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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Putin is doing to Ukraine what Hitler did to Ukraine and Russia. Genoci8de.
Where do you get this crap? Even MSM is not saying that.
In the words of Putin echoed by you Ukraine never really existed so Russia can do what it wants with it. In Putin's words and other Russians Ukrainian culture to be eradicated reopened by Russian.

Nobody is directly comparing Russia to Nazis, the word used is genocide, which is what the Nazi did.

We see over years what is going in Ukraine from multiple global news media.

Russia was taking Ukrainian children and raising them as Russians, Russia acknowledged it. Barbaric and grotesque in modern times.

I read books on WWI, Nazis, and specifically on the Eastern front.

Russia is doing to the Ukrainians what Nazis did in WWII to Russia.

Initially Ukrainians looked at the Germans as liberators for Russia and Stalinn, until they lesed otherwise.

Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Mao and now Putin. Brutal dictators.

I never watch MSM, they are communists or so it is said. Didn't you know that? The Neo Nazis are at FOX News.
Putin is doing to Ukraine what Hitler did to Ukraine and Russia. Genoci8de.
Where do you get this crap? Even MSM is not saying that.
In the words of Putin echoed by you Ukraine never really existed so Russia can do what it wants with it. In Putin's words and other Russians Ukrainian culture to be eradicated reopened by Russian.

Nobody is directly comparing Russia to Nazis, the word used is genocide, which is what the Nazi did.

We see over years what is going in Ukraine from multiple global news media.

Russia was taking Ukrainian children and raising them as Russians, Russia acknowledged it. Barbaric and grotesque in modern times.

I read books on WWI, Nazis, and specifically on the Eastern front.

Russia is doing to the Ukrainians what Nazis did in WWII to Russia.

Initially Ukrainians looked at the Germans as liberators for Russia and Stalinn, until they lesed otherwise.

Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Mao and now Putin. Brutal dictators.

I never watch MSM, they are communists or so it is said. Didn't you know that? The Neo Nazis are at FOX News.
Thi is your own bullshit, MSM does not say that.
All this is diversionary.

Putin and Russia are throwbacks, anachronisms of history.

The civilized world not always successful tries to beringg order and prosperity, and human rights..

The west is trying to get past militarism and Russia along with China hangs onto it.

Russia is antithetical to all the values of western liberal democracy.

I listen to neither MSN nor FOX. MSM is heavily biased on the left and FOX heavily biased on the right.

Not being American you would not get the hyperbole of calling MSM communist.
War on Russia has nothing to do with human rights and democracy. It's about control by any means possible.
Western "democratic" Regimes were perfectly fine with sons of bitches like Pinochet and islamic terrorists as long as they were on their team.
I listen to neither MSN nor FOX.
So where do you get the BS you spam here?
On broadcast regular TV in Seattle I get BBC, France 24, ABC,CBS, NBC, Scripts News, and NHK from Japan. NHK gives an overview of what is going on in Asia.

There was an inserting report from NHK on a Japanese cultural celebration in Hong Kong as a bridge across the political divide with China.

Over here MSNBC and FOX are generally considered politically biased.

I periodically scan through CNN,.

I don't go buy just what I see and hear frpm reporting, I also go by what I know of history.

It is all about human rigghts. Russia is the polar oppose of the western ideals of human rights.

The fight in Ukraine is about self determination and human rights like free speech and a free press.

From Stalin through Putin Russia has been about political control.

Putin unilaterally declared Ukraine was always part of Russia therefore he personally has a right to seize and control Ukraine. Putin says the agreement to Ukrainian autonomy was made with a government that no longer exists, therefore he has a right to take Ukraine, the agreement is no longer valid. Yet the change in Ukraine that ousted the Putin puppet was done in accordance with Ukraine law.

Barbos, have you ever read any books on history? If I went into a Russian book store what would I find?

Over here I would find multiple authors with multiple views and perspectives.

On Ppioliticss I would find bools favorng both apitalism and dmecracy along with communist views.
On broadcast regular TV in Seattle I get BBC, France 24, ABC,CBS, NBC, Scripts News, and NHK from Japan. NHK gives an overview of what is going on in Asia.
So you do get this BS from MSM

Not propaganda, the words of Vladimir Putin and Russian government officials. Not propaganda, observation of what Russia is doing to Ukraine.

Knowing the intent of Hitler in WWII and what he did to Russia IOW genocide, and knowing the intent of Putin in Ukraine and what is being done to Katrine IOW genocide, I compare the Nazis to Putin as equivalent regarding Ukraine. Equivalent when it comes to suppressing human rights.

