I am sure Poland remembers what the Russians did to them.
Our food prices have gone up 20% since the COVID pandemic due to inflation.
That’s an annual average inflation rate of under 5%. And almost all of it happened 2-4 years ago. Prices for food over the last year are up less than 1%.
In Russia, food prices are up 9.81% in the last year. Americans are quick to complain on the one hand, and to minimize the pain of others suffering 10x the inflation… go figger.
Don;t know what you watch for news, food prices are an issue even as inflation eases.

Eggs in Seattle are near $6

There are a number of causes, but the fact remains growing numbers of working Americans are facing food insecurity. In some paces in Seattle eggs are nearing $6 a dozen. Bread went from $3 to 5-6$ in a few years. Ground beef is no longer cheap meat.

Biden was tone deaf. He kept harping large job creation and a good economy, while people were saying they are havng a harder time making ends meet.
Our food prices have gone up 20% since the COVID pandemic due to inflation.
That’s an annual average inflation rate of under 5%. And almost all of it happened 2-4 years ago. Prices for food over the last year are up less than 1%.
In Russia, food prices are up 9.81% in the last year. Americans are quick to complain on the one hand, and to minimize the pain of others suffering 10x the inflation… go figger.
Don;t know what you watch for news, food prices are an issue even as inflation eases.

Eggs in Seattle are near $6

There are a number of causes, but the fact remains growing numbers of working Americans are facing food insecurity. In some paces in Seattle eggs are nearing $6 a dozen. Bread went from $3 to 5-6$ in a few years. Ground beef is no longer cheap meat.

Biden was tone deaf. He kept harping large job creation and a good economy, while people were saying they are havng a harder time making ends meet.
Biden also stressed fixing the supply chain which was a huge contributor to inflation.
Eggs in Seattle are near $6
Oh c’mon. Seattle is a major city.
I live in a COUNTY of under 20k people.
Homegrown eggs are somewhat available at $6/doz. Supermarket eggs are $2.99-$7.99/doz depending on how “designer” you wanna get. And none of that has changed in the last year.
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Eggs on a roadside table down the street from me at $1.50/dz
Neighbor drops off free venison sausage in return for my kale.
Guess the rural economy is fine!

Not trying to minimize - just trying to point out that somethings pain your wallet, different things pain mine, and all of us are a lot better off than we were before, on the whole.
Eggs in Seattle are near $6
Oh c’mon. Seattle is a major city.
I live in a COUNTY of under 20k people.
Homegrown eggs are somewhat available at $6/doz. Supermarket eggs are $2.99-$7.99/doz depending on how “designer” you wanna get. And none of that has changed in the last year.
I just got an 18 count box of eggs from Kroger for $3.79.
Eggs are definitely more impacted by bird flu than dollar to dollar inflation.

One thing I noticed last week, a grocery store circular that actually had several deals in it. Probably the best I'd seen since before the pandemic. What I've noticed regarding groceries isn't as much the prices increasing but the sales decreasing.

Prices went up, but you'd swear that everyone went out to eat every other night before Biden because it was so cheap! That groceries weren't one of the largest non-mortgage monthly costs before Biden. My surviving parent lives off of social security. It isn't grocery inflation that harms her financially, it is prescription inflation that does.
Eggs in Seattle are near $6
Oh c’mon. Seattle is a major city.
I live in a COUNTY of under 20k people.
Homegrown eggs are somewhat available at $6/doz. Supermarket eggs are $2.99-$7.99/doz depending on how “designer” you wanna get. And none of that has changed in the last year.
I just got an 18 count box of eggs from Kroger for $3.79.
Maybe Steve is a bad shopper or Seattle is a … Waitaminit! I haven’t been there in a few years, but it was always one of my fav destinations because of the excellent food.
I’m going with the bad shopper theory.
Serious Western commentators
Name them.
former US marine, forgot his name. MSM are too, not too fond of the Kursk debacle
But you do you, keep believing that Kursk Invasion is brilliant military move on the part of Ukro-Churchill-Napoleon

“Serious western commentators are starting to wonder ,,.”

Name them.

“Former U.S. marine, forgot his name.”

David Webb, Brandon Webb, Jim Webb, Charlotte’s Web…
English is your language
Whatever our problems we know what freedom feels like and will fight for it. NATO if attacked will fight for it. I am sure Poland remembers what the Russians did to them
What? what did we do to them, tell us.

"The Katyn massacre<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre#cite_note-2"><span>[</span>a<span>]</span></a> was a series of mass executions of nearly 22,000 Polish military and police officers, border guards, and intelligentsia prisoners of war carried out by the Soviet Union, specifically the NKVD (the Soviet secret police), at Stalin's order in April and May 1940."

500,000 Polish nationals imprisoned before June 1941 (90% male)[1]
22,000 Polish military personnel and officials killed in the Katyn massacre alone[2]
320,000 Poles deported to Siberia in 1939-1941[3]
100,000 women raped during the Soviet counter-offensive (est.)[4]
150,000 killed by the Soviets[5]

If it was a trap, the Ukrainians would have been annihilated by now
And how do you you know they aren't?
You are making accusations that they are being successfully targeted and taking heavy losses. That would easily concede they are still there.
That should make it much easier to progress.
And it is, we are moving pretty fast, according to even Ukraine's PM.
Yes, I saw commentary by the Wisconsin Glacier which said it thought Russian progress in the East was moving very fast.
Yes, I saw commentary by the Wisconsin Glacier which said it thought Russian progress in the East was moving very fast
You wasted lots of words cause it went over my head.
Let me repeat to you again. Ukraine's Parliament Member Bezuglaya was saying that Ukraine's defence in Donbass is collapsing becasue men are being sent to Kursk Oblast.
You are making accusations that they are being successfully targeted and taking heavy losses. That would easily concede they are still there.
Of course they are there, Elensky keep sending them there to die and stay there dead.
Meanwhile, Utin keeps sending Russians into Ukraine to die.
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