I can not imagine what it would be like livng in Russia, North Korea, China or Iran where you can be arrsted for speaskng freely on political and social issues.

A Russian government official said after the war Russia will punish Ukrainians for resisting, the death penalty. That is Stalinism. Putin and his lackeys are not fit to live with civil and compassionate human beings.

I do not know what you mean by MSM, thought you meant MSNBC.

My views here are just that my views. I do not copy from anything.
I can not imagine what it would be like livng in Russia, North Korea, China or Iran where you can be arrsted for speaskng freely on political and social issues.
No need to imagine. Go to Ukraine or Baltic States and you will see it in real life.
And Clinton recently promised that in US too.
Adding I learned to read, evaluate form views, and write in college philosophy and political science classes. Six classes altogether. Marx was required reading in political science. Nazism was covered.

I am an average American with an average education.

So Barbos, what books have you read or are you just quoting Russian sites?
I was a lifelong reader, I read everything to get a general understanding.

The Soviet system you grew up in promoted collective thought and ideology, not independent thought. Probably one of the reasons the Soviets failed. Probably Putin;s suppression of opposition voices is a cause of his military failures.

We value independent thinking. Anathema to Russia, China, and North Korea.

I do not blindly follow or believe anything from MSM.

Something my grandmother told me as a kid in the 50s, you can not believe everything you read in the newspapers. I have always been skeptical.
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I can not imagine what it would be like livng in Russia, North Korea, China or Iran where you can be arrsted for speaskng freely on political and social issues.
No need to imagine. Go to Ukraine or Baltic States and you will see it in real life.
And Clinton recently promised that in US too.
You, Putin, and Trump are alike.

A continuous stream of falsehoods. Trump makes things up as he goes.

If you think Russia is a great place, fine, Just stay within your birders and leave us out of your misery,.
I can not imagine what it would be like livng in Russia, North Korea, China or Iran where you can be arrsted for speaskng freely on political and social issues.
No need to imagine. Go to Ukraine or Baltic States and you will see it in real life.
And Clinton recently promised that in US too.
You, Putin, and Trump are alike.

A continuous stream of falsehoods. Trump makes things up as he goes.

If you think Russia is a great place, fine, Just stay within your birders and leave us out of your misery,.
No, it's you. Baltic states routinely arrest people for expressing their opinions in case these opinions are supportive of Russia. And Ukraine simply murders them. Just the other day Ukrainian Police arrested a woman in Odessa for that and she is dead now. They claim she had a heart attack.
Falsehoods are all yours.
What Barbos is saying about some Baltic states appears to be accurate in certain cases. However, the actions taken by these countries are likely driven by historical relations with Russia and pressing national security concerns. Meaning it's more of a reaction to Russia's influence and potential threats rather than an attempt to suppress the views of their own citizens. Right barbos?
I can not imagine what it would be like livng in Russia, North Korea, China or Iran where you can be arrsted for speaskng freely on political and social issues.
No need to imagine. Go to Ukraine or Baltic States and you will see it in real life.
And Clinton recently promised that in US too.
You, Putin, and Trump are alike.

A continuous stream of falsehoods. Trump makes things up as he goes.

If you think Russia is a great place, fine, Just stay within your birders and leave us out of your misery,.
No, it's you. Baltic states routinely arrest people for expressing their opinions in case these opinions are supportive of Russia. And Ukraine simply murders them. Just the other day Ukrainian Police arrested a woman in Odessa for that and she is dead now. They claim she had a heart attack.
Falsehoods are all yours.
You would gave to provide context and examples fro me to respond to clams about 'cobalt stes'.. Are they NATO and EU members?

List the states you mean by Baltic.

The The usual Barbos logic, noting wrong with Russia because other countries do or have done it.

Russia appears to be a dismal place to live in terms of human and civil rights. There is no getting around it. A free press is non existent.

If Putin is thinking about 'liberating' Baltic state as he tried to do with Ukraine that are NATO given the Ukraine outcomes he will take a beating from NATO. It is why NATO exists.

You continue to try to cover up and rationalize Putin's failure in Ukraine. You rationalize Putin's destruction of the Ukrainian people.

Just means Russia got stupid. The Su-24 is a tactical bomber. The F-16 is a fighter/attack. A Su-24 has no business being anywhere near a F-16.

Par for the course--Russia has had an epic case of the stupids for this whole war.

"Just means Russia got stupid."
and hated:

Tu-134 Transporter Set on Fire at Russia’s Orenburg Air Base by Saboteurs​


